User:Totaku/Yuubari Kai Ni Equipment Limit

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Yuubari Kai Ni and all of her variations come with a total of 5 slots however, her slots have limitation depending on what her remodel is and what she can equip within them.

In a basic rundown, all of Yuubari's remodels allow her to equip the following equipment:

  • Slots 1-3 - All Equipment is allowed (within limitations of the remodel)
  • Slot 4 - Not Guns or Torpedos are allowed
  • Slot 5 - Limited to Anti-Air Guns, Rations and Radars
  • All of Yuubari's remodel variations cannot equip seaplane of any kind
  • Most of Yuubari's remodel variations cannot equip Large Radars
  • All of Yuubari's remodel variations cannot equip Secondary Guns
  • All of Yuubari's remodel variations can equip Armor Buldges

From here, a list of Yuubari's Kai Ni remodel variation perks will be listed off:

Yuubari Kai Ni

Yuubari Kai Ni Toku

  • Can Equip Landing Crafts and Tanks
  • Can Equip Midget Subs and launch preemptive Torpedo Attacks
  • Initial Speed is now Slow
  • Can Improve Speed to Fast by using only 1 Turbine

Yuubari Kai Ni D

  • Can perform Openinig ASW be default.
  • Can equip Large Sonars

To simplify the explanation, below is a chart which will explain about what Yuubari can equip in each remodel:

Yuubari Kai Ni Limitations
Slots Yuubari Kai Ni Yuubari Kai Ni Toku Yuubari Kai Ni D
Special Perks Can Equip LargeRADAR
Unique Anti-Air Cut In
Can Equip Landing CraftAmphibious Vehicle
Can Equip Midget Sub equipment Torpedoes
Can improve speed to fast with 1 Engine Improvement
Can Equip Large SONAR
Default Opening ASW capable
Slots 1-3 Can Equip Small Caliber Main GunMedium Caliber Main GunTorpedoesAnti-Aircraft Fire DirectorSONAR
Depth ChargesEngine ImprovementEmergency Repair PersonnelCommand FacilityLookoutAnti-Ground RocketArmor
SearchlightStar Shell Icon.pngRationRADARAnti-Aircraft Gun
Can Equip Small Caliber Main GunMedium Caliber Main GunTorpedoesAnti-Aircraft Fire DirectorSONAR
Depth ChargesEngine ImprovementEmergency Repair PersonnelCommand FacilityLookoutAnti-Ground RocketArmor
SearchlightStar Shell Icon.pngRationRADARAnti-Aircraft GunLanding CraftAmphibious Vehicle
Can Equip Small Caliber Main GunMedium Caliber Main GunTorpedoesAnti-Aircraft Fire DirectorSONAR
Depth ChargesEngine ImprovementEmergency Repair PersonnelCommand FacilityLookoutAnti-Ground RocketArmor
SearchlightStar Shell Icon.pngRationRADARAnti-Aircraft Gun
Slot 4 Cannot Equip Small Caliber Main GunMedium Caliber Main GunTorpedoes
Can Equip Anti-Aircraft Fire DirectorSONARDepth ChargesEngine ImprovementEmergency Repair PersonnelCommand Facility
LookoutAnti-Ground RocketArmorSearchlightStar Shell Icon.pngRationRADARAnti-Aircraft Gun
Cannot Equip Small Caliber Main GunMedium Caliber Main GunTorpedoes
Can Equip Anti-Aircraft Fire DirectorSONARDepth ChargesEngine ImprovementEmergency Repair PersonnelCommand Facility
LookoutAnti-Ground RocketArmorSearchlightStar Shell Icon.pngRationRADARAnti-Aircraft Gun
Landing CraftAmphibious Vehicle
Cannot Equip Small Caliber Main GunMedium Caliber Main GunTorpedoes
Can Equip Anti-Aircraft Fire DirectorSONARDepth ChargesEngine ImprovementEmergency Repair PersonnelCommand Facility
LookoutAnti-Ground RocketArmorSearchlightStar Shell Icon.pngRationRADARAnti-Aircraft Gun
Slot 5 Limited to only Ration RADAR Anti-Aircraft Gun