
Revision as of 11:35, 31 August 2014 by >XiaXueYi (→‎Trivia)




No.80 時雨

Shiratsuyu Class Destroyer

  HP 16   Firepower 10 (29)
  Armor 6 (19)   Torpedo 24 (69)
  Evasion 43 (79)   AA 9 (39)
  Aircraft 0   ASW 21 (49)
  Speed Fast   LOS 5 (19)
  Range Short   Luck 10 (49)
 Fuel no data  Ammo no data
Build Time Slots
22:00 2
Stock Equipment
12.7cm Twin Gun Mount


Shigure Kai

No.80 時雨改

Shiratsuyu Class Destroyer

  HP 30   Firepower 12 (49)
  Armor 14 (49)   Torpedo 28 (79)
  Evasion 45 (89)   AA 15 (49)
  Aircraft 0   ASW 24 (59)
  Speed Fast   LOS 7 (39)
  Range Short   Luck 12 (59)
 Fuel no data  Ammo no data
Build Time Slots
Lv20 Remodel 3
Stock Equipment
10cm Twin High-angle Mount
61cm Quad O2 Torpedo Mount

Second upgrade

Shigure Kai 2

No.145 時雨改二

Shiratsuyu Class Destroyer

  HP 31   Firepower 13 (57)
  Armor 14 (52)   Torpedo 28 (84)
  Evasion 62 (93)   AA 24 (72)
  Aircraft 0   ASW 30 (69)
  Speed Fast   LOS 9 (43)
  Range Short   Luck 50 (79)
 Fuel no data  Ammo no data
Build Time Slots
Lv60 Remodel 3
Stock Equipment
Type 22 Surface RADAR
Type 13 Air RADAR


Event Japanese English Note
僕は白露型駆逐艦、「時雨」。これからよろしくね。 I'm Shigure, of the Shiratsuyu-class destroyers. Nice to meet you.
Library Intro
僕は白露型駆逐艦2番艦の時雨だよ。あのレイテ沖海戦では、西村艦隊に所属して、運命のスリガオ海峡に突入したんだ。扶桑も山城も凄かったよ……。皆が忘れても、僕だけはずっと覚えているから……。 I'm Shigure, second ship of the Shiratsuyu-class destroyers. I was in the fated battle of Surigao Strait under the Nishimura fleet in the battle of Leyte Gulf. Fusou and Yamashiro were amazing... Even if everyone forgets, I'll always remember them...
いい雨だね。 What comfortable rain. Shigure "時雨" is a name of "drizzling rain in autumn" in Japanese. A total of 6 out of the 10 Shiratsuyu-class ships have rain-related names.
提督、呼んだ? Admiral, you called?
僕に興味があるの? …いいよ。なんでも聞いてよ。 You're interested in me? ... Sure. You can ask whatever you'd like.
僕はまだ、ここにいても、大丈夫なのかな… Am I still allowed to be here...?
頑張る提督もすてきだね。でも、無理しちゃだめだよ? A hard-working Admiral is great as well. But, don't push yourself too hard, okay?
雨…止みそうにないね。提督、そこにいると濡れるよ? もう少しこちらにおいでよ。雨が上がるまで、こうしていよう。 The rain… looks like it won't stop. Admiral, you'll get soaked over there, you know? Why don’t you come a little closer. Until the rain lifts, let's stay like this.
Show player's score
提督、手紙が届いているよ。 Admiral, a letter has arrived.
Joining a fleet
時雨、行くよ。 Shigure, moving out.
ありがとう。少し、強くなれたみたいだ。 Thanks. Looks like I've become a little stronger.
酸素魚雷とか…うん、積みたいかな。 Oxygen Torpedos, huh... Sure, I'd like some. The Oxygen Torpedo is what the Japanese referred to the Type 93 torpedo(Known as Long Lance by the Americans) as in reference to it's propulsion system that used pure oxygen rather than compressed air as the fuel oxidizer, it was by far one of the most advanced torpedoes of the war.
雨は、いつか止むさ。 The rain will clear eventually. Another reference to her name, the kanji of which literally read "hour rain", a rain that doesn't last all that long.
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
ありがとう。 Thank you.
Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP
ありがとう…これで行けるね。 Thank you. This will work.
Current HP < 50% of Max HP
みんなに迷惑かけてるかな…。この分は、きっと取り返すから。 I've troubled everybody... I'll pay it back, I promise.
Ship construction
新しい艦が建造されたね。 A new ship has been built.
Return from sortie
艦隊が無事帰投したね。よかった。 The fleet has returned safely. I'm glad.
Start a sortie
駆逐艦時雨、出撃するね。 Destroyer Shigure, launching.
Battle start
見つけたよ。 I see you.
Air battle
ここは譲れない。 I will not give up here.
Night battle
君たちには失望したよ。 I'm disappointing in you a lot.
Night attack
残念だったね。 Too bad.
この勝利、僕の力なんて些細なものさ。この雨と…そう、提督のおかげだよ。 My contribution to this victory is but a fraction. It's thanks to this rain... and you, Admiral.
Minor damaged(1)
やめてよ、痛いじゃないか。 Stop that. It hurts.
Minor damaged(2)
当たった…っ? I got hit...?
≥Moderately damaged
この僕を、ここまで追い詰めるとはね。まあ、いいさ。 Being able to corner me like this... well, whatever.
僕もここまでか…提督、みんな…さよなら Looks like this is it for me... Admiral, everyone... Goodbye.

Hourly notifications (Kai Ni)

Time Japanese English Note
深夜0時だよ。日付が変わったね。 It's now 0000 a.m. late at night. The date has changed.
マルヒトマルマル。提督、疲れたね。 0100. Admiral is tired.
マルフタマルマル。大丈夫? 0200. Are you alright?
マルサンマルマル。静かな夜だね。 0300. It's a quiet night.
マルヨンマルマル。僕は大丈夫。提督は優しいね。 0400. I'm alright. You're kind, Admiral.
マルゴーマルマル。新しい一日がはじまるね。 0500. A new day is starting.
マルロクマルマル。今日一日、僕が提督に時間を伝えるよ。 0600. I will be reporting the time to Admiral for the entire day today.
マルナナマルマル。朝は僕も好きだな。 0700. I like mornings too.
マルハチマルマル。提督、そろそろ出撃しよう。 0800. It's time to sortie, Admiral.
マルキュウマルマル。世間は忙しないね。 0900. The world is restless.
ヒトマルマルマル。提督の仕事は…まぁ、提督が仕事だよね、うん。 1000. Admiral's job is... well, your job is Admiral. Yeah. She means that you probably have no job considering you're playing Kancolle at 10 o'clock am.
ヒトヒトマルマル。僕も少しお腹が空いたなぁ。 1100. I'm a little bit hungry too.
ヒトフタマルマル。疲れたかい?丁度いい、お昼にしよう。 1200. Are you tired? Just about time, let's have lunch.
ヒトサンマルマル。提督とお昼、嬉しいね。 1300. To eat lunch with Admiral, I'm happy.
ヒトヨンマルマル。午後の任務も頑張ろう。 1400. Do your best with your afternoon duties as well.
ヒトゴーマルマル。ランキング、気になる? 1500. Are you interested in the rankings?
ヒトロクマルマル。提督、お疲れ様。 1600. Thanks for your hard work, Admiral.
ヒトナナマルマル。提督は忙しいんだね。 1700. Admiral is busy.
ヒトハチマルマル。僕もお手伝いができたらいいのに。 1800. It would have been nice if I could help.
ヒトキュウマルマル。そろそろ、夕食の時間だね。 1900. It's about time for dinner.
フタマルマルマル。そろそろ夜戦の時間か…。騒がしくなるね。 2000. It's time for night battles... It has become noisy.
フタヒトマルマル。すっかり夜か…。 2100. It's totally night...
フタフタマルマル。マイペースでいいんだ。うん、僕もそうさ。 2200. Take it easy. Yes, I am, too.
フタサンマルマル。今日は佐世保の時雨もそろそろ看板かな。 2300. It will be the closing time for Shigure of Sasebo today.


  • She shares a captain (Tameichi Hara) with both Amatsukaze and Yahagi. Captain Hara was the only IJN Destroyer Captain from the start of the war to survive to the very end.
  • Shigure was known as one of the lucky ships of the war, sometimes referred to "Shigure of Sasebo", in contrast with "Yukikaze of Kure". Of note, she participated in at least ten major Pacific Theater battles, only the final one in which she was sunk and the rest she had minor to no damage, due to the fact that she sank a few months before the end of the war from a torpedo attack. This leads her to have very high luck after her second remodeling, though this is slightly lower than that of Yukikaze. Alternatively, she holds the highest anti-air attribute among destroyers.
  • As for her Kai-2 character design, the artist mentioned that her "ear-like flaps" were drawn from the image of the "faithful hound(忠犬)". Compare with Yuudachi.
  • Her hair ornament in her Kai-2 design looks strikingly similar to the ornaments on Fusou-Kai and Yamashiro-Kai's aviation decks, but her artist declined to make a proper declaration on this and said to 'leave it to your own imagination'.
  • Received her Kai Ni on 23/10/2013
  • Sometimes paired with Yamashiro as a couple because Yamashiro provided cover (and sunk as a result) for Shigure to escape the Battle of Leyte Gulf.
  • Guncannon.
  • Sunk in action 24 January 1945 near Kota Bharu, Malaya (now Malaysia) (06°00′N 103°48′E).
  • Her name means "drizzling rain (in late autumn and early winter)".

See Also