Revision as of 17:44, 8 February 2015 by >Arteria (Quote QC & a couple notes)
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Event | Japanese | English | Note | |
Introduction Play |
雲龍型航空母艦、天城と申します。 提督、どうぞよろしくお願い致します。 天城、精進致します! |
I'm Amagi, an Unryuu Class Carrier. I will be in your care, Admiral. Now, Amagi will concentrate! |
Library Intro Play |
雲龍型航空母艦、その二番艦、天城です。戦時急造計画であるマル急計画により、建造されました。 空母機動部隊として運用されることは叶いませんでしたが、呉空襲時の対空戦で奮闘しました。 |
Secretary(1) Play |
えっと…滞空戦ですか。 | Uhm.... An air battle? | ||
Secretary(2) Play |
何?滞空射撃打ち方はじめ! あら?提督?あ…えっと… |
What? Commencing anti-aircraft fire! Ara? Admiral? Um....well.... |
Secretary(3) Play |
提督,天城の格納庫に何か御用でしょうか。 艦載機を配備?あ、嬉しいです。 |
Admiral, what's wrong with Amagi's hangar? Deploying aircraft? Yes, I'm happy. |
Secretary(idle) Play |
烈風、まぶしい翼…あっ、自分の艦載機なのに、みとれちゃいました。 | |||
Secretary(Married) Play |
Wedding Play |
Show player's score Play |
提督、情報は大切ですね?天城もそう思います。 | Reports are important, right, Admiral? Amagi thinks so, too. | ||
Joining a fleet Play |
航空戦隊旗艦天城、出撃します。 | Amagi, flagship of the carrier squadron, sortieing. | ||
Equipment(1) Play |
対空火器の、増強でしょうか? | |||
Equipment(2) Play |
新しい艦載機天城感激です。ありがとうございます。 | Amagi is thankful for the new aircraft. Thank you very much. | Aircraft of which she was never able to receive in life.... | |
Equipment(3) Play |
天城が参ります。 | Amagi will now be going. | ||
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development. | ||||
Supply Play |
貴重な燃料や艦載機、ありがとうございます。 | Thank you, for all these precious fuel and aircraft. | ||
Docking Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP Play |
深い傷ではないですが…提督、すみません。 | It's not a serious wound but....thanks, Admiral. | ||
Docking Current HP < 50% of Max HP Play |
もしわけありません。長いお風呂をいただきます。 本当にすみません。 |
I'm sorry. I'm going to take a lot of time in the bath. I'm truly sorry. |
Ship construction Play |
新造艦が就役した模様です。 | Looks like a new ship has joined the fleet. | ||
Return from sortie Play |
艦隊が無事帰途しました。お疲れ様です。 | The fleet has returned. Good work everyone. | ||
Start a sortie Play |
航空母艦天城、抜錨いたします。 | Aircraft Carrier Amagi, sortieing. | ||
Battle start Play |
対空射撃じゃありません。攻撃隊の発艦です。 天城航空隊、発艦はじめ、です。 |
Attack Play |
天城航空隊、お…お願いします。 | |||
Night battle Play |
つ…追撃ですか?そうですか。頑張ります。 | What.... A pursuit attack? Then.... I'll do my best. | ||
MVP Play |
天城が一番…ですか?本当に? ありがとうございます。う…嬉しいぃ。 |
Amagi is....number one? Really? Thank you very much. I....I'm happy. |
Minor damaged(1) Play |
Minor damaged(2) Play |
≥Moderately damaged Play |
うわ…やられました。艦載機発着艦不能です。 | Uwa....I've been hit. It's impossible to launch planes now. | ||
Sunk Play |
沈むのに…天城…不思議な気持ちです…今度は精一杯行きました…よね… | Even though....Amagi is sinking....Amagi still has this strange feeling....This time, I did my best....right...? | In contrast to her historical capsizing. |
- Added in via the February 6th, 2015 Update
- Winter 2015 Event, E-5 clear reward
- Presumably in reference to her history, her basic form represents her time spent moored & camouflaged until her capsizing.
- As such, her kai form may represent what may have been if she was able to sortie.
- Departing from Unryuu's naming scheme set by Souryuu & Hiryuu, due to being be a modified version of them, Amagi & her following sisters utilized the defunct battlecruiser naming scheme. That is, names of mountains.
- Amagi was last used for the Amagi-class battlecruisers, of which Akagi was a part of.
- Although she was commissioned, she was never possessed an air wing due to losses during the war, & as such, never traveled far from a port.
- The 601 Air Group were slated to be her air wing if not for their deployment in the Battle of Iwo Jima
- She was permanently moored at an island in Kure harbor & extensively camouflaged on April 13th, 1945 after light damage from Task Force 58.
- Beginning on July 24th, 1945 & supplemented on July 28th, Task Force 38 attacked her. Her damage was not repaired & she capsized her at her moorings.
See Also