Recent Updates

Revision as of 14:53, 27 January 2015 by >Chenchilla (→‎Future updates: new sub even though we don't know what kind)
Message on DMM's site indicating that the game is under maintenance.

Here are listed updates from Kancolle game maintenance.

Latest Maintenance:  23rd January, 2015

Next Maintenance: TBA

Future updates

Next Update

  • Valentine's-themed voices
  • New medium sized event
  • New Submarine


Last update

23rd January 2015

  1. Remodel
    • Nachi Kai Ni at level 65
      • Costs Ammunition900 and Steel800 to remodel
      • No blueprint required
      • New voices
    • Hatsushimo Kai Ni at level 70
      • Costs Ammunition230 and Steel220 to remodel
      • No blueprint required
      • New voices
  2. Quests
    • Composition Quests
      • A49「第二二駆逐隊」を編成せよ!Organize the 22nd Destroyer Division!
    • Sortie Quests
      • B38 出撃任務「那智戦隊」抜錨せよ!Sortie the "Nachi Fleet"
        • Form a fleet consisting of Nachi as flagship, Hatsushimo, Kasumi, Ushio, Akebono and a wildcard, sortie to 2-2 and achieve an S-Rank at the boss node
        • Needs B37 and Bm1 completion
      • B39「第二二駆逐隊」出撃せよ!Sortie the 22nd Destroyer Division (world 1-4)
        • Sortie to 1-4 with a fleet consisting of Satsuki, Fumizuki, Nagatsuki, another destroyer and two wildcards, and achieve an S-Rank at the boss node
        • Needs A49 completion
  3. Furniture
    • New Furniture
      • 鎮守府カウンターバー Anchorage Counter Bar
      • 日本酒&ウィスキー棚 Sake and Whiskey Shelf
      • 洋酒&ワイン棚 Liquor and Wine Shelf
      • チョコレートキッチン Chocolate Kitchen
      • チョコレートの壁紙 Chocolate Wallpaper
      • お菓子作りの壁紙 Candy-making Wallpaper
    • Returning Furniture
      • 青カーテンの窓 Window with Blue Curtain
    • BGM changers
      • 節分「豆まき」セット Setsubun "Bean maki" set
      • 大人の節分セット Adult's Setsubun Set
    • 「250万の感謝」"Thanks for 2.5 Million Players!" hanging scroll has been added, and can be obtained free of charge
  4. BGM
    • New BGM 「節分の鎮守府」"Setsubun at the anchorage"
      • Can be played if Setsubun furniture is placed
  5. Voice and Other
    • Limited-time Setsubun-themed voices
    • New voices for Nachi Kai Ni, including homeport, battle, etc.
    • New voices for Hatsushimo Kai and Kai Ni, including homeport, marriage, etc.
    • Akashi's Improvement Arsenal
      • Type 91 Armor-Piercing (AP) Shell and Type 1 Armor-Piercing (AP) Shell can be upgraded
      • Type 91 Armor-Piercing (AP) Shell can be remodeled into Type 1 Armor-Piercing (AP) Shell after reaching max upgrade
    • The maximum ship slots has been increased from 220 to 230
    • The maximum equipment slots has been increased to 1020
    • Display system modification update
      • The background of the AP Shells picture was fixed
      • Makeover of the owned furniture list, with a feed function? added

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Archived updates

For updates starting June 2014, see the forum section News and Announcements .

October 16th 23rd
November 1st ( Event ) 13th 20th 27th
December 4th 11th 24th ( Event )
January 8th 15th 22nd 29th
February 14th 26th
March 14th 28th
April 9th 23rd ( Event )
May 9th 23rd
June 6th 20th
July 4th 18th 28th
August 8th ( Event ) 29th
September 12th 26th
October 10th 24th
November 14th ( Event ) 20th
December 1st 12th 26th
January 1st 9th 23rd
February 6th 20th

Japan Standard Time
