Revision as of 01:02, 5 March 2015 by >Kaiki Deishuu (Night Battle and Night Attack transcripts and translations were swapped (audio was correct, but didn't match what was written). Swapped them to the correct location.)
Second Upgrade
Event | Japanese | English | Note | |
Introduction Play |
はーい 衣笠さんの登場よ 青葉ともども よろしくね! | Ye~s, It's Miss Kinugasa's debut! Together with Aoba, take good care of me! | (Appearing/entering a stage) | |
Library Intro Play |
カタパルトをお初装備の衣笠さんよ、よろしくね。ウェーク島攻略や珊瑚海海戦、そして、ソロモン海のアイアンボトムサウンドでも大活躍!でも…飛行機っての?あれはちょっと嫌ね。 | First to have a catapult equipped, Miss Kinugasa! Great to meet you. I performed magnificently in The capture of Wake Island and the Battle of the Coral Sea, and even the Solomon's Ironbottom Sound! But... planes, you know? I'm not really a fan... | (Kinugasa was undamaged during Wake and Coral Sea, and lightly damaged in the first sortie at Guadacanal, but was sunk by torpedo bombers at the second, and now lies in Ironbottom Sound.) | |
Secretary(1) Play Play |
提督! 今日もよろしくね!
or- 大丈夫?疲れてない? (Kai Ni) |
Admiral! Thanks for today too!
or- Are you ok? You're not tired? (Kai Ni) |
Secretary(2) Play |
今日もお仕事お仕事っと~ | Let get to work today too! | ||
Secretary(3) Play |
あんまり触ってると触り返すぞ~?ほらほら~ | If you keep touching me, I'll touch you back~ Hey hey! | ||
Secretary(idle) Play |
おーい、おーーい! あ、大井さんじゃないって‥‥ぁ、睨まれた‥‥ | Oi! Ooi! Oh, you're not Ooi? Ah, he glared at me. | "Oi" is often used as a sound to attract attention, like "hey" in American English. Kinugasa clearly knows it's a pretty awful joke. | |
Secretary(Married) Play |
(Kai2) だいじょぶ? 疲れてなーい? | (Kai2) You okay? You're not ti~red? | ||
Wedding Play |
でもね、提督のそばに居れば、何だか大丈夫……ずっと近くに居ても、いいですか…? (Kai2) 提督、私はあなたを護るため、どんどん強くなってあげる! でも、もし危なくなったら、すぐに逃げるって約束してね。もう、大切な人を失いたくないんだ。 |
You know, when I'm next to the Admiral, everything's okay… is it alright to stay close a bit longer? (Kai2) Admiral, so that I can protect you, I'm gonna get stronger and stronger! But, if it get dangerous, you have to promise to get away, okay? I don't want to lose someone important to me. |
Show player's score Play |
ふふ~ん どう? 見てもいい? | Hm-hmm~ How's it? May I look? | ||
Joining a fleet Play |
衣笠さんにお任せ! | Leave it to Miss Kinugasa! | ||
Equipment(1) Play |
よし! どんどん強くしちゃお! | Alright! Getting steadily stronger! | ||
Equipment(2) Play |
ちょ…改装するところ見ないでよね! | Hey! Don't be watching me modernise! | ||
Equipment(3) Play |
いいね! | Oh, great! | ||
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development. | ||||
Supply Play |
ありがとね! | Thanks! | ||
Docking Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP Play |
ちょっとだけドック入りまーす! | Just for a bit, do~cking! | ||
Docking Current HP < 50% of Max HP Play |
いたたた‥‥また青葉に笑われちゃうよぉ | Ow-w-w~ I've made Aoba laugh again~ | ||
Ship construction Play |
新造船来たね! はやいなぁ~ | A new ships built! So fast~ | ||
Return from sortie Play |
艦隊、帰投です | Fleet's back. | ||
Start a sortie Play |
青葉型重巡「衣笠」出撃よ! | Aoba-class heavy cruiser 'Kinugasa', launching! | ||
Battle start Play |
砲雷撃戦!開始しちゃう? | Naval battle! I'm gonna start, yeah? | ||
Attack Play |
逃げても無駄よ! | Escape is futile! | ||
Night battle Play |
衣笠の夜戦、見せてあげる! | I'll show you Kinugasa's battle! | ||
Night attack Play |
ほらっ! もう一発! | Look! One more shot! | ||
MVP Play |
ふふ~ん、衣笠さん最高でしょ!帰ったら青葉に自慢してやろっと! | Hm-hmm, isn't Miss Kinugasa the strongest! When we get back, I'm gonna boast about it to Aoba! | ||
Minor damaged(1) Play |
っ! この程度は! | Ooh! This much! | ||
Minor damaged(2) Play |
はわわ、艦橋はやばいって! | Awawa! The bridge is looking bad! | ||
≥Moderately damaged Play |
Geh! Direct hit!? ... Admiral.. erm... could you not look? | |||
Sunk Play |
だめ…沈んじゃう… みんな…逃げて…… | No... I'm sinking... everybody... escape... |
Hourly notifications
Time | Japanese | English | Note |
00:00 |
深夜0時です。衣笠さんは熟睡ですぅ。ふあぁ… | It's midnight. Miss Kinugasa's sound asleep. Zzzz... | |
01:00 |
…にゃ~ 午前1時になったよ? 寝ないの? | ...nya~ It's 1 A.M.? Not going to sleep? | |
02:00 |
午前2時です。頑張るんだね~ | It's 2 A.M. Do your best~ | |
03:00 |
午前3時です。ねぇ? いつ寝るの? | It's 3 A.M. Hey? Just when will you go to bed? | |
04:00 |
午前4時ですよ。もうこうなったら意地だね!徹夜だね! | It's 4 A.M.! So it's come to this... Just do it! All-nighter! | |
05:00 |
午前5時よ。お天気ニュース始まるよ? | 5 A.M! The weather report's starting, you know? | |
06:00 |
午前6時です。新しい朝が来るね! | It's 6 A.M. A day's starting! | |
07:00 |
午前7時、なにやら世間が慌ただしくなってきましたよ。 | 7 A.M, somehow, the world's in such a rush now. | |
08:00 |
午前8時、朝の連続ドラマとか見るほう? | 8 A.M, how about watching the morning soaps? | NHK shows 'serial dramas' at 7:45~8:00 in the morning. Some like to talk about them with friends later in the day. |
09:00 |
午前9時 デイリー任務とかやっちゃう? | 9 A.M. You done the daily quests? | |
10:00 |
午前10時です。お部屋をそろそろ模様替えしない? | It's 10 A.M. Won't you redecorate the room soon? | |
11:00 |
午前11時 何やら食堂からいい匂いが~ | 11 A.M. Oh, there's such a nice smell coming from the mess~ | |
12:00 |
ピッピッピッ!ポーン! 12時、お昼の時間!私のランチはカレーよ。あなたのお昼はなぁに? | Bingley-bingley-beep! 12 midday, time for lunch! My lunch is curry! What are yo~u having? | |
13:00 |
午後1時よ、お昼休みでしょ?すやすや… | 1 P.M, how about taking a siesta? Zzz...zzz... | |
14:00 |
午後2時です。提督、午後も頑張ろ! | It's 2 P.M. Admiral, work hard this afternoon too! | |
15:00 |
午後3時、提督のランキングチェック! | 3 P.M, Admiral's Ranking Check! | |
16:00 |
午後4時、そろそろ夕方よね~ | 4 P.M., it's almost evening, isn't it~ | |
17:00 |
夕方5時!アフターファイブはどうするどうする? …ぇ?今、そんな風に言わないの? | 5 in the evening! What are you doing 'After Five'? Eh? People don't use that anymore? | 'After Five' was used in the "5時から男のグロンサン" campaign for 'Gurosan' energy drink. It played in the 80's and is thus dead language. |
18:00 |
午後6時です。提督、おなか空いたよ~ | It's 6 P.M. Admiral, I'm hungry~ | |
19:00 |
午後7時、私の夕食はね~…またカレーでした! | 7 P.M, I'm having dinner~ Still curry?! | |
20:00 |
午後8時、さ~って、そろそろ重くなってくるね~ …あっ、体重じゃないよ? | 8 P.M. Now then, it's getting heavier, yeah? Ah, I'm not talking about my weight, yeah? | (The JP wiki says this is the so-called "猫の時間" 'cat time'. I dunno.) |
21:00 |
午後9時、あれ?誰か来た。…あっ!青葉じゃん!おつかれー! | 9 P.M, oh? Someone's coming. Ah! It's Aoba! Good work today! | |
22:00 |
午後10時、青葉、取材してたんだって。艦娘と記者って兼任できるんだ~ | 10 P.M, Aoba, I heard that she did some reporting. She can be both a reporter and a warship~ | |
23:00 |
午後11時、提督?そろそろ寝ないの?…えっ?これからが本番?元気だなぁ~ | 11 P.M. Admiral? It's about time for bed, you know? Your best performance starts now? Aren't you energetic~ | 本番 = performance/critical moment. |
Voiced by: Megumi Nakajima
- Sunk 13 November 1942 by United States Navy and USMC aircraft during Naval Battle of Guadalcanal at 08°45′S 157°00′E
- Received her Kai Ni on 13/11/2013