Kanmusu Ondo
Kanmusu Ondo (also known more literally as "Fleet Girl Folk Song") is a song that appeared in the Naval District Saury Festival of 2016. Kanmusu Ondo is unique among the songs that have played in the game in that there is also a dance that is associated with the song. It was also played at the Naval District Saury Festival in Yokohama in which Tanibe Yumi and several other dancers performed said dance.
There are currently no recordings of the dance in question. But it was made official by both reports and through Tanibe Yumi that they did perform it there, and those who attended the festival had a chance to learn the dance.
In addition, the song was also sung by Tanibe Yumi representing the voices of Shiratsuyu, Murasame, Shigure, and Yuudachi as noted in her interview.
On February 14th, 2017 Kadokawa would release the official full length version of the Kanmusu Ondo song as part of KanColle Vocal Collection Soundtrack Vol.4. This soundtrack would include the song along with a song sung by Yura (Also voiced by Tanibe Yumi) and an instrumental version. The song is available for purchase via Kadokawa's website.
Kadokawa Website: http://store.kadokawa.co.jp/shop/g/g301701000729/
ハ~ ヨイショ! ア ソレソレソレ! ハ~!
Allllright! C'mon, c'mon, c'mon! Yeaaaaah!
波をかきわけ どんぶら どんぶら 進むのよ (それ!)
Let's break through the waves, sloshing, sloshing to and fro! (That's it!)
風を感じて 明日もきっと いい天気! (はい!)
Feel that breeze? That means good weather tomorrow! (Yeah!)
水平線からお日様が 昇って 沈んで 夜戦かな
The sun rises and falls at the horizon. Is it time for night battle?
艦娘音頭で艦隊と お月様 ほら 踊ってる
Look, in the Kanmusu Ondo, the fleet dances with the moon!
艦娘音頭で提督と 海の底まで 照らしてる !
In the Kanmusu Ondo, we'll light up the sea floor with the Admiral!
ハ~ ヨイショ! ア ソレソレソレ! ハ~!
Allllright! C'mon, c'mon, c'mon! Yeaaaaah!
--- In game Lyrics end here, Full Version Continues From Here ---
雲を追い越し どんどこ どんどこ 進んだら (それ!)
If we race past the clouds, splashing, splashing to and fro, (That's it!)
潮の香りで 今日もご飯が 美味しいね!(ハイ!)
Today's food is gonna go great with the smell of the tide! (Yeah!)
右舷 左舷 よ~そろ~ 主砲も 魚雷も 踊っちゃえ!(ソレソレソレソレ!)
Port, starboard, keep~ steady~ Main batteries, torpedoes, dance away! (C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon!)
艦娘音頭で提督と(ソレ!)おてんと お陽様 笑ってる(ハイ!)
In the Kanmusu Ondo, the Admiral (him!) and even the sun laugh! (Yeah!)
艦娘音頭でみんなとね 未来の海まで 漕ぎ出そう!
In the Kanmusu Ondo, let's all set sail for the sea of the future!
ハイ! ハイ! ポイ! ハイ!
Yeah! Yeah! Poi! Yeah!
ハイ! ハイ! ポイ! ハイ!
Yeah! Yeah! Poi! Yeah!
ミギゲン? ミギゲン? ヒダリゲン? ヒダリゲン?
Starboard? Starboard? Port? Port?
ミギゲン! ミギゲン! ヒダリゲン! ヒダリゲン!
Starboard! Starboard! Port! Port!
リョーゲン? リョーゲン? イッパイ? イッパイ?
Both? Both? Full Speed? Full Speed?
リョーゲン! リョーゲン! イッパイ! イッパイ!
Both! Both! Full Speed! Full Speed!
扶桑に山城 伊勢日向 陸奥に長門だ 大和武蔵!(ソレソレソレソレ!)
Fusou, with Yamashiro, Ise, Hyuuga! Mutsu, with Nagato, Yamato, Musashi!
艦娘音頭で金剛と(ソレ!)比叡に榛名 霧島も(ハイ!)
In the Kanmusu Ondo, Kongou (her!), Hiei and Haruna, Kirishima too! (Yeah!)
艦娘音頭で重巡と(ソレ!)空母や水雷 輪になって(ハイ!)
In the Kanmusu Ondo, CA (them!), CV, and torp squadrons form a circle! (Yeah!)
艦娘音頭で艦隊と(ソレ!)おてんと お陽様 笑ってる(ハイ!)
In the Kanmusu Ondo, the fleet (them!) and even the sun laugh! (Yeah!)
艦娘音頭で行くよ今 未来の海まで まっしぐら!
In the Kanmusu Ondo, we set sail now, into the sea of the future!
ハ~ ヨイショ! ア ソレソレソレ! ハ~!
Allllright! C'mon, c'mon, c'mon! Yeaaaaah!
Translation by User:/A/nonymous, reviewed by User: Admiral_Mikado
Dance Choreography
Kanmusu Ondo also features a dance which was performed as the Naval District Saury Festival in Yokohama by Tanibe Yumi and a series of back up dancers who were at the festival.
People who attended the Festival got to see the dance performed live, and Tanibe Yumi also taught the dance to all the participants. No footage of the dance was recorded and people who learned the dance never showed how it was performed (possibly due to contract reasons). However, when KanColle Style Vol.4 was published, the book explains in full how the dance would be performed.
Below is the steps on how to perform the Kanmusu Ondo Dance.