Category:Agano Class

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This category contains all ships in Agano Class.

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Listed by stats

Agano Class
ID Ship Name (en) Name (jp) Type Class N° Firepower Torpedo Attack Night Battle Power Anti-Air Anti-Submarine Warfare Line of Sight Luck Health Armor Evasion Aircraft Fuel Ammunition
137 Ship Banner Agano.png Agano 阿賀野 CL 1 42 72 114 60 70 45 10 30 32 72 2, 2, 2 30 35
305 Ship Banner Agano Kai.png Agano Kai 阿賀野改 CL 1 68 79 147 73 82 59 10 45 69 80 2, 2, 2 30 40
138 Ship Banner Noshiro.png Noshiro 能代 CL 2 42 72 114 60 70 45 10 30 32 72 2, 2, 2 30 35
306 Ship Banner Noshiro Kai.png Noshiro Kai 能代改 CL 2 70 79 149 72 82 59 10 45 69 80 2, 2, 2 30 40
662 Ship Banner Noshiro Kai Ni.png Noshiro Kai Ni 能代改二 CL 2 78 86 164 82 84 61 13 53 72 83 1, 1, 4, 2 35 45
139 Ship Banner Yahagi.png Yahagi 矢矧 CL 3 42 72 114 63 70 45 13 31 33 72 2, 2, 2 30 35
307 Ship Banner Yahagi Kai.png Yahagi Kai 矢矧改 CL 3 72 79 151 74 82 59 14 47 69 84 2, 2, 2 30 40
663 Ship Banner Yahagi Kai Ni.png Yahagi Kai Ni 矢矧改二 CL 3 78 89 167 80 83 60 17 54 73 88 1, 1, 4, 2 40 45
668 Ship Banner Yahagi Kai Ni B.png Yahagi Kai Ni B 矢矧改二乙 CL 3 81 88 169 88 80 60 17 53 74 86 1, 1, 2, 2 45 50
140 Ship Banner Sakawa.png Sakawa 酒匂 CL 4 41 71 112 62 72 45 20 31 32 72 2, 2, 2 30 35
314 Ship Banner Sakawa Kai.png Sakawa Kai 酒匂改 CL 4 67 78 145 74 85 59 30 46 69 81 2, 2, 2 30 40

Displayed Stats are: Max stats for Firepower/Torpedo Attack/Night Battle Power/Anti-Air/Armor; lv99 stats for Anti-Submarine Warfare/Line of Sight/Evasion; base stats for Luck/Health.


The Agano-class cruisers (阿賀野型軽巡洋艦) were designed as a new generation of about 5 000 ton displacement ships to lead destroyer and submarine squadrons. They were conceived in the 1930s as a replacement for the aging Tenryū, Kuma, and Nagara classes. Larger than these previous light cruisers, the Agano-class vessels were fast, but with little protection, and were under-gunned for their size.

Unlike the previous light cruiser classes, their main armament was the 152 mm (6 inch) gun that was used by the Kongō-class battlecruisers, and some of these weapons having been removed from the Fusō and Kongō classes during their modernizations in the early and late 1930s, respectively.

They were also only the first Japanese warships to be equipped with bulbous bows, each equipped with a single catapult forward of the main mast with carrying capacity of two seaplanes.

Pages in category "Agano Class"

The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.