Revision as of 06:25, 28 June 2014 by >Headlessnewt (→Trivia)
As Hibiki
Event | Japanese | English | Note | |
Introduction |
響だよ。その活躍ぶりから、不死鳥の通り名もあるよ | I'm Hibiki. I'm also referred to as "The Phoenix" from my exploits. | Poor ship went through a lot... | |
Library Intro |
数ある特型駆逐艦の中で、最後まで生き残ったのが、響。転戦の後、あの大和水上特攻時には修理で同行できなかったんだ。賠償艦としてソ連に引き渡され「信頼できる」という意味の艦名になったんだ。 | The only ship from a number of special-type destroyers to survive was I, Hibiki. After transferring, I could not accompany the Yamato during the final attack. I was handed over to the Soviet Union as compensation, and was named after the Russian phrase for "trustworthiness". | ||
Secretary(1) |
司令官、何だい? | Commander, what is it? | ||
Secretary(2) |
そろそろ戻っても、いいかな? | May I... return soon? | ||
Secretary(3) |
司令官、作戦命令を | Commander, your order. | ||
Secretary(idle) |
Secretary(Married) |
Wedding |
Show player's score |
司令官に連絡みたいだよ | It appears there is a message for you, commander. | ||
Joining a fleet |
了解、響出撃する | Roger, Hibiki, sortieing. | ||
Equipment(1) |
Хорошо(ハラショー)…こいつは力を感じる。 | Marvelous... I can feel power flowing from this. | Хорошо = Good [1] | |
Equipment(2) |
ほぅ、これはいいな…Спасибо(スパスィーバ) | Oh, this is good... Thanks. | Спасибо = Thanks [2] | |
Equipment(3) |
やるさ | Nice. | ||
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development. | ||||
Supply |
Хорошо(ハラショー)…こいつは力を感じる。 | Marvelous... I can feel power from this. | Same as Equipment(1) | |
Docking Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP |
治してくるね。 | I'll go patch myself up. | ||
Docking Current HP < 50% of Max HP |
不死鳥の秘密は、修理のタイミングにもあるんだよ。 | The secret of the Phoenix is the timing of its repairs. | Missed out on several death expeditions due to being repaired. | |
Ship construction |
新戦力が加わったみたいだね | It seems like fresh forces have been added. | ||
Return from sortie |
艦隊が戻ってきたね、お疲れ | The fleet has returned. Thanks for the hard work. | ||
Start a sortie |
不死鳥の名は伊達じゃない。出るよ | My name as a Phoenix isn't just for show. Sortieing. | ||
Battle start |
さて、やりますか | Well then, shall we do it? | ||
Attack |
無駄だね | Futile, eh? | ||
Night battle |
Ура!(ウラー!) | Hurrah! | Ура = Hooray! [3] | |
Night attack |
遅いよ | Too slow. | ||
勝利か。いい響きだな。嫌いじゃない | Victory? I like the sound of that. Not a bad ring. | This play on her name, using 'hibiki' (literally 'echo') to mean the sound of a word. | |
Minor damaged(1) |
くっ… | Ugh... | ||
Minor damaged(2) |
沈まんさ… | I'm not gonna sink... | ||
≥Moderately damaged |
さすがにこれは、恥ずかしいな… | As expected, this is... embarrassing. | ||
Sunk |
私の最後の名はВерный(ヴェールヌイ)だ…до свидания(ダスビダーニャ) | My final name is Верный... Farewell. | до свидания = Goodbye [4]. What she says isn't entirely true, as she was renamed a second time, as the Dekabrist (Ru: Декабрист) before finally being scrapped. |
As Верный (Verniy)
Event | Japanese | English | Note | |
Introduction |
ひび…Верный(ヴェールヌイ)だ。信頼できると言う意味の名なんだ | I'm Hibi-- Verniy. That name refers to the meaning of "reliance". | ||
Library Intro |
Secretary(1) |
司令官、大丈夫か? | Commander, are you alright? | ||
Secretary(2) |
до свидания(ダスビダーニャ) | Goodbye. | ||
Secretary(3) |
司令官、作戦命令を | Commander, your order. | ||
Secretary(idle) |
大丈夫だよ。私は一人でも。 | It's all right. Even if I am alone. | ||
Secretary(Married) |
司令官、疲れてない? | Commander, aren't you tired? | ||
Wedding |
司令官、愛とか恋とかって…なんのことなんだ…? えっ?教えてくれるのか? | Commander, things like love and passion... what are they...? Eh? You'll teach me? | ||
Show player's score |
司令官に連絡みたいだよ | It appears there is a message for you, commander. | ||
Joining a fleet |
了解、Верный(ヴェールヌイ)、出撃する | Roger, Verniy, heading out. | ||
Equipment(1) |
Хорошо(ハラショー)…こいつは力を感じる。 | Nice... I can rely on this. | ||
Equipment(2) |
いいな…Спасибо(スパスィーバ) | Great... Thanks. | ||
Equipment(3) |
Ура!(ウラー!) | Hurrah! | ||
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development. | ||||
Supply |
Спасибо(スパスィーバ) | Thank you. | ||
Docking Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP |
Спасибо(スパスィーバ) | Thank you. | ||
Docking Current HP < 50% of Max HP |
不死鳥の秘密は、修理のタイミングにもあるんだよ | The secret of the Phoenix is the timing of it's repairs. | ||
Ship construction |
新戦力が加わった様だね | It seems like fresh forces have been added. | ||
Return from sortie |
艦隊が戻ってきたね、お疲れ | The fleet has returned. Thanks for the hard work. | ||
Start a sortie |
信頼の名は伊達じゃない。出るよ | My name of reliance isn't just for show. Sortieing. | ||
Battle start |
さて、やりますか | Well then, shall we do it? | ||
Attack |
無駄だね | It's futile. | ||
Night battle |
Ура!(ウラー!) | Hurrah! | ||
Night attack |
Хорошо(ハラショー) | Nice. | ||
勝利か。いい響きだな。嫌いじゃない | Victory? I like the sound of that. Not a bad ring. | ||
Minor damaged(1) |
くっ… | Ugh... | ||
Minor damaged(2) |
沈まんさ… | I won't sink... | ||
≥Moderately damaged |
流石にこれは、恥ずかしいな… | As expected, this is... embarrassing. | ||
Sunk |
私の本当の名は響…до свидания(ダスビダーニャ)…さようなら。 | My true name is Hibiki... Dasvidanya... Farewell. |
Time | Japanese | English | Note |
00:00 |
полночь(ポールナチ 訳:深夜0時)…失礼、マルマルマルマル。 | полночь (Polnoch': midnight)... Sorry, 0000. | |
01:00 |
マルヒトマルマル。深夜だね。 | 0100. It's getting late. | |
02:00 |
マルフタマルマル。静かな海は…嫌いじゃない。 | 0200. The calm seas...I don't mind them. | |
03:00 |
マルサンマルマル。眠かったらどうぞ。私の膝を貸そうか。 | 0300. Here, if you feel sleepy. I'll lend you my lap. | |
04:00 |
マルヨンマルマル。私は任務中に眠くならない。 | 0400. I won't sleep during missions. | |
05:00 |
マルゴーマルマル。空の色が変わる頃だ。…綺麗だな。 | 0500. It's the time where the sky changes color. ... How beautiful. | |
06:00 |
マルロクマルマル。司令官、悪いがちょっと重い…。 | 0600. Commander, please excuse me but you're a bit heavy... | |
07:00 |
マルナナマルマル、朝だ。朝食を摂ろう。 | 0700. It's morning. Let's have breakfast. | |
08:00 |
マルハチマルマル。任務を始めようか。 | 0800. Let's start our mission. | |
09:00 |
マルキュウマルマル。艦隊に、遠征の指示を。 | 0900. Instructions for expeditions to the fleet, please. | |
10:00 |
ヒトマルマルマル。司令官、残った艦は、私が引き受けよう。 | 1000. I'll take responsibility for the remaining ships, Commander. | |
11:00 |
ヒトヒトマルマル。皆を連れて、演習してこようか。 | 1100. Let's have practice with everyone. | |
12:00 |
полдень(ポールヂェニ 訳:正午)…失礼、ヒトフタマルマル。気を抜くと言葉が…。気をつける。 | полдень (polden': noon)... Sorry, 1200. I let my mind wander... I'll be more careful. | |
13:00 |
ヒトサンマルマル。今日のランチは…ハイ、これ。ピロシキだ。 | 1300. Today's lunch is... here, have this pirozhki. | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirozhki in case you're wondering. |
14:00 |
ヒトヨンマルマル。午後の艦隊勤務を始めよう。疲れてはいない。 | 1400. Let's start with the afternoon fleet missions. I'm not tired at all. | |
15:00 |
ヒトゴーマルマル。引き続き、訓練だ。疲労の溜まっている艦は休ませよう。 | 1500. Continuing with practice. Let the tired ones rest as well. | |
16:00 |
ヒトロクマルマル。全艦隊戻ったら、反省会だ。 | 1600. Let's have a review meeting after all fleets have returned. | |
17:00 |
ヒトナナマルマル。司令官、さぁ皆に一言を。 | 1700. Commander, a word to everyone please. | |
18:00 |
ヒトハチマルマル。何?司令官。これから演習の予定だけど。 | 1800. What is it, Commander? I'm preparing for practice right now. | |
19:00 |
ヒトキュウマルマル。訓練がきついって?それは済まなかった。 | 1900. The practice was too hard, you say? I apologize. | |
20:00 |
フタマルマルマル。司令官、カレーは…ちょっとわからない。 | 2000. Commander, curry...isn't something I know. | Probably "I... am not good at (making) curry" would be a better way to read this... |
21:00 |
フタヒトマルマル。今夜はボルシチでどう?私のは美味い。 | 2100. How about borscht for tonight? My borscht is delicious. | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borscht
Again, in case you're wondering. |
22:00 |
フタフタマルマル。ボルシチ、皆も喜んでくれた。嬉しいな。 | 2200. Everyone liked the borscht. I'm glad. | |
23:00 |
フタサンマルマル。司令官、今日も一日、お疲れ様。 | 2300. Commander, thank you for today as well. |
Voiced by: Aya Suzaki
Illustrated by: Yadokari (やどかり)
- Hibiki means "echo", Верный means "faithful".
- Can speak in Russian. Ура!!! (night battle) (pronounced oo-ra [Ura]; essentially means 'Hoorah!')
- Occasionally says "до свидания" (do svidaniya) [Good Bye] at the menu screen.
- Road to the glorious Red Navy
- She was retired from service on February 20, 1953 and subsequently scrapped.