

Conditions for GS in expedition are splitted into 3 types:

Expedition Type GS Conditions Notes
Type I
"Sparkle type"
Ships must be "sparkled"
  • Each sparkled ship increases the great success chance by approximately 16%.
Type II
"Drum type"
  • 4+ ships are sparkled
  • The total number of   Drums  brought must be 135% the amount of the requirement (rounded down)
Exped Drums required Drums carriers Over Drum
21 3 4 6
24 1 0 4
37 3 5 7
38 4 10 14
40 1 0 4
44 3 8 11
E2 3 6? 9?
All "drum expeditions" follow this rule.
  • 24 and 40 also follow this rule, despite not being a drum expedition for some reason. They both require 4 drums to meet the 135% drum condition
Type III
"Level type"
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{GS}_\text{%} = 16 + 15 \times \text{N}_\text{Spark} + \sqrt{\text{Flag}_\text{Lv}} + \frac{\text{Flag}_\text{Lv}}{10} }[/math]
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{N}_\text{Spark} }[/math] the number of sparkled ships,
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \sqrt{\text{Flag}_\text{Lv}} }[/math] the level of the flagship.
Greatly depends on the flagship level, the GS rate is for example:
  • 47.4 % if flagship Lv = 180 & 0 ship sparkled,
  • 100 % if flagship Lv ≥ 128 & 4 ships are sparkled,
  • 100 % flagship Lv ≥ 33+ & 5 ships are sparkled,
  • 100 % flagship Lv ≤ 32- & all ships are sparkled (about the same condition as Type I)
World 1 World 2 World 3 World 7 World 4 World 5
1 9 17 41 25 33
2 10 18 42 26 34
3 11 19 43 27 35
4 12 20 44 28 36
5 13 21 45 29 37
6 14 22 46 30 38
7 15 23 31 39
8 16 24 32 40
A1 B1 D1 E1
A2 B2 D2 E2
A3 B3 D3
A4 B4
A5 B5
A6 B6

Success Conditions

Normal Success

Meeting the requirements for the expeditions as detailed below will normally result in a Normal Success (成功). Failing to meet the requirements will result in a Failure (失敗). Please check the fleets against the following checklist to ensure success.

  • Supply status: Fleets should be fully resupplied before being dispatched. Fleets without enough supplies to meet the expedition cost will fail.
  • Flagship level: The flagship must have a level greater or equal to the required flagship level of the expedition.
  • Fleet level: Certain expeditions also have a sum total of fleet level requirement that must be met.
  • Composition: Certain expeditions require certain ship types and/or certain numbers of ship girls to be dispatched.
  • Drum Canisters: Certain expeditions such as 21 require a certain number of Drum Canisters to be equipped by the fleet.
  • Stats: Certain expeditions such as A2 have certain sum total of fleet Stats requirements that must be met. Required stats can be firepower  , Torpedo  , ASW  , Line of Sight   or Anti-Air  .

Great Success

A Great Success (GS) (大成功) provides 50% more resources, twice the HQ experience, four times the ship girl experience, and the great success reward item (if applicable). In addition to meeting Normal Success conditions, great success requires either:

Ship girls with 50 or more morale.

  • Each sparkled ship girl increases the great success chance by approximately 16%.

Certain expeditions have an innate great success chance related to the flagship level.

  • Using a higher level flagship will increase the base great success chance of those expeditions.
  • The formula for determining the GS chance is as follows:
  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{GS%} = 16 + ( 15 \times \text{Nb}_\text{Sparkl} ) + (\sqrt{\text{Flag}_\text{Lv}} + \frac{\text{Flag}_\text{Lv}}{10}) }[/math]
    • The base GS rate is then:
      • 46 % with a Lv 175 flagship and no sparkled ship,
      • 100 % with a Lv 128 flagship with 4 sparkled ships,
      • 100 % with a Lv 33 flagship with 5 sparkled ships.
  • The expeditions affected by the "flagship level" rule are A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, B3, B4, B5, B6, 41, 43, 45, 46, 32, D1, D2, D3, & E1.

Drum Canisters
Expeditions that require drums have an innate chance of great success.

  • The chance is roughly 50%.
  • Even with 6 sparkled girls, these expeditions still have a chance to not have a GS. The minimum requirement to guarantee GS is to "over drum" the fleet and sparkle at least 4 girls.
  • The following are the "over drum" requirements:
Exped Drums required Drums carriers
21 4 3
24 4 1
37 5 3
38 10 4
40 4 1
44 8 3
E2 6? 3