Game Updates/2016/September 16th

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Revision as of 02:19, 8 September 2016 by ArashiTaigei (talk | contribs) (Added the info Marc told me to on Discord)
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2016 August 31 2016 September 16th TBA

September 16th, 2016 Brand New KanMusu Addition

  1. A new Special-Type Destroyer (Fubuki/Ayanami Class destroyer) will be available as a drop in the regular maps.
    • She is expected to appear in the later maps (Worlds 3-6).
    • A DD served along side Ayanami and was a part of the same Destroyer Division
    • Signs point to that the Special Type DD will be Fubuki-Class DD Uranami Fubuki-class destroyer Uranami