30.5cm Triple Gun Mount Kai

No.232 30.5cm三連装砲改
RedGunHeavy.png Large Caliber Main Gun (Sov 30.5 cm)
Effects: Firepower+17 AA+3 Armor+1 Accuracy+3 Evasion+1 RangeLong
Scrap value: Ammo 9 Steel 13 Bauxite 3 (Unbuildable)

Equipment Card 30.5cm Triple Gun Mount Kai.png

Equipment Character 30.5cm Triple Gun Mount Kai.png

Equipment Item 30.5cm Triple Gun Mount Kai.png

Equipment Full 30.5cm Triple Gun Mount Kai.png

Refittable Ship Types
Fast Battleship Battleship
Aviation Battleship Standard Aircraft Carrier
Armored Carrier Light Carrier
Heavy Cruiser Aviation Cruiser
Light Cruiser Torpedo Cruiser
Training Cruiser Destroyer
Coastal Defense Ship Submarine
Aircraft Carrying Submarine Seaplane Tender
Fleet Oiler Submarine Tender
Repair Ship Amphibious Assault Ship



A battleship main battery from a northern country.
As far as battleship main guns are concerned its scale was considered behind the times during the age of superdreadnoughts, but nevertheless it was mounted as triple-barrelled main battery on at the time modern dreadnoughts. This armament is an improved version of said gun that was modified for the modernised and remodelled battleship from the country up north.


How To Obtain

Updates History

  • 2017-05-02: Implemented
  • 2020-11-13: Became improvable

Akashi's Improvement Arsenal

Type Name Resource Day 2nd Ship Note
              Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
  30.5cm Triple Gun Mount Kai 0 20 300 390 0 7/8 4/4 2x  Gangut Uses 2x 35.6cm Twin Gun Mount for improvement up to ★+6
Uses 1x 46cm Triple Gun Mount for improvement past ★+6
6 9/10 5/6 1x 
10 -/- -/- -

See Also