Combat/Overweight Penalty and Fit Gun Bonus

This article is Overweight Penalty/Fit Gun Bonus
The article is already being adopted and currently under renovation.
Missing Information: Fit Gun table for BB, updated information and sources, quantified effects
Page Adopted By: Tsubakura
Please contact this person before making any major (non-grammar, typo correction, redesigning etc.) edits on this article.

Fit Bonus and Overweight Penalty

With the introduction of fit gun mechanics on July 28th 2014, ships now will receive fit bonus/penalties depending if the equipped gun fits for the class or if the gun is too heavy for the ship to use.

As fit bonuses are unaffected by morale or combined fleets, it becomes important that you utilize the fit bonuses as much as possible.

Fit mechanics does not apply to the abyssal fleet.[1]


Battleships receives accuracy bonuses if the guns are fit and accuracy penalties if its overweight.[2] How much bonus/penalty a ship receives, depends on the battleship class and the caliber of the gun.

Ship Class 40px40px 50px 50px 50px 40px40px 50px 50px 50px 50px
  L✔ L✔ M✔ S✘ M✘ M✘ L✘ S✘ N/A
  M✔ M✔ ?✔ N M✘ M✘ L✘ S✘ N/A
  M✔ M✔ S✔ S✔ M✘ M✘ L✘ S✘ N/A
  ?✔ ?✔ ?✔ N M✘ ?✘ ?✘ N N/A
  L✔ L✔ L✔ S✔ S✔ ?? L✘ N N/A
  M✔ M✔ ?✔ M✔ N S✘ M✘ S✘ N/A
  M✔ M✔ ?✔ M✔ N S✘ M✘ S✘ N/A
  M✔ M✔ ?✔ M✔ M✔ M✘ M✘ N N/A
  S✔ S✔ ?✔ S✔ S✔ S✘ S✘ N N
  N N N? N N N N N N
Note: The accuracy modifiers assumes 2 guns of the same type are equipped

L✔= +8 or more bonus
M✔= 3-8 bonus
S✔= 1-3 bonus
N= Neutral
S✘= 1-8 penalty
M✘= 8-12 penalty
L✘= 12+ penalty
Cells currently marked with a question mark are not confirmed yet, because of the lack of samples.

Heavy Cruisers

CA(V) equipped with either the 20.3cm Twin Gun Mount or the 20.3cm (No.3) Twin Gun Mount will receive an accuracy bonus during night battle. CA(V)s has no overweight mechanics.

Light Cruisers

Light Cruisers, Torpedo Cruisers and Training Cruisers all enjoy an accuracy and firepower bonus when equipped with fit guns.[3]


Light Cruisers, Training Cruisers, and Torpedo Cruisers enjoy firepower increase when using any of the following gun:[4]

It have been suggested that the increase in firepower might follow this relationship:[4]

  • Increase in Firepower = √(No. of Fit Single Gun Mount) + 2 × √(No. of Fit Twin Gun Mount)


So far, only limited amount of tests have been conducted to study light cruiser fit gun's effect on accuracy so all information in this section are in-comprehensive and they might be superseded by other, more up-to-date investigations when those information are available.

The accuracy fit bonus only applies if 2 or more fit guns are equipped at the same time. Equipping more than 2 fit guns does not increase the fit bonus.[5] Accuracy increase have been observed for the following guns when they are being equipped on CL[4]

Accuracy increase have been observed for the following guns when they are being equipped on CLT[6]

Accuracy increase have been observed for the following guns when they are being equipped on CT[7]

Other combinations have not been fully tested yet.

The possibility of accuracy bonus vary across different ship classes have not been ruled out yet.[6]

Third party Inspection on BB Fit Gun

Third party Inspection on CL Fit Gun
