Game Updates/2015/October 30th

< Game Updates
Revision as of 15:26, 30 October 2015 by Wsewolod (talk | contribs) (No such thing as "Shinden Kai Ni")

October 30th, 2015 Zuikaku Kai Ni and UI update

Halloween CG can be found here.

  1. Zuikaku now gets a second remodel
    • Second remodel at level 77.
    • Requires a blueprint and a catapult.
    • Some new voice lines for kai ni.
  2. Zuikaku Kai Ni can be remodeled into kai ni kou.
    • Converting into kai ni kou requires additional resources.
    • It is possible to convert back from kai ni kou into kai ni.
  3. Kai ni and kai ni kou have different colouring
  4. Ship slots have been increased
    • Maximum is now 270.
    • Maximum equipment slots have increased by 40.
  5. Organisation UI Update
    • You can now save fleet compositions.
    • You can find the new screen to save your compositions in the bottom left of the Organisation screen.
  6. To save a fleet, select the topmost tab in the bottom left and click the record (記録) button.
    • You can currently save only 3 fleets.
    • You can unlock up to 2 more save slots by using a dock key.
  7. To use a fleet you have saved, click on the uppermost tab in the bottom left and click the deploy (展開) button.
    • The equipment the girls have is whatever they are currently equipped with; equipment loadouts are not saved.
    • You can delete saved configurations
  8. Equipment UI update
    • It is now possible to drag and drop to swap equipment on ship girls.
  9. New fighter planes
  10. Around 12 new missions added
    • Organise the 3rd Aviation Squadron
    • Organise the Ozawa Fleet
    • Sortie the 3rd Aviation Squadron to the Southern Islands
    • Form the elite fighter squadron
    • Some quests will have a prerequisites.
  11. End of saury event
    • Leftover sauries will be deleted.
    • Isokaze's autumn CG will be saved in the shipdex.
    • Isokaze is no longer a drop.
  12. End of Autumn festival
    • All yukata and Oktoberfest CG will be removed and saved in the shipdex.
    • Autumn voice lines will be removed.
    • Autumn Saury CG will remain.
  13. Halloween begins
  14. Limited time drop for Libeccio
    • World 4-5 will have a chance to drop Libeccio.
  15. Misc
