
Revision as of 16:36, 1 February 2015 by >Arteria (Renovation notice)
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Unlocking Expeditions

You must complete Quest A4 (Have 1 light cruiser as your flagship, 6 ships total in your fleet) to unlock expedition mode. Usually, completing an expedition will unlock the next one in numerical order, but there are some expeditions which will also unlock others.

  • Clearing Expedition 5 unlocks Expedition 9.
  • Clearing Expedition 18 unlocks Expeditions 22, 25 and 33.
  • Clearing Expedition 20 unlocks Expedition 27.
  • Clearing Expedition 26 unlocks Expeditions 34 and 35.

Unlocking Expedition 30 and 31 for Quests D5 to D8: Clear 1-5, 9-20, 27-29

Unlocking Expeditions 37 to 39 for Quests D9, 11, 13, 14: Clear 1-5, 9-18, 25-26, 35-36

Unlocking Expedition 23 for Quests D10 and D12: Clear 1-5, 9-18, 22


  • You must meet the minimum flagship level, fleet size and combination requirement as specified in the conditions section in order to complete the expedition.
  • After meeting the fleet composition requirements, you may add ships as you please. This can be useful to meet flagship level or combined fleet level requirements.
  • Always resupply before embarking on an expedition otherwise you will likely fail.
  • You will not be able to use your main fleet for any expeditions. Only Fleets 2-4 can be used for expeditions.
  • If any ships have 50 or higher morale (i.e. they are sparkling), then it is possible to achieve great success, which grants 50% more resources, double the experience, and great success item reward if applicable. 
    Great Success
    • Chance of great success increases approximately 16% per sparkled ship, or 8% per sparkled ship when doing expeditions that require Drum Canisters.
    • Expeditions that require ships with Drum Canister equipped have a chance of great success without sparkling (50% chance with 0 sparkling ships).  This can be combined with sparkling a few ships to increase chances of great success.
    • Sufficiently high morale can persist for multiple expeditions; see the Morale/Fatigue for tips on how to sparkle effectively.
    • It can be useful to assign or prepare ships for expedition duties.  You can consider low consumption ships as mentioned below and/or ships you sparkle ahead of time to be ready for expedition duties.
  • For expeditions that give one type of item (Devkit/Bucket/etc), you have a 50% chance of getting it.
    • For ones that give two types of items, the item listed on the left of the game screen will have 50% chance. The item on the right will always be rewarded if you achieve great success, and low reward chance with normal success.
  • Equipping ships with a Daihatsu-class Landing Craft (comes with Akitsu Maru after large ship construction) adds a 5% resource gather bonus, which stacks as more boats are equipped (e.g. 2 equipped boats result in a 10% bonus) up to a maximum of 20% (4 utility boats).
    • This is calculated multiplicatively with the great success 50% bonus, so each utility boat gives a 7.5% increase when great success is achieved. 
  • Remodeled DDs (other than Hibiki/Верный) have the same fuel/ammo consumption as before remodel. Remodeling and modernizing your DDs makes getting high morale for them much easier.
  • Mutsuki class and Tenryuu class (unremodeled) have the lowest consumption for DD/CL.  They can save a lot of resources when used in highly draining expedtions that deplete most of your ammo.  Maruyu (unremodeled) is the lowest consumption ship in the game.  SS have the lowest fuel consumption and can be great for expeditions as well.
  • Expeditions will automatically complete if you enter the main screen with less than a minute remaining on the timer.
  • While the amount of Admiral EXP gained is significantly reduced to 30% upon failing an expedition, the amount of Ship EXP gained remains unaffected.

Reward Chart

An adaptation of this chart can be found on the Kancolle Collection Online Spreadsheet .

ID Name Time (h:mm)





Reward Consumption
Page 1: 鎮守府海域
1 練習航海 0:15 10 10 - 30 - - 3 -
2 長距離練習航海 0:30 20 15 - 100 30 - 0-1 5 -
3 警備任務 0:20 30 30 30 30 40 - 3 2
4 対潜警戒任務 0:50 30 40 - 60 - - 0-1 Small 0-1 5 -
5 海上護衛任務 1:30 40 40 200 200 20 20 5 -
6 防空射撃演習 0:40 30 50 - - - 80 Small 0-1 3 2
7 観艦式予行 1:00 60 120 - - 50 30 0-1 5 -
8 観艦式 3:00 120 140 50 100 50 50 0-2 0-1 5 2
Page 2: 南西諸島海域
9 タンカー護衛任務 4:00 60 60 350 - - - 0-2 Small 0-1 5 -
10 強行偵察任務 1:30 40 50 - 50 - 30 0-1 0-1 3 -
11 ボーキサイト輸送任務 5:00 40 40 - - - 250 0-1 Small 0-1 5 -
12 資源輸送任務 8:00 60 50 50 250 200 50 0-1 Medium 0-1 5 -
13 鼠輸送作戦 4:00 70 60 240 300 - - 0-2 Small 0-1 5 4
14 包囲陸戦隊撤収作戦 6:00 90 100 - 240 200 - 0-1 0-1 5 -
15 囮機動部隊支援作戦 12:00 100 160 - - 300 400 0-1 Large 0-1 5 4
16 艦隊決戦援護作戦 15:00 120 200 500 500 200 200 0-2 0-2 5 4
Page 3: 北方海域
17 敵地偵察作戦 0:45 30 40 70 70 50 - 3 4
18 航空機輸送作戦 5:00 60 60 - - 300 100 0-1 5 2
19 北号作戦 6:00 60 70 400 - 50 30 0-1 Small 0-1 5 4
20 潜水艦哨戒任務 2:00 40 50 - - 150 - 0-1 Small 0-1 5 4
21 北方鼠輸送作戦 2:20 45 55 320 270 - - Small 0-1 8 7
22 艦隊演習 3:00 45 400 - 10 - - 8 7
23 航空戦艦運用演習 4:00 70 420 - 20 - 100 8 8
Page 4: 西方海域
25 通商破壊作戦 40:00 80 180 900 - 500 - 5 8
26 敵母港空襲作戦 80:00 150 200 - - - 900 0-3 8 8
27 潜水艦通商破壊作戦 20:00 80 60 - - 800 - 0-1 Small 0-2 8 8
28 西方海域封鎖作戦 25:00 100 140 - - 900 350 0-2 Medium 0-2 8 8
29 潜水艦派遣演習 24:00 100 100 - - - 100 0-1 Small 0-1 9 4
30 潜水艦派遣作戦 48:00 100 150 - - - 100 1-3 9 7
31 海外艦との接触 2:00 50 50 - 30 - - Small 0-1 5 -
Page 5: 南方海域
33 前衛支援任務 0:15 Sortie Support Expedition 5 4 or 8
34 艦隊決戦支援任務 0:30 Sortie Support Expedition 5 4 or 8
35 MO作戦 7:00 100 100 - - 240 280 0-1 Small 0-2 8 8
36 水上機基地建設 9:00 100 100 480 - 200 200 0-1 Medium 0-2 8 8
37 東京急行 2:45 50 65 - 380 270 - Small 0-1 8 8
38 東京急行(弐) 2:55 100 70 420 - 200 - Small 0-1 8 8
39 遠洋潜水艦作戦 30:00 130 320 - - 300 - 0-2 Medium 0-1 9 9

Hourly Rate

ID Name Time (h:mm)



Ship EXP Reward Consumption
Page 1: 鎮守府海域
1 練習航海 0:15 40 40 - 120 - - 12 -
2 長距離練習航海 0:30 40 30 - 200 60 - 10 -
3 警備任務 0:20 90 90 90 90 120 - 9 6
4 対潜警戒任務 0:50 36 48 - 72 - - 6 -
5 海上護衛任務 1:30 26 26 133 133 13 13 3.33 -
6 防空射撃演習 0:40 45 75 - - - 120 4.5 3
7 観艦式予行 1:00 60 120 - - 50 30 5 -
8 観艦式 3:00 40 46 16 33 16 16 1.66 0.66
Page 2: 南西諸島海域
9 タンカー護衛任務 4:00 15 15 87 - - - 1.25 -
10 強行偵察任務 1:30 26 33 - 33 - 19 2 -
11 ボーキサイト輸送任務 5:00 8 8 - - - 50 1 -
12 資源輸送任務 8:00 7 6 6 31 25 6 0.62 -
13 鼠輸送作戦 4:00 17 15 60 75 - - 1.25 1
14 包囲陸戦隊撤収作戦 6:00 15 16 - 40 33 - 0.83 -
15 囮機動部隊支援作戦 12:00 8 13 - - 25 33 0.41 0.33
16 艦隊決戦援護作戦 15:00 8 13 33 33 13 13 0.33 0.26
Page 3: 北方海域
17 敵地偵察作戦 0:45 40 53 93 93 67 - 4 5.33
18 航空機輸送作戦 5:00 12 12 - - 60 20 1 0.4
19 北号作戦 6:00 10 11 67 - 8 5 0.83 0.66
20 潜水艦哨戒任務 2:00 20 25 - - 75 - 2.5 2
21 北方鼠輸送作戦 2:20 19 23 137 116 - - 3.43 3
22 艦隊演習 3:00 15 133 - 3 - - 2.66 2.33
23 航空戦艦運用演習 4:00 17 105 - 5 - 25 2 2
Page 4: 西方海域
25 通商破壊作戦 40:00 2 4 23 - 13 - 0.12 0.2
26 敵母港空襲作戦 80:00 2 2 - - - 11 0.1 0.1
27 潜水艦通商破壊作戦 20:00 4 3 - - 40 - 0.4 0.4
28 西方海域封鎖作戦 25:00 4 5 - - 36 14 0.32 0.32
29 潜水艦派遣演習 24:00 4 4 - - - 4 0.38 0.17
30 潜水艦派遣作戦 48:00 2 3 - - - 2 0.19 0.15
31 海外艦との接触 2:00 25 25 - 15 - - 2.5 -
Page 5: 南方海域
35 MO作戦 7:00 14 14 - - 34 40 1.14 1.14
36 水上機基地建設 9:00 11 11 53 - 22 22 0.89 0.89
37 東京急行 2:45 18 23 - 138 98 - 2.91 2.91
38 東京急行(弐) 2:55 34 24 144 - 69 - 2.7 2.7
39 遠洋潜水艦作戦 30:00 4 11 - - 10 - 0,3 0,3


  • You can use light carrier (CVL), seaplane tender (AV) instead of standard carrier (CV) for carrier expeditions. However, if the requirement stated that it's needed specific type of carrier, such as CVL or AV, the other type won't count.
  • You can use Aviation SS (SSV) for submarine (SS) expeditions, unless stated otherwise below.
  • Aviation CA (remodeled Mogami-class and Tone-class) will NOT be counted as CA for requirement.
  • Torpedo CL (remodeled Ooi, Kitakami and Kiso) will NOT be counted as CL for requirement.
  • Aviation BB (remodeled Ise-class and Fusou-class) will NOT be counted as BB for requirement. Likewise, normal BB class (Kongou-class, Nagato-class, Bismarck-class and Yamato-class) cannot finish an expedition that requires BBV (Aviation BB).
  • To obtain Drum Canister you've to clear quest F11 and F12 or craft equipment.
  • Please see the Glossary for additional information on letter abbreviations.
ID Time (h:mm) Difficulty Minimum Requirements
Flagship Level Possible Compositions
Page 1: 鎮守府海域
1 0:15 E
Lv 1
At least 2 ships
「CLx1 DDx1」「DDx2」「CLx2」 「DDx1 SSx1」
2 0:30 E
Lv 2
At least 4 ships
「CLx1 DDx3」 「CLx2 DDx2」 「CLx3 DDx1」 「CLx4」「DDx4」「DDx2 SSx2」

「DDx1 SSx3」「SSx4」

3 0:20 D
Lv 3
At least 3 ships
「CLx1 DDx2」「CLx2 DDx1」「DDx3」「DDx2 SSx1」「DDx1 SSx2」「SSx3」
4 0:50 D
Lv 3
At least 3 ships including 1 CL and 2 DD
「CLx1 DDx2」
5 1:30 C
Lv 3
At least 4 ships including 1 CL and 2 DD
「CLx1 DDx3」「CLx2 DDx2」「CAx1 CLx1 DDx2」「SSx1 CLx1 DDx2」
6 0:40 C
Lv 4
At least 4 ships
「CLx1 DDx3」「CLx2 DDx2」「DDx4」「CAx1 CLx1 DDx2」「DDx1 SSx3」
7 1:00 C
Lv 5
All 6 ships
「CLx1 DDx5」「CLx2 DDx4」「CLx3 DDx3」「CLx4 DDx2」「DDx6」
8 3:00 B
Lv 6
All 6 ships
「CLx1 DDx5」「CLx3 DDx3」「CLx2 DDx4」「CAx1 CLx5」「DDx6」
Page 2: 南西諸島海域
9 4:00 C
Lv 3
At least 4 ships including 1 CL and 2 DD
「CLx1 DDx3」「CLx2 DDx2」「CAx1 CLx1 DDx2」
10 1:30 C
Lv 3
At least 3 ships including 2 CL
「CLx2 DDx1」
11 5:00 B
Lv 6
At least 4 ships including 2 DD
「CLx1 DDx3」「CLx2 DDx2」「DDx4」
12 8:00 B
Lv 4
At least 4 ships including 2 DD
「CLx1 DDx3」「CLx2 DDx2」「SSx1 DDx3」「SSx2 DDx2」「DDx4」
13 4:00 A
Lv 5
All 6 ships including 1 CL and 4 DD
「CLx1 DDx5」「CLx2 DDx4」「CLx1 DDx4 SSx1」
14 6:00 A
Lv 6
All 6 ships including 1 CL and 3 DD
「CLx1 DDx5」「CLx2 DDx4」「CLx3 DDx3」「CL(T)x2 CLx1 DDx3」「CLx1 DDx3 SSx2」
15 12:00 S
Lv 8
All 6 ships including 2 CVL and 2 DD
「CVLx2 DDx4」「CVLx2 CLx2 DDx2」「CVLx2 CLx1 CAx1 DDx2」
16 15:00 S
Lv 10
All 6 ships including 1 CL and 2 DD
「CLx1 DDx5」「CLx2 DDx4」「CAx1 CLx3 DDx2」「CAx2 CLx2 DDx2」「CLx2 DDx2 CVLx2」
Page 3: 北方海域
17 0:45 A
Lv 20
All 6 ships including 1 CL and 3 DD
「CLx1 DDx5」「CLx2 DDx4」「CAx1 CLx1 DDx4」「CLx1 DDx3 SSx2」
18 5:00 S
Lv 15
All 6 ships including 3 CV and 2 DD
「CVLx2 CVx1 CLx1 DDx2」「AVx2 CVLx1 CAx1 DDx2」「CVLx3 DDx3」
19 6:00 S
Lv 20
All 6 ships needed including 2 BBV and 2 DD
「BBVx2 CLx1 DDx3」「BBVx2 CLx2 DDx2」「BBVx4 DDx2」「BBVx2 DDx4」
20 2:00 S
Lv 1
At least 2 ships including 1 SS and 1 CL
「CLx1 SSx1」「CLx1 SSVx1」
21 2:20 S
Lv 15
At least 5 ships including 1 CL and 4 DD with at least 3 ships equipped with a Drum Canister
「CLx1 DDx4」「CLx1 DDx5」「CLx1 SSx1 DDx4」「CLx1 SSVx1 DDx4」「CLx1 AVx1 DDx4」
Ships minimum combined level must be 30 or higher.
22 3:00 S
Lv 30
All 6 ships including 1 CA, 1 CL and 2 DD
「CAx1 CLx1 DDx4」「CAx1 CLx1 DDx2 SSx2」「CAx1 CLx1 DDx2 AVx1 SSx1」
Ships minimum combined level must be 45 or higher.
23 4:00


Lv 50

All 6 ships including 2 BBV and 2 DD
「BBVx2 DDx4]
Ships minimum combined level must be 200 or higher.

Page 4: 西方海域
25 40:00 S
Lv 25
At least 4 ships including 2 CA and 2 DD
「CAx2 CLx1 CVLx1 DDx2」「CAx2 DDx2」
26 80:00 S
Lv 30
At least 4 ships including 1 CV, 1 CL and 2 DD
「CVx1 CLx1 DDx2」「CVx2 CLx2 DDx2」「CVx1 CLx1 DDx3」「CVx1 CVLx1 CLx2 DDx2」
27 20:00 S
Lv 1
At least 2 SS
「SSx2」「SSx1 SSVx1」
28 25:00 S
Lv 30

At least 3 SS
「SSx3」「SSx2 SSVx1」

29 24:00 S
Lv 50
At least 3 SS
「SSx3」「SSx2 SSVx1」「SSx1 SSVx2」
30 48:00 S
Lv 55
At least 4 SS
「SSx4」「SSx3 SSVx1」「SSx2 SSVx2」「SSx1 SSVx3」
31 2:00 S
Lv 60
At least 4 SS
「SSx4」「SSx3 SSVx1」「SSx2 SSVx2」「SSx1 SSVx3」
Ships minimum combined level must be 200 or higher.
Page 5: 南方海域
35 7:00 S
Lv 40
All 6 ships including 2 CV, 1 CA and 1 DD
「CVLx2 CAx1 DDx3」「CVx2 CAx1 DDx3」
36 9:00 S
Lv 30
All 6 ships including 2 AV, 1 CL and 1 DD
「AVx2 CLx1 DDx3」「AVx2 CLx1 DDx2 SSx1」
37 2:45 S
Lv 50
All 6 ships including 1 CL, 5 DD with at least 4 ships equipped with Drum Canister
At least 4 drum canisters in total is required.
Ships minimum combined level must be 200 or higher.
38 2:55 S
Lv 65
All 6 ships including 5 DD with at least 4 ships equipped with Drum Canister
At least 8 drum canisters in total is required. (Around 2 per ship is recommended)
Ships minimum combined level must be 240 or higher.
39 30:00 S
Lv 3

At least 5 ships including 1 AS and 4 SS
Ships minimum combined level must be 180 or higher.

Theoretical Hourly Net Earnings

Best possible income using ships with the lowest resource consumption possible.

Outstanding Above Average Average Terrible
ID Expedition Time Required Ships Rewards Item Drops
Flagship Lv. #Ships Composition ADMIRAL EXP       Template:Buax        
Page 1: 鎮守府海域
1 練習航海 0:15 1 2 Any 40 -32 120
2 長距離練習航海 0:30 2 4 Any 40 -56 200 60 0-1
3 警備任務 0:20 3 3 Any 90 54 63 120
4 対潜警戒任務 0:50 3 3 1CL 2DD 36 -31.2 72 0-1 Small 0-1
5 海上護衛任務 1:30 3 4 1CL 2DD 27 111 133 13 13
6 防空射撃演習 0:40 4 4 Any 45 -24 -18 120 Small 0-1
7 観艦式予行 1:00 5 6 Any 60 -42 50 30 0-1
8 観艦式 3:00 6 6 Any 40 2.67 27.33 17 17 0-2 0-1
Page 2: 南西諸島海域
9 タンカー護衛任務 4:00 3 4 1CL 2DD 15 79 0-2 Small 0-1
10 強行偵察任務 1:30 3 3 2CL 27 -12 33 20 0-1 0-1
11 ボーキサイト輸送任務 5:00 6 4 2DD 8 -6 50 0-1 Small 0-1
12 資源輸送任務 8:00 4 4 2DD 7.5 2.75 31 25 6.25 0-1 Medium 0-1
13 鼠輸送作戦 4:00 5 6 1CL 4DD 18 48.25 65.5 0-2 Small 0-1
14 包囲陸戦隊撤収作戦 6:00 6 6 1CL 3DD 15 -7.83 40 33 0-1 0-1
15 囮機動部隊支援作戦 12:00 8 6 2CV 2DD 8.3 -5.17 -4 25 33 0-1 Large 0-1
16 艦隊決戦援護作戦 15:00 10 6 1CL 2DD 8 30.2 30.8 13 13 0-2 0-2
Page 3: 北方海域
17 敵地偵察作戦 0:45 20 6 1CL 3DD 40 57.33 42.67 67
18 航空機輸送作戦 5:00 15 6 3CV 2DD 12 -14 -6.6 60 20 0-1
19 北号作戦 6:00 20 6 2BBV 2DD 10 46 -19 8.33 5 0-1 Small 0-1
20 潜水艦哨戒任務 2:00 1 2 1SS(V) 1CL 20 -8.5 -9 75 0-1 Small 0-1
21 北方鼠輸送作戦 2:20 15
(30 sum)
5 1CL 4DD
3 Drums min.
19.29 108 92.57 Small 0-1
22 艦隊演習 3:00 30
(45 sum)
6 1CA 1CL 2DD 15 3.33
23 航空戦艦運用演習 4:00 50
(200 sum)
6 2BBV 2DD 17.5 5 25
Page 4: 西方海域
25 通商破壊作戦 40:00 25 4 2CA 2DD 2 16.15 -3.4 7.5
26 敵母港空襲作戦 80:00 30 4 1CV 1CL 2DD 1.9 -0.9 -1 11 0-3
27 潜水艦通商破壊作戦 20:00 1 2 2SS(V) 4 -0.8 -1.6 40 0-1 Small 0-2
28 西方海域封鎖作戦 25:00 30 3 3SS(V) 4 -0.96 -1.92 36 14 0-2 Medium 0-2
29 潜水艦派遣演習 24:00 50 3 3SS(V) 4.16 -1.50 -1.33 4.16 0-1 Small 0-1
30 潜水艦派遣作戦 48:00 55 4 4SS(V) 2.08 -0.75 -1.17 2.08 0-3
Page 5: 南方海域
35 MO作戦 7:00 40 6 2CV(L) 1CA 1DD
14.2 -18 -22 34 40 0-1 Small 0-2
36 水上機基地建設 9:00 30 6 2AV 1CL 1DD 11.11 40.4 -14 22 22 0-1 Medium 0-2
37 東京急行 2:45 50
(≥200 sum)
6 1CL 5DD
4 Drums min.
18.18 -29 111 98.18 Small 0-1
38 東京急行(弐) 2:55 65
(≥240 sum)
6 5DD
8 Drums min.
34.28 119.31 -24.69 68.57 Small 0-1
39 遠洋潜水艦作戦 30:00 3
(≥180 sum)
5 1AS 4SS 10,66 -2.25 -2.70 10 - 0-2 Medium 0-1

Support Expeditions

Support expeditions involve sending a fleet into an expedition, which will then provide additional bombardment during the first phase. For the November 2013 event and Spring 2014, there were two support expeditions (109/117 and 110/118), and for more veteran admirals, expeditions 33 and 34. You will need to successfully finish expedition 18 to unlock expedition 33, and expedition 26 to unlock expedition 34. Currently, expeditions 33 and 34 work only in world 5.

Note that support expeditions do not work for night battle nodes!

There are two major differences between 109/33/117/125 and 110/34/118/126:

  • 109/33/117/125 is for support at the standard nodes with roughly 50% chance to trigger, it can trigger on every node you go through (except the boss) even if it already triggered once. Sparkling slightly raises the chances of it triggering (~5% per ship?)
  • 110/34/118/126 is for support at the boss node with ~80% chance to trigger, appears to be 100% if the flagship is sparkled.

To start a support expedition, you will need to bring a minimum of two DDs (Destroyers) with the other 4 slots comprised of whatever you like, however the composition will affect what type of firepower support is provided.

1. Aerial Support
Sends a number of planes to carry out bombardment and torpedo attacks.
  • Condition: 3 or more CV, CVL or seaplane tenders.
  • Resources: Bauxite and 4 units of Ammunition
  • Damage is spread out, and likely to hit the flagship (good for events)
  • Low cost since the only bauxite needed is for planes which were shot down by enemy AA.
  • Spread out damage is unlikely to sink any particular ship.
  • Planes sent are affected by enemy AA, so will be less effective against high AA enemy fleets.
2. Long distance Torpedo Attack
High miss chance and low damage. Currently, no practical use (stated in wikiwiki). Damage is lower than even normal torpedo attacks.
  • Condition: At least 4CL, CLT or DD. And has total Torpedo stats above 250.
  • Resources: 4 units of Ammunition
3. Support Shelling
If none of the aforementioned conditions are met, support fleet will use their main guns to shell the enemies. Damage depends on Artillery stats. CVs and CVL are counted slightly differently, and use the following formula to calculate their firepower. (Referenced from wikiwiki)
55 + (1.5 × artillery) + (1.5 × torpedo) x slots + (2.0 × divebomb) x slots
e.g. Kaga Kai with 4 slots of Suisei 12A Divebombers:
55 + (1.5 x 49) + (1.5 x 0) x 4 + (2.0 x 10) x 4 = 208, i.e. Kaga will effectively have 208 firepower.
Hence it is advisable to go 2DD 2CV 2BB for the strongest firepower (any more CVs/CVLs will change it to aerial support). CVLs have great cost-performance ratio here (no. of planes don't count, only slots).
  • Condition: Not meeting any of the two conditions above.
  • Resources: 8 units of Ammunition
  • High damage if hit, and likely to sink an enemy ship or badly damage it.
  • High cost, even if the support wasn't activated during sortie.

Support expeditions will end if either of these two conditions are fulfilled:

  1. You finish a sortie.
  2. The timer runs out.

Please make sure you run the sortie you wish to do the moment you start the expedition!

Additional information can be found here: Wikiwiki Link for support fleet