Type 1 Land-based Attack Aircraft Model 34



陸上航空基地より発進、敵艦船への対艦攻撃及び敵飛行場等への対地攻撃などを行った海軍の主力陸上攻撃機「一式陸攻」のさらなる性能向上型です。 尾翼形状などを再設計改修、また脆弱性の原因となっていた燃料タンク問題改善にも着手した改良後期型の一式陸攻です。

An improved version of the Navy's premier ground attack plane "Type 1 Land Attacker"; launched from land-based air bases for anti-ship operations against enemy vessels and air-raids against enemy airfields. This is a late remodel of the Type 1 Land Attacker that has undergone changes to the shape of the tail and a redesign to fix the vulnerability of the fuel tank.


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