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'''October 25th, 2019''' ''The Naval District Saury and Sardine Festival Mini-Event''
'''October 25th, 2019''' ''The Naval District Saury and Sardine Festival Mini-Event''
# '''Yuugumo-class destroyer Asashimo Kai Ni'''
#* Required both a Blueprint and an Action Report.
#* Just like the entire Yuugumo-class Kai Ni she receives additional stats for equipping [[12.7cm Twin Mount Type-D Kai 2]] and [[61cm Quad (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model]]
#* She also received new Home Port, Sortie and Minor Damage voicelines.
#* Together with her Kai form, Asashimo Kai Ni has received hourly voicelines.
# '''Saury and Sardine Festival'''
#* Sortie to the heart of World 1 and World 3 and crush the enemy fleets endangering saury fishing grounds.
#* However, this year's saury catch was extraordinarily low. Do not fret though, as sardines catch has been very good!
#** Sortieing to areas relatively close to the base, especially World 1, in order to protect the fishing grounds will reward you with sardines.
#* As always prepare adequate equipment to support the saury fishing grounds.
#** Something to illuminate the ocean.
#** Something search for the fish under the surface.
#** Airplanes for scouting and spotting.
#* In case of sardines:
#** Something search for the fish under the surface.
#** Relatively slow airplanes for scouting and rope fishing.
#** Multiple Kaiboukans will also improve your chances at supporting this year's catch!
#* Fish responsibly.
#** Focusing one area for too long will cause overfishing effects.
#** Avoid "explosion fishing" that destroy marine life.
#** Consider taking a break to let the fish repopulate.
#* Caught saury can be prepared in three styles:
#** Sashimi - rewards resources
#** Salt-broiled - rewards materials
#** Kabayaki - rewards Combat Rations
#* Similarly sardines can be prepared in three ways:
#** Sashimi - basic!
#** Dumplings - delicious!
#** Sushi - that's the thing!
#* For the duration of the festival special Shipgirls can be encountered in the fishing areas!
#** Each and every Etorofu, Shimushu and Hiburi-class Kaiboukan!
#** Asashimo and Isokaze destroyers!
# '''Shipgirl changes'''
#* Sendai-class Kai Ni, Yura Kai Ni, Kinu Kai Ni, Choukai Kai Ni and Hatsuharu Kai Ni have had their Firepower increased.
#* Fujinami Kai has had her Anti-aircraft increased.
#* Ushio Kai Ni and Isuzu Kai Ni have had her Firepower and Anti-aircraft increased.
#* Shigure Kai Ni has had her Firepower and maximum ASW increased.
#* Autumn Taste, Autumn/Winter Casual, Operation F, Saury and Octoberfest mode CGs have been implemented.
#* Autumn Taste, Saury, Sardine and Halloween voicelines have been implemented.
#* Shiratsuyu-class destroyer Yuudachi has received a Halloween seasonal CG, woof! I mean, poi!
# '''Quest changes'''
#* New time limited quests:
#** 秋刀魚漁:今年は不漁?でも…上々ね! - Saury Fishing: This year's catch is bad? But... Let's do our best, ok?
#** 秋刀魚漁:今年は気分が高揚します! - Saury Fishing: This year feels amazing!
#*** These, among items and equipment can also award "Type 19 Big Catch Flag".
#** 【特別任務】大丈夫、鰯があるじゃない! - [Special Mission] Don't worry, sardines are still there!
#** 【特別任務】今年は鰯が豊漁なのです! - [Special Mission] This year's sardine catch is pretty good!
# '''BGM changes'''
#* New musical pieces for the Jukebox
#** 「鎮守府秋刀魚祭り改三」- Chinjufu Saury Festival Kai 3
#**「艦娘音頭」- Kanmusu Ondo
# '''Furniture shop updates'''
#* The counter bar has received Saury and Sardine mode.
#* New and returning furniture:
#** 鎮守府秋刀魚祭り
#** 秋刀魚祭りの壁
#** 秋刀魚祭りの床板
#** 鹿のオブジェ
#** 花飾りのステンドグラス
#** 小さな観葉植物
#** 戦艦映画ポスター
#** 月夜海の蓄音機
#** 秋刀魚の食卓
#** 提督の作る食卓
#** 「赤城」模型と桐箪笥
#** 航空母艦ステンドグラス
#** 晩秋の高級和窓
#** 一九式大漁旗 ※鎮守府秋刀魚&鰯祭り
