Pages Created
Analysis Pages
- Calculating Confidence Intervals for Underlying Probabilities - Calculate the underlying probability (range) with confidence intervals from just number of attempts and successes. Includes a MATLAB script for easy use.
Proposed Projects & Experiments
Here are some projects and experiments which I intend to undertake, although I definitely will generate more ideas than I have time to try to fulfil. Hence, anyone is welcome to take up these if they'd like to. If you need more details, cautions, things to look out for when experimenting, etc, just drop me a message on my wall.
- KC Stats Toolbox - This will be a collection of useful formulas and programs (or source codes / scripts) for various calculations, like the Calculation of Underlying Probability, etc.
- Shorthand Logging - In order to aid experimentation, a comprehensive but fast shorthand method needs to be developed to log the details of the battle, similar to chess, where just following the log allows one to see the entire battle play out in exact detail with no loss of information (or very little). This will greatly aid collection of statistics since the same set of data may be usable in multiple experiments/analysis where suitable.
- Analysis: Expected Number of Attempts for Crafting - A page explaining how to calculate the number of attempts one should expect to take when trying to craft a certain item. This will help people prepare a decent amount of resources. Most useful when evaluating if one should craft equipment during the event to help, or save the resources for more runs instead.
- Analysis: Hypothesis Testing - A page with details on hypothesis testing in the Kancolle context. Will be a useful reference. Mostly used to verify claims and formulas. Might be needed to verify old formulas now and then (especially when the devs hint at some modification of the game mechanics).
- Overload Theory - Putting heavy guns on light ships, while not impossible, causes an accuracy penalty to those ships. We need to know how much, and what type of guns work best for each ship type (e.g. 46cm on Kongou classes are a nono) (there has been other experimental data, but this needs to be done more thoroughly, including the analysis)
- Accuracy for Support Expeditions - You've probably seen people doing it, and may have received advice for putting radars on support expeditions to increase their hit rate. This needs to be verified.
Some info about my account
- Started on 27/12/2013
- Level 99
- Highest level ship: Lv94 (Kongou)
- Married: none yet