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==Voice Lines==
| 自己紹介=初めまして。利根型2番艦、筑摩と申します。
| EN1=Pleased to meet you. 2nd of the Tone-class, Chikuma.
| Note1=
|scenario = Introduction
| Library=筑摩です。連装主砲4基を前甲板に集中させ、充実した索敵水偵を搭載した利根型重巡洋艦2番艦です。生まれは長崎よ。利根姉さんと一緒に、あの南雲機動部隊の、大切な眼の役目を務めたの。
|origin = はじめまして、利根型二番艦、筑摩と申します。
| EN0=I'm Chikuma.  Carrying 4 twin cannons on the foredeck, and with substantial reconnaissance capability, I am the 2nd of the Tone-class heavy cruisers.  Together with Tone nee-san, I acted as the important eyes of the Nagumo task force.
|translation = Nice to meet you, I'm the 2nd ship of the Tone-class, Chikuma.
| Note0=
|audio = Chikuma-Introduction.ogg
| 秘書クリック会話①=利根姉さん?あ…なんだ、提督でしたか。
| EN2=Tone nee-san? Oh, it's just you Admiral.
| Note2=(Refers to Tone as 'Tone nee-san' (Older sister Tone) all the time)
| 秘書クリック会話②=お呼びでしょうか?
| EN3=Did you call for me?
| Note3=
| 秘書クリック会話③=もう、利根姉さんったらあんまりくっつかないでください。って、あれ?提督?
| EN4=Really, Tone nee-san, please don't come that close. Oh, wait? Admiral?
| Note4=
| 秘書放置時=あのぉそろそろ作戦とかぁ・・・あっお忙しそうですね・・・あぁ・・・
| EN4a=Well… It is about time to lay out an operation… Oh you seem busy… Ah…
| Note4a=
| 戦績表示時=提督へのお手紙ですよ
| EN5=A letter for the Admiral.
| Note5=
| 編成選択時=筑摩、準備万端!出撃します!
| EN6=Chikuma, all preperations complete! Heading out!
| Note6=
| 装備時①=私だけ大事にされては、姉さんに怒られてしまいます…
| EN7=To take care of just me... Nee-san will get mad, you know?
| Note7=
| 装備時②=嬉しい♪利根姉さんに報告しないと。
| EN8=I'm so happy♪ I must report this to Tone nee-san.
| Note8=
| 装備時③=やりました!
| EN9=I did it!
| Note9=
| 補給時=私だけ大事にされては…姉さんに怒られてしまいます。
| EN24=To take care of just me... Nee-san will get mad, you know?
Oh… I'm happy. Thank you so much.
| Note24=
| EN10=Keep it a secret. I'm just going to take a quick break.
| Note10=
| EN11=My clothes and catapult are all spoilt... I'll go and repair it a little, yes?
| Note11=
| 建造時=新しい艦が完成したみたいです
| EN12=It appears that the new ship's construction has been completed.
| Note12=
| 艦隊帰投時=作戦完了のご報告です。
| EN13=I have a report that the operation is complete.
| Note13=
| 出撃時=水偵たちも大丈夫ね。はい、出撃です!
| EN14=Is reconnaissance okay? Alright, heading out!
| Note14=
| 戦闘開始時=右舷、砲雷撃戦、始めます!
| EN15=Starboard, battle commencing!
| Note15=
| 航空戦開始時=
| EN15a=
| Note15a=
| 攻撃時=姉さんも頑張ってるかなぁ…撃ちます!
| EN16=Nee-san is also doing her best, huh... Attack!
| Note16=
| 夜戦開始時=突撃します!利根姉さん、見てて…!
| EN17=Charge! Tone nee-san, please watch!
| Note17=
| 夜戦攻撃時=水偵の皆、着弾観測、よろしくねっ
| EN18=Recon teams, do your best observing my batteries~
| Note18=
| MVP時=私が強い理由?守りたいひとがいるからよ。ふふっ。
| EN19=Why am I so strong? There's a person that I want to protect. *giggle*
| Note19=
| EN20=Ahn!
| Note20=
| EN21=Ow! The main cannon!? No, I can still fire!
| Note21=
| EN22=Ohh... I can't let nee-san see my in such a unsightly shape...
| Note22=
| 撃沈時(反転)=姉さんは…無事ね…?よかった…なら…いいの…
| EN23=Is nee-san.... okay? She is..? That's great...
| Note23=|Wedding = 提督、こんなところに呼び出すなんて…私…心に決めた姉さんが…えっ?編制の話?あらやだ…私ったらっ<>
|EN26 = Admiral, calling me out to this place... I... my heart is set on my oneesan... Eh? It's about formations? Oh my... Even me...
|Married = 提督・・・ありがとうございます 利根姉さんみたい ふふっ
|EN25= Admiral… I appreciate your kindness. You resemble my sister, Tone. Fufu…
|ドック入り(小破以下) = 内緒で、少し休ませてくださいね。
|ドック入り(中破以上) = お洋服もカタパルトも台無し…少し、ちゃんと直してきますね。
|小破① = きゃんっ
|小破② = いたっ…主砲は?うん、まだ撃てる!
|中破 = うぅ…こんな無様な姿、姉さんには見せられません。
|Clip1 = {{Audio|file=Chikuma-Introduction.ogg}}
|Clip0 = {{Audio|file=Chikuma-Library.ogg}}
|Clip2 = {{Audio|file=Chikuma-Secretary_1.ogg}}
|Clip3 = {{Audio|file=Chikuma-Secretary_2.ogg}}
|Clip4a = {{Audio|file=Chikuma-Idle.ogg}}
|Clip25 = {{Audio|file=Chikuma-Wedding_Line.ogg}}
|Clip26 = {{Audio|file=Chikuma-Wedding.ogg}}
|Clip5 = {{Audio|file=Chikuma-Looking_At_Scores.ogg}}
|Clip7 = {{Audio|file=Chikuma-Equipment_1.ogg}}
|Clip8 = {{Audio|file=Chikuma-Equipment_2.ogg}}
|Clip9 = {{Audio|file=Chikuma-Equipment_3.ogg}}
|Clip24 = {{Audio|file=Chikuma-Supply.ogg}}
|Clip10 = {{Audio|file=Chikuma-Docking_Minor.ogg}}
|Clip11 = {{Audio|file=Chikuma-Docking_Major.ogg}}
|Clip14 = {{Audio|file=Chikuma-Starting_A_Sortie.ogg}}
|Clip15 = {{Audio|file=Chikuma-Battle_Start.ogg}}
|Clip16 = {{Audio|file=Chikuma-Attack.ogg}}
|Clip17 = {{Audio|file=Chikuma-Night_Battle.ogg}}
|Clip18 = {{Audio|file=Chikuma-Night_Attack.ogg}}
|Clip19 = {{Audio|file=Chikuma-MVP.ogg}}
|Clip20 = {{Audio|file=Chikuma-Minor_Damage_1.ogg}}
|Clip21 = {{Audio|file=Chikuma-Minor_Damage_2.ogg}}
|Clip22 = {{Audio|file=Chikuma-Major_Damage.ogg}}
|Clip23 = {{Audio|file=Chikuma-Sunk.ogg}}
|Clip4 = {{Audio|file=Chikuma-Secretary_3.ogg}}
|Clip6 = {{Audio|file=Chikuma-Joining_A_Fleet.ogg}}
|Clip12 = {{Audio|file=Chikuma-Construction.ogg}}
|Clip13 = {{Audio|file=Chikuma-Returning_From_Sortie.ogg}}
|scenario = Introduction
|kai2 = yes
|origin = 利根型二番艦、航空巡洋艦の、筑摩です。姉さんと一緒に頑張りますね。
|translation = I'm the 2nd ship of the Tone-class, the aviation cruiser, Chikuma. I'll work hard together with my sister.
|audio = ChikumaKaiNi-Introduction.mp3
|scenario = Library
|origin = 筑摩です。
|translation = I'm Chikuma.
With 4 twin main guns concentrated on the front deck and loaded with reconnaissance seaplanes to round it off, I'm the 2nd ship of the Tone-class heavy cruisers.
I was born in Nagasaki. I served as the indispensible eyes of the Nagumo Task Force alongside my sister Tone.
|audio = Chikuma-Library.ogg
|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = 利根姉さん?あぁ…なんだ、提督でしたか。
|translation = Tone-neesan? Ah... oh, it's just you, Admiral.
|audio = Chikuma-Secretary_1.ogg
|scenario = Secretary 1
|kai2 = yes
|origin = 利根姉さん?あ、また提督でしたか。何か御用でしょうか?ふふっ♪
|translation = Tone-neesan? Ah, it's you again, Admiral. Is there something I can help you with? Fufu~
|audio = ChikumaKaiNi-Secretary 1.mp3
|scenario = Secretary 2
|origin = お呼びでしょうか?
|translation = Did you call me?
|audio = Chikuma-Secretary_2.ogg
|scenario = Secretary 3
|origin = もぉ、利根姉さんったら、あんまりくっつかないで下さい…って、あれ、提督?
|translation = Jeez, don't stick so close to me Tone-neesan... Eh, huh, Admiral?
|audio = Chikuma-Secretary_3.ogg
|scenario = Secretary Idle
|kai = yes
|origin = あのぉ、そろそろ作戦とかぁ…、あっ、お忙しそうですね…、あぁ…
|translation = Ummm, it's almost time for operations... Ah, you're busy huh... Ah...
|audio = Chikuma-Idle.ogg
|scenario = Secretary (Married)
|kai2 = yes
|origin = 提督、ありがとうございます。利根姉さんみたい…うふふっ
|translation = Thank you very much, Admiral. You're just like Tone-neesan... Ufufu~
|audio = ChikumaKaiNi-Wedding Line.mp3
|scenario = Wedding
|origin = 提督、こんなところに呼び出すなんて…私…心に決めた姉さんが…えっ?編制の話?あらやだ…私ったらっ
|translation = To call me to a place like this, Admiral... The nee-san... that I have in my heart is... she will... Eh? You just want to discuss organisation? Oh my... silly me...
|audio = Chikuma-Wedding.ogg
|scenario = Player's Score
|origin = 提督へのお手紙ですよ。
|translation = It's a letter addressed to you, Admiral.
|audio = Chikuma-Looking_At_Scores.ogg
|scenario = Player's Score
|kai2 = yes
|origin = 提督、情報を確かめるのですね。はい、報告書です。
|translation = You want to review the intelligence right, Admiral. Yes, here's the report.
|audio = ChikumaKaiNi-Looking At Scores.mp3
|scenario = Joining the Fleet
|origin = 筑摩、準備万端、出撃します。
|translation = Chikuma all ready, sortieing.
|audio = Chikuma-Joining_A_Fleet.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 1
|origin = 私だけ大事にされては…姉さんに怒られてしまいます。<ref>Shared with Supply before Kai Ni.</ref>
|translation = Nee-san will get angry... if you only dote on me.
|audio = Chikuma-Equipment_1.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 2
|origin = 嬉しい♪利根姉さんに報告しないと。
|translation = I'm happy♪ I have to tell Tone-neesan about this.
|audio = Chikuma-Equipment_2.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 3
|origin = やりました!<ref>Shared with Secretary Married before Kai Ni.</ref>
|translation = I did it!
|audio = Chikuma-Equipment_3.ogg
|scenario = Supply
|kai2 = yes
|origin = あら、嬉しい。ありがとうございます。
|translation = Oh, I'm happy. Thank you very much.
|audio = ChikumaKaiNi-Supply.mp3
|scenario = Docking (Minor Damage)
|origin = 内緒で、少し休ませてくださいね。
|translation = I'm going to rest a while, keep it a secret alright.
|audio = Chikuma-Docking_Minor.ogg
|scenario = Docking (Minor Damage)
|kai2 = yes
|origin = この服、少し足が涼しいの~ふふん~
|translation = My legs feel a bit breezy in these clothes~ Ufufu~
|audio = ChikumaKaiNi-Docking Minor.mp3
|scenario = Docking (Major Damage)
|origin = お洋服もカタパルトも台無し…少し、ちゃんと直してきますね。
|translation = My clothes and catapult are ruined... I'll need a while to go get them repaired properly.
|audio = Chikuma-Docking_Major.ogg
|scenario = Construction
|origin = 新しい艦が完成したみたいです。
|translation = It looks like a new ship has been completed.
|audio = Chikuma-Construction.ogg
|scenario = Returning from Sortie
|origin = 作戦完了のご報告です。
|translation = There's a report that the operation is complete.
|audio = Chikuma-Returning_From_Sortie.ogg
|scenario = Starting a Sortie
|origin = 水偵たちも大丈夫ね?はい!出撃です!
|translation = Are you seaplanes alright? Yes! I'm sortieing!
|audio = Chikuma-Starting_A_Sortie.ogg
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|origin = 右舷、砲雷撃戦、始めます!
|translation = Begin combat to starboard!
|audio = Chikuma-Battle_Start.ogg
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|kai2 = yes
|origin = 右舷です。砲戦、始めますね。
|translation = To starboard. Beginning shelling.
|audio = ChikumaKaiNi-Battle Start.mp3
|scenario = Attack
|origin = 姉さんもがんばってるかな?撃ちます!
|translation = Are you working hard too, nee-san? I'm firing!
|audio = Chikuma-Attack.ogg
|scenario = Air Battle/ Daytime Spotting/ Night Battle Attack
|origin = 水偵の皆、着弾観測よろしくね。
|translation = I'm counting on all you seaplanes to help spot my shell splashes alright.
|audio = Chikuma-Night_Attack.ogg
|scenario = Night Battle
|origin = 突撃します!利根姉さん、見てて!
|translation = Let's charge in! Watch me, Tone-neesan!
|audio = Chikuma-Night_Battle.ogg
|scenario = MVP
|origin = 私が強い理由?守りたい人がいるからよ。ふふっ♪
|translation = Why am I strong? Because there's someone I want to protect. Fufu~♪
|audio = Chikuma-MVP.ogg
|scenario = Minor Damage 1
|origin = きゃんっ!
|translation = Kyan!
|audio = Chikuma-Minor_Damage_1.ogg
|scenario = Minor Damage 2
|origin = いたっ…主砲は?うん、まだ撃てる!
|translation = Ow... How are the main guns? Yup, they can still fire!
|audio = Chikuma-Minor_Damage_2.ogg
|scenario = Major Damage
|origin = うぅ…こんな無様な姿、姉さんには見せられません。
|translation = Urgh... I can't show this disgaceful state to my sister.
|audio = Chikuma-Major_Damage.ogg
|scenario = Sunk
|origin = 姉さんは無事ね…?良かった…なら…いいの…。
|translation = Is nee-san safe...? Thank goodness... That's... fine then...
|audio = Chikuma-Sunk.ogg
|} <references/>
=== Drop Locations ===
=== Drop Locations ===
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