→Quote: fixed typo from comissined to commissioned
|EN11 = Apologies, I shall take a short respite. Please call on me later.
|EN11 = Apologies, I shall take a short respite. Please call on me later.
|建造時 = 新しい艦が就役したようね。
|建造時 = 新しい艦が就役したようね。
|EN12 = It appears that a new ship has been commisined.
|EN12 = It appears that a new ship has been commissioned.
|艦隊帰投時 = 作戦終了、艦隊が母港に帰還したわ
|艦隊帰投時 = 作戦終了、艦隊が母港に帰還したわ
|EN13 = Operation complete, the fleet has returned to port.
|EN13 = Operation complete, the fleet has returned to port.