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| scenario = Introduction
| origin = 我が名はQueen Elizabeth Class、Battleship Warspite. Admiral、よろしく頼むわね
| translation = My name is, the Queen Elizabeth class battleship, Warspite. Admiral, I'll be relying on you.
| audio = Warspite-Introduction.mp3
| scenario = Secretary 1
| origin = What's this? Admiral.あなた、この手はいったいどういう意味かしら。説明してくださる?
| translation = What's this? Admiral. What on earth is the meaning of this hand. Would you kindly explain?
| audio =
| scenario = Secretary 2
| origin = Queen Elizabeth Class Battleship 二番艦、Warspiteです。Admiral.生粋の英国生まれ、英国育ちの戦艦です。本国艦隊、地中海、そして、インド洋にも展開しました。私の名前、Admiral. 是非その胸に刻んでください。
| translation = I'm the 2nd ship of the Queen Elizabeth class battleships, Warspite. I'm a genuine British born and bred battleship. I was deployed to the Home Fleet, the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean. Admiral, be sure to engrave my name into your memory.
| audio =
| scenario = Secretary 3
| origin = My admiral? どうしたの?元気ないわね。う~ん...そうだ! 私が本場の紅茶とマフィンをご用意しましょう。 ティータイムで、きっと元気が出るわ。
| translation = My admiral? What's wrong? You're feeling under the weather. Hmmmm... that's it! I'll get some genuine tea and muffins. Tea time will definitely make you feel all better.
| audio =
| scenario = Secretary (Idle)
| origin = Admiral, are you free now?
| translation =
| audio =
| scenario = Secretary (Married)
| origin =
| translation =
| audio =
| scenario = Wedding
| origin =
| translation =
| audio =
| scenario = Player's Score
| origin =
| translation =
| audio =
| scenario = Joining the Fleet
| origin =
| translation =
| audio =
| scenario = Equipment 1
| origin =
| translation =
| audio =
| scenario = Equipment 2
| origin =
| translation =
| audio =
| scenario = Equipment 3
| origin =
| translation =
| audio =
| scenario = Supply
| origin =
| translation =
| audio =
| scenario = Docking (Minor)
| origin =
| translation =
| audio =
| scenario = Docking (Major)
| origin =
| translation =
| audio =
| scenario = Construction
| origin =
| translation =
| audio =
| scenario = Return from Sortie
| origin =
| translation =
| audio =
| scenario = Starting Sortie
| origin =
| translation =
| audio =
| scenario = Starting Battle
| origin =
| translation =
| audio =
| scenario = Attack
| origin =
| translation =
| audio =
| scenario = Night Battle
| origin =
| translation =
| audio =
| scenario = Attack (Night Battle)
| origin =
| translation =
| audio =
| scenario = MVP
| origin =
| translation =
| audio =
| scenario = Minor Damage 1
| origin =
| translation =
| audio =
| scenario = Minor Damage 2
| origin =
| translation =
| audio =
| scenario = Major Damage
| origin =
| translation =
| audio =
| scenario = Sunk
| origin =
| translation =
| audio =
=== Drop Locations ===
=== Drop Locations ===
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