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==Voice Lines==
|自己紹介 = 秋月型防空駆逐艦、二番艦の照月よ。秋月姉さん同様、どうぞよろしくお願いします
|EN1 = 2nd ship of the Akizuki-class air defence destroyers, Teruzuki. Just like Akizuki nee-san, please treat me well.  
|scenario = Intro
|Note1 =
|origin = 秋月型防空駆逐艦、二番艦の照月よ。秋月姉さん同様、どうぞよろしくお願いします
|Clip1 =
|translation = 2nd ship of the Akizuki-class air defence destroyers, Teruzuki. Just like Akizuki nee-san, please treat me well.
|Library = 秋月型防空駆逐艦二番艦、照月よ。<br/>
|audio = Teruzuki-Intro.mp3
|scenario = Intro (Kai)
|kai2 = yes
|origin = 秋月型防空駆逐艦二番艦の照月よ!戦艦の護衛でも鼠輸送でも何でもこなしちゃうんだから!
|translation = I'm the 2nd ship of the Akizuki-class anti-air destroyers, Teruzuki! From escorting battleships to Tokyo Express missions, I can do anything!
|audio = TeruzukiKai-Intro.mp3
|scenario = Library
|origin = 秋月型防空駆逐艦二番艦、照月よ。
|EN0 = 2nd ship of the Akizuki-class air defence destroyers, Teruzuki. <br/>
|translation = 2nd ship of the Akizuki-class air defence destroyers, Teruzuki.  
I was in the 61st Destroyer Squadron along with Akizuki ane. We fought together with Hiei-san and Kirishima-san during that fierce battle in the Solomons.<br/>
I was in the 61st Destroyer Squadron along with Akizuki ane. We fought together with Hiei-san and Kirishima-san during that fierce battle in the Solomons.
Eh? The Tokyo Express mission? Ah, that was... that was, yeah...
Eh? The Tokyo Express mission? Ah, that was... that was, yeah...<ref>鼠輸送 or Rat Transport was the IJN's name for Tokyo Express. Teruzuki was sunk while running one.</ref>
|Note0 = 鼠輸送 or Rat Transport was the IJN's name for Tokyo Express. Teruzuki was sunk while running one.
|audio = Teruzuki-Library.mp3
|Clip0 =
|秘書クリック会話①  = 提督、高射装置に興味があるの? 照月の、触ってみます?
|EN2 = Admiral, are you interested in anti air equipment? Want to touch Teruzuki's?
|scenario = Secretary 1
|Note2 =
|origin = 提督、高射装置に興味があるの? 照月の、触ってみます?
|Clip2 =
|translation = Admiral, are you interested in anti air equipment? Want to touch Teruzuki's?
|秘書クリック会話②  = はい、照月です
|audio = Teruzuki-Sec1.mp3
|EN3 = Yes, I'm Teruzuki
|Note3 =
|Clip3 =
|scenario = Secretary 2
|秘書クリック会話③  = あ、そこは、高射装置じゃありません! わあぁ?! 長10cm砲ちゃん、怒らないでぇ!
|origin = はい、照月です
|EN4 = Ah, that's not the anti air equipment! Wah?! Choujuusenchihou-chan, don't be angry~!
|translation = Yes, I'm Teruzuki
|Note4 =
|audio = Teruzuki-Sec2.mp3
|Clip4 =
|秘書放置時 = ドラム缶かぁ。なんかあれですよね? せっかくなら機動部隊の護衛とかしたいなーって…あ、あ、提督?! なんでもないです!
|EN4a = Barrels huh. That's a bit, you know? Always wanted to be an escort for a Carrier Task Force... ah, ah, Admiral?! It's nothing!
|scenario = Secretary 2 (Kai)
|Note4a =
|kai2 = yes
|Clip4a =
|origin = あ、後ろの高射装置?そこはガワだけなので…提督、あまり触らないでくれます?
|Married = 提督、秋月姉見なかった? そう…せっかく缶詰分けてあげようと思ったのに…あ、提督、一緒に食べます? これはね…
|translation = Ah, the anti-aircraft fire detector on my back?
|EN25 = Admiral, have you seen Akizuki ane? Oh... and I was thinking of sharing all this canned food too... ah, admiral, do you want to eat it together with me? These are...
|audio = TeruzukiKai-Sec2.mp3
|Note25 =
|Clip25 =
|Wedding = 提督、照月をお呼びでしょうか? え、この指輪を、照月に? いいの?! はは、ありがとう! ずーっと大事にします!
|scenario = Secretary 3
|EN26 = Admiral, you have a reward for Teruzuki? Eh, this ring is for Teruzuki?! Wha, thank you! I'll cherish it forever!
|origin = あ、そこは、高射装置じゃありません! わあぁ?! 長10cm砲ちゃん、怒らないでぇ!
|Note26 =
|translation = Ah, that's not the anti air equipment! Wah?! Choujuusenchihou-chan, don't be angry~!
|Clip26 =
|audio = Teruzuki-Sec3.mp3
|戦績表示時 = 提督、情報を確認するのね? 了解よ。照月が持ってくるね?
|EN5 = Admiral, you want to confirm the information? Roger that. Teruzuki will go get it OK?
|Note5 =
|scenario = Secretary Idle
|Clip5 =
|origin = ドラム缶かぁ。なんかあれですよね? せっかくなら機動部隊の護衛とかしたいなーって…あ、あ、提督?! なんでもないです!
|編成選択時 = 防空駆逐艦照月、抜錨します!
|translation = Barrels huh. That's a bit, you know? Always wanted to be an escort for a Carrier Task Force... ah, ah, Admiral?! It's nothing!
|EN6 = Air defence destroyer Teruzuki, setting off!
|audio = Teruzuki-SecIdle.mp3
|Note6 =
|Clip6 =
|装備時① = ふむふむ、有り! ですね?
|scenario = Wedding
|EN7 = Hmmmm, I got it! Right?
|origin = 提督、照月をお呼びでしょうか? え、この指輪を、照月に? いいの?! はは、ありがとう! ずーっと大事にします!
|Note7 =  
|translation = Admiral, you have a reward for Teruzuki? Eh, this ring is for Teruzuki?! Wha, thank you! I'll cherish it forever!
|Clip7 =
|audio = Teruzuki-Wedding.mp3
|装備時② = これは嬉しいかも。提督、ありがとう!
|EN8 = I'm happy for this. Admiral, thank you!
|Note8 =
|scenario = Secretary (Married)
|Clip8 =
|origin = 提督、秋月姉見なかった? そう…せっかく缶詰分けてあげようと思ったのに…あ、提督、一緒に食べます? これはね…
|装備時③ = 有り! ですね、うん
|translation = Admiral, have you seen Akizuki ane? Oh... and I was thinking of sharing all this canned food too... ah, admiral, do you want to eat it together with me? These are...
|EN9 = I got it! Good, yup
|audio = Teruzuki-SecMarried.mp3
|Note9 =
|Clip9 =
|補給時 = 補給、頂きました。感謝です!
|scenario = Player's Score
|EN24 = I gratefully accept this resupply. Thanks!
|origin = 提督、情報を確認するのね? 了解よ。照月が持ってくるね?
|Note24 =
|translation = Admiral, you want to confirm the information? Roger that. Teruzuki will go get it OK?
|Clip24 =
|audio = Teruzuki-PlayerScore.mp3
|ドック入り(小破以下) = ちょっとやられちゃった…早めに治すね? うん!
|EN10 = I bit off more than I could chew... I'll get better soon yeah? uh huh!
|Note10 =
|scenario = Joining the Fleet
|Clip10 =
|origin = 防空駆逐艦照月、抜錨します!
|ドック入り(中破以上) = うぅ、だいぶやられちゃった。長10cm砲ちゃん、ごめんね?!
|translation = Air defence destroyer Teruzuki, setting off!
|EN11 = Uugh, I really did it this time. Choujuusenchihou-chan, forgive me?!
|audio = Teruzuki-JoinFleet.mp3
|Note11 =
|Clip11 =
|入渠完了 =  
|scenario = Joining the Fleet (Kai)
|EN27 =
|kai2 = yes
|Note27 =
|origin = 第六十一駆逐隊照月、抜錨します!
|Clip27 =
|translation = 61st Destroyer Division, Teruzuki, setting sail!
|建造時 = 新造艦が就役したみたい。照月も楽しみ♪
|audio = TeruzukiKai-JoinFleet.mp3
|EN12 = A new ship has been commissioned. I'm looking forward to it too♪
|Note12 =
|Clip12 =
|scenario = Equipment 1
|艦隊帰投時 = 艦隊が無事母港に戻ってきました。良かったぁ~
|origin = ふむふむ、有り! ですね?
|EN13 = The fleet has arrived back safe and sound. I'm glad~
|translation = Hmmmm, I got it! Right?
|Note13 =
|audio = Teruzuki-Equip1.mp3
|Clip13 =
|出撃時 = 防空駆逐艦照月、抜錨します!<br/>
旗艦、先頭! 第二水雷戦隊、照月、出撃します!
|scenario = Equipment 1 (Kai)
|EN14 = Air defence destroyer Teruzuki, setting off! <br/>
|kai2 = yes
Follow my lead! 2nd Torpedo Squadron, Teruzuki, sortieing!
|origin = いい装備ですね!捗る!提督、ありがとう!
|Note14 =
|translation = This is good equipment! I'm making progress! Thanks Admiral!
|Clip14 =
|audio = Teruzuki-Equip1.mp3
|戦闘開始時 = さぁ、始めちゃいましょう? 主砲、対空戦闘よーい!
|EN15 = Come on, shall we begin? Main batteries, begin anti-air combat!
|Note15 =
|scenario = Equipment 2
|Clip15 =
|origin = これは嬉しいかも。提督、ありがとう!
|航空戦開始時 =  
|translation = I'm happy for this. Admiral, thank you!
|EN15a =
|audio = Teruzuki-Equip2.mp3
|Note15a =
|Clip15a =
|攻撃時 = 照月、行っきますよ~! 撃ち方ぁ、始め!<br/>
|scenario = Equipment 2 (Kai)
ガンガン撃って! 長10cm砲ちゃん、頑張って!
|kai2 = yes
|EN16 = Teruzuki, starting combat~! Commence firing! <br/>
|origin = よーし。これなら…「あり!」だと思います!
Go on and open fire! Choujuusenchihou-chan, do your best!
|translation = Alright. This feels like it is the "one"!
|Note16 =  
|audio = TeruzukiKai-Equip2.mp3
|Clip16 =
|夜戦開始時 = 照らす月の下で夜戦です。艦隊、突入開始!
|EN17 = A night battle under the light of the moon. Fleet, begin assault!
|scenario = Equipment 3
|Note17 =
|origin = 有り! ですね、うん
|Clip17 =
|translation = I got it! Good, yup
|夜戦攻撃時 = ガンガン撃って! 長10cm砲ちゃん、頑張って!
|audio = Teruzuki-Equip3.mp3
|EN18 = Go on and open fire! Choujuusenchihou-chan, do your best!
|Note18 =
|Clip18 =
|scenario = Supply
|MVP時 = うそ?! 照月が一番? ホントに?! ふふ、秋月姉に自慢しなくっちゃ♪ いひひ♪  
|origin = 補給、頂きました。感謝です!
|EN19 = It can't be?! Teruzuki is number one? Really?! Fufu, I should go boast to Akizuki ane♪ hehe♪
|translation = I gratefully accept this resupply. Thanks!
|Note19 =
|audio = Teruzuki-Supply.mp3
|Clip19 =
|小破① = わあっ?! 足は止めちゃダメ! 動かないと
|EN20 = Waaaah?! Don't stop moving! If you do...
|scenario = Docking (Minor Damage)
|Note20 =
|origin = ちょっとやられちゃった…早めに治すね? うん!
|Clip20 =
|translation = I bit off more than I could chew... I'll get better soon yeah? uh huh!
|小破② = きゃぁ!? もう! なに、魚雷なの? 航行可能?
|audio = Teruzuki-DockingMinor.mp3
|EN21 = Kyaaa!? Already! What, a torpedo? Can I still sail?
|Note21 =
|Clip21 =
|scenario = Docking (Major Damage)
|中破 = いやぁ?! ったぁ…いったぁ…魚雷発射管は大丈夫? 危険だったら投棄して
|origin = うぅ、だいぶやられちゃった。長10cm砲ちゃん、ごめんね?!
|EN22 = Iyaaa?! Ow... owww... are the torpedo launch tubes alright? Dump them if they aren't.
|translation = Uugh, I really did it this time. Choujuusenchihou-chan, forgive me?!
|Note22 =
|audio = Teruzuki-DockingMajor.mp3
|Clip22 =
|撃沈時(反転) = 照月、また…沈むのかぁ…早かったなぁ……月が…きれ…い…
|EN23 = Teruzuki, is sinking... again... that was quick... the moon... is so... pretty...
|scenario = Construction
|Note23 =
|origin = 新造艦が就役したみたい。照月も楽しみ♪
|Clip23 =
|translation = A new ship has been commissioned. I'm looking forward to it too♪
|audio = Teruzuki-Construction.mp3
|scenario = Returning from Sortie
|origin = 艦隊が無事母港に戻ってきました。良かったぁ~
|translation = The fleet has arrived back safe and sound. I'm glad~
|audio = Teruzuki-SortieReturn.mp3
|scenario = Starting a Sortie
|origin = 防空駆逐艦照月、抜錨します!
|translation = Air defence destroyer Teruzuki, setting off!  
|audio = Teruzuki-Sortie.mp3
|scenario = Starting a Sortie (Kai)
|kai2 = yes
|origin = 旗艦、先頭!第二水雷戦隊、照月、抜錨します!
|translation = Follow my lead! 2nd Torpedo Squadron, Teruzuki, sortieing!
|audio = TeruzukiKai-Sortie.mp3
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|origin = さぁ、始めちゃいましょう? 主砲、対空戦闘よーい!
|translation = Come on, shall we begin? Main batteries, begin anti-air combat!
|audio = Teruzuki-BattleStart.mp3
|scenario = Attack
|origin = 照月、行っきますよ~! 撃ち方ぁ、始め!
|translation = Teruzuki, starting combat~! Commence firing!
|audio = Teruzuki-Attack.mp3
|scenario = Attack (Kai)
|kai2 = yes
|origin = 照月も練度上がってます!大丈夫!撃ち方はじめ!
|translation = I've gotten much better! It's fine! Open fire!
|audio = TeruzukiKai-Attack.mp3
|scenario = Night Battle Attack
|origin = ガンガン撃って! 長10cm砲ちゃん、頑張って!
|translation = Go on and open fire! Choujuusenchihou-chan, do your best!
|audio = Teruzuki-NightAttack.mp3
|scenario = Night Battle
|origin = 照らす月の下で夜戦です。艦隊、突入開始!
|translation = A night battle under the light of the moon. Fleet, begin assault!
|audio = Teruzuki-NightBattle.mp3
|scenario = MVP
|origin = うそ?! 照月が一番? ホントに?! ふふ、秋月姉に自慢しなくっちゃ♪ いひひ♪
|translation = It can't be?! Teruzuki is number one? Really?! Fufu, I should go boast to Akizuki ane♪ hehe♪
|audio = Teruzuki-MVP.mp3
|scenario = Minor Damage 1
|origin = ひゃぁ!やられた!まだ戦える?…そう?
|translation = Waaaah! They got me! Fight on? ...Ok?
|audio = Teruzuki-MinorDamage1.mp3
|scenario = Minor Damage 1 (Kai)
|kai2 = yes
|origin = ひゃぁ!足は止めちゃだめ!動かないと!
|translation = Waaaah?! Don't stop moving! If you do...
|audio = Teruzuki-MinorDamage1.mp3
|scenario = Minor Damage 2
|origin = きゃぁ!? もう! なに、魚雷なの? 航行可能?
|translation = Kyaaa!? Already! What, a torpedo? Can I still sail?
|audio = Teruzuki-MinorDamage2.mp3
|scenario = Major Damage
|origin = いやぁ?! ったぁ…いったぁ…魚雷発射管は大丈夫? 危険だったら投棄して
|translation = Iyaaa?! Ow... owww... are the torpedo launch tubes alright? Dump them if they aren't.
|audio = Teruzuki-MajorDamage.mp3
|scenario = Sunk
|origin = 照月、また…沈むのかぁ…早かったなぁ……月が…きれ…い…
|translation = Teruzuki, is sinking... again... that was quick... the moon... is so... pretty...
|audio = Teruzuki-Sinking.mp3
|} <references/>
{{ShipquoteHeader | type = hourly}}
| 00JP=提督、日付が変わりました。今日は私、照月が時刻をお知らせしますね? いひひ♪
| 00EN=Admiral, the date has changed. I, Teruzuki, will be announcing the times today right? Hehe♪
|scenario = 00:00
| 00Note=
|origin = 提督、日付が変わりました。今日は私、照月が時刻をお知らせしますね? いひひ♪
| 01JP=マルヒトマルマルです、提督。提督? あ、起きてますね?
|translation = Admiral, the date has changed. I, Teruzuki, will be announcing the times today right? Hehe♪
| 01EN=Admiral, it's 0100. Admiral? Ah, did I wake you?
|audio = TeruzukiKai-0000.mp3
| 01Note=
| 02JP=マルフタマルマルです、提督。照月ですか? ふふ、全然眠くないです♪
| 02EN=Admiral, it's 0200. What about me? Fufu, I'm not sleepy at all♪
|scenario = 01:00
| 02Note=
|origin = マルヒトマルマルです、提督。提督? あ、起きてますね?
| 03JP=ルサンマルマ…あ、そうですね。夜はですね、なんだか逆に緊張しちゃって、目が覚めちゃうんです。防空艦なのに
|translation = Admiral, it's 0100. Admiral? Ah, did I wake you?
| 03EN=0300... ah, that's right. It's still night, somehow instead of being nervous, I'm wide awake. It must be because I'm an air defence ship.
|audio = TeruzukiKai-0100.mp3
| 03Note=
| 04JP=マルヨンマルマルです、提督。少しお休みになりますか? 照月が起きてるので、大丈夫です
| 04EN=Admiral, it's 0400. Do you want to take a short rest? Since Teruzuki is awake, it's alright.
|scenario = 02:00
| 04Note=
|origin = マルフタマルマルです、提督。照月ですか? ふふ、全然眠くないです♪
| 05JP=マルゴーマルマルです、提督。朝焼けが綺麗です。うふふ♪ 朝はいい気持ち♪
|translation = Admiral, it's 0200. What about me? Fufu, I'm not sleepy at all♪
| 05EN=Admiral, it's 0500. The sunrise is beautiful. Ufufu♪ Morning feels so good♪
|audio = TeruzukiKai-0200.mp3
| 05Note=
| 06JP=マルロクマルマルです、提督。総員起こしかけますね? 朝ごはんも作らなくっちゃ
| 06EN=Admiral, it's 0600. Is it time to wake everyone? Breakfast needs to be made too.
|scenario = 03:00
| 06Note=
|origin = ルサンマルマ…あ、そうですね。夜はですね、なんだか逆に緊張しちゃって、目が覚めちゃうんです。防空艦なのに
| 07JP=マルナナマルマル。朝ごはんです、提督。今朝は、麦飯と菜葉の味噌汁と沢庵! うひひ♪ 麦飯は大盛りにしておきました
|translation = 0300... ah, that's right. It's still night, somehow instead of being nervous, I'm wide awake. It must be because I'm an air defence ship.
| 07EN=0700. Admiral, it's time for breakfast. Today we have barley rice, vegetable miso and pickled daikon! Ufufu♪ We set aside a large serving of barley rice.
|audio = TeruzukiKai-0300.mp3
| 07Note=
| 08JP=マルハチマルマルです、提督。さぁ、朝の演習から始めましょうか? えっと、編成はっと…
| 08EN=Admiral, it's 0800. Now, should we begin morning exercises? Err, fall in on the double...
|scenario = 04:00
| 08Note=
|origin = マルヨンマルマルです、提督。少しお休みになりますか? 照月が起きてるので、大丈夫です
| 09JP=マルキュウマルマルです、提督。秋月姉との第六十一駆逐隊、編成しちゃいます? 敵機なんて寄せ付けません! ええ!
|translation = Admiral, it's 0400. Do you want to take a short rest? Since Teruzuki is awake, it's alright.
| 09EN=Admiral, it's 0900. Should I fall in with Akizuki ane and the rest of the 61st Destroyer Squadron? We'll repel all the enemy planes! Yeah!
|audio = TeruzukiKai-0400.mp3
| 09Note=
| 10JP=ヒトマルマ…はっ、秋月姉?! え、瑞鶴さん? 見なかったけど…探してるの? あ、分かった。見かけたら言っとくね?
| 10EN=100... huh, Akizuki ane?! Eh, Zuikaku-san? I didn't see her... are you looking for her? Ah, I understand. I'll let you know if I see her OK?
|scenario = 05:00
| 10Note=
|origin = マルゴーマルマルです、提督。朝焼けが綺麗です。うふふ♪ 朝はいい気持ち♪
| 11JP=ヒトヒトマルマルです、提督。お昼は、どうしましょうね? 忙しいから、戦闘配食でもいいですか?
|translation = Admiral, it's 0500. The sunrise is beautiful. Ufufu♪ Morning feels so good♪
| 11EN=Admiral, it's 1100. What should we do for lunch? I'm busy so are combat rations fine?
|audio = TeruzukiKai-0500.mp3
| 11Note=
| 12JP=ヒトフタマルマル。はい、お昼です。お昼はかやくご飯のおにぎりです。どう?
| 12EN=1200. Yes, it's lunchtime. It's rice balls made with seasoned rice for lunch. How is it?
|scenario = 06:00
| 12Note=
|origin = マルロクマルマルです、提督。総員起こしかけますね? 朝ごはんも作らなくっちゃ
| 13JP=ヒトサンマルマルです、提督。午後は何から始めましょう? やはり防空演習とか?
|translation = Admiral, it's 0600. Is it time to wake everyone? Breakfast needs to be made too.
| 13EN=Admiral, it's 1300. What should we get started on this afternoon? Air defence exercises again?
|audio = TeruzukiKai-0600.mp3
| 13Note=
| 14JP=ヒトヨンマルマ…あ、長波さん! え、調子ですか? はい、バッチリです。ええ!
| 14EN=140... ah, Naganami-san! Eh, how is your style? Yup, it's perfect! Yes!
|scenario = 07:00
| 14Note=
|origin = マルナナマルマル。朝ごはんです、提督。今朝は、麦飯と菜葉の味噌汁と沢庵! うひひ♪ 麦飯は大盛りにしておきました
| 15JP=ヒトゴーマルマルです、提督。えっと、次の遠征は…鼠輸送?! う~ん、どうかなぁ…
|translation = 0700. Admiral, it's time for breakfast. Today we have barley rice, vegetable miso and pickled daikon! Ufufu♪ We set aside a large serving of barley rice.
| 15EN=Admiral, it's 1500. Errr, the next expedition is... the Tokyo Express?! Ummm, I dunno...
|audio = TeruzukiKai-0700.mp3
| 15Note=She was sunk running a Tokyo Express on 11-12 December 1942
| 16JP=ヒトロクマルマルです、提督。夕焼け…もうすぐ夜ですね。夜は、あんまり好きじゃないなぁ…
| 16EN=Admiral, it's 1600. The sun is setting... it's almost night. I don't really like night time...  
|scenario = 08:00
| 16Note=She was sunk at night
|origin = マルハチマルマルです、提督。さぁ、朝の演習から始めましょうか? えっと、編成はっと…
| 17JP=ヒトナナマルマルです、提督。日が、落ちますね。夜…か…
|translation = Admiral, it's 0800. Now, should we begin morning exercises? Err, fall in on the double...
| 17EN=Admiral, it's 1700. The day is ending. Night... huh...
|audio = TeruzukiKai-0800.mp3
| 17Note=
| 18JP=ヒトハチマルマルです、提督。夜ご飯を作らないと…あ、外でいいんですか?
| 18EN=Admiral, it's 1800. No one made dinner... ah, eat out you say?
|scenario = 09:00
| 18Note=
|origin = マルキュウマルマルです、提督。秋月姉との第六十一駆逐隊、編成しちゃいます? 敵機なんて寄せ付けません! ええ!
| 19JP=ひときゅうまるまるれす、ていとく。むぐむぐ…間宮さん、おいしいれす♪
|translation = Admiral, it's 0900. Should I fall in with Akizuki ane and the rest of the 61st Destroyer Squadron? We'll repel all the enemy planes! Yeah!
| 19EN=Admiral, it's 1900. Nom nom... Mamiya's is delicious♪
|audio = TeruzukiKai-0900.mp3
| 19Note=
| 20JP=フタマルマルマルです、提督。うーん! お腹いっぱい食べましたぁ♪ 幸せ!!
| 20EN=Admiral, it's 2000. Mmmm! I was able to eat my fill♪ So happy!!
|scenario = 10:00
| 20Note=
|origin = ヒトマルマ…はっ、秋月姉?! え、瑞鶴さん? 見なかったけど…探してるの? あ、分かった。見かけたら言っとくね?
| 21JP=フタヒトマルマルです。へ? ショートランド泊地? う、うん、よく行ったけど…
|translation = 100... huh, Akizuki ane?! Eh, Zuikaku-san? I didn't see her... are you looking for her? Ah, I understand. I'll let you know if I see her OK?
| 21EN=2100. Eh? Shortland Anchorage? Ye, yeah, I've been there but...
|audio = TeruzukiKai-1000.mp3
| 21Note=She was based out of Shortland for the Guadalcanal
| 22JP=フタフタマルマル。お夜食です、提督。今晩はちょっと贅沢に、善哉作りました。甘くって元気でますよ?
| 22EN=2200. It's time for supper admiral. Tonight it's time to indulge yourself, we made some red bean soup. Do you feel better with sweets?
|scenario = 11:00
| 22Note=
|origin = ヒトヒトマルマルです、提督。お昼は、どうしましょうね? 忙しいから、戦闘配食でもいいですか?
| 23JP=フタサンマルマル…です。この時間は、なんだかとっても緊張します。周りを見渡しちゃいます。はぁ、大丈夫…大丈夫…
|translation = Admiral, it's 1100. What should we do for lunch? I'm busy so are combat rations fine?
| 23EN=It's...2300. This time of day somehow makes me feel very nervous. I'll go have a look around. Haa, I'm fine... I'm fine...
|audio = TeruzukiKai-1100.mp3
| 23Note=
|scenario = 12:00
|origin = ヒトフタマルマル。はい、お昼です。お昼はかやくご飯のおにぎりです。どう?
|translation = 1200. Yes, it's lunchtime. It's rice balls made with seasoned rice for lunch. How is it?
|audio = TeruzukiKai-1200.mp3
|scenario = 13:00
|origin = ヒトサンマルマルです、提督。午後は何から始めましょう? やはり防空演習とか?
|translation = Admiral, it's 1300. What should we get started on this afternoon? Air defence exercises again?
|audio = TeruzukiKai-1300.mp3
|scenario = 14:00
|origin = ヒトヨンマルマ…あ、長波さん! え、調子ですか? はい、バッチリです。ええ!
|translation = 140... ah, Naganami-san! Eh, how is your style? Yup, it's perfect! Yes!
|audio = TeruzukiKai-1400.mp3
|scenario = 15:00
|origin = ヒトゴーマルマルです、提督。えっと、次の遠征は…鼠輸送?! う~ん、どうかなぁ…
|translation = Admiral, it's 1500. Errr, the next expedition is... the Tokyo Express?! Ummm, I dunno...<ref>She was sunk running a Tokyo Express on 11-12 December 1942.</ref>
|audio = TeruzukiKai-1500.mp3
|scenario = 16:00
|origin = ヒトロクマルマルです、提督。夕焼け…もうすぐ夜ですね。夜は、あんまり好きじゃないなぁ…
|translation = Admiral, it's 1600. The sun is setting... it's almost night. I don't really like night time...
|audio = TeruzukiKai-1600.mp3
|scenario = 17:00
|origin = ヒトナナマルマルです、提督。日が、落ちますね。夜…か…
|translation = Admiral, it's 1700. The day is ending. Night... huh...
|audio = TeruzukiKai-1700.mp3
|scenario = 18:00
|origin = ヒトハチマルマルです、提督。夜ご飯を作らないと…あ、外でいいんですか?
|translation = Admiral, it's 1800. No one made dinner... ah, eat out you say?
|audio = TeruzukiKai-1800.mp3
|scenario = 19:00
|origin = ひときゅうまるまるれす、ていとく。むぐむぐ…間宮さん、おいしいれす♪
|translation = Admiral, it's 1900. Nom nom... Mamiya's is delicious♪
|audio = TeruzukiKai-1900.mp3
|scenario = 20:00
|origin = フタマルマルマルです、提督。うーん! お腹いっぱい食べましたぁ♪ 幸せ!!
|translation = Admiral, it's 2000. Mmmm! I was able to eat my fill♪ So happy!!
|audio = TeruzukiKai-2000.mp3
|scenario = 21:00
|origin = フタヒトマルマルです。へ? ショートランド泊地? う、うん、よく行ったけど…
|translation = 2100. Eh? Shortland Anchorage? Ye, yeah, I've been there but...<ref>She was based out of Shortland for Guadalcanal.</ref>
|audio = TeruzukiKai-2100.mp3
|scenario = 22:00
|origin = フタフタマルマル。お夜食です、提督。今晩はちょっと贅沢に、善哉作りました。甘くって元気でますよ?
|translation = 2200. It's time for supper admiral. Tonight it's time to indulge yourself, we made some red bean soup. Do you feel better with sweets?
|audio = TeruzukiKai-2200.mp3
|scenario = 23:00
|origin = フタサンマルマル…です。この時間は、なんだかとっても緊張します。周りを見渡しちゃいます。はぁ、大丈夫…大丈夫…
|translation = It's...2300. This time of day somehow makes me feel very nervous. I'll go have a look around. Haa, I'm fine... I'm fine...
|audio = TeruzukiKai-2300.mp3
|} <references/>
=== Drop Locations ===
=== Drop Locations ===
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