
Line 8: Line 8:  
| scenario    =Introduction
| scenario    =Introduction
| origin      =
| origin      =Здравствуйте、嚮導駆逐艦、Ташкент。はるばる来て見たよ。同士提督、よろしくお願いするね。
| translation =
| translation =Hello, I'm the destroyer leader, Tashkent. I've come from afar to meet you. Please look after me, Comrade Admiral.<ref>The [ Tashkent-class] were designed to be destroyer leaders.</ref>
| audio      = Tashkent-Intro.mp3
| audio      = Tashkent-Intro.mp3
Line 15: Line 15:  
| scenario    =Introduction
| scenario    =Introduction
| kai        =yes
| kai        =yes
| origin      =
| origin      =Здравствуйте、嚮導駆逐艦、Ташкент。同士Адмирал、今日もよろしくお願いするね。
| translation =
| translation =Hello, I'm the destroyer leader, Tashkent. Please look after me today too, Comrade Admiral.
| audio      = TashkentKai-Intro.mp3
| audio      = TashkentKai-Intro.mp3
| scenario    =Library
| scenario    =Library
| origin      =
| origin      =北の国で生まれた、空色の巡洋艦、Ташкентだよ。ん、そう。本当の艦種は駆逐艦なんだ。嚮導駆逐艦。まぁ、駆逐艦としたは多きかな、たしかに。海の戦いも陸上の戦いの援軍を頑張ったよ。結構頼りになるだよ。空色の巡洋艦、どう?うん、よかったよ!覚えていてね?Спасибо!
| translation =
| translation =I'm from the Northern Country, the sky-blue cruiser, Tashkent.<ref>She was nicknamed the "Sky-blue cruiser" (Голубой крейсер) because of her blue paint.</ref> Mmm, yeah. I'm really classed as a destroyer. A destroyer leader. Well, I'm definitely bigger than your average destroyer.<ref>She displaced 3200 tons at full load.</ref> I worked hard in naval battles and as reinforcement for land battles. I'm pretty reliable. What do you think of the Sky-blue cruiser? Yup, great! Remember me alright? Thanks!
| audio      = Tashkent-Library.mp3
| audio      = Tashkent-Library.mp3
| scenario    =Secretary 1
| scenario    =Secretary 1
| origin      =
| origin      =Привет!どうしたんだい?
| translation =
| translation =Hi! What's up?
| audio      = Tashkent-Sec1.mp3
| audio      = Tashkent-Sec1.mp3
Line 34: Line 34:  
| scenario    =Secretary 1
| scenario    =Secretary 1
| kai        =yes
| kai        =yes
| origin      =
| origin      =空色の巡洋艦…同士Адмирал、うん、まぁ、そう呼ばれてだけど…なんだか、少し恥ずかしいな。そうか?
| translation =
| translation =The sky-blue cruiser... Yeah, well, that's what they called me, Comrade Admiral... It's kind of, a bit, embarrassing. Really?
| audio      = TashkentKai-Sec1.mp3
| audio      = TashkentKai-Sec1.mp3
| scenario    =Secretary 2
| scenario    =Secretary 2
| origin      =
| origin      =空色の巡洋艦…うん、まぁ、そう呼ばれてだけど…なんだか、少し照れるな。
| translation =
| translation =The sky-blue cruiser... Yeah, well, that's what they called me... It's kind of, a bit, embarrassing.
| audio      = Tashkent-Sec2.mp3
| audio      = Tashkent-Sec2.mp3
| scenario    =Secretary 3
| scenario    =Secretary 3
| origin      =
| origin      =あぁ、この甲板かい?結構広いだろう?いろいろと輸送なんかにも使えるよ。今度奥の方も見てみるかい?
| translation =
| translation =Ah, my deck? It's pretty spacious right? You can use it to transport lots of things. Want to take a look under it?
| audio      = Tashkent-Sec3.mp3
| audio      = Tashkent-Sec3.mp3
| scenario    =Secretary Idle
| scenario    =Secretary Idle
| origin      =
| origin      =同士…あぁ、忙しいそうだね。あぁ、Верный!なんだい?おぉ、楽しいそうだね!Спасибо!
| translation =
| translation =Comrade... Ah, he looks busy. Ah, Verniy! What is it? Oh, that looks fun! Thanks!
| audio      = Tashkent-Idle.mp3
| audio      = Tashkent-Idle.mp3
| scenario    =Secretary (Married)
| scenario    =Secretary (Married)
| origin      =
| origin      =同士、どうした?元気が無いね。そうだ!あたしがRussian tea入れてあげるよ。待てて。
| translation =
| translation =What's wrong, Comrade? You look unwell. I know! I'll get you some Russian tea. Wait a moment.
| audio      = Tashkent-SecMarried.mp3
| audio      = Tashkent-SecMarried.mp3
| scenario    =Wedding
| scenario    =Wedding
| origin      =
| origin      =同士、どうしたんだい?珍しいね。どうした、顔が赤いよ?ん、もっとよく見せてよ。うん、いいね、いい顔してる。好きだな、もっとよく見せて。
| translation =
| translation =What's wrong, Comrade? You're acting strange. Why is your face red? Mmm, let me get a closer look. Yep, that's a really nice expression. I like it, let me look some more.
| audio      = Tashkent-Wedding.mp3
| audio      = Tashkent-Wedding.mp3
| scenario    =Player's Score
| scenario    =Player's Score
| origin      =
| origin      =情報は大事だよね。いつだってそうさ。はい。
| translation =
| translation =Intelligence is important. That's always the case. Here.
| audio      = Tashkent-PlayerScore.mp3
| audio      = Tashkent-PlayerScore.mp3
| scenario    =Joining the Fleet
| scenario    =Joining the Fleet
| origin      =
| origin      =嚮導駆逐艦、Ташкент、抜錨!さぁ、同士、行こうか?
| translation =
| translation =Destroyer leader, Tashkent, setting sail! Now, Comrade, shall we go?
| audio      = Tashkent-JoinFleet.mp3
| audio      = Tashkent-JoinFleet.mp3
| scenario    =Equipment 1
| scenario    =Equipment 1
| origin      =
| origin      =Спасибо!同士、ありがとう。確かこうだよね?
| translation =
| translation =Thanks! Thank you, Comrade. I think that was right?
| audio      = Tashkent-Equip1.mp3
| audio      = Tashkent-Equip1.mp3
| scenario    =Equipment 2
| scenario    =Equipment 2
| origin      =
| origin      =Большое спасибо!あは、いいね!
| translation =
| translation =Thank you very much! Aha, this is nice!
| audio      = Tashkent-Equip2.mp3
| audio      = Tashkent-Equip2.mp3
| scenario    =Equipment 3
| scenario    =Equipment 3
| origin      =
| origin      =<russian>いいね。
| translation =
| translation =This is nice.
| audio      = Tashkent-Equip3.mp3
| audio      = Tashkent-Equip3.mp3
| scenario    =Supply
| scenario    =Supply
| origin      =
| origin      =Спасибо、助かるよ。
| translation =
| translation =Thanks, this helps.
| audio      = Tashkent-Supply.mp3
| audio      = Tashkent-Supply.mp3
| scenario    =Docking (Minor)
| scenario    =Docking (Minor)
| origin      =
| origin      =やられちゃった、ごめん。
| translation =
| translation =Sorry, they got me.
| audio      = Tashkent-DockMinor.mp3
| audio      = Tashkent-DockMinor.mp3
| scenario    =Docking (Major)
| scenario    =Docking (Major)
| origin      =
| origin      =ちょった本格的に治すなきゃ。ごめんね。、そこ氏だけ…ばか。
| translation =
| translation =I'll need to go an get a proper repair. Sorry. It'll just be a little while... silly.
| audio      = Tashkent-DockMajor.mp3
| audio      = Tashkent-DockMajor.mp3
| scenario    =Construction
| scenario    =Construction
| origin      =
| origin      =Хорошо<russian>。同士、よかったね。
| translation =
| translation =Isn't this good, Comrade?
| audio      = Tashkent-Construction.mp3
| audio      = Tashkent-Construction.mp3
| scenario    =Return from Sortie
| scenario    =Return from Sortie
| origin      =
| origin      =同士提督、艦隊戻ったよ。ふえぇ〜
| translation =
| translation =The fleet has returned, Comrade Admrial. Whew~
| audio      = Tashkent-SortieReturn.mp3
| audio      = Tashkent-SortieReturn.mp3
| scenario    =Starting a Sortie
| scenario    =Starting a Sortie
| origin      =
| origin      =同士諸君、良いはいい?よし、艦隊旗艦、Ташкент、出撃だ!
| translation =
| translation =Are you ready, Comrades? Alright, fleet flagship, Tashkent, sortieing!
| audio      = Tashkent-Sortie.mp3
| audio      = Tashkent-Sortie.mp3
| scenario    =Starting a Battle
| scenario    =Starting a Battle
| origin      =
| origin      =敵艦…やるしかないね。攻撃良い!行くよ!
| translation =
| translation =Enemy ships... we have to do this. Battle stations! Let's go!
| audio      = Tashkent-BattleStart.mp3
| audio      = Tashkent-BattleStart.mp3
| scenario    =Attack
| scenario    =Attack
| origin      =
| origin      =これでどうさ!?
| translation =
| translation =How about this!?
| audio      = Tashkent-Atk.mp3
| audio      = Tashkent-Atk.mp3
| scenario    =Night Battle Attack
| scenario    =Night Battle Attack
| origin      =
| origin      =Ура!
| translation =
| translation =Hurrah!
| audio      = Tashkent-NightAtk.mp3
| audio      = Tashkent-NightAtk.mp3
| scenario    =Night Battle
| scenario    =Night Battle
| origin      =
| origin      =Ташкентの夜戦、お望みかい?いいよ。同士、突撃だ!Ура!
| translation =
| translation =You wish to witness my night battle? Alright. Let's charge in, Comrades! Hurrah!
| audio      = Tashkent-NightBattle.mp3
| audio      = Tashkent-NightBattle.mp3
| scenario    =MVP
| scenario    =MVP
| origin      =
| origin      =同士、この空色の巡洋艦が一番なのかい?それは嬉しいな。Хорошо!
| translation =
| translation =Am I, the sky-blue cruiser, number one, Comrade? That makes me happy. Great!
| audio      = Tashkent-MVP.mp3
| audio      = Tashkent-MVP.mp3
Line 167: Line 167:  
| scenario    =MVP
| scenario    =MVP
| kai        =yes
| kai        =yes
| origin      =
| origin      =同士Адмирал、空色の巡洋艦がまた一番なのか?いや、何度でも嬉しいものさ。うん、хорошо!
| translation =
| translation =Am I, the sky blue cruiser, number one again, Comrade Admiral? No, it still makes me happy. Yup, it's great!
| audio      = TashkentKai-MVP.mp3
| audio      = TashkentKai-MVP.mp3
| scenario    =Minor Damage 1
| scenario    =Minor Damage 1
| origin      =
| origin      =ぐあぁ、やるね。
| translation =
| translation =Guh, now you've done it.
| audio      = Tashkent-MinorDmg1.mp3
| audio      = Tashkent-MinorDmg1.mp3
| scenario    =Minor Damage 2
| scenario    =Minor Damage 2
| origin      =
| origin      =ぐぇ、やられたか?痛い。
| translation =
| translation =Guh, I'm hit? It hurts.
| audio      = Tashkent-MinorDmg2.mp3
| audio      = Tashkent-MinorDmg2.mp3
| scenario    =Major Damage
| scenario    =Major Damage
| origin      =
| origin      =<russian>やられちゃった。同士ごめん。でも、まだ!
| translation =
| translation =I'm hit. Sorry, Comrade. But, I'm not done yet!
| audio      = Tashkent-MajorDmg.mp3
| audio      = Tashkent-MajorDmg.mp3
| scenario    =Sunk
| scenario    =Sunk
| origin      =
| origin      =同士、空色の巡洋艦を、ここまでみたいだ…До свидания。
| translation =
| translation =It looks like this is as far as the sky-blue cruiser goes, Comrade... Goodbye.
| audio      = Tashkent-Sunk.mp3
| audio      = Tashkent-Sunk.mp3
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