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Note: The CG is part of a special Promotional Collaboration with Sukiya. Please refer to [[Merchandise/Promotional_Collaborations#2016:_Sukiya_Collaboration|Sukiya Collaboration on the Promotional Collaboration page]] for additional details.
Note: The CG is part of a special Promotional Collaboration with Sukiya. Please refer to [[Merchandise/Promotional_Collaborations#Sukiya_Collaboration|Sukiya Collaboration on the Promotional Collaboration page]] for additional details.
Line 464: Line 464:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Takao White Day 2016.ogg}}
|え? これを…私に? お返しに? …ありがとうございます。嬉しいです。…あっ…やだ、涙が…
|え? これを…私に? お返しに? …ありがとうございます。嬉しいです。…あっ…やだ、涙が…
|Eh? Is this... for me? A return gift? ...Thank you very much. I'm happy ...Ah... The tears are...
|Eh? Is this... for me? A return gift? ...Thank you very much. I'm happy ...Ah... The tears are...
Line 470: Line 470:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Atago White Day 2016.ogg}}
|バレンタインのお返しですかぁ? そうですねぇ…あっ、提督一日デート券、とか? ふふっ♪
|バレンタインのお返しですかぁ? そうですねぇ…あっ、提督一日デート券、とか? ふふっ♪
|A return gift for Valentines? Is that so... Ah, a ticket for a date with the admiral? Fufu~♪
|A return gift for Valentines? Is that so... Ah, a ticket for a date with the admiral? Fufu~♪
Line 488: Line 488:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Mogami White Day 2016.ogg}}
|提督、なあに? チョコのお返しは何がいいかって? そうだなあ、一日提督に甘える券、とか、どう?
|提督、なあに? チョコのお返しは何がいいかって? そうだなあ、一日提督に甘える券、とか、どう?
Line 496: Line 496:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Mikuma White Day 2016.ogg}}
|提督、こちらをくまりんこチョコのお返しに? 嬉しい♪ 来年は、スーパーくまりんこチョコ、期待してくださいね?
|提督、こちらをくまりんこチョコのお返しに? 嬉しい♪ 来年は、スーパーくまりんこチョコ、期待してくださいね?
|Is this a return gift for the Kumarinko Chocolate? I'm happy♪ Please expect a Super Kumarinko Chocolate next year OK?
|Is this a return gift for the Kumarinko Chocolate? I'm happy♪ Please expect a Super Kumarinko Chocolate next year OK?
Line 514: Line 514:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Aoba White Day 2016.ogg}}
|A return gift? Ah, sorry. I want to take a photo of the moment, is it ok if you give it to me again? Ah, right there~! Fuu~!  
|A return gift? Ah, sorry. I want to take a photo of the moment, is it ok if you give it to me again? Ah, right there~! Fuu~!  
Line 520: Line 520:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Kinugasa White Day 2016.ogg}}
|あ、これもしかして…衣笠さん特製チョコのお返し、かな? やったぁ! 提督、ありがとね♪
|あ、これもしかして…衣笠さん特製チョコのお返し、かな? やったぁ! 提督、ありがとね♪
|Ah, is this... a return gift for my special chocolate? Hooray! Admiral, thanks♪
|Ah, is this... a return gift for my special chocolate? Hooray! Admiral, thanks♪
Line 526: Line 526:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Tone White Day 2016.ogg}}
|提督、そんなにお菓子を抱えてお子様か。…む、配るのか? 我輩にもくれるのか!? わーい!
|提督、そんなにお菓子を抱えてお子様か。…む、配るのか? 我輩にもくれるのか!? わーい!
|Admiral, holding all those sweets, are you a kid... Hmm, you're giving them out? I get some too!? Yay!
|Admiral, holding all those sweets, are you a kid... Hmm, you're giving them out? I get some too!? Yay!
Line 532: Line 532:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Chikuma White Day 2016.ogg}}
|これを私に、ですか? 嬉しい。…あの、姉さんには…あ、すでにお渡し頂いてるのですね。よかった
|これを私に、ですか? 嬉しい。…あの、姉さんには…あ、すでにお渡し頂いてるのですね。よかった
|Is this for me? I'm happy... Ummm, about my sister... Ah, you've already given her some. That's good.
|Is this for me? I'm happy... Ummm, about my sister... Ah, you've already given her some. That's good.
Line 538: Line 538:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Zara White Day 2016.ogg}}
|A return gift Admiral? Thank you! I'll look forward to opening it later. Ufufu♪
|A return gift Admiral? Thank you! I'll look forward to opening it later. Ufufu♪
Line 578: Line 578:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Nagato White Day 2016.ogg}}
|So this... this is the custom of return gifts that I've heard of from Mutsu. Thanks. This really warms my heart. I'll gladly accept it, I'm happy!
|So this... this is the custom of return gifts that I've heard of from Mutsu. Thanks. This really warms my heart. I'll gladly accept it, I'm happy!
Line 584: Line 584:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Mutsu White Day 2016.ogg}}
|あら? チョコのお返し? 嬉しいわ♪
|あら? チョコのお返し? 嬉しいわ♪
|Oh? A return gift? I'm happy♪
|Oh? A return gift? I'm happy♪
Line 590: Line 590:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Yamato White Day 2016.ogg}}
|提督? いいんですか、大和もいただいて? すみません。ありがとうございます。いただきますね? 来年は、頑張りますから!
|提督? いいんですか、大和もいただいて? すみません。ありがとうございます。いただきますね? 来年は、頑張りますから!
|Admiral? Are you sure about giving this to me? Sorry. Thank you very much. I'll be eating it ok? Next year, I'll do my best!
|Admiral? Are you sure about giving this to me? Sorry. Thank you very much. I'll be eating it ok? Next year, I'll do my best!
Line 596: Line 596:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Musashi White Day 2016.ogg}}
|なに? これを、私に? 提督よ、ありがとう。見慣れぬ戦闘糧食だが、いただこう。
|なに? これを、私に? 提督よ、ありがとう。見慣れぬ戦闘糧食だが、いただこう。
|What? Is this for me? Thank you Admiral. I haven't seen this kind of combat ration before but, I'll accept it.
|What? Is this for me? Thank you Admiral. I haven't seen this kind of combat ration before but, I'll accept it.
Line 602: Line 602:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Fusou White Day 2016.ogg}}
|提督。これを、ちょこれいとのお返しに? 嬉しいです。…あら、どうしたの、山城?
|提督。これを、ちょこれいとのお返しに? 嬉しいです。…あら、どうしたの、山城?
|Admiral is this a return gift? I'm happy... Oh, what's wrong Yamashiro?
|Admiral is this a return gift? I'm happy... Oh, what's wrong Yamashiro?
Line 608: Line 608:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Yamashiro White Day 2016.ogg}}
|姉さま、山城、姉さまにこぉんなにクッキー焼いたんです! …え、何です、それ? …うわ
|姉さま、山城、姉さまにこぉんなにクッキー焼いたんです! …え、何です、それ? …うわ
|Ane-sama, I baked these cookies for you! ...Eh, what's that? ...Whoa
|Ane-sama, I baked these cookies for you! ...Eh, what's that? ...Whoa
Line 614: Line 614:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Littorio White Day 2016.ogg}}
|提督、これをお返しに? ありがとうございます。私、とても嬉しいです! …うふふっ♪
|提督、これをお返しに? ありがとうございます。私、とても嬉しいです! …うふふっ♪
|A return gift Admiral? Thank you very much. I'm very happy! ...Ufufu~♪
|A return gift Admiral? Thank you very much. I'm very happy! ...Ufufu~♪
Line 620: Line 620:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Roma White Day 2016.ogg}}
|これは、なに? チョコのお返し? ふーん…日本文化って義理堅いのね。一応、いただくわ
|これは、なに? チョコのお返し? ふーん…日本文化って義理堅いのね。一応、いただくわ
|What is this? A return gift? Fuun~... Japanese culture is very dutiful. I'll accept it for now.
|What is this? A return gift? Fuun~... Japanese culture is very dutiful. I'll accept it for now.
Line 636: Line 636:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Shouhou White Day 2016.ogg}}
|What's with the package, Admiral? There's a pleasant smell~ Eh, is this for me? Thank you so much!
|What's with the package, Admiral? There's a pleasant smell~ Eh, is this for me? Thank you so much!
Line 642: Line 642:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Zuihou White Day 2016.ogg}}
|Eh, is this for me Admiral? Ah... a return gift? Thank you very much♪
|Eh, is this for me Admiral? Ah... a return gift? Thank you very much♪
Line 648: Line 648:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Houshou White Day 2016.ogg}}
|提督、これをチョコレートのお返しに? かえってお気を使わせてしまって、すみませんっ。
|提督、これをチョコレートのお返しに? かえってお気を使わせてしまって、すみませんっ。
|Admiral, is this a return gift? Sorry for letting you go through all this trouble.
|Admiral, is this a return gift? Sorry for letting you go through all this trouble.
Line 654: Line 654:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Ryuujou White Day 2016.ogg}}
|なんや? これ、お返し? うちに? あぁ~、めっちゃうれしいで! ありがとうな!
|なんや? これ、お返し? うちに? あぁ~、めっちゃうれしいで! ありがとうな!
|What? Is this a return gift? For me? Aah~ I'm really happy! Thank you!
|What? Is this a return gift? For me? Aah~ I'm really happy! Thank you!
Line 670: Line 670:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Akagi White Day 2016.ogg}}
|提督……このクッキーを、チョコのお返しに? こんなに沢山!? では、一つ……ううーん美味しい♪
|提督……このクッキーを、チョコのお返しに? こんなに沢山!? では、一つ……ううーん美味しい♪
|Admiral... are these cookies a return gift? So many!? Well then, I'll take one... Mmm delicious♪
|Admiral... are these cookies a return gift? So many!? Well then, I'll take one... Mmm delicious♪
Line 676: Line 676:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Kaga White Day 2016.ogg}}
|これは? …お返しですか? そうですか。いただいておきます。
|これは? …お返しですか? そうですか。いただいておきます。
|This is? ...A return gift? Is that so. I'll accept it.
|This is? ...A return gift? Is that so. I'll accept it.
Line 682: Line 682:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Shoukaku White Day 2016.ogg}}
|提督、これを私に? お返し、ですか? あらやだ、ありがとうございます! 楽しみです♪ …瑞鶴? 瑞鶴、何を怒っているの?
|提督、これを私に? お返し、ですか? あらやだ、ありがとうございます! 楽しみです♪ …瑞鶴? 瑞鶴、何を怒っているの?
|Admiral, is this for me? A return gift? Oh dear, thank you very much! I'm happy♪ ...Zuikaku? Why are you getting angry?
|Admiral, is this for me? A return gift? Oh dear, thank you very much! I'm happy♪ ...Zuikaku? Why are you getting angry?
Line 688: Line 688:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Zuikaku White Day 2016.ogg}}
|提督さん、チョコのお返しくれるの? やったー! え、翔鶴姉にも? なんでなんで?! 微妙に納得出来ない!!
|提督さん、チョコのお返しくれるの? やったー! え、翔鶴姉にも? なんでなんで?! 微妙に納得出来ない!!
|Admiral are you giving me a return gift? Hooray! Eh, Shoukaku-ane as well? What, why?! I can't understand why!!
|Admiral are you giving me a return gift? Hooray! Eh, Shoukaku-ane as well? What, why?! I can't understand why!!
Line 694: Line 694:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Katsuragi White Day 2016.ogg}}
|もちろんお返しはくれるんでしょ? …なにがって、そりゃチョコのお返しでしょ?! チョコのっ!!
|もちろんお返しはくれるんでしょ? …なにがって、そりゃチョコのお返しでしょ?! チョコのっ!!
|Of course you're giving me a return gift right? ...What do you mean why, because of the chocolate remember?! The chocolate~!!
|Of course you're giving me a return gift right? ...What do you mean why, because of the chocolate remember?! The chocolate~!!
Line 700: Line 700:  
|[[Graf Zeppelin]]
|[[Graf Zeppelin]]
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Graf Zeppelin White Day 2016.ogg}}
|Admiral、これは? チョコレートのお返しだと言うのか? だ、Dan…Danke。
|Admiral、これは? チョコレートのお返しだと言うのか? だ、Dan…Danke。
|What is this Admiral? A return gift you say? Th... thank you.
|What is this Admiral? A return gift you say? Th... thank you.
Line 716: Line 716:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=I-19 White Day 2016.ogg}}
|Admiral? Is this a return gift? Thank you! I'll bring it with me to Orel because I'm happy! Fufu~ I'm in a good mood!
|Admiral? Is this a return gift? Thank you! I'll bring it with me to Orel because I'm happy! Fufu~ I'm in a good mood!
Line 722: Line 722:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=I-168 White Day 2016.ogg}}
|わーお! 司令官、チョコのお返しありがとう♪ …あんまり食べたら、太っちゃうかな? イムヤ、お茶入れるね?
|わーお! 司令官、チョコのお返しありがとう♪ …あんまり食べたら、太っちゃうかな? イムヤ、お茶入れるね?
|Wow! Thank you for the return gift Commander♪ ...Will I get fat if I eat too much? Shall I get some tea?
|Wow! Thank you for the return gift Commander♪ ...Will I get fat if I eat too much? Shall I get some tea?
Line 728: Line 728:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=I-58 White Day 2016.ogg}}
|Is this a return gift for me Admiral? Really? Yay! Thanks for the food!
|Is this a return gift for me Admiral? Really? Yay! Thanks for the food!
Line 734: Line 734:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=I-8 White Day 2016.ogg}}
|Admiral? ...Is this a return gift for the chocolate stollen? Thank you! I'm digging in.
|Admiral? ...Is this a return gift for the chocolate stollen? Thank you! I'm digging in.
Line 757: Line 757:  
|{{Audio|file=Chitose White Day 2016.ogg}}
|提督、これを私に? ありがとうございます。大事にいただきますね? ……うれしい♪
|提督、これを私に? ありがとうございます。大事にいただきますね? ……うれしい♪
|Is this for me Admiral? Thank you very much. I'll savour it properly ok? ...I'm happy♪
|Is this for me Admiral? Thank you very much. I'll savour it properly ok? ...I'm happy♪
Line 763: Line 763:  
|{{Audio|file=Chiyoda White Day 2016.ogg}}
|え、これ何? チョコのお返し?! いいのに…あ、でももらって上げる! せっかくだから…
|え、これ何? チョコのお返し?! いいのに…あ、でももらって上げる! せっかくだから…
|Eh, what is this? A return gift?! You didn't need to... ah, but I'll take it! Since it's there...
|Eh, what is this? A return gift?! You didn't need to... ah, but I'll take it! Since it's there...
Line 769: Line 769:  
|{{Audio|file=Akitsushima White Day 2016.ogg}}
|え、これを秋津洲に? 提督、ありがとうっ! 早速食べて見るかも…うん、んっ、あま~いっ!
|え、これを秋津洲に? 提督、ありがとうっ! 早速食べて見るかも…うん、んっ、あま~いっ!
|Eh, is this for me? Thank you Admiral! I'll eat it right away... Mhph, it's sweet!
|Eh, is this for me? Thank you Admiral! I'll eat it right away... Mhph, it's sweet!
Line 775: Line 775:  
|{{Audio|file=Mizuho White Day 2016.ogg}}
|提督、これは? チョコレート菓子のお返し? …感謝いたします。瑞穂、嬉しいです!
|提督、これは? チョコレート菓子のお返し? …感謝いたします。瑞穂、嬉しいです!
|What is this Admiral? A return gift? ...I'm very grateful. I'm really happy!
|What is this Admiral? A return gift? ...I'm very grateful. I'm really happy!
Line 781: Line 781:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Hayasui White Day 2016.ogg}}
|え、これを速吸に? チョコレートのお返し、ですか? 提督さん…ありがとうございます! 大事に大事に食べます!
|え、これを速吸に? チョコレートのお返し、ですか? 提督さん…ありがとうございます! 大事に大事に食べます!
|Eh, is this for me? A return gift? Admiral... thank you very much! I'll really, really savour it properly.
|Eh, is this for me? A return gift? Admiral... thank you very much! I'll really, really savour it properly.
Line 787: Line 787:  
|{{Audio|file= }}
|{{Audio|file=Kashima White Day 2016.ogg}}
|提督さん、これを私に? 美味しそ~♪ いただきます。えへへっ♪
|提督さん、これを私に? 美味しそ~♪ いただきます。えへへっ♪
|Admiral-san is this for me? It looks good~♪ Thank you for the food. Ehehe~♪
|Admiral-san is this for me? It looks good~♪ Thank you for the food. Ehehe~♪
