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|{{Audio|file=Furutaka Year End 2014 Sec1.ogg}}
|The year has already reached its close. Admiral, I'll take care of spring cleaning the room!
|The year has already reached its close. Admiral, I'll take care of spring cleaning the room!
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|{{Audio|file=Kako Year End 2014 Sec1.ogg}}
|っかぁー、もう年末かぁ…早いよねえ。 大掃除、は…来年でいっかなぁー? …ねえ?
|っかぁー、もう年末かぁ…早いよねえ。 大掃除、は…来年でいっかなぁー? …ねえ?
|Gah, it's already the end of the year... that was quick. Can we... leave the spring clean till next year? ...Hey?
|Gah, it's already the end of the year... that was quick. Can we... leave the spring clean till next year? ...Hey?
