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|scenario = Introduction
|scenario = Introduction
|origin = ぴゃん♪ 阿賀野型軽巡四番艦、酒匂です!司令、よろしくね!
|origin = ぴゃん♪ 阿賀野型軽巡四番艦、酒匂です!司令、よろしくね!
|translation = Pyan♪ I'm the 4th ship of the Agano-class light cruisers, Sakawa! Nice to meet you Commander!
|translation = Pyan♪ I'm the 4th ship of the Agano-class light cruisers, Sakawa! Nice to meet you, Commander!
|audio = Sakawa-Introduction.ogg
|audio = Sakawa-Introduction.ogg
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|scenario = Secretary (Married)
|scenario = Secretary (Married)
|origin = しれぇがんばってるねぇ~!疲れたら酒匂とぴゃっと一緒に休もうよ?
|origin = しれぇがんばってるねぇ~!疲れたら酒匂とぴゃっと一緒に休もうよ?
|translation = You're really doing your best Commander~! When you're tired, come quickly to rest with me alright?<ref>She's making a pun with her verbal tic 'ぴゃっ' and the word 'ぴゃっと' which is a slang for 'moving quickly'.</ref>
|translation = You're really doing your best, Commander~! When you're tired, come quickly to rest with me alright?<ref>She's making a pun with her verbal tic 'ぴゃっ' and the word 'ぴゃっと' which is a slang for 'moving quickly'.</ref>
|audio = Sakawa-Wedding_Line.ogg
|audio = Sakawa-Wedding_Line.ogg
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|kai = yes
|kai = yes
|origin = しれぇ、何時もがんばっている!偉い偉い!酒匂がぴょんとかたもんであげようか? 酒匂うまいんだよう... ぴょん!ぴゃん!どう?
|origin = しれぇ、何時もがんばっている!偉い偉い!酒匂がぴょんとかたもんであげようか? 酒匂うまいんだよう... ぴょん!ぴゃん!どう?
|translation = You're always working hard Commander! How admirable! Do you want me to give you a light shoulder massage? I'm good at it you know... Pyon! Pyan! How's that?
|translation = You're always working hard, Commander! How admirable! Do you want me to give you a light shoulder massage? I'm good at it you know... Pyon! Pyan! How's that?
|audio = Sakawa_Kai_SecWed.ogg
|audio = Sakawa_Kai_SecWed.ogg
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|scenario = Wedding
|scenario = Wedding
|origin = 司令にね?いつもぴゅううとかぴゃあああとか言っちゃうんだけどホントはね?お礼とかお礼とかお礼とか言いたくてたまらないんだよ?え?伝わってたって?ほんと!?あたしも大好き!ぴゃあああああ!
|origin = 司令にね?いつもぴゅううとかぴゃあああとか言っちゃうんだけどホントはね?お礼とかお礼とかお礼とか言いたくてたまらないんだよ?え?伝わってたって?ほんと!?あたしも大好き!ぴゃあああああ!
|translation = Hey Commander? I'm always saying things like 'pyuu' and 'pyaa' but you know? I really really really want to say thank you right? Eh? You understood? Really!? I love you too! Pyaa!
|translation = Hey, Commander? I'm always saying things like 'pyuu' and 'pyaa' but you know? I really really really want to say thank you right? Eh? You understood? Really!? I love you too! Pyaa!
|audio = Sakawa-Wedding.ogg
|audio = Sakawa-Wedding.ogg
Line 68: Line 68:  
|scenario = Player's Score
|scenario = Player's Score
|origin = 司令にご報告!ぴょん!
|origin = 司令にご報告!ぴょん!
|translation = A report for you Commander! Pyan!
|translation = A report for you, Commander! Pyan!
|audio = Sakawa-Looking_At_Scores.ogg
|audio = Sakawa-Looking_At_Scores.ogg
Line 128: Line 128:  
|scenario = Starting a Sortie
|scenario = Starting a Sortie
|origin = 軽巡酒匂 抜錨します!ちゃんと見ててね!
|origin = 軽巡酒匂 抜錨します!ちゃんと見ててね!
|translation = Light curiser, Sakawa, setting sail! Keep an eye on me!
|translation = Light cruiser, Sakawa, setting sail! Keep an eye on me!
|audio = Sakawa-Joining_A_Fleet.ogg
|audio = Sakawa-Joining_A_Fleet.ogg
Line 224: Line 224:  
|scenario = 05:00  
|scenario = 05:00  
|origin = 午前5時・・5時かぁ・・・司令何をそんなに頑張ってるの?デイリーって?
|origin = 午前5時・・5時かぁ・・・司令何をそんなに頑張ってるの?デイリーって?
|translation = 5am... 5 huh... What are you working so hard on Commander? What's a 'daily'?
|translation = 5am... 5 huh... What are you working so hard on, Commander? What's a 'daily'?
|audio = Sakawa_Hourly_0500.ogg
|audio = Sakawa_Hourly_0500.ogg
Line 242: Line 242:  
|scenario = 08:00  
|scenario = 08:00  
|origin = 午前8時! 今日も司令朝から素敵っ
|origin = 午前8時! 今日も司令朝から素敵っ
|translation = 8am! You look great this morning too Commander.
|translation = 8am! You look great this morning too, Commander.
|audio = Sakawa_Hourly_0800.ogg
|audio = Sakawa_Hourly_0800.ogg
Line 278: Line 278:  
|scenario = 14:00  
|scenario = 14:00  
|origin = 午後2時です。しれぇの馬鹿馬鹿!答えはラーメンじゃないよぉ!司令ぇだよぉ!
|origin = 午後2時です。しれぇの馬鹿馬鹿!答えはラーメンじゃないよぉ!司令ぇだよぉ!
|translation = It's 2pm! You're really silly Commander! The answer isn't 'ramen'! It's you!
|translation = It's 2pm! You're really silly, Commander! The answer isn't 'ramen'! It's you!
|audio = Sakawa_Hourly_1400.ogg
|audio = Sakawa_Hourly_1400.ogg
Line 290: Line 290:  
|scenario = 16:00  
|scenario = 16:00  
|origin = 午後4時です。司令頑張れっがぁんばれ~!
|origin = 午後4時です。司令頑張れっがぁんばれ~!
|translation = It's 4am. Work hard Commander, do your best!
|translation = It's 4am. Work hard, Commander, do your best!
|audio = Sakawa_Hourly_1600.ogg
|audio = Sakawa_Hourly_1600.ogg
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