
Line 13: Line 13:  
|scenario = Introduction (Kai)
|scenario = Introduction
|kai = yes
|kai = yes
|origin = 雲龍型航空母艦天城です!提督!天城今なら十分活躍できます!
|origin = 雲龍型航空母艦天城です!提督!天城今なら十分活躍できます!
Line 25: Line 25:  
|translation = I'm the 2nd ship of the Unryuu-class aircraft carriers, Amagi.  
|translation = I'm the 2nd ship of the Unryuu-class aircraft carriers, Amagi.  
I was built under the Rapid Naval Armaments Supplement Programme.
I was built under the Rapid Naval Armaments Supplement Programme aka the Maru Kyuu Plan.<ref>Specifically, she was built under the [ modified Maru Kyuu Plan].</ref>
I wasn't able to serve in a carrier task force, but I fought hard in the Kure Air Raid.
I wasn't able to serve in a carrier task force, but I fought hard in the Kure Air Raid.<ref>She was meant to be part of CarDiv1 with her sister Unryuu but she was rendered inoperable during the [ Bombing of Kure] before she could be deployed.</ref>
|audio = Amagi-Library.ogg
|audio = Amagi-Library.ogg
Line 36: Line 36:  
|scenario = Secretary 1 (Kai)
|scenario = Secretary 1
|kai = yes
|kai = yes
|origin = はい!天城!出れます!
|origin = はい!天城!出れます!
Line 55: Line 55:  
|scenario = Secretary 3 (Kai)
|scenario = Secretary 3
|kai = yes
|kai = yes
|origin = 提督、天城の格納庫に何か御用でしょうか?新鋭艦載機の調査って・・・本当ですか?
|origin = 提督、天城の格納庫に何か御用でしょうか?新鋭艦載機の調査って・・・本当ですか?
|translation = What do you want to do with my hangar Admiral? Checking the condition of the new carrier-based planes... Really?
|translation = What do you want to do with my hangar, Admiral? Checking the condition of the new carrier-based planes... Really?
|audio = AmagiKai-Secretary_3.ogg
|audio = AmagiKai-Secretary_3.ogg
Line 70: Line 70:  
|scenario = Secretary (Married)
|scenario = Secretary (Married)
|origin = 提督、いつも本当にお疲れさまです。天城、ここに待機していますので、御用があればいつでもお呼びくださいね。
|origin = 提督、いつも本当にお疲れさまです。天城、ここに待機していますので、御用があればいつでもお呼びくださいね。
|translation = Thank you for your usual hard work Admiral. I'll be standing by here so please call me if you have any orders.
|translation = Thank you for your usual hard work, Admiral. I'll be standing by here so please call me if you have any orders.
|audio = Amagi-Secretary_Married.ogg
|audio = Amagi-Secretary_Married.ogg
Line 77: Line 77:  
|kai = yes
|kai = yes
|origin = 提督、天城に素敵な艦載機を…そして、主力航空母艦として運用してくれて…本当に、ありがとうございます! …感謝でいっぱいです…
|origin = 提督、天城に素敵な艦載機を…そして、主力航空母艦として運用してくれて…本当に、ありがとうございます! …感謝でいっぱいです…
|translation = For giving me lovely carrier-based planes... and for letting me serve as a fleet carrier... thank you so very much Admiral! ...I'm very grateful...
|translation = For giving me lovely carrier-based planes... and for letting me serve as a fleet carrier... thank you so very much, Admiral! ...I'm very grateful...
|audio = Amagi-Wedding_Line.ogg
|audio = Amagi-Wedding_Line.ogg
Line 83: Line 83:  
|scenario = Wedding
|scenario = Wedding
|origin = 提督、お呼びでしょうか。えっ?天城に、これを…お受けいたします、提督。あ、ありがとうございます。ずっと、大切にします。
|origin = 提督、お呼びでしょうか。えっ?天城に、これを…お受けいたします、提督。あ、ありがとうございます。ずっと、大切にします。
|translation = Did you call me Admiral? Eh? Is this for me... I accept Admiral. Ah, thank you very much. I'll treasure it forever.
|translation = Did you call me Admiral? Eh? Is this for me... I accept, Admiral. Ah, thank you very much. I'll treasure it forever.
|audio = Amagi-Wedding.ogg
|audio = Amagi-Wedding.ogg
Line 89: Line 89:  
|scenario = Player's Score
|scenario = Player's Score
|origin = 提督?情報は大切ですね!天城もそう思います
|origin = 提督?情報は大切ですね!天城もそう思います
|translation = Admiral? Information is important right? I think so too.
|translation = Admiral? Intelligence is important huh! I think so too.
|audio = Amagi-Looking_At_Scores.ogg
|audio = Amagi-Looking_At_Scores.ogg
Line 99: Line 99:  
|scenario = Joining the Fleet (Kai)
|scenario = Joining the Fleet
|kai = yes
|kai = yes
|origin = 新生第一航空戦隊!天城!出撃致します!
|origin = 新生第一航空戦隊!天城!出撃致します!
|translation = 1st Carrier Division flagship! Amagi! Sortieing!<ref>She was supposed to have been made the flagship of the CarDiv1 in December 1944 but she was sunk before then.</ref>
|translation = Reformed 1st Carrier Division! Amagi! Sortieing!<ref>She was supposed to have been made the flagship of the CarDiv1 in December 1944 but she was sunk before then.</ref>
|audio = AmagiKai-Joining_A_Fleet.ogg
|audio = AmagiKai-Joining_A_Fleet.ogg
Line 114: Line 114:  
|scenario = Equipment 2
|scenario = Equipment 2
|origin = 新しい艦載機・・・!天城感激です!ありがとうございます!
|origin = 新しい艦載機・・・!天城感激です!ありがとうございます!
|translation = A new plane...! I'm thankful! Thank you very much!
|translation = New planes...! I'm thankful! Thank you very much!
|audio = Amagi-Equipment_2.ogg
|audio = Amagi-Equipment_2.ogg
Line 120: Line 120:  
|scenario = Equipment 3
|scenario = Equipment 3
|origin = 天城が参ります!
|origin = 天城が参ります!
|translation = I'm setting off!
|translation = I've arrived!
|audio = Amagi-Equipment_3.ogg
|audio = Amagi-Equipment_3.ogg
Line 126: Line 126:  
|scenario = Supply
|scenario = Supply
|origin = 貴重な燃料や艦載機・・・ありがとうございます!
|origin = 貴重な燃料や艦載機・・・ありがとうございます!
|translation = Thank you very much... for the precious fuel and carrier-based planes!
|translation = Thank you very much... for the precious fuel and carrier planes!
|audio = Amagi-Supply.ogg
|audio = Amagi-Supply.ogg
|scenario = Docking (Minor Damage)
|scenario = Docking (Minor Damage)
|origin = 深い傷ではないのですが・・・提督・・・すみません
|origin = 深い傷ではないのですが・・・提督・・・すみません。
|translation = It's not a deep wound... Sorry... Admiral.
|translation = It's not a deep wound... Sorry... Admiral.
|audio = Amagi-Docking_Minor.ogg
|audio = Amagi-Docking_Minor.ogg
Line 150: Line 150:  
|scenario = Returning from Sortie
|scenario = Returning from Sortie
|origin = 艦隊が無事帰投しました、お疲れ様です。
|origin = 艦隊が無事帰投しました、お疲れ様です。
|translation = The fleet has returned safely. Thanks for your hard work.
|translation = The fleet has returned safely to port. Thanks for your hard work.
|audio = Amagi-Returning_From_Sortie.ogg
|audio = Amagi-Returning_From_Sortie.ogg
Line 162: Line 162:  
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|origin = 対空射撃じゃありません!攻撃隊の発艦です!天城航空隊発艦始め!です!
|origin = 対空射撃じゃありません!攻撃隊の発艦です!天城航空隊発艦始め!です!
|translation = This isn't anti-air defense! The attack corps are to launch! Amagi attack corps, begin takeoff!  
|translation = This isn't anti-air defense! The attack squadrons are to launch! Amagi Attack Squadrons, begin takeoff!  
|audio = Amagi-Battle_Start.ogg
|audio = Amagi-Battle_Start.ogg
|scenario = Starting a Battle (Kai)
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|kai = yes
|kai = yes
|origin = 第六〇一航空隊、発艦始め!さあ、始めます!
|origin = 第六〇一航空隊、発艦始め!さあ、始めます!
Line 175: Line 175:  
|scenario = Attack
|scenario = Attack
|origin = 天城航空隊、お・・・お願いします!
|origin = 天城航空隊、お・・・お願いします!
|translation = Amagi attack corps, I... I'm counting on you!
|translation = Amagi attack squadrons, I... I'm counting on you!
|audio = Amagi-Attack.ogg
|audio = Amagi-Attack.ogg
Line 181: Line 181:  
|scenario = Air Battle
|scenario = Air Battle
|origin = 烈風…眩しい翼…あっ、自分の艦載機なのに、見惚れちゃいました!
|origin = 烈風…眩しい翼…あっ、自分の艦載機なのに、見惚れちゃいました!
|translation = Reppu... what dazzling wings... Ah, I was charmed by my own carrier-based planes!
|translation = Reppu... what dazzling wings... Ah, I was charmed by my own carrier planes!
|audio = AmagiKai-Attack.ogg
|audio = AmagiKai-Attack.ogg
Line 187: Line 187:  
|scenario = Night Battle
|scenario = Night Battle
|origin = つ・・・追撃ですか?そうですか。頑張ります。
|origin = つ・・・追撃ですか?そうですか。頑張ります。
|translation = We... we're pursuing? Is that so. I'll do my best.
|translation = We... we're pursuing? I see. I'll do my best.
|audio = Amagi-Night_Battle.ogg
|audio = Amagi-Night_Battle.ogg
Line 197: Line 197:  
|scenario = MVP (Kai)
|scenario = MVP
|kai = yes
|kai = yes
|origin = ふぅ・・・天城・・・戦果を挙げられて良かったです!努力すればやれるのですね!
|origin = ふぅ・・・天城・・・戦果を挙げられて良かったです!努力すればやれるのですね!
Line 212: Line 212:  
|scenario = Minor Damage 2
|scenario = Minor Damage 2
|origin = 浸水を防いで!だ、大丈夫です!
|origin = 浸水を防いで!だ、大丈夫です!
|translation = Control the flooding! I... I'm fine!<ref>She was capsised by uncontrolled flooding when a bomb penetrated her flight deck.</ref>
|translation = Control the flooding! I-I'm fine!<ref>She was capsised by uncontrolled flooding when a bomb penetrated her flight deck.</ref>
|audio = Amagi-Minor_Damage_2.ogg
|audio = Amagi-Minor_Damage_2.ogg
Line 242: Line 242:  
|scenario = 01:00  
|scenario = 01:00  
|origin = マルヒトマルマルとなりました。提督、夜は…艦隊も静かですね。
|origin = マルヒトマルマルとなりました。提督、夜は…艦隊も静かですね。
|translation = It's now 0100. The fleet at night... is quiet right Admiral?
|translation = It's now 0100. The fleet at night... is quiet right, Admiral?
|audio = Amagi-01.ogg
|audio = Amagi-01.ogg
Line 254: Line 254:  
|scenario = 03:00  
|scenario = 03:00  
|origin = マルサン、マルマルです。提督、あの…冗談とかやめて欲しいです。天城、本当にびっくりしました…べっ、別に怖くはないです…
|origin = マルサン、マルマルです。提督、あの…冗談とかやめて欲しいです。天城、本当にびっくりしました…べっ、別に怖くはないです…
|translation = It's 0300. Ummm Admiral... I'd like it if you stopped with the pranks. I was really startled... I, I wasn't scared though...
|translation = It's 0300. Ummm, Admiral... I'd like it if you stopped with the pranks. I was really startled... I, I wasn't scared though...
|audio = Amagi-03.ogg
|audio = Amagi-03.ogg
Line 260: Line 260:  
|scenario = 04:00  
|scenario = 04:00  
|origin = マルヨンマルマルとなりました。提督、この時間はとても眠いですね? ぇへ、頑張ります!
|origin = マルヨンマルマルとなりました。提督、この時間はとても眠いですね? ぇへ、頑張ります!
|translation = It's now 0400. You get really sleepy at this time right Admiral? ...Ehe, I'm doing my best!
|translation = It's now 0400. You get really sleepy at this time right, Admiral? ...Ehe, I'm doing my best!
|audio = Amagi-04.ogg
|audio = Amagi-04.ogg
Line 266: Line 266:  
|scenario = 05:00  
|scenario = 05:00  
|origin = マルゴーマルマルです。夜が明けて来ました。そろそろ総員起こしの準備をいたしますね?
|origin = マルゴーマルマルです。夜が明けて来ました。そろそろ総員起こしの準備をいたしますね?
|translation = It's 0500. Dawn is here. It's almost time to wake everyone up right?
|translation = It's 0500. Dawn is here. It's almost time to assemble everyone right?
|audio = Amagi-05.ogg
|audio = Amagi-05.ogg
Line 272: Line 272:  
|scenario = 06:00  
|scenario = 06:00  
|origin = マルロクマルマル。艦隊、総員起こし! 朝です! 本日も一日、頑張りましょう!
|origin = マルロクマルマル。艦隊、総員起こし! 朝です! 本日も一日、頑張りましょう!
|translation = 0600. Fleet, assemble!! It's morning! Let's do our best today too!
|translation = 0600. Fleet, all hands assemble!! It's morning! Let's do our best today too!
|audio = Amagi-06.ogg
|audio = Amagi-06.ogg
Line 278: Line 278:  
|scenario = 07:00  
|scenario = 07:00  
|origin = マルナナマルマルです。提督、簡単で申し訳ないですが、朝餉の準備、こちらにどうぞ! まず、今日のお味噌汁のお出汁は…
|origin = マルナナマルマルです。提督、簡単で申し訳ないですが、朝餉の準備、こちらにどうぞ! まず、今日のお味噌汁のお出汁は…
|translation = It's 0700. I'm sorry it's so simple but breakfast is ready Admiral! First, today's miso soup stock is...
|translation = It's 0700. I'm sorry it's so simple but breakfast is ready, Admiral! First, today's miso soup stock is...
|audio = Amagi-07.ogg
|audio = Amagi-07.ogg
Line 284: Line 284:  
|scenario = 08:00  
|scenario = 08:00  
|origin = マルハチマルマルです。提督、天城の朝餉、お口に会いましたでしょうか? あ、よかった♪ 片付けますね? ふふ、よかった♪…
|origin = マルハチマルマルです。提督、天城の朝餉、お口に会いましたでしょうか? あ、よかった♪ 片付けますね? ふふ、よかった♪…
|translation = It's 0800. Did my breakfast suit your tastes Admiral? Ah, thank goodness♪ I'll tidy up now alright? Fufu, thank goodness♪...
|translation = It's 0800. Did my breakfast suit your tastes, Admiral? Ah, thank goodness♪ I'll tidy up now alright? Fufu, thank goodness♪...
|audio = Amagi-08.ogg
|audio = Amagi-08.ogg
Line 290: Line 290:  
|scenario = 09:00  
|scenario = 09:00  
|origin = マルキュウマルマルとなりました。提督、そろそろ艦隊出撃ですね。主力の艦隊編成は、如何致しましょうか?
|origin = マルキュウマルマルとなりました。提督、そろそろ艦隊出撃ですね。主力の艦隊編成は、如何致しましょうか?
|translation = It's now 0900. It's almost time to sortie the fleet Admiral. Who will be the members of the main fleet?
|translation = It's now 0900. It's almost time to sortie the fleet, Admiral. Who will be the members of the main fleet?
|audio = Amagi-09.ogg
|audio = Amagi-09.ogg
Line 302: Line 302:  
|scenario = 11:00  
|scenario = 11:00  
|origin = ヒトヒトマルマルです。そろそろ昼餉の準備をいたしますね? 提督、何か食べたいものはありますか? 何にしようかしら?
|origin = ヒトヒトマルマルです。そろそろ昼餉の準備をいたしますね? 提督、何か食べたいものはありますか? 何にしようかしら?
|translation = It's 1100. Shall I begin preparations for lunch soon? What do you want to eat Admiral? I wonder what I should make...
|translation = It's 1100. Shall I begin preparations for lunch soon? What do you want to eat, Admiral? I wonder what I should make...
|audio = Amagi-11.ogg
|audio = Amagi-11.ogg
Line 308: Line 308:  
|scenario = 12:00  
|scenario = 12:00  
|origin = ヒトフタマルマル、正午です! 提督、お昼は和風カレーにしてみました。丼いっぱいで召し上がれっ♪ おかわりもありますよ?
|origin = ヒトフタマルマル、正午です! 提督、お昼は和風カレーにしてみました。丼いっぱいで召し上がれっ♪ おかわりもありますよ?
|translation = 1200, it's noon! It's a Japanese-style curry for lunch Admiral. He's a full bowl for you♪ There's seconds too you know?<ref>The term she uses specifically means 'rice with toppings on top'.</ref>
|translation = 1200, it's noon! It's a Japanese-style curry for lunch, Admiral. He's a full bowl for you♪ There's seconds too you know?<ref>The term she uses specifically means 'rice with toppings on top'.</ref>
|audio = Amagi-12.ogg
|audio = Amagi-12.ogg
Line 320: Line 320:  
|scenario = 14:00  
|scenario = 14:00  
|origin = ヒトヨンマルマルとなりました。あ、雲龍姉様! 調子はいかがですか? 姉様、最近とっても綺麗…天城も見習います!
|origin = ヒトヨンマルマルとなりました。あ、雲龍姉様! 調子はいかがですか? 姉様、最近とっても綺麗…天城も見習います!
|translation = It's now 1400. Ah, Unryuu ane-sama! How are you? You've been looking more beautiful these days... I want to be like you too!
|translation = It's now 1400. Ah, Unryuu-neesama! How are you? You've been looking more beautiful these days... I want to be like you too!
|audio = Amagi-14.ogg
|audio = Amagi-14.ogg
Line 326: Line 326:  
|scenario = 15:00  
|scenario = 15:00  
|origin = ヒトゴーマルマルです。提督、甘いモノでもいかがですか? 間宮さんにお願いして、葛餅をいただいてきました! ご一緒に♪
|origin = ヒトゴーマルマルです。提督、甘いモノでもいかがですか? 間宮さんにお願いして、葛餅をいただいてきました! ご一緒に♪
|translation = It's 1500. Do you want some sweets Admiral? I asked Mamiya-san to make us some kuzumochi! Let's eat it together♪<ref>[ Kuzumochi]are mochi made from arrowroot starch.</ref>
|translation = It's 1500. Would you like something sweet, Admiral? I asked Mamiya-san to make us some kuzumochi! Let's eat it together♪<ref>[ Kuzumochi]are mochi made from arrowroot starch.</ref>
|audio = Amagi-15.ogg
|audio = Amagi-15.ogg
Line 362: Line 362:  
|scenario = 21:00  
|scenario = 21:00  
|origin = フタヒトマルマルです、提督。そうですね、妹の葛城ですか? はい、再び会えると信じています。航空戦隊を組みたいですね。
|origin = フタヒトマルマルです、提督。そうですね、妹の葛城ですか? はい、再び会えると信じています。航空戦隊を組みたいですね。
|translation = It's 2100 Admiral. That's right, our sister Katsuragi? Yes, I believe we'll meet again. I want to form a carrier division with her.<ref>Katsuragi was also supposed to be in CarDiv1.</ref>
|translation = It's 2100, Admiral. That's right, our sister Katsuragi? Yes, I believe we'll meet again. I want to form a carrier division with her.<ref>Katsuragi was also supposed to be in CarDiv1.</ref>
|audio = Amagi-21.ogg
|audio = Amagi-21.ogg
Line 374: Line 374:  
|scenario = 23:00  
|scenario = 23:00  
|origin = フタサンマルマルです。提督、今日も一日本当にお疲れ様でした。ぐっすりお休みになって、疲れをとってくださいね?
|origin = フタサンマルマルです。提督、今日も一日本当にお疲れ様でした。ぐっすりお休みになって、疲れをとってくださいね?
|translation = It's 2300. Thank you so much for your hard work everyday Admiral. Please get a good night's sleep alright?
|translation = It's 2300. Thank you so much for your hard work everyday, Admiral. Please get a good night's sleep alright?
|audio = Amagi-23.ogg
|audio = Amagi-23.ogg
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