
1,352 bytes added ,  9 years ago
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|EN6 = Seaplane tender, Akitsushima, probably sortieing! I mean, I am sortieing!
|EN6 = Seaplane tender, Akitsushima, probably sortieing! I mean, I am sortieing!
|Note6 = If anyone has better wording, go for it.
|Note6 = If anyone has better wording, go for it.
|装備時① =  
|装備時① = うわぁ、いい装備!これはうれしいかも!
|EN7 =  
|EN7 = Wow, this is some nice equipment! I'm really happy!
|Note7 =  
|Note7 =  
|装備時② =  
|装備時② = 提督、二式大艇ちゃんは外しちゃだめかも!だからね!
|EN8 =  
|EN8 = Admiral, you can't take away Daitei-chan, okay? Okay?!
|Note8 =  
|Note8 =  
|装備時③ =  
|装備時③ = 見つけたかも!
|EN9 =  
|EN9 = I see you!
|Note9 = ???
|補給時 = 補給、助かるかも!えへへ
|補給時 = 補給、助かるかも!えへへ
|EN24 = The resupply will probably come in handy!
|EN24 = The resupply will probably come in handy!
Line 120: Line 121:  
|夜戦開始時 = や、夜戦!?あたしが!?もー、こうなったら行くしかないかも!
|夜戦開始時 = や、夜戦!?あたしが!?もー、こうなったら行くしかないかも!
|EN17 = N-Night battle?! Me?! If it's come to this, I guess I have no choice!
|EN17 = N-Night battle?! Me?! If it's come to this, I guess I have no choice!
|MVP時 =  
|MVP時 = ふぇ…えぇっ!あたしが一番なの!?そんなことって、あるかなぁ…えぇっ…
|EN19 =  
|EN19 =  
|小破① = きゃあー!?被弾!?
|小破① = きゃあー!?被弾!?
|EN20 = Kyaa! I'm hit?!
|EN20 = Kyaa! I'm hit?!
|小破② =  
|小破② = あたしの迷彩塗装、あんまり役に立ってないかも…
|EN21 =  
|EN21 = I'm not too sure if my camouflage is working...
|中破 = や、やられたかもー!だから攻撃は得意じゃないって言ったのにぃ!
|中破 = や、やられたかもー!だから攻撃は得意じゃないって言ったのにぃ!
|EN22 = T-They got me! I told you that I'm not good at battle, geez!
|EN22 = T-They got me! I told you that I'm not good at battle, geez!
|撃沈時(反転) =  
|撃沈時(反転) = あたし沈むのね…大艇ちゃん、バイバイ。きっと未来は…
|EN23 =  
|EN23 = I guess I'm sinking... Daitei-chan, bye-bye. I'm sure that in the future...
|Note23 =  
|Note23 =  
|Married =  
|Married = 提督、なにをぼんやりしてるの?あっ、少し疲れちゃったかな?そういう時は、この秋津洲流肩もみ術を…ふふーん、ね、気持ちいいでしょ?
|EN25 =  
|EN25 = Admiral, what are you spacing out for? Oh, are you a bit tired? Here, let me show you my special shoulder massaging technique! See? Doesn't it feel nice?
|Wedding =  
|Wedding = 提督、私のこと呼んだ?大艇ちゃんならあげないよ。えっ、違う?うっ…これは…わぁ…綺麗…すっごーい…で、なんでくれるの?
|EN26 =  
|EN26 = Admiral, did you call for me? I won't give you Daitei-chan. W-Wait, that's not it? T-This is... Wow, it's so pretty. So, why are you giving me this?
|Note26 = Admiral rekt? Rekt.
|Clip1 =  
|Clip1 =  
|Clip0 =  
|Clip0 =  
