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===Quote (Basic)===
==Voice Lines==
|自己紹介 = 自分、あきつ丸であります。
|EN1 = My name is Akitsu Maru
|scenario = Introduction
It is an honour to be part of this fleet.
|origin = 自分、あきつ丸であります。艦隊にお世話になります。
|Library = 自分は、陸軍の特種船…その丙型の「あきつ丸」であります。
|translation = I'm Akitsumaru. I hope to be of service to this fleet.
|audio = Akitsumaru-Introduction.ogg
|EN0 = I am the Army's special transport... the hei-class 'Akitsumaru'.
Please leave transportation and landing combat to me.
|scenario = Introduction
My pride is this Daihatsu. I'm different from the mouse and mole.
|kai = yes
|Note0 = The Daihatsu-class landing craft was the Japanese equivalent to the American LCVP "Higgins Boat" landing craft. Rats and moles refers to the Japanese nickname of the Tokyo Express carried out by naval ships not designed for transportation or amphibious operations.
|origin = 自分、航空兵力を充実させてみたのであります。これはもう空母、であります。
|秘書クリック会話① = 将校殿…いや、提督殿。このあきつ丸に御用でしょうか
|translation = My air power has been enhanced. I'm a carrier now.
|EN2 = Officer... I mean, admiral. Is there something I can help with?
|audio = AkitsumaruKai-Introduction.ogg
|秘書クリック会話② = 提督殿…!そういうことは、よその子でお願いしたい…!
|EN3 = Admiral...! I'd rather you do this sort of thing with someone else...!
|秘書クリック会話③ = 提督殿…見たところこの部隊の編成には偏りがあるな……趣味でありますか?
|scenario = Library
|EN4 = Admiral... I have noticed a certain peculiarity in this fleet's formation... is this one of your preferences...?
|origin = 自分は、陸軍の特種船…その丙型の「あきつ丸」であります。輸送や上陸戦ならお任せ頂きたいのであります。自慢はこの大発であります。ネズミやモグラな輸送とは訳が違うのであります。
|秘書放置時 = 提督殿、自分、待機も任務の一つでありますが…隊に所属してから、少し…寂しいと思うようになったであります…
|translation = I'm a special army ship... the Type-C Akitsumaru.<ref>Special Type-C Ship was the official Army designation for Akitsumaru.</ref> You can leave the transport and landing operations to me. These daihatsu are my pride and joy. Rat and mole transports are something else entirely.<ref>Both refer to the [ Tokyo Express] transport runs. Rat transports being done by fast ships like destroyers under cover of night and mole transports being done by submarines. Both outside the capabilities of Akisumaru.</ref>
|EN4a = Admiral, I am aware that being on standby is part of my duties, but... after I've been assigned to this fleet I started to... feel a bit lonely...
|audio = Akitsumaru-Library.ogg
|戦績表示時 = 報告は随時、確認されるがよろし
|EN5 = It is important to check reports regularly.
|編成選択時 = あきつ丸、いざ出港する!
|scenario = Library
|EN6 = Akitsu Maru, ready for departure!
|kai = yes
|装備時① = この強化、感謝…であります
|origin = 自分は、陸軍の特種船丙型の「あきつ丸」であります。強襲揚陸艦の先駆けのような自分でありますが、新兵器のオートジャイロなども運用して、対潜戦でも奮闘したいのであります。何卒お願いするのであります。
|EN7 = I am deeply grateful for this modernisation.
|translation = I'm the Special Type-C Ship from the Army, Akitsumaru. I'm called the pioneer of the amphibious assault ships that can operate the new autogyro weapons, though I had a hard time with anti-submarine warfare.<ref>Her and her sister, Nigitsu Maru, are considered to be the first amphibious assault ships.</ref> I look forward to working with you very much.
|装備時② = うむ、日々の手入れが行き届いていますね
|audio = AkitsumaruKai-Library.ogg
|EN8 = Hm, I see you are very thorough with the daily maintenance.
|装備時③ = ありがたい…!のであります。
|EN9 = I am deeply... grateful.
|scenario = Secretary 1
|補給時 = ありがたい…!のであります。
|origin = 将校殿、いや、提督殿、このあきつ丸に御用でしょうか?
|EN24 = I am deeply... grateful.
|translation = Sir, I mean, Admiral, do you have any orders for me?
|Note24 =  
|audio = Akitsumaru-Secretary_1.ogg
|EN10 = So this is the naval dockyard...
|EN11 = The naval dock... sure is great...
|建造時 = これが海軍工廠というものか…あっ、新しい艦が建造された。報告する
|scenario = Secretary 1
|EN12 = So this is the naval shipyard... Ah, the construction of a new ship has just been finished.
|kai = yes
|艦隊帰投時 = 艦隊が帰投したのであります
|origin = カ号も固定翼機もあるんだよ、であります。
|EN13 = The fleet has returned to base.
|translation = I have both Ka-type and fixed wing planes.<ref>Referring to the [ Kayaba Ka-1 autogyros].</ref>
|出撃時 = よぉし、奴らを倒して陸を目指すぞ
|audio = AkitsumaruKai-Secretary_1.ogg
|scenario = Secretary 2
|origin = 提督殿、見たところこの部隊の編成には偏りがあるな。趣味でありますか?
|translation = I've noticed that your fleets are organised in an odd way, Admiral. Is this your preference?
|audio = Akitsumaru-Secretary_3.ogg
|scenario = Secretary 2
|kai = yes
|origin = 自分、最近この艦隊の雰囲気に呑まれているであります…反省。
|translation = Recently I've been caught up in the mood of this fleet... I'm sorry.
|audio = AkitsumaruKai-Secretary_2.ogg
|scenario = Secretary 3
|origin = 提督殿!そういうことは、よその子でお願いしたい!
|translation = Admiral! I'd prefer it if you do that with other girls!
|audio = Akitsumaru-Secretary_2.ogg
|scenario = Secretary 3
|kai = yes
|origin = 提督殿、飛行甲板を触っては…。それに、カ号にも触らないで欲しいのであります。
|translation = Admiral, touching the flight deck is... Also, please don't touch the Ka-types.
|audio = AkitsumaruKai-Secretary_3.ogg
|scenario = Secretary Idle
|origin = 提督殿、自分、待機も任務の一つでありますが…隊に所属してから、少し…寂しいと思うようになったであります…
|translation = Admiral, standing by might be one of my duties but... Since I became a member of this squad I feel... a bit lonely...
|audio = Akitsumaru-Idle.ogg
|scenario = Secretary (Married)
|origin = 提督殿、巡り会えない艦娘など、いない。こうして自分も出会えたわけだし…
|translation = There is no such thing as a ship girl you'll never meet, Admiral. That's how I'm here after all...
|audio = Akitsumaru-Wedding_Line.ogg
|scenario = Wedding
|origin = 自分には関係のないことだと思っていました。この気持ちが強さに繋がるとは…さすが提督殿、恐れ入りました…ますますあなたのことを知りたくなったであります。
|translation = I thought you didn't give me a second thought. These feelings will lend me strength... As expected of you, I am deeply grateful, Admiral... I want to get to know you even better now.
|audio = Akitsumaru-Wedding.ogg
|scenario = Player's Score
|origin = 報告は随時確認されるがよろしい。
|translation = The report is ready for you to review at any time.
|audio = Akitsumaru-Looking_At_Scores.ogg
|scenario = Player's Score
|kai = yes
|origin = 提督殿、連絡将校が来ているのであります。
|translation = The liaison officer has arrived, Admiral.
|audio = AkitsumaruKai-Looking_At_Scores.ogg
|scenario = Joining the Fleet
|origin = あきつ丸、いざ出航する!
|translation = Akitsumaru, departing now!
|audio = Akitsumaru-Joining_A_Fleet.ogg
|scenario = Joining the Fleet
|kai = yes
|origin = あきつ丸、カ号も大発も準備万端であります。
|translation = Akitsumaru, Ka-types and daihatsu are all ready.
|audio = AkitsumaruKai-Joining_A_Fleet.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 1
|origin = うむ、日々の手入れが行き届いていますね。
|translation = Yup, you need to properly perform daily maintenance.
|audio = Akitsumaru-Equipment_1.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 1
|kai = yes
|origin = うむ、カ号も良く見てあげて欲しいのであります。
|translation = Yup, I need to examine the Ka-types very closely.
|audio = AkitsumaruKai-Equipment_1.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 2
|origin = この強化、感謝、であります。
|translation = I'm grateful for this upgrade.
|audio = Akitsumaru-Equipment_2.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 2
|kai = yes
|origin = ここの工廠の者たちは働き者なのであります。
|translation = The workers in this arsenal are really hardworking.
|audio = AkitsumaruKai-Equipment_2.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 3
|origin = まずまず、であります。
|translation = It's sufficient.
|audio = Akitsumaru-Equipment_3.ogg
|scenario = Supply
|origin = ありがたい…のであります!
|translation = I'm...thankful!
|audio = Akitsumaru-Supply.ogg
|scenario = Docking (Minor Damage)
|origin = ここが海軍の入渠ドックか…
|translation = So these are the Navy's docks...
|audio = Akitsumaru-Docking_Minor.ogg
|scenario = Docking (Minor Damage)
|kai = yes
|origin = この入渠ドックにも慣れてきたのであります。
|translation = I'm used to entering these docks now.
|audio = AkitsumaruKai-Docking_Minor.ogg
|scenario = Docking (Major Damage)
|origin = 海軍の入渠ドック、実にいい。あ~あ~
|translation = The Navy's docks are great. Aaaah~
|audio = Akitsumaru-Docking_Major.ogg
|scenario = Docking (Major Damage)
|kai = yes
|origin = 申し訳ない。また修復をお願いしたいのであります。
|translation = Forgive me. I request another repair.
|audio = AkitsumaruKai-Docking_Major.ogg
|scenario = Construction
|origin = これが海軍工廠というものか…あっ、新しい艦が建造された。報告する。
|translation = So this is the Naval Arsenal... A-a new ship has been completed. As reported.
|audio = Akitsumaru-Construction.ogg
|scenario = Construction
|kai = yes
|origin = 新しい仲間が来たみたいですよ。あぁ…言の葉も感化されてきたであります。
|translation = Looks like a new comrade has arrived. Aah... what inspiring words.
|audio = AkitsumaruKai-Construction.ogg
|scenario = Returning from Sortie
|origin = 艦隊が帰投したのであります。
|translation = The fleet has returned to port.
|audio = Akitsumaru-Returning_From_Sortie.ogg
|scenario = Returning from Sortie
|kai = yes
|origin = カ号の観測によると、艦隊が帰投したようです。
|translation = According to the Ka-type's report, the fleet has returned to port.
|audio = AkitsumaruKai-Returning_From_Sortie.ogg
|scenario = Starting a Sortie
|origin = よーし、奴らを倒して陸を目指すぞ!
|translation = Alright, let's defeat them and head towards the shore!
|audio = Akitsumaru-Starting_A_Sortie.ogg
|scenario = Starting a Sortie
|kai = yes
|origin = むしろ、とばしていくのであります!
|translation = We'll blow them away instead!
|audio = AkitsumaruKai-Starting_A_Sortie.ogg
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|origin = 自分には、敵艦隊は見えるのであります。
|translation = I've found the enemy fleet.
|audio = Akitsumaru-Battle_Start.ogg
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|kai = yes
|origin = さて、進化したこのあきつ丸、本領発揮であります!
|translation = Now, it's time for the new me to show you what I'm really made of!
|audio = AkitsumaruKai-Battle_Start.ogg
|scenario = Attack
|origin = それ!着弾~~今!
|translation = There! Fire~ now~!
|audio = Akitsumaru-Attack.ogg
|scenario = Attack
|kai = yes
|origin = さぁ、カ号のみんな、出番であります!
|translation = Now, it's your turn, Ka-types!
|audio = AkitsumaruKai-Air_Battle.ogg
|scenario = Night Battle Attack
|origin = もう少し近づいて乗り込むであります!
|translation = I'm going to get a bit closer!
|audio = Akitsumaru-Night_Attack.ogg
|scenario = Air Battle/ Night Battle Attack
|kai = yes
|origin = 潜水艦など、自分がいれば近付けさせないのであります!…多分!
|translation = I won't let submarines get close! ..I think!
|audio = AkitsumaruKai-Air_Battle.ogg
|scenario = Night Battle
|origin = 大発、エンジンに火は入っているな?
|translation = Have the daihatsu engines been started?
|audio = Akitsumaru-Night_Battle.ogg
|scenario = Night Battle
|kai = yes
|origin = うふふ、夜目も利くのでありますよ。
|translation = Ufufu, I'm good in the dark too.
|audio = AkitsumaruKai-Night_Battle.ogg
|scenario = MVP
|origin = 自分、まだまだであります。精進するのであります。
|translation = I'm still not done yet. I'll continue to push myself.
|audio = Akitsumaru-MVP.ogg
|scenario = MVP
|kai = yes
|origin = この飛行甲板が役に立ってくれたようであります。自分もうれしいのであります。
|translation = This flight deck was pretty useful. I'm happy about it too.
|audio = AkitsumaruKai-MVP.ogg
|scenario = Minor Damage 1
|origin = うぐっ…自分被弾したであります。
|translation = Urgh... I'm hit.
|audio = Akitsumaru-Minor_Damage_1.ogg
|scenario = Minor Damage 2
|origin = うわぁっ!
|translation = Whoaa~!
|audio = Akitsumaru-Minor_Damage_2.ogg
|scenario = Major Damage
|origin = これでは、将校殿にも提督殿にも、顔向けできない…!
|translation = I can't face my commanding officer or my admiral now...!
|audio = Akitsumaru-Major_Damage.ogg
|scenario = Sunk
|origin = 自分がこんなところで、沈むことになるなんて、思わなかった…なぁ…
|translation = I never thought that I'd sink in a place like... this...
|audio = Akitsumaru-Sunk.ogg
|scenario = Sunk
|kai = yes
|origin = そうか…これが…俗にいう慢心でありますか…なるほどで…あり…ま…す
|translation = I see... so this is... what they mean by 'pride'... I under... stand... now...
|audio = AkitsumaruKai-Sunk.ogg
|} <references/>
|EN14 = Alright, let's defeat them and aim for success.
Akitsu Maru, departing now!
|戦闘開始時 = 自分には、敵艦隊が見えるのであります!
|EN15 = I have spotted an enemy fleet!
|夜戦開始時 = 大発、エンジンに火は入っているな!?
|EN17 = The Daihatsu, is it not firing up!?
|MVP時 = 自分、まだまだであります。精進するのであります
|EN19 = I still have a long way to go. I am going to give my best.
|EN20 = Ugh! I'm under heavy fire.
|EN21 = Argh!
|EN22 = In this state, I can't face the officer nor the admiral...
|撃沈時(反転) = 自分がこんなところで…沈むことになるなんて…思わなかった…な……
|EN23 = I didn't think... I would sink... in such a place...
|Note1 = She uses the 1st person pronoun "jibun", which sounds quite detached and impersonal; military types may use it to indicate professionalism.|Married = 提督殿、巡り会えない艦娘など、いない。こうして自分も出会えたわけだし…
|EN25 = Admiral-dono, there are no ship daughters that you will never get a chance to meet.  I can say this, for it is in this way that I, too, have managed to meet you…
|Wedding = 自分には関係のないことだと思っていました。この気持ちが強さに繋がるとは…さすが提督殿、恐れ入りました…ますますあなたのことを知りたくなったであります。
|EN26 = I thought that you had no concerns about me.  The strength of this feeling is connected… as expected of Admiral-dono, oh, beg your pardon… I would like to know more and more about you.|攻撃時 = それ、着弾(ちゃくだーん)・・・今
|EN16 = Impacting... now.
|Note16 = Akitumaru was used as a FAO for army artillery. In addition, she mounted 10 75mm Army issue field guns allowing her to fire a considerable barrage of her own.|ドック入り(小破以下) = ここが海軍の入渠ドックか・・・!
|ドック入り(中破以上) = 海軍の入渠ドック・・・実に良い・・・ハァ~・・・
|夜戦攻撃時 = もう少し近づいて、乗り込むであります
|小破① = うぐっ…自分被弾したであります
|小破② = うわぁっ!
|中破 = これでは、将校殿にも提督殿にも、顔向けできない…!|Note2 = Akitsu Maru was an IJA ship.
|Clip1 = {{Audio|file=Akitsumaru-Introduction.ogg}}
|Clip0 = {{Audio|file=Akitsumaru-Library.ogg}}
|Clip2 = {{Audio|file=Akitsumaru-Secretary_1.ogg}}
|Clip3 = {{Audio|file=Akitsumaru-Secretary_2.ogg}}
|Clip4a = {{Audio|file=Akitsumaru-Idle.ogg}}
|Clip25 = {{Audio|file=Akitsumaru-Wedding_Line.ogg}}
|Clip26 = {{Audio|file=Akitsumaru-Wedding.ogg}}
|Clip5 = {{Audio|file=Akitsumaru-Looking_At_Scores.ogg}}
|Clip7 = {{Audio|file=Akitsumaru-Equipment_1.ogg}}
|Clip8 = {{Audio|file=Akitsumaru-Equipment_2.ogg}}
|Clip9 = {{Audio|file=Akitsumaru-Equipment_3.ogg}}
|Clip24 = {{Audio|file=Akitsumaru-Supply.ogg}}
|Clip10 = {{Audio|file=Akitsumaru-Docking_Minor.ogg}}
|Clip11 = {{Audio|file=Akitsumaru-Docking_Major.ogg}}
|Clip14 = {{Audio|file=Akitsumaru-Starting_A_Sortie.ogg}}<br/>{{Audio|file=Akitsumaru-Joining_A_Fleet.ogg}}
|Clip15 = {{Audio|file=Akitsumaru-Battle_Start.ogg}}
|Clip16 = {{Audio|file=Akitsumaru-Attack.ogg}}
|Clip17 = {{Audio|file=Akitsumaru-Night_Battle.ogg}}
|Clip18 = {{Audio|file=Akitsumaru-Night_Attack.ogg}}
|Clip19 = {{Audio|file=Akitsumaru-MVP.ogg}}
|Clip20 = {{Audio|file=Akitsumaru-Minor_Damage_1.ogg}}
|Clip21 = {{Audio|file=Akitsumaru-Minor_Damage_2.ogg}}
|Clip22 = {{Audio|file=Akitsumaru-Major_Damage.ogg}}
|Clip23 = {{Audio|file=Akitsumaru-Sunk.ogg}}
|Clip4 = {{Audio|file=Akitsumaru-Secretary_3.ogg}}
|Clip6 = {{Audio|file=Akitsumaru-Joining_A_Fleet.ogg}}
|Clip12 = {{Audio|file=Akitsumaru-Construction.ogg}}
|Clip13 = {{Audio|file=Akitsumaru-Returning_From_Sortie.ogg}}
|入渠完了 = 入渠終了報告であります。}}
===Quote (Kai)===
|自己紹介 = 自分、航空兵力を充実させてみたのであります。
|Library = 自分は、陸軍の特種船丙型の「あきつ丸」であります。
|秘書クリック会話① = 自分、最近この艦隊の雰囲気に呑まれているであります…反省。
|秘書クリック会話② = カ号も固定翼機もあるんだよ、であります。
|秘書クリック会話③ = 提督殿、飛行甲板を触っては…。それに、カ号にも触らないで欲しいのであります。
|秘書放置時 = 提督殿、自分、待機も任務の一つでありますが…隊に所属してから、少し寂しいと思うようになったであります…
|Married = 提督殿、巡り会えない艦娘など、いない。こうして自分も出会えたわけだし…
|Wedding = 自分には関係のないことだと思っていました。この気持ちが強さに繋がるとは…さすが提督殿、恐れ入りました…ますますあなたのことを知りたくなったであります。
|戦績表示時 = 提督殿、連絡将校が来ているのであります。
|編成選択時 = あきつ丸、カ号も大発も準備万端であります。
|装備時① = ここの工廠の者たちは働き者なのであります。
|装備時② = うむ、カ号も良く見てあげて欲しいのであります。
|装備時③ = まずまず、であります。
|補給時 = ありがたい…!のであります。
|建造時 = 新しい仲間が来たみたいですよ。あぁ…言の葉も感化されてきたであります。
|艦隊帰投時 = カ号の観測によると、艦隊が帰投したようです。
|出撃時 = あきつ丸、カ号も大発も準備万端であります。
|戦闘開始時 = さて、進化したこのあきつ丸。本領発揮であります!
|航空戦開始時 = 潜水艦など、自分がいれば近付けさせないのであります!…多分!
|攻撃時 = さて、進化したこのあきつ丸。本領発揮であります!
|夜戦開始時 = うふふ、夜目も利くのでありますよ。
|夜戦攻撃時 = 潜水艦など、自分がいれば近付けさせないのであります!…多分!
|MVP時 = この飛行甲板が役に立ってくれたようであります。
|撃沈時(反転) = そうか…これが…俗にいう慢心でありますか…なるほどで…あり…ま…す|EN1 = I have enhanced my air combat potential. Now I'm practically a carrier.
|EN0 = I am Akitsu Maru, of the Army's Hei class. I was the pioneer of the modern amphibious assault vessel, able to operate new weapons such as auto-gyros. We may not do so well in anti-submarine warfare. I most humbly look forward to working with you sir.
|EN2 = I have got caught up in this fleets atmosphere lately... I shall reflect on this.
|EN3 = There are Ka-type and also fixed-wing aircraft, indeed.
|Note3 =
|EN4 = Admiral, touching my flight deck and... I would prefer it if you didn't touch the Ka-types also.
|EN25 = Admiral-dono, there are no ship daughters that you will never get a chance to meet. I can say this, for it is in this way that I, too, have managed to meet you…
|EN5 = Admiral, the liaison officer has arrived.
|EN6 = Akitsu maru, Daihatsu and Ka-types are ready to go.
|EN7 = The people in the factory are hard workers.
|EN8 = Indeed, please take care of the Ka-types also.
|EN9 = Quite decent.
|EN24 = Thank you...! Officer sir.
|Note24 =
|EN10 = I am getting quite familiar with this dock.
|EN11 = I must apologise. I respectfully request to be repaired again.
|EN12 = A new friend has arrived. Aaah...such inspiring words.
|EN13 = The observation auto-gyros report the fleet has returned.
|EN14 = Akitsu maru, Ka types and Daihatsu prepared for departure.
Skip to it!
|EN15 = Well then, Akitsu maru has evolved. This is what I am truly capable of!
|EN15a = I won't allow submarines to get close...I think!
|EN16 = Well then, Akitsu maru has evolved. This is what I am truly capable of!
Now then it's your turn, Ka types!
|EN17 = hmhmhm, I have good night vision.
|EN18 = I won't allow submarines to get close...I think!
|EN19 = It seems this flight deck was useful. I am quite happy myself.
|EN20 = Uwaaah!
|EN21 = Ugh...I have been hit.
|EN22 = In this state, I can't face the officer nor the admiral...
|Note23 = |EN23 = I see...this is what...people call pride...I|ドック入り(小破以下) = この入渠ドックにも慣れてきたのであります。
|ドック入り(中破以上) = 申し訳ない。また修復をお願いしたいのであります。
|小破① = うわぁっ!
|小破② = うぐっ…自分被弾したであります
|中破 = これでは、将校殿にも提督殿にも、顔向けできない…!|EN26 = I thought that you had no concerns about me. The strength of this feeling is connected… as expected of Admiral-dono, oh, beg your pardon… I would like to know more and more about you.
|Note26 =
|Clip1 = {{Audio|file=AkitsumaruKai-Introduction.ogg}}
|Clip0 = {{Audio|file=AkitsumaruKai-Library.ogg}}
|Clip2 = {{Audio|file=AkitsumaruKai-Secretary_1.ogg}}
|Clip3 = {{Audio|file=AkitsumaruKai-Secretary_2.ogg}}
|Clip4a = {{Audio|file=AkitsumaruKai-Idle.ogg}}
|Clip25 = {{Audio|file=AkitsumaruKai-Wedding_Line.ogg}}
|Clip26 = {{Audio|file=AkitsumaruKai-Wedding.ogg}}
|Clip5 = {{Audio|file=AkitsumaruKai-Looking_At_Scores.ogg}}
|Clip7 = {{Audio|file=AkitsumaruKai-Equipment_1.ogg}}
|Clip8 = {{Audio|file=AkitsumaruKai-Equipment_2.ogg}}
|Clip9 = {{Audio|file=AkitsumaruKai-Equipment_3.ogg}}
|Clip24 = {{Audio|file=AkitsumaruKai-Supply.ogg}}
|Clip10 = {{Audio|file=AkitsumaruKai-Docking_Minor.ogg}}
|Clip11 = {{Audio|file=AkitsumaruKai-Docking_Major.ogg}}
|Clip14 = {{Audio|file=AkitsumaruKai-Joining_A_Fleet.ogg}}<br/>{{Audio|file=AkitsumaruKai-Starting_A_Sortie.ogg}}
|Clip15 = {{Audio|file=AkitsumaruKai-Battle_Start.ogg}}
|Clip15a = {{Audio|file=AkitsumaruKai-Air_Battle.ogg}}
|Clip16 = {{Audio|file=AkitsumaruKai-Battle_Start.ogg}}<br/>{{Audio|file=AkitsumaruKai-Attack.ogg}}
|Clip17 = {{Audio|file=AkitsumaruKai-Night_Battle.ogg}}
|Clip18 = {{Audio|file=AkitsumaruKai-Air_Battle.ogg}}
|Clip19 = {{Audio|file=AkitsumaruKai-MVP.ogg}}
|Clip20 = {{Audio|file=AkitsumaruKai-Minor_Damage_1.ogg}}
|Clip21 = {{Audio|file=AkitsumaruKai-Minor_Damage_2.ogg}}
|Clip22 = {{Audio|file=AkitsumaruKai-Major_Damage.ogg}}
|Clip23 = {{Audio|file=AkitsumaruKai-Sunk.ogg}}
|Clip4 = {{Audio|file=AkitsumaruKai-Secretary_3.ogg}}
|Clip6 = {{Audio|file=AkitsumaruKai-Joining_A_Fleet.ogg}}
|Clip12 = {{Audio|file=AkitsumaruKai-Construction.ogg}}
|Clip13 = {{Audio|file=AkitsumaruKai-Returning_From_Sortie.ogg}}
|入渠完了 = お風呂あがりの艦娘であります。}}
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