Added and translated marriage lines.
| 撃沈時(反転)=また、能代は沈むのね…。阿賀野姉、今度はゆっくりきてよ…?ね…?
| 撃沈時(反転)=また、能代は沈むのね…。阿賀野姉、今度はゆっくりきてよ…?ね…?
| EN23=Again, Noshiro has sunk, huh.... Agano-nee, will you take it easy this time...? Okay...?
| EN23=Again, Noshiro has sunk, huh.... Agano-nee, will you take it easy this time...? Okay...?
| Note23=}}
| Note23=|Married = 提督、もう一息ですよ。頑張って!
|EN25 = Admiral, just one more push. Come on!
|Wedding = "提督、お忙しいのにお時間頂いてすみません。実はかねてより申し上げたかったことがあって…
本当にっ!? 夢のようです! 提督! 能代、ずっと頑張ります!!"
|EN26 = "Admiral, sorry to bother you at such a busy time. There's something that I've wanted to say to you…
Everyone thinks that I just want to care for Agano-nee, but I… I really… want to care for the Admiral… I think…
This is like a dream! Admiral! Noshiro will do her best!"}}
| 00JP=深夜0時です。時報の連絡って、これで合ってます?
| 00JP=深夜0時です。時報の連絡って、これで合ってます?