
5,619 bytes added ,  10 years ago
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| EN4=If its something difficult to say, shall we talk over there?
| EN4=If its something difficult to say, shall we talk over there?
| Note4=
| Note4=
| 秘書放置時=
| 秘書放置時=提督も、とてもお忙しそう・・・その間に色々とやれることをやっておきましょう。いつ提督がお呼びになってもいいように。
| EN4a=
| EN4a=The Admiral seems very busy... In that case, I should do everything I can at hand. Just so that the Admiral may call on me whenever necessary.
| Note4a=
| Note4a=
| 戦績表示時=作戦司令部より、ご伝言があるようですよ?
| 戦績表示時=作戦司令部より、ご伝言があるようですよ?
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|小破② = もうやめてください!
|小破② = もうやめてください!
|中破 = これ以上…私にどうしろと言うのですか…}}
|中破 = これ以上…私にどうしろと言うのですか…}}
===Hourly notifications (Kai)===
|00JP = 深夜0時。もうこんな時間。1日は早いものですね、提督
|01JP = マルヒトマルマル。提督、あまり深夜まで無理してはお体に障りますよ
|02JP = マルフタマルマル。あとはこの妙高が目を通しておきますから、ね? ていと…あぁっ…
|03JP = マルサンマルマル。急に提督が毛布を掛けてくれたから。私びっくりしました
|04JP = マルヨンマルマル。提督、これはどうしましょう? あら? 提督、お休みですか?
|05JP = マルゴーマルマル。提督がお休みのうちに書類は私が全て処理しておかないと
|06JP = マルロクマルマル。んぁ…もう朝か。提督のお仕事は大変。あら、来客かしら?
|07JP = マルナナマルマル。はぁい! あぁ足柄でしたか。どうしたの、目を丸くして?
|08JP = マルハチマ…あぁ、おはようございます。足柄が先ほど …提督? 顔色が優れませんね
|09JP = マルキュウマルマル。はぁ…提督? 足柄との朝食会議の約束を忘れてたんですね
|10JP = ヒトマルマルマル。もう。私からも謝っておきますね。ところでこの書類ですが
|11JP = ヒトヒトマルマル。そうですね。お昼は執務室で早めの昼食をとりながら作業ですね
|12JP = ヒトフタマルマ…。あぁ…また来客?どうぞ! え…羽黒? どうして涙目!? あぁ行かないで!
|13JP = ヒトサンマルマル。提督、頭抱えてる理由は…わかりました。お話は業務の後で
|14JP = ヒトヨンマルマル。提督、お説教はしたくありませんが。少しお話しいいですか?
|15JP = ヒトゴーマルマル。提督が忘れっぽいのは仕方ないとして。そもそも約束とは守るためにあるので
|16JP = ヒトロクマルマル。みんな提督との約束を楽しみにしているわけで。それを忘れてしまうのはどうかと。 …って聞いてますか!
|17JP = ヒトナナマルマル。この分だと、お夕食もどなたかとお約束があるのではないですか?
|18JP = ヒトハチマルマル。えっ…今日は私のカレーが食べたいって?えぇ…仕方ないですね
|19JP = ヒトキューマルマル。妙高特製カレーです。これはお肉のブランデーフランベが特徴で
|20JP = フタマルマルマル。それでは私は夜の鎮守府の見回りに行ってきますね。 …提督?
|21JP = フタヒトマルマル。なんだかんだ言っても提督は艦娘みんなに愛されているのね。うふふふ
|22JP = フタフタマルマル。鎮守府は異常なし! あら、那智? 達磨一瓶片手にどちらへ
|23JP = フタサンマルマル。えっ? 提督と晩酌の約束なの? はぁ…もう…提督の…バカ…
|idleJP = 僕はまだ、ここにいても大丈夫なのかな…|idleEN = Am I still allowed to be here...?|00EN = 0000 hours at night. It's this late already. The day goes fast, doesn't it, sir?
|01EN = 0100 hours. Sir, pushing yourself too hard might be tough on your health.
|02EN = 0200 hours. This Myoukou will look over the rest, okay? Si-... Oh...
|03EN = 0300 hours. I was just surprised when you had put the blanket over me.
|04EN = 0400 hours. What should I do with this, sir? Oh, Admiral? Are you resting?
|05EN = 0500 hours. I better take care of everything while the Admiral's asleep.
|06EN = 0600 hours. Hngh... It's morning. The Admiral's job is a tough one. Oh, a visitor?
|07EN = 0700 hours. Coming! Oh, Ashigara. What's wrong? You so surprised?
|08EN = 0800 ho-... Oh, good morning. Ashigara was here just... Sir? You don't look so good.
|09EN = 0900 hours. (Sign) ...Admiral? You forgot your appointment with Ashigara for a breakfast discussion, didn't you.
|10EN = 1000 hours. Goodness. I'll apologize to her too. By the way, about this document...
|11EN = 1100 hours. Yes, I suppose we'll have an early lunch while we work.
|12EN = 1200 hour- Oh... another visitor? Come in! Wha-... Haguro? Why are you so teary?! No, wait!
|13EN = 1300 hours. Admiral, I see why you're so troubled... Very well. We'll chat after our work.
|14EN = 1400 hours. Sir, I don't want to scold, but can we talk for a minute?
|15EN = 1500 hours. Sir, we'll leave you being forgetful out. But promises are things that are meant to be kept.
|16EN = 1600 hours. All the girls look forward to seeing you. And forgetting that is... Are you listening to me!
|17EN = 1700 hours. At this rate, you have plans for dinner with someone as well, don't you?
|18EN = 1800 hours. Wha... You want to eat my curry tonight? But... Very well.
|19EN = 1900 hours. Here's Myoukou's Special Curry. The meat has been glazed with brandy, and...
|20EN = 2000 hours. Well then, I'll go patrol the base perimeters. ...Sir?
|21EN = 2100 hours. I suppose all the Kanmusus love the Admiral anyway. (Giggle)
|22EN = 2200 hours. Everything is quiet on the base! Oh. Nachi? Where are you going with that bottle of Sake?
|23EN = 2300 hours. Hmm? You had plans to drink with the Admiral? (Sigh) Goodness... Admiral, you are unbelievable...}}
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