
Translation check
Line 96: Line 96:  
| 自己紹介=アタシは軽巡北上。
| 自己紹介=アタシは軽巡北上。
| EN1= I'm light cruiser Kitakami, nice ta meet 'ya.
| EN1= I'm the light cruiser Kitakami, nice ta meet 'ya.
| Note1=
| Note1=
| Library=球磨型軽巡洋艦の3番艦、北上だよー。
| Library=球磨型軽巡洋艦の3番艦、北上だよー。
Line 102: Line 102:  
| EN0=It's Kitakami, the third ship of the Kuma class~. Hmm? Yeah, Ooi's my best pal. I heard I can go another step and become a torpedo crusier that machine guns out oxygen torpedos. Wanna try?
| EN0=It's Kitakami, the third ship of the Kuma class~. Hmm? Yeah, Ooi's my best pal. I heard I can go another step and become a torpedo cruiser that machine guns out oxygen torpedos. Wanna try?
| Note0=重雷装巡洋艦=torpedo cruiser. '重' also means also 'enormous,' 'extreme,' etc. Not 'heavy' in this context. 重雷装艦=torpedo ship.
| Note0=
| 秘書クリック会話①=駆逐艦? あぁ、ウザい
| 秘書クリック会話①=駆逐艦? あぁ、ウザい
| EN2=  Destroyer?  Aah, annoying.
| EN2=  Destroyer?  Aah, they're annoying.
| Note2=
| Note2=
| 秘書クリック会話②=もーおー、大井っち身体触るの止めてよー…って、提督じゃん。何やってんの?
| 秘書クリック会話②=もーおー、大井っち身体触るの止めてよー…って、提督じゃん。何やってんの?
| EN3= Oh , geez, Ooi, stop touching me- hey, 'tis the Admiral. Da heck ya' doing?
| EN3= Geez, Ooi, stop touching me... Wait, that was you, Admiral? 'The heck you doing?
| Note3=  
| Note3=  
| 秘書クリック会話③=大井っちなにさー…あ、なんだ提督か
| 秘書クリック会話③=大井っちなにさー…あ、なんだ提督か
Line 120: Line 120:  
| Note5=
| Note5=
| 編成選択時=水雷戦隊、出るよ!
| 編成選択時=水雷戦隊、出るよ!
| EN6=Torpedo squadron, going out!
| EN6=Torpedo squadron, headin' out!
| Note6=
| Note6=
| 装備時①=うん、強化は好き、どんどんやって
| 装備時①=うん、強化は好き、どんどんやって
| EN7= Yeah, I like being strengthened. Keep em' coming!
| EN7= Yeah, I like being reinforced. Keep em' coming!
| Note7=  
| Note7=  
| 装備時②=いいねぇ、しびれるねぇ。ありがとね
| 装備時②=いいねぇ、しびれるねぇ。ありがとね
| EN8= Oh yes, I'm getting the chills! Thanks, dude.
| EN8= Oh yeah, I'm gettin' the chills! Thanks, dude.
| Note8=
| Note8=
| 装備時③=まぁまぁか
| 装備時③=まぁまぁか
| EN9= Tis okay, I 'spose.
| EN9= It's alright, I 'spose.
| Note9=
| Note9=
| EN10=Sorry, I wrecked myself a little.
| EN10=Sorry, I wrecked myself a little.
| Note10=
| Note10=
| 補給時=うん、強化は好き。どんどんやって!
| 補給時=うん、強化は好き。どんどんやって!
| EN24= Yeah, I like being strengthened. Keep em' coming!
| EN24= Yeah, I like being reinforced. Keep em' coming!
| Note24=
| Note24=
| EN11= What can I do? My armor's about as good as paper!
| EN11= What can I do? My armor's about as good as paper!
| Note11=
| Note11=
| 建造時=新しい艦が進水したってさ
| 建造時=新しい艦が進水したってさ
| EN12=A new ship has been floated.
| EN12=A new ship's been laid down.
| Note12=
| Note12=
| 艦隊帰投時=あ、艦隊が帰ってきたね
| 艦隊帰投時=あ、艦隊が帰ってきたね
| EN13=Ah, seems like the fleet has returned.
| EN13=Ah, seems like the fleet's returned.
| Note13=
| Note13=
| 出撃時=水雷戦隊、出るよ!
| 出撃時=水雷戦隊、出るよ!
| EN14=  Torpedo squadron, going out! We're off, let's go, Ooi!
| EN14=  Torpedo squadron, going out! We're off! Let's go, Ooi!
| Note14=
| Note14=
| 戦闘開始時=敵艦発見!砲雷撃戦、よーい!
| 戦闘開始時=敵艦発見!砲雷撃戦、よーい!
| EN15=Enemy sighted! Ready for shelling and torpedoing!
| EN15=Enemy sighted! Prepare for shelling and torpedoing!
| Note15=
| Note15=
| 航空戦開始時=
| 航空戦開始時=
Line 167: Line 167:  
| EN19=I keep talking about remodeling, but I 'spose I quite like myself this way right now.
| EN19=I keep talking about remodeling, but I 'spose I quite like myself this way right now.
| Note19=
| Note19=
| EN20=It's only a flesh wound!
| EN20='Tis only a flesh wound!
| Note20=
| Note20=
| EN21=Hey, that hurt!
| EN21=Hey, that hurt!
Line 217: Line 217:  
| Note1=
| Note1=
| Library=九三式酸素魚雷を満載、片舷20門、全40門の魚雷発射管を誇る、重雷装艦へと改装されたスーパー北上さまだよ。その威力は圧倒的と言われていたけれど、活躍する機会が微妙になかったんだよね。ちぇっ。
| Library=九三式酸素魚雷を満載、片舷20門、全40門の魚雷発射管を誇る、重雷装艦へと改装されたスーパー北上さまだよ。その威力は圧倒的と言われていたけれど、活躍する機会が微妙になかったんだよね。ちぇっ。
| EN0=It's Super Kitakami-sama, equipped with type-93 oxygenated torpedos, with 20 firing tubes on each side. It's been said that I have overpowering strength, but I did not really get any chances to shine. Feh.
| EN0=It's Super Kitakami-sama, equipped with type-93 oxygenated torpedos, with 20 firing tubes on each side. It's been said that I have overpowering strength, but I didn't really get any chances to shine. Feh.
| Note0=
| Note0=
| 秘書クリック会話①=93式酸素魚雷満載で、重いわ〜
| 秘書クリック会話①=93式酸素魚雷満載で、重いわ〜
Line 223: Line 223:  
| Note2=
| Note2=
| 秘書クリック会話②=全部で40門の魚雷管だよ〜
| 秘書クリック会話②=全部で40門の魚雷管だよ〜
| EN3= There are 40 firing tubes in total, y'know?
| EN3= I have 40 firing tubes in total, y'know?
| Note3=
| Note3=
| 秘書クリック会話③=ぅあ、あれ? あれはちょっと積みたくないなぁ
| 秘書クリック会話③=ぅあ、あれ? あれはちょっと積みたくないなぁ
| EN4= T-that? I'd rather not load any...
| EN4= Th-those? I'd rather not load any...
| Note4=Reference to the "Kaiten" kamikaze torpedoes. For better or worse, she did not fire any.
| Note4=Reference to the "Kaiten" kamikaze torpedoes. For better or worse, she did not fire any.
| 秘書放置時=
| 秘書放置時=
Line 235: Line 235:  
| Note5=
| Note5=
| 編成選択時=重雷装巡洋艦北上、出撃します
| 編成選択時=重雷装巡洋艦北上、出撃します
| EN6=Torpedo cruiser Kitakami, moving out.
| EN6=Torpedo cruiser Kitakami, headin' out.
| Note6=
| Note6=
| 装備時①=どんどん強化して、いい船になるから
| 装備時①=どんどん強化して、いい船になるから
Line 246: Line 246:  
| EN9=Aah, let's do it already!
| EN9=Aah, let's do it already!
| Note9=
| Note9=
| EN10=Yeah... 'tis a difficult ship, ain't it.
| EN10=Yeah... I'm a difficult ship, ain't I.
| Note10=
| Note10=
| 補給時=どんどん強化して。良い船になるから。
| 補給時=どんどん強化して。良い船になるから。
Line 254: Line 254:  
| Note11=
| Note11=
| 建造時=新しい艦が進水しましたよー
| 建造時=新しい艦が進水しましたよー
| EN12=A new ship has been floated.
| EN12=A new ship's been laid down.
| Note12=
| Note12=
| 艦隊帰投時=あら、艦隊が帰ってきましたね。
| 艦隊帰投時=あら、艦隊が帰ってきましたね。
| EN13=Oh, seems like the fleet returned.
| EN13=Oh, seems like the fleet's returned.
| Note13=
| Note13=
| 出撃時=まー大井っちと組めば、最強だよね
| 出撃時=まー大井っちと組めば、最強だよね
| EN14=Well, I make the ultimate combination with Ooi.
| EN14=Well, I do make the ultimate combination with Ooi.
| Note14=
| Note14=
| 戦闘開始時=20射線の酸素魚雷、2回いきますよー。
| 戦闘開始時=20射線の酸素魚雷、2回いきますよー。
Line 280: Line 280:  
| Note18=
| Note18=
| MVP時=ふふん、これが重雷装艦の実力ってやつよ。あーよかった、活躍できて
| MVP時=ふふん、これが重雷装艦の実力ってやつよ。あーよかった、活躍できて
| EN19=Hehe, so this is the power of a torpedo ship. Man... I'm glad I got to do something.
| EN19=Hehe, this is the real power of a torpedo ship, you know. Man... I'm glad I got to do something.
| Note19=
| Note19=
| EN20=Ouch... may I evacuate?
| EN20=Ouch... can I evacuate?
| Note20=
| Note20=
| EN21=Guh... I really have no defensive powers...
| EN21=Guh... I really have no defensive strength...
| Note21=
| Note21=
| EN22=Well, how should I say this... I guess these things happen. I wanna get fixed!
| EN22=Well, how should I say this... I guess these things happen. I wanna get fixed!
| Note22=  
| Note22=  
| 撃沈時(反転)=来世はやっぱ戦艦でお願いします・・・ガクッ
| 撃沈時(反転)=来世はやっぱ戦艦でお願いします・・・ガクッ
| EN23=I'd like to be a battleship in my next life after all... gulp
| EN23=I'd like to be a battleship in my next life, please... *collapse*
| Note23=|ドック入り(小破以下) = う~んやっぱ難しいよね~、この船。
| Note23=|ドック入り(小破以下) = う~んやっぱ難しいよね~、この船。
|ドック入り(中破以上) = まぁ~難しいよね~。とりあえず直すね~。
|ドック入り(中破以上) = まぁ~難しいよね~。とりあえず直すね~。
Line 331: Line 331:  
| Note1=
| Note1=
| Library=九三式酸素魚雷を満載、片舷20門、全40門の魚雷発射管を誇る、重雷装艦へと改装されたスーパー北上さまだよ。その威力は圧倒的と言われていたけれど、活躍する機会が微妙になかったんだよね。ちぇっ。
| Library=九三式酸素魚雷を満載、片舷20門、全40門の魚雷発射管を誇る、重雷装艦へと改装されたスーパー北上さまだよ。その威力は圧倒的と言われていたけれど、活躍する機会が微妙になかったんだよね。ちぇっ。
| EN0=It's Super Kitakami-sama, equipped with type-93 oxygen torpedoes, with 20 firing tubes on each side. It's been said that I have overpowering strength, but I did not really get any chances to shine. Feh.
| EN0=It's Super Kitakami-sama, equipped with type-93 oxygenated torpedos, with 20 firing tubes on each side. It's been said that I have overpowering strength, but I didn't really get any chances to shine. Feh.
| Note0=
| Note0=
| 秘書クリック会話①=93式酸素魚雷満載で、重いわ〜
| 秘書クリック会話①=93式酸素魚雷満載で、重いわ〜
Line 337: Line 337:  
| Note2=
| Note2=
| 秘書クリック会話②=ん?なに?提督、もう、なんなのさー。いいけどさー。
| 秘書クリック会話②=ん?なに?提督、もう、なんなのさー。いいけどさー。
| EN3=
| EN3=Hm? What is it, Admiral? Jeez, what do you want? Ah, whatever.
| Note3=
| Note3=
| 秘書クリック会話③=もーおー、大井っち身体触るの止めてよー…って、提督じゃん。何やってんの?
| 秘書クリック会話③=もーおー、大井っち身体触るの止めてよー…って、提督じゃん。何やってんの?
| EN4=Oh , geez, Ooi, stop touching me- hey, 'tis the Admiral. Da heck ya' doing?
| EN4=Geez, Ooi, stop touching me... Wait, that was you, Admiral? 'The heck you doing?
| Note4=
| Note4=
| 秘書放置時=なんかこう…肩が凝るよね、肩が。まだ私若いんだけどね~。やっぱ魚雷がちょっと重いんかねぇ。
| 秘書放置時=なんかこう…肩が凝るよね、肩が。まだ私若いんだけどね~。やっぱ魚雷がちょっと重いんかねぇ。
| EN4a=
| EN4a=You know, these things give me stiff shoulders. I'm still young but... I guess these 'torps are a bit heavy.
| Note4a=
| Note4a=
| 戦績表示時=おぉ~、そうねぇ、情報は見ないとねぇ
| 戦績表示時=おぉ~、そうねぇ、情報は見ないとねぇ
| EN5=
| EN5=Yeppers, gotta make sure to check out the information.
| Note5=
| Note5=
| 編成選択時=重雷装巡洋艦北上、出撃します
| 編成選択時=重雷装巡洋艦北上、出撃します
| EN6=Torpedo cruiser Kitakami, moving out.
| EN6=Torpedo cruiser Kitakami, headin' out.
| Note6=
| Note6=
| 装備時①=どんどん強化して。いい艦(ふね)になるからさ♪
| 装備時①=どんどん強化して。いい艦になるからさ♪
| EN7=
| EN7=Keep em' coming! I'll become an even better ship.
| Note7=
| Note7=
| 装備時②=いいねぇ、しびれるねぇ。ありがとね♪
| 装備時②=いいねぇ、しびれるねぇ。ありがとね♪
Line 358: Line 358:  
| Note8=
| Note8=
| 装備時③=やっちゃいましょ~。
| 装備時③=やっちゃいましょ~。
| EN9=
| EN9=Let's do 'em in!
| Note9=
| Note9=
| EN10=Yeah... 'tis a difficult ship, ain't it.
| EN10=Yeah... I'm a difficult ship, ain't I.
| Note10=A reference to the fact that despite Kitakami and Ooi being the most advanced ships of their type, torpedo cruisers as a whole no longer had a useful role in carrier-dominated naval battles.
| Note10=A reference to the fact that despite Kitakami and Ooi being the most advanced ships of their type, torpedo cruisers as a whole no longer had a useful role in carrier-dominated naval battles.
| 補給時=補給?ありがとね。
| 補給時=補給?ありがとね。
Line 368: Line 368:  
| Note11=
| Note11=
| 建造時=新しい艦が進水しましたよ~
| 建造時=新しい艦が進水しましたよ~
| EN12=A new ship has been floated.
| EN12=A new ship's been laid down.
| Note12=
| Note12=
| 艦隊帰投時=あら、艦隊が帰って来ましたね。
| 艦隊帰投時=あら、艦隊が帰って来ましたね。
Line 401: Line 401:  
| Note22=
| Note22=
| 撃沈時(反転)=来世はやっぱ、空母でお願いし…って、いっかな~工作艦とかでも~あはは…
| 撃沈時(反転)=来世はやっぱ、空母でお願いし…って、いっかな~工作艦とかでも~あはは…
| EN23=I'd like to be a Aircraft Carrier in my next life please...Repair Ship is not bad too~ahaha
| EN23=I'd like to be a Aircraft Carrier in my next life please...Repair Ships aren't bad too~ahaha
| Note23=|Married = 提督?どした?落ち込んでんの?らしくないじゃん、大丈夫だって。
| Note23=
|EN25 =  
|Married = 提督?どした?落ち込んでんの?らしくないじゃん、大丈夫だって。
|EN25 = Admiral? 'Sup with you, feeling down? That's a bit out of character. Cheer up!
|Wedding = まぁ、なんてーの?そうねぇ…いい感じじゃん?最近…まぁ、なんかそう思うんだよね、うん…まぁ、そんな感じ?
|Wedding = まぁ、なんてーの?そうねぇ…いい感じじゃん?最近…まぁ、なんかそう思うんだよね、うん…まぁ、そんな感じ?
|EN26 = |ドック入り(小破以下) = う~ん、やっぱ難しいよね~この船。
|EN26 = Well, how do I say this? Yeah... It's not a bad feeling. Lately... well, that's how I feel. I guess... yeah, something like that.
|ドック入り(小破以下) = う~ん、やっぱ難しいよね~この船。
|ドック入り(中破以上) = まあ風呂もいいよね~。ね、大井っち?
|ドック入り(中破以上) = まあ風呂もいいよね~。ね、大井っち?
|小破① = くぅぅ、防御力は無いんだよぅ~
|小破① = くぅぅ、防御力は無いんだよぅ~
Line 443: Line 445:  
| 00JP=提督、日付が変わったよ。
| 00JP=提督、日付が変わったよ。
| 00EN=Admiral, the day has changed~.
| 00EN=Admiral, the date's changed~.
| 00Note=
| 00Note=
| 01JP=マルヒトマルマル。うん、そう。時報ってやつね。今日はあたしがやったげるよー。
| 01JP=マルヒトマルマル。うん、そう。時報ってやつね。今日はあたしがやったげるよー。
| 01EN=0100. Yes, that's right. It's the time keeping thing. I'll be doing it for today.
| 01EN=0100. Yeah, that's right. It's that whole time keeping thing. I'll be in charge of it for today.
| 01Note=
| 01Note=
| 02JP=マルフタマルマル。なんか飽きてきたー。漫画とかないの?漫画とか。……ちぇ。
| 02JP=マルフタマルマル。なんか飽きてきたー。漫画とかないの?漫画とか。……ちぇ。
| 02EN=0200. I'm gettin' bored of it-. Don't you have things like manga? No manga? ...tch.
| 02EN=0200. I'm gettin' bored of it-. Don't you have like any manga? No manga? ...tch.
| 02Note=
| 02Note=
| 03JP=マルサンマルマル。すっかり夜も更けたね。私も眠いよ…
| 03JP=マルサンマルマル。すっかり夜も更けたね。私も眠いよ…
| 03EN=0300. It's completely late into the night now. I'm sleepy too...
| 03EN=0300. It's pretty late into the night now. I'm sleepy too...
| 03Note=
| 03Note=
| 04JP=現在時刻、マルヨンマルマル。提督は眠くないの?あぁそう、いいねぇ…。
| 04JP=現在時刻、マルヨンマルマル。提督は眠くないの?あぁそう、いいねぇ…。
Line 458: Line 460:  
| 04Note=
| 04Note=
| 05JP=マルゴーマルマル。朝になっちゃったよ…明るいよー…あたしゃ眠いよ、寝ていい?今から…
| 05JP=マルゴーマルマル。朝になっちゃったよ…明るいよー…あたしゃ眠いよ、寝ていい?今から…
| 05EN=0500. It turned into morning now... It's so bright-... I'm sho sleepy, can I sleep? Starting from right now...
| 05EN=0500. It's already morning... It's so bright-... I'm so sleepy, can I sleep? Like, right now...
| 05Note=She slurred her "I" which is kind of hard to express in English so I replaced it onto the "so" instead.
| 05Note=
| 06JP=マルロクマルマル。わっ!どうしたの、大井っち。そんな怖い顔してさ、なになに?どうしたのさ。
| 06JP=マルロクマルマル。わっ!どうしたの、大井っち。そんな怖い顔してさ、なになに?どうしたのさ。
| 06EN=0600. Wah! What's wrong, Ooichi? Why're you makin' such a scary face? What's wrong? What's up?
| 06EN=0600. Wah! What's wrong, Ooichi? Why're you makin' such a scary face? What's wrong? What's up?
Line 467: Line 469:  
| 07Note=
| 07Note=
| 08JP=マルハチマルマル。大井っちの作った朝飯、いただきまーす!…あれ、どうして二人分しかないの?提督のは?
| 08JP=マルハチマルマル。大井っちの作った朝飯、いただきまーす!…あれ、どうして二人分しかないの?提督のは?
| 08EN=0800. The breakfast that Ooichi made, time to eat! ...Hmm, why is there only portions for two? What about Admiral's?
| 08EN=0800. It's time to dig into the breakfast that Ooichi made! ...Wait, why are there only two portions? What about the Admiral's?
| 08Note=
| 08Note=
| 09JP=マルキュウマルマル。だから、大井っち、別に大丈夫だってぇ。さ~自分の持ち場に戻った戻った~。はいはいっ。
| 09JP=マルキュウマルマル。だから、大井っち、別に大丈夫だってぇ。さ~自分の持ち場に戻った戻った~。はいはいっ。
| 09EN=0900. So I keep saying, I'm fine, Ooichi. Go on, go back to your post~. Yes, yes.
| 09EN=0900. I keep saying this, but I'm fine, Ooichi. Go on, go back to your post~. Yes, yes.
| 09Note=
| 09Note=
| 10JP=ヒトマルマルマル。ふぅ…やっと大井っちが戻ってったねー。いや、いい子なんだよ、ホントはね?あ、知ってた?そお?
| 10JP=ヒトマルマルマル。ふぅ…やっと大井っちが戻ってったねー。いや、いい子なんだよ、ホントはね?あ、知ってた?そお?
| 10EN=1000. Fuu... Ooichi has finally gone back. No, she's a good girl, really. Ah, you already knew that? Is that so.
| 10EN=1000. Fuu... Ooichi finally went back. No, she's a good girl, really. Ah, you already knew that? Is that so.
| 10Note=
| 10Note=
| 11JP=ヒトヒトマルマル。手なことしてたら、もうお昼だねー。いやー、お昼、何食べよっかねぇ。あ、まだ仕事ね。ハイハイ。
| 11JP=ヒトヒトマルマル。手なことしてたら、もうお昼だねー。いやー、お昼、何食べよっかねぇ。あ、まだ仕事ね。ハイハイ。
| 11EN=1100. After doin' the things on hand, it's already noon huh. Hmm, what should I eat for lunch? Ah, there's still work to do? Right right.
| 11EN=1100. Wow, time flies when you're working. It's already noon, huh. Hmm, what should I eat for lunch? Ah, there's still work to do? Right right.
| 11Note=
| 11Note=
| 12JP=ヒトフタマルマル。お昼だぁー。さて、今日は何食べに行こうかねぇ。うーん。
| 12JP=ヒトフタマルマル。お昼だぁー。さて、今日は何食べに行こうかねぇ。うーん。
| 12EN=1200. It's lunch tiime-! So, what should I eat today? Hmm.
| 12EN=1200. It's lunch time-! So, what should we eat today? Hmm.
| 12Note=
| 12Note=
| 13JP=ヒトサンマルマル。そうねぇ、やっぱ昼はカレーだよねぇー!間宮カレー、行きますかねぇ?それとも、半舷上陸しちゃう?
| 13JP=ヒトサンマルマル。そうねぇ、やっぱ昼はカレーだよねぇー!間宮カレー、行きますかねぇ?それとも、半舷上陸しちゃう?
| 13EN=1300. That's right, as expected, it's got to be curry for lunch~! Should I go for Mamiya curry? Or should I just take a rest?
| 13EN=1300. Yeah, it's definitely got to be curry for lunch~! Should we go for Mamiya curry? Or maybe one of us should stay behind?
| 13Note=
| 13Note=半舷上陸 refers to when half a ship's crew takes shore leave.
| 14JP=ふぅ、結局いつもの間宮さんとこのカレー。ま、いいけどねぇ。美味しいし。あ、ヒトヨンマルマル。一応ね。
| 14JP=ふぅ、結局いつもの間宮さんとこのカレー。ま、いいけどねぇ。美味しいし。あ、ヒトヨンマルマル。一応ね。
| 14EN=Fuu, in the end, it's always Mamiya-san's curry. Well, that's fine too. It's delicious after all. Ah, it's 1400. Just for the record.
| 14EN=Fuu, we ended up eating Mamiya-san's curry again, huh. Well, that's fine too. It's good stuff, after all. Ah, it's 1400. Just for the record.
| 14Note=
| 14Note=
| 15JP=ヒトゴーマルマル。まぁねえ。いろいろあったね。でもさ、なんかそれも仕方なかったのかなーってさ。今は思うんだ…。
| 15JP=ヒトゴーマルマル。まぁねえ。いろいろあったね。でもさ、なんかそれも仕方なかったのかなーってさ。今は思うんだ…。
| 15EN=1500. Well. Lot'sa things happened. But y'know, that also can't be helped. Is what I'm thinking now.
| 15EN=1500. Well. Lot'sa things happened. But y'know, "There ain't much we could do about it", is what I'm thinking now.
| 15Note=
| 15Note=
| 16JP=ヒトロクマルマル。あ、阿武隈だー。おーい!あれ?なんで逃げるのさ。おーい。…変なヤツ。ね?
| 16JP=ヒトロクマルマル。あ、阿武隈だー。おーい!あれ?なんで逃げるのさ。おーい。…変なヤツ。ね?
| 16EN=1600. Ah, it's Abukuma. O~i! Hmm? Why did she run away? O~i. ...What a weird person, right?
| 16EN=1600. Ah, it's Abukuma. O~i! Hmm? Why did she run away? O~i. ...What a weird person.
| 16Note=
| 16Note=
| 17JP=現在時刻、ヒトナナマルマル。そろそろ今日は看板だね~夕日が落ちるよ~。
| 17JP=現在時刻、ヒトナナマルマル。そろそろ今日は看板だね~夕日が落ちるよ~。
| 17EN=It's now 1700. Almost time to finish for the day~ The sun's heading down~
| 17EN=It's now 1700. Almost time to finish for the day~ The sun's comin' down~
| 17Note=
| 17Note=
| 18JP=ヒトハチマルマル。さ、そろそろ今日もお終いですよー。え、まだ早いって?そっか…ちぇ。
| 18JP=ヒトハチマルマル。さ、そろそろ今日もお終いですよー。え、まだ早いって?そっか…ちぇ。
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| 19Note=
| 19Note=
| 20JP=フタマルマルマル。え、提督、夜もカレーでいいって?ふぅーん。いいとこあるね、痺れるねぇ!大井っち、ありがとね♪
| 20JP=フタマルマルマル。え、提督、夜もカレーでいいって?ふぅーん。いいとこあるね、痺れるねぇ!大井っち、ありがとね♪
| 20EN=2000. Hey, Admiral, it is okay to have curry again for dinner? Hmmm. It's pretty good, I'm gettin' chills! Ooicchi, thanks♪
| 20EN=2000. Hey, Admiral, you're fine with curry again for dinner? Hmmm. It's pretty good, I'm gettin' chills! Ooicchi, thanks♪
| 20Note=
| 20Note=
| 21JP=フタヒトマルマル。まぁ、カレーばっかになっちゃったけどさ、大井っちのも美味しかったよねぇ。なんか変な味したけど。
| 21JP=フタヒトマルマル。まぁ、カレーばっかになっちゃったけどさ、大井っちのも美味しかったよねぇ。なんか変な味したけど。
| 21EN=2100. Well, we ended up having nothing but curry today, but Ooichi's sure is delicious, yeah? The flavor's a bit strange, though.
| 21EN=2100. Well, we ended up having nothing but curry today, but Ooichi's sure is delicious, yeah? The flavor was a bit strange, though.
| 21Note=
| 21Note=
| 22JP=フタフタマルマル。さっ、そろそろ本日の艦隊勤務もおしまいですよ~。ご苦労様でした~。寝よ寝よ。提督、それじゃ。
| 22JP=フタフタマルマル。さっ、そろそろ本日の艦隊勤務もおしまいですよ~。ご苦労様でした~。寝よ寝よ。提督、それじゃ。
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| 22Note=
| 22Note=
| 23JP=フタサンマルマル。…ん?ん~?え~。あたし今日寝ずの番の係なの?え~?できっかなぁ、それ無理っぽくない?
| 23JP=フタサンマルマル。…ん?ん~?え~。あたし今日寝ずの番の係なの?え~?できっかなぁ、それ無理っぽくない?
| 23EN=2300. Mmm~? Ehh.. I'm on night duty today? Eh~? Can I pull it off, doesn't it seem kinda impossible?
| 23EN=2300. Mmm~? Ehh.. I'm on night duty today? Eh~? I wonder if I can pull it off. It feels pretty impossible.
| 23Note=
| 23Note=
| idleJP=なんかこう…肩が凝るよね、肩が。まだ私若いんだけどね~。やっぱ魚雷がちょっと重いんかねぇ。
| idleEN=So yeah... my shoulders are stiff, my shoulders.  Even though I'm still so young~  These torpedoes sure are heavy, yeah?
| idleNote=
|Clip00 = {{Audio|file=Kitakami-00.ogg}}
|Clip00 = {{Audio|file=Kitakami-00.ogg}}
|Clip01 = {{Audio|file=Kitakami-01.ogg}}
|Clip01 = {{Audio|file=Kitakami-01.ogg}}
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[[File:Anime kitakami.png|right|200px]]
[[File:Anime kitakami.png|right|200px]]
'''[ Seiyuu]''': [ Ootsubo Yuka]
'''[ Artist]''': [ Shibafu] ([ しばふ])
