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|scenario = Introduction
|scenario = Introduction
|origin = 工作艦、明石です。少々の損傷だったら、私が泊地でばっちり直してあげますね。お任せください!
|origin = 工作艦、明石です。少々の損傷だったら、私が泊地でばっちり直してあげますね。お任せください!
|translation = I'm the repair ship, Akashi. I can fix light damage right up in base. Please leave it to me!
|translation = I'm the repair ship, Akashi. If you have any minor damages, I can fix you up in the base. Please leave it to me!
|audio = Akashi-Introduction.ogg
|audio = Akashi-Introduction.ogg
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|origin = 連合艦隊唯一の工作艦、明石です。トラック泊地に進出し、前線で損傷した艦艇の修理を担当したわ。トラック泊地が壊滅するその日まで、前線の艦隊を陰で支えたのよ。
|origin = 連合艦隊唯一の工作艦、明石です。トラック泊地に進出し、前線で損傷した艦艇の修理を担当したわ。トラック泊地が壊滅するその日まで、前線の艦隊を陰で支えたのよ。
|translation = I'm the only repair ship in the Combined Fleet, Akashi. I was in charge of repairing ships damaged in the front lines when I was stationed in the Truk Anchorage.<ref>During the war Akashi operated out of the Japanese base in the Truk atoll where she repaired various types of battle-damaged Japanese warships, including the Shōkaku in October 1942 and the Yamato in December 1943.</ref> I supported the fleet from behind right up until the destruction of the Anchorage.<ref>In February 1944 the Americans made a raid on Truk (Operation Hailstone), sinking and damaging many ships. Akashi was damaged in these attacks and escaped to the Japanese atoll of Palau. On 30 March 1944, while anchored off Urukthapel in the Palau islands, Akashi was hit numerous times by bombs and rockets from American aircraft from Task Group 58, during Operation Desecrate One. She was sunk in shallow water with her bridge and cranes still remaining above the water.</ref> Pleased to meet you.  
|translation = I'm Akashi, the only repair ship in the Combined Fleet. I was in charge of repairing ships damaged in the front lines when I was stationed in the Truk Anchorage.<ref>During the war Akashi operated out of the Japanese base in the Truk atoll where she repaired various types of battle-damaged Japanese warships, including the Shōkaku in October 1942 and the Yamato in December 1943.</ref> I supported the fleet from behind right up until the destruction of the Anchorage.<ref>In February 1944 the Americans made a raid on Truk (Operation Hailstone), sinking and damaging many ships. Akashi was damaged in these attacks and escaped to the Japanese atoll of Palau. On 30 March 1944, while anchored off Urukthapel in the Palau islands, Akashi was hit numerous times by bombs and rockets from American aircraft from Task Group 58, during Operation Desecrate One. She was sunk in shallow water with her bridge and cranes still remaining above the water.</ref> Pleased to meet you.  
|audio = Akashi-Library_Intro.ogg
|audio = Akashi-Library_Intro.ogg
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|scenario = Secretary 1
|scenario = Secretary 1
|kai = yes
|kai = yes
|origin = どうぞ、よろしくお願いたします!
|origin = どうぞ、よろしくお願い致します!
|translation = Very pleased to meet you!
|translation = Very pleased to meet you!
|audio = Akashi-Secretary_1_Kai.ogg
|audio = Akashi-Secretary_1_Kai.ogg
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|scenario = Secretary 3
|scenario = Secretary 3
|origin = クレーンにあまり触ったら危ないですよ!・・・あんっ!そこはもっと危ないです!
|origin = クレーンにあまり触ったら危ないですよ!・・・あんっ!そこはもっと危ないです!
|translation = It's dangerous to keep touching my cranes! ...Ahhn! That place is even more off limits!
|translation = It's dangerous to keep touching my cranes! ...Ahhn! That place is even more dangerous!
|audio = Akashi-Secretary_3.ogg
|audio = Akashi-Secretary_3.ogg
Line 73: Line 73:  
|scenario = Wedding
|scenario = Wedding
|origin = 提督、何ですかその指輪?私の艦内工場で少し加工します?もう…誰に上げるんですかぁ?えっ、私!?嘘ぉ…!? はぁあ…大事にします!ありがとう!
|origin = 提督、何ですかその指輪?私の艦内工場で少し加工します?もう…誰に上げるんですかぁ?えっ、私!?嘘ぉ…!? はぁあ…大事にします!ありがとう!
|translation = What's with that ring, Admiral? You want me to run it through my shipboard factory a little? Jeez... Who is it for? Eh, me!? Seriously...!? Whooo... I'll treasure it! Thanks!
|translation = What's with that ring, Admiral? You want me to run it through my shipboard factory a little? Jeez... Who is it for? Eh, me!? Seriously...!? I'll treasure it! Thanks!
|audio = Akashi-Wedding_Line.ogg
|audio = Akashi-Wedding_Line.ogg
Line 102: Line 102:  
|scenario = Equipment 3
|scenario = Equipment 3
|origin = 修理、しときます?
|origin = 修理、しときます?
|translation = Should I repair this?
|translation = Should I repair this?
|audio = Akashi-Equipment_3.ogg
|audio = Akashi-Equipment_3.ogg
