|EN25 = Admiral, thank you for your long service. Please, you should take a relaxing break sometimes.
|EN25 = Admiral, thank you for your long service. Please, you should take a relaxing break sometimes.
|Wedding = いつか…いつかふたりで、のんびりと船旅を楽しみたいものですね
|Wedding = いつか…いつかふたりで、のんびりと船旅を楽しみたいものですね
|EN26 = Sometime... just the two of us, I would like to take a laid-back sea cruise together.|EN0 = I am aircraft carrier Houshou.
|EN26 = Sometime... Sometime, just the two of us, I would like to take a laid-back sea cruise together.|EN0 = I am aircraft carrier Houshou.
Built as CV from the begining, I'm the world's first aircraft carrier. I am a petite ship, but I'll do my best.
Built as CV from the begining, I'm the world's first aircraft carrier. I am a petite ship, but I'll do my best.