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{{KanmusuInfo|{{PAGENAME}} Kai}}
==Gameplay Notes==
==Gameplay Notes==
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|{{Equipment/Card|16inch Mk.I Triple Gun Mount Kai + FCR Type 284|size=70px}} {{Equipment/Card|QF 2-pounder Octuple Pom-pom Gun Mount|size=70px}}<br>'''OR'''<br>{{Equipment/Card|20-tube 7inch UP Rocket Launchers|size=70px}} {{Equipment/Card|QF 2-pounder Octuple Pom-pom Gun Mount|size=70px}}<br>'''OR'''<br>{{Equipment/Card|20-tube 7inch UP Rocket Launchers|size=70px}} {{Equipment/Card|20-tube 7inch UP Rocket Launchers|size=70px}}
|{{Equipment/Card|16inch Mk.I Triple Gun Mount Kai + FCR Type 284|size=70px}} {{Equipment/Card|QF 2-pounder Octuple Pom-pom Gun Mount|size=70px}}<br>'''OR'''<br>{{Equipment/Card|20-tube 7inch UP Rocket Launchers|size=70px}} {{Equipment/Card|QF 2-pounder Octuple Pom-pom Gun Mount|size=70px}}<br>'''OR'''<br>{{Equipment/Card|20-tube 7inch UP Rocket Launchers|size=70px}} {{Equipment/Card|20-tube 7inch UP Rocket Launchers|size=70px}}
| +4
| +4
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| scenario   =Introduction
|name = Javelin|scenario = Introduction
| origin     = Nice to meet you. Lucky Jervis、来たわ! そう、もうゼッタイよ! 任せておいて!
|origin = Are you alright?そうよ。私がJ級駆逐艦のname ship、Javelin。覚えておいてね。うん、よろしい。
| translation = Nice to meet you. Lucky Jervis is here! Yeah, that's absolutely right! Leave it to me!<ref>She was called "Lucky" Jervis because she lost no crew to enemy action in WW2.</ref>
|translation = Are you alright? That's right. I'm the J-class destroyer's name ship, Javelin. Remember that. Yes, very well.
| audio      = Jervis-Intro.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Introduction|kai = true
| scenario   =Introduction
|origin = Are you alright?ふん、よし、J級駆逐艦のname ship、Javelin。今日は問題なしよ。さぁ、始めましょう。
| kai         =yes
|translation = Are you alright? Alright then. I'm the J-class destroyer's name ship, Javelin. No problems today. Now, let's begin.
| origin     = Hey, how's it going? Lucky Jervis, 今日もゼッタイよ!All right! 任せておいて!
| translation = Hey, how's it going? Lucky Jervis, today will be an absolutely fine day as well! All right! Leave it to me!
| audio      = JervisKai-Intro.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Library
| scenario   =Library
|origin = J級駆逐艦name ship、Javelinよ!ダンケルクから地中海まで、縦横無尽に活躍したわ。そうよ。共同艦こそJervisに譲ったものの、J級のname shipはこの私なんだから!大破損傷を乗り越えて、Jervisと共に、あの戦いを最後まで戦い切ったわ!J級駆逐艦、あなたも覚えていたね。
| origin     = J-class~ ジャーヴィスよ!そう、Lucky Jervisって呼んでもらってもいいかな~?本国艦隊から、地中海艦隊まで、護衛、輸送、艦隊戦や、陸戦支援まで本当に頑張っちゃた!Lucky Jervis!覚えておいてね!
|translation = I'm Javelin, the J-class destroyer name ship! From Dunkirk to the Mediterranean, I was active all over the place. The name ship role is usually given to Jervis, but I'm the J-class name ship! I overcame the catastrophic damage and fought that battle with Jervis until its end! You should remember us J-class destroyers too, okay?
| translation = I'm the J-class Jervis! Yup, can you call me "Lucky Jervis"? From the Home Fleet to the Mediterranean Fleet, I helped out with escorting, transporting, fighting, and even supporting land battles! "Lucky Jervis"! Remember it, okay?
| audio      = Jervis-Library.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Secretary 1
| scenario   =Secretary 1
|origin = 身支度はちゃんとさせてちょうだい?さあ、せっかちさんは嫌いよ。
| origin     = All right~!
|translation = Please let me get dressed properly, ok? I don't like impatient people.
| translation = All right~!
| audio      = Jervis-Sec1.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Secretary 1|kai = true
| scenario   =Secretary 1
|origin = 目支度はちゃんとさせてちょうだい?うん、okay。待たせたわね。
| kai         =yes
|translation = Please let me get dressed properly, ok? Yes, okay. Sorry for keeping you waiting.
| origin     = Steady north!
| translation = Steady north!
| audio      = JervisKai-Sec1.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Secretary 2
| scenario   =Secretary 2
|origin = 仕方ないなぁ...いいよ。
| origin     = 出番かな~?あぁ?まだ?いつでもいいよ~!
|translation = I guess it can't be helped. Fine.
| translation = Am I up~? Ah? Not yet? I'm ready whenever~!
| audio      = Jervis-Sec2.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Secretary 3
| scenario   =Secretary 3
|origin = 何Jervis、やめてって、くすぐったいから。え?Admiral?はぁ?何やってんの?怒るよ、普通に。ねえ、聞いてる? Are you listening?
| origin     = Could you make a report? えぇ、私が書くの?う~そ~!Are you for real?
|translation = What's with you, Jervis? Stop it, it tickles. Eh? Admiral? Huh? What are you doing? I'll get mad, normally. Hey, are you listening? Are you listening?
| translation = Could you make a report? Ehh, I have to write it? No~way~! Are you for real?
| audio      = Jervis-Sec3.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Secretary 3|kai = true
| scenario   =Secretary Idle
|origin = あ、何?くすぐったいから、やめてって。こーら、あなた、ねえ、聞いてる?Are you listening? うっははは、だから、やめてって、怒るよ、もう~。
| origin     = Battle honour? んん~どこにしまったかな~?えっと・・・あはは~ ま、いいじゃない!うんんん~!
|translation = Ah, what? I said stop it, it tickles. Hey, you! Are you listening? Are you listening? Ahahaha, I said stop it! I'll get angry, jeez...
| translation = Battle honour? Hmm~ Where did it go~? Umm.... haha~ Oh well~! Yeah!<ref>HMS ''Jervis'' had 13 Royal Navy Battle Honours from WW2, a feat matched by only two ships and beaten by a third (Warspite, with 14).</ref>
| audio      = Jervis-Idle.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Idle
| scenario   =Secretary (Married)
|origin = ああ、あの時の傷?あ、いやよ、見せないわ!女の子のそんなとこ見たいなんて、最低!あ、違う?なーに、心配してるの?...感知しているから、問題なしよ。心配...しないで。
| origin     = Darling! Tea Timeにする~?ジャーヴィスが、紅茶淹れてあげる!上手よ~あたし!任せておいて!
|translation = Ah, that wound from back then? Ah, no, I won't show it! You're the worst wanting to see that part of a girl!<ref>Referring to when Javelin's bow and stern was completely blown off in 1940</ref> Ah, I'm mistaken? What, are you worried? I'm aware of it, so it's no problem. Don't... worry.
| translation = Darling! Would you like to have some tea~? Jervis will make you some! I'm good at it! Leave it to me!
| audio      = Jervis-SecMarried.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Secretary Married
| scenario   =Wedding
|origin = 疲れた時には紅茶よね~。私が入れてあげる。そうよ、私が一番上手なんだから。負けないわ~。あなた、待ってて。
| origin     = な~に~?また、battle honour?うぇ?違うんだ・・・な~に~ darling?これは?綺麗ね~lovely!私に、そなの?本当に?Lucky!やったね!
|translation = Tea is the best when you're tired, don't you agree? I'll make some for you. That's right, I'm the best at this. I won't lose. Please wait, darling.
| translation = Wh~at~? Another battle honour? Eh? It's not...? What~is~it, darling? What's this? It's beautiful~ Lovely! It's for me? Really? Lucky! Yay!
| audio      = Jervis-Wedding.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Wedding
| scenario   =Player's Score
|origin = えっ?あなた、私で、いいの?違う?私が、いい...の?本気?私、いつか反乱を起こしちゃうかもよ。ん?鎮圧してみせる?言ったな~!うん、じゃあ、OKよ。あなたなら!
| origin     =わぁ!Report見たいの~?待ってて!はい!これね!Thank you!
|translation = Eh? You're fine with me? No, I'm fine with you? Really? I might cause a rebellion someday you know.<ref>Referring to the outbreak of indiscipline (and one count of mutiny) on 17th of October 1945</ref> Oh? You'll suppress me? Hehe, now you've said it! Well, then, OK. If it's you...!
| translation =Wah! You want to see the report~? Gimmie a sec! Here! This, right! Thank you!
| audio      = Jervis-PlayerScore.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Looking At Scores
| scenario    =Player's Score
|origin = 情報ね?了解。私が整理しておいたわ。はい、これよ。OK?
| kai        =yes
|translation = Information, right? Understood. I'll organize it for you. Here, this is it. Okay?
| origin     =わぁ~darling, report見たいの?待ってて!はい!これね!これも~?
| translation =Waa~ Darling, do you want to see the report? Gimmie a sec! Alright! This, right! This too~?
| audio      = JervisKai-PlayerScore.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Joining A Fleet
| scenario   =Joining the Fleet
|origin = HMS Javelin!抜錨します!みんな!ついてきて!
| origin     = Lucky Jervis! 出るわ!行っけ~!
|translation = HMS Javelin! Weighing anchor! Everyone! Follow me!
| translation = Lucky Jervis! Heading out! Let's go~!
| audio      = Jervis-JoinFleet.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Equipment 1
| scenario    =Joining the Fleet
|origin = Cheers!うん、いい感じ!
| kai        =yes
|translation = Cheers! Yep, feels good!
| origin     = Mediterranean Fleet, flagship Lucky Jervis! 出るわ!
| translation = Mediterranean Fleet, flagship Lucky Jervis! Heading out!
| audio      = JervisKai-JoinFleet.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Equipment 2
| scenario   =Equipment 1
|origin = いい感じよ。やるじゃない!
| origin     = Thank you! 試してみたい!
|translation = Looking good! Not bad!
| translation = Thank you! I wanna try this out!
| audio      = Jervis-Equip1.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Equipment 3
| scenario   =Equipment 1
|origin = Are you listening?
| kai        =yes
|translation = Are you listening?
| origin     = Darling! Thanks! 早く試してみたい!
| translation = Darling! Thanks! I can't wait to try this out!
| audio      = JervisKai-Equip1.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Supply
| scenario   =Equipment 2
|origin = Cheers!十分よ。
| origin     = よ~さ~そ~う~これで、行ってみましょう!
|translation = Cheers! That's plenty!
| translation = This~looks~great. Let's take this for a spin!
| audio      = Jervis-Equip2.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Docking Minor
| scenario   =Equipment 3
|origin = もう、せっかくの制服が...汚れちゃったわ。
| origin     = Lucky! あは!
|translation = Man, my precious uniform is all dirty now...
| translation = Lucky! Aha!
| audio      = Jervis-Equip3.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Docking Major
| scenario   =Supply
|origin = I'm not feeling so well. ちょっとお休みもらうわ。いいでしょ?
| origin     = Thank you~! 助かる~!
|translation = I'm not feeling so well. I'm going to take a small break. That's okay, right?
| translation = Thank you~! That helps~!
| audio      = Jervis-Supply.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Construction
| scenario   =Docking (Minor)
|origin = Completed!
| origin     = うわぁ~ まあ、仕方ない・・・すぐ直すから!
|translation = Completed!
| translation = Uwaa~ Well, it can't be helped... I'll fix it in a jiffy!
| audio      = Jervis-DockMinor.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Returning From Sortie
| scenario   =Docking (Major)
|origin = We went home! はぁ、疲れたわ。
| origin     = うわぁ~ もう!ちょっと修理! Sorry!
|translation = We went home! Phew... I'm tired.
| translation = Whoaaa~ dang! Need to hurry up and repair! Sorry!
| audio      = Jervis-DockMajor.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Starting A Sortie
| scenario   =Construction
|origin = 本国艦隊、Destroyer Flotilla! 出撃よ! 行くわー! Follow me!
| origin     = 新しい子か~ Nice to meet you!
|translation = The Home Fleet, Destroyer Flotilla! Sortieing! Here we go! Follow me!
| translation = Someone new~? Nice to meet you!
| audio      = Jervis-Construction.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Starting A Sortie|kai = true
| scenario   =Return from Sortie
|origin = 駆逐艦戦隊、J-Class, Javelin! 出撃よ!行くわー!Follow me!
| origin      = 艦隊~無事帰還!当然よ!
|translation = Destroyer Squadron, J-Class, Javelin! Sortieing! Here we go! Follow me!
| translation = The fleet~ has safely returned! Of course!
| audio      = Jervis-SortieReturn.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Battle Start
| scenario   =Starting a Sortie
|origin = Javelin, Enemy in Sight! みんな、用意はいい?
| origin     = Jervis! 抜錨よ!みんな~Follow me~!
|translation = Javelin, Enemy in Sight! Everyone, are you ready?
| translation = Jervis! Weigh anchor! Everyone~ Follow ME~!
| audio      = Jervis-Sortie.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Attack
| scenario   =Starting a Battle
|origin = こっちよ!Shoot!
| origin     = Jervis! Enemy is in sight!
|translation = Over here! Shoot!
| translation = Jervis! Enemy is in sight!
| audio      = Jervis-BattleStart.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Secondary Attack
| scenario   =Attack
|origin = 私だって...負けないから!
| origin     = さあ~行こうか!Shoot!
|translation = I won't lose either!
| translation = Alright~ Let's go! Shoot!
| audio      = Jervis-Atk.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Secondary Attack|kai = true
| scenario   =Night Battle Attack
|origin = Name shipは伊達じゃない!負けるもんか!
| origin     = そこね!逃がさないから~!
|translation = I'm not the name ship just for show! As if I'd lose!
| translation = There you are! You won't escape~!
| audio      = Jervis-NightAtk.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Night Battle
| scenario   =Night Battle Attack
|origin = Destroyer Flotilla、突撃隊形、殲滅します!
| kai        =yes
|translation = Destroyer Flotilla, Assault formation, annihilate the enemy!
| origin     = Darling! ちゃんと見てた?
| translation = Darling? Were you watching?
| audio      = JervisKai-NightAtk.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Night Battle|kai = true
| scenario   =Night Battle
|origin = 戦隊、突撃隊形!敵を、殲滅します!
| origin     = 各艦、突撃隊形!いい~?フォローミ~!
|translation = Squadron, assault formation! Annihilate the enemy!
| translation = All ships, assault formation! Re-ady? Follow ME~!
| audio      = Jervis-NightBattle.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = MVP
| scenario    =Night Battle
|origin = ほら、私? JavelinがAce? ねえ、Jervis、あんたも見てたわよね? え? 見てなかった? なぜ? なぜ見てないのよ!
| kai        =yes
|translation = Oh, it's me? Javelin is the ace? Hey, Jervis, you saw that too, right? Eh? You didn't? Why? Why didn't you watch?!
| origin     = Darling! 夜戦も、あたしに任せて!そこね!
| translation = Darling! Leave night battle to me too! There you are!
| audio      = JervisKai-NightBattle.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Minor Damage 1
| scenario    =MVP
|origin = キャーッ!
| origin      = Battle honour? Lucky! I'm glad I have been able to help!
|translation = Kyaa!
| translation = Battle honour? Lucky! I'm glad I have been able to help!
| audio      = Jervis-MVP.mp3
| scenario   =MVP
| kai        =yes
| origin      = Battle honour? Lucky! I'm glad to have been able to help! Darling!
| translation = Battle honour? Lucky! I'm glad to have been able to help! Darling!
| audio      = JervisKai-MVP.mp3
| scenario    =Minor Damage 1
| origin     = いやだ~
| translation = No~!
| audio      = Jervis-MinorDmg1.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Minor Damage 2
| scenario   =Minor Damage 2
|origin = こんなの...!
| origin     = う~そ~!本当に?
|translation = This can't be!
| translation = No~ way~! Really?
| audio      = Jervis-MinorDmg2.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Major Damage
| scenario   =Major Damage
|origin = やられた...艦首?艦尾?え?嘘?両方?Really?
| origin     = こんなの・・・まだよ!Lucky Jervisは沈まない!
|translation = I've been done in... Bow, Stern... Eh? No way... Both of them...? Really?
| translation = No... not yet! Lucky Jervis won't sink!
| audio      = Jervis-MajorDmg.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Sunk
| scenario   =Sunk
|origin = 私,ここまでか...あとは、あんただけね、Jervis。あとは、頼んだわ。
| origin     = うそだ・・・うそだ・・・こんなの・・・Lucky Jervisは・・・Jerivsは・・・
|translation = This is as far as I go I guess... You're the only one left, Jervis... I'm counting on you to finish this...
| translation = No way... No way... Not like this... Lucky Jervis is... I'm...
| audio      = Jervis-Sunk.mp3
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{{ShipquoteHeader | type = hourly}}
{{ShipquoteHeader|type = hourly}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 00|kai = true
| scenario   =00:00
|origin = 今日はJ-class, name shipのこの私、Javelinがいろいろと面倒を見てあげるわ。もちろん任務だから。そう、仕方なく。いや、嫌いじゃないから、気にしないで。
| origin     = Darling! Luckyね!今日はあたし、ジャーヴィスが色々サービスしてあげる!期待してて!
|translation = Today, I, the J Class Name ship, Joblin, will take care of you. Of course, it's a mission. So, it can't be helped... No... I don't hate you, so don't worry about it.
| translation = Darling! You're in luck! Today I, Jervis, will help you out with things! You can count on me!
| audio      = JervisKai-0000.mp3
| scenario    =01:00
| origin      = It's 1 o'clock! ね、時間のお知らせも任せとおいて!
| translation = It's 1 o'clock! Hey, leave telling the time to me too!
| audio      = JervisKai-0100.mp3
| scenario    =02:00
| origin      = It's 2 o'clock! こんな感じでしょ~? No problem!
| translation = It's 2 o'clock! Like this, right~? No problem!
| audio      = JervisKai-0200.mp3
| scenario    =03:00
| origin      = It's 3 o'clock! Sleepy? そう?
| translation = It's 3 o'clock! Sleepy? Really?
| audio      = JervisKai-0300.mp3
| scenario    =04:00
| origin      = It's 4 o'clock! Darling? Tired?
| translation = It's 4 o'clock! Darling? Tired?
| audio      = JervisKai-0400.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 01|kai = true
| scenario   =05:00
|origin = It's 1 o'clock now! It's one o'clock now! そうよ、Jクラスは小さいけれど、強いの。あなたは充分わかってるでしょ?
| origin     = It's 5 o'clock! Good morning! お・は・よ~!
|translation = It's 1 o'clock now! That's right, J-class is small, but... It's strong! You know that well, don't you?
| translation = It's 5 o'clock! Good morning! Good~ mor~ ning~!
| audio      = JervisKai-0500.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 02|kai = true
| scenario   =06:00
|origin = It's 2 o'clock now! だから、どんな時でも油断はダメよ! 聞いてる? Are you listening?
| origin     = It's 6 o'clock! Let's 総員起こし~! Everyone~ get up!
|translation = It's 2 o'clock now! That's why, you can't let your guard down no matter what! Are you listening? Are you listening?
| translation = It's 6 o'clock! Let's wake everyone up~! Everyone~ get up!
| audio      = JervisKai-0600.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 03|kai = true
| scenario   =07:00
|origin = It's 3 o'clock now. Would you like something to drink? Tea? Okay! まかせて! 得意なの!
| origin     = 7 o'clock! Full breakfast! どうぞ! Enjoy!
|translation = It's 3 o'clock now. Would you like something to drink? Tea? Okay! Leave it to me! I'm good at this!
| translation = 7 o'clock! Full breakfast<ref>As in a full English breakfast.</ref>! Here you go! Enjoy!
| audio      = JervisKai-0700.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 04|kai = true
| scenario   =08:00
|origin = It's 4 o'clock now! よかったでしょ? Earl Grey! Would you like more tea?
| origin     = It's 8 o'clock! The Home Fleet... 様子はどうかな~?
|translation = It's 4 o'clock now. Earl Grey tea I made was good, wasn't that great? Would you like more tea?
| translation = It's 8 o'clock! The Home Fleet... I wonder how they're doing~?
| audio      = JervisKai-0800.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 05|kai = true
| scenario   =09:00
|origin = It's 5 o'clock now. 外が明るくなってきたわ。 おはようございます。 Good morning. いい日になりそう。
| origin     = It's 9 o'clock! あら、Ark!元気そうね。あたし?あたしはもちろん、元気一杯よ!
|translation = It's 5 o'clock now. It's getting brighter outside. Good morning. Good morning. It's going to be a good day.
| translation = It's 9 o'clock! Oh, [[Ark Royal|Ark]]! You look good. Me? I'm totally great, of course!
| audio      = JervisKai-0900.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 06|kai = true
| scenario   =10:00
|origin = It's 6 o'clock now! わかってる! まかせて!もう覚えたの! ソウインオコーシ! Get up! Please, get up!
| origin     = It's 10 o'clock! Ah~ Kelly? 彼女は・・・そうね・・・う~ん、大丈夫よ!
|translation = It's 6 o'clock now! I know! Leave it to me! I already memorized it! Fleet group~ wake-up~! Get up! Please, get up!
| translation = It's 10 o'clock! Ah~ Kelly? She's... yeah... never mind, she's doing well!<ref>[ ''HMS Kelly''] was identical to HMS ''Jervis'' despite belonging to the K-class, as they were both designed as flotilla leaders. ''Kelly'' tends to be the better known sister despite ''Jervis''' impressive record and ''Kelly''<nowiki>'s</nowiki> bad luck.</ref>
| audio      = JervisKai-1000.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 07|kai = true
| scenario   =11:00
|origin = It's 7 o'clock now! さあ、私の朝は、Full Breakfastよ! 卵はスクランブルでいいわよね。 トーストはたっぷりのバターで。 召し上がれ!
| origin     = It's 11です! Oh~ これ?対潜兵装よ。大事大事!ここの装備はどうなの~?おお~、ああ~、なるほど・・・うん。大丈夫?
|translation = It's 7 o'clock now! Now, my breakfast is a full breakfast! Scrambled eggs are fine, right? A lot of butter for toast! Dig in!
| translation = It's 11! Oh~ this? It's anti-submarine equipment. It's a big, big deal! What sorta equipment do you have here? Ohh~ Ahh~, I see... hmmm. Will you be ok?
| audio      = JervisKai-1100.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 08|kai = true
| scenario   =12:00
|origin = It's 8 o'clock now! そうよ、朝は火の通ったもの、たっぷり食べないと、パワーが出ないわ。 おかわりは? おう、そう?
| origin     = It is noon! さ~ lunchよ! Sandwichはできたよ!どうぞ!ボン・アペタイト!
|translation = It's 8 o'clock now! That's right, You have to eat a lot of food that's been cooked in the morning! I can't get the power! Do you want some more? Oh, really?
| translation = It is noon! Here's lunch! I made some sandwiches! Here you go! Bon appetit!
| audio      = JervisKai-1200.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 09|kai = true
| scenario   =13:00
|origin = It's 9 o'clock now! Ark! Good morning! え? 何? Hi, Saint Javelin? やめてよ! 私は J-class Javelinよ! でも、みんなを守る、それは変わらないわ!
| origin     = It's 1 o'clo...わあぁ! Hey! あなたは確か・・・そう、ゆき・・・かぜ!How is it going!
|translation = It's 9 o'clock now! ARK! Good morning! Eh? What are you saying? “Hi, Saint Javelin?” Stop it! I'm J-class Javelin! But, I'll protect everyone. That won't change!
| translation = It's 1 o'clo...whoa! Hey! You're... right, Yuki... kaze! How is it going!
| audio      = JervisKai-1300.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 10|kai = true
| scenario   =14:00
|origin = It's 10 o'clock now! そうよ、Jクラスはみんな最前線で頑張ったわ。 私もそう、できることを、したいの。 それは大切なこと。
| origin     = It's 2 o'clock! Hi, lady~ Lucky Jervis見参よ! もちろん!
|translation = It's 10 o'clock now! That's right. Everyone in the J-Class did their best in the front line. I want to do what I can do too. That's important.
| translation = It's 2 o'clock! Hi, lady~ Lucky Jervis here! Of course!
| audio      = JervisKai-1400.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 11|kai = true
| scenario   =15:00
|origin = It's 11です! あ、ハーイ、Jervis! あんた、いつもほんと元気そうね! わたし?も、もちろん、問題なし、よっ 負けないわ!
| origin     = It's 3 o'clock! Let's tea time! Yes~!
|translation = It's 11! Ah, hi, Jervis! You always look so energetic! Me? O-of course! No problem! No, I won't lose!
| translation = It's 3 o'clock! Let's tea time! Yes~!
| audio      = JervisKai-1500.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 12|kai = true
| scenario   =16:00
|origin = It's noon! Lunch time! わ? Jervis、なに? あんたが作った J-Class sandwich? あら! あなた、Jervisが! そう? 聞いてた? せっかくだから、いただきましょう! あら、やだ、おいしい! んん…ま、負けないから!
| origin     = It's 4 o'clock! Janus?ああ、そうね・・・大丈夫。いつか、会える。何か、そんな気がするの・・・ね、darling?
|translation = It's noon! Lunch time! Huh? Jervis, what? The J-class sandwich you made? See? You, Jervis, made it! Oh, really? You heard? Since we're here, let's eat! Wow, it's still delicious! I-I won't lose!
| translation = It's 4 o'clock! Janus? Ahh, yeah... it's alright. I'll see her again one day. I just, have a feeling... don't you think, darling?<ref>[ HMS ''Janus''] was one of ''Jervis'''s sister ships and a member of her flotilla from 1940. She briefly took over while ''Jervis'' was under repair in 1940.</ref>
| audio      = JervisKai-1600.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 13|kai = true
| scenario   =17:00
|origin = It's 1 o'clock now. あれは… Japanese Destroyer Flotilla! あれが雪風! そしてあれが時雨か! ううん… 一見呑気で無防備そうに見えて… 何か得体が知れないあなどれなさ… 私… 感じるわ!
| origin     = It's 5 o'clock! Lovely! 地中海の夕日もいいけど~ここの夕日も素敵、darling!
|translation = It's 1 o'clock now. That's... Japanese Destroyer Flotilla! That's Yukikaze! And that's Shigure, I see. No... At first glance, they look like a bunch of easygoing and reckless girls. I feel like I'm being watched by some unknown entity.
| translation = It's 5 o'clock! Lovely! The sunset at the Mediterranean Sea is great, but the sunset here is pretty as well, darling!
| audio      = JervisKai-1700.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 14|kai = true
| scenario   =18:00
|origin = It's 2 o'clock now! 次はJapaneseの戦艦戦隊か! あれは、コンゴウクラス! ん?並走しているのは、うちのレディ!? Hi, Lady! Are you alright?
| origin     = It's 6 o'clock! さ、今日はおしまい!Fleet戻しましょう!
|translation = It's 2 o'clock now. Next is the Japanese battleship squadron. Those are Kongou class girls. Oh? Who walk with them is my “Lady”? Hi, “Lady”! Are you alright?
| translation = It's 6 o'clock! Now then, day's over! Let's bring back the fleet!
| audio      = JervisKai-1800.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 15|kai = true
| scenario   =19:00
|origin = It's 3 o'clock now! そうね、コンゴウ! ティータイムは大事! あなた、アールグレイでいい? んっ、任せて!
| origin     = It's 7 o'clock! Darling, 夕食は外で? Lucky!
|translation = It's 3 o'clock now! That's right, Kongou! Tea time is important! Do you want a cup of Earl Grey tea? Yes, leave it to me!
| translation = It's 7 o'clock! Darling, we're going out for dinner? Lucky!
| audio      = JervisKai-1900.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 16|kai = true
| scenario   =20:00
|origin = It's 4 o'clock now! Janus!そうよ、気を付けて! 敵は水上、水中だけではないわ! 空への警戒、忘れちゃダメよ!
| origin     = モグモグ・・・It's... 8 o'clock! Darling、マミーア~ it's delicious!
|translation = It's 4 o'clock now! Janus! I say, be careful! Enemies are not only above and below the water! Beware of the sky! Don't forget!
| translation = ''Nom nom''... It's... 8 o'clock! Darling, Mami-ya~! It's delicious!
| audio      = JervisKai-2000.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 17|kai = true
| scenario   =21:00
|origin = It's 5 o'clock now! そうね この時間の地中海も綺麗だったけど この海も素敵 So beautiful!
| origin     = It's 9 o'clock! んん~あや?あそこで騒いでる重巡達・・・見覚えが・・・Hey! Hey you! おぉ!おおううう~~!
|translation = It's 5 o'clock now. That's right. The Mediterranean Sea at this time was beautiful, but... This sea is also wonderful. So beautiful.
| translation = It's 9 o'clock! Hmmm~ Oh? Those noisy heavy cruisers over there... I think I know them... Hey! Hey you! Oh! Whoaaa~!<ref>''Jervis'' was at the [ Battle of Cape Matapan], where she helped sink Italian heavy cruisers ''[[Zara]]'' and (after a boarding party transferred the surviving crew) ''[[Pola]]''.</ref>
| audio      = JervisKai-2100.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 18|kai = true
| scenario   =22:00
|origin = It's 6 o'clock now! 今日は本国艦隊のヴィクトリアスに誘われてて、有名なパブに行くの! そう、あなたも一緒よ!
| origin     = It's 10 o'clock! あら?時雨?What are you doing on such a night? んん?これは?Thanks!
|translation = It's 6 o'clock now! Today, I'm invited by the Home Fleet team's Victorious, to go to a famous pub! You're due to come too!
| translation = It's 10 o'clock! Huh? Shigure? What are you doing on such a night? Hmm? For me? Thanks!
| audio      = JervisKai-2200.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 19|kai = true
| scenario   =23:00
|origin = It's 7 o'clock now! Hi, Victorious! ここね、Pub Mamiya! 楽しみだわ!
| origin     = It's 11 o'clock! Darling,頂いた、green tea飲む?あたしが、淹れてあげる!Just a moment!
|translation = It's 7 o'clock now! Hi, Victorious! Here, Pub Mamiya! I'm looking forward to it!
| translation = It's 11 o'clock! Darling, would you like to drink some of the green tea I got earlier? I'll make you some! Just a moment!
| audio      = JervisKai-2300.mp3
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 20|kai = true
|origin = It’s 8 o’clock now! そう、Normandy, Battle of Brittanyでしょう?覚えてる。駆逐艦戦隊だけだけど、もちろん勝ったわ。負けるもんか!
|translation = It's 8 o'clock now! Normandy, Battle of Brittany, right? I remember. There was only a destroyer squadron, but of course We won! I won't lose!
|scenario = [[Seasonal/White_Day_2018|White Day 2018]]
|origin = これは?お返し?私、何も上げてないけど…いいの?えへ、thanks!じゃぁ、来年はきっとね?
|translation = What’s this? A return gift? I didn’t even give you anything though… Is this alright? Ehe, thanks! I’ll definitely get you something next year ok?
|audio = Jervis_White_Day_2018_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 21|kai = true
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Coming_of_Spring_2018|Coming of Spring 2018]]
|origin = It's 9 o'clock now. ねえ、Victorious、あのテーブルがJapanese Nagumo Fleetの空母でしょ? なんかすごい。みんなすごいけど、特にあの中型空母、すごい食べっぷり。 尋常じゃないわ。
|origin = 春だ!Lucky!桜もきれい!Lovely!Darling、何?お花見party?手伝お、手伝お!
|translation = It's 9 o'clock now. Hey, Victorious. That table is the Japanese Nagumo Fleet's aircraft carrier, right? It's amazing. Everyone's amazing, but... Especially that medium-sized aircraft carrier. She's really eat too much. It's not normal.
|translation = It’s spring! Lucky! The sakura are beautiful! Lovely! What is it, Darling? A cherry blossom viewing party? I’ll definitely help out!
|audio = Jervis_Spring_2018_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 22|kai = true
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Fifth_Anniversary|5th Anniversary]]
|origin = It's 10 o'clock now. なんか釣られて食べ過ぎちゃった。 明日はダイエットしなきゃ。 え? 心配ない? 本当?
|origin = 5th Anniversary! Darling, congratulations!
|translation = It's 10 o'clock now... I ate too much with them... I must go on a diet tomorrow... Eh? You're not worried? Really?
|translation = 5th Anniversary! Darling, congratulations!
|audio = Jervis_5th_Anniversary_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 23|kai = true
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Rainy_Season_2018|Rainy Season 2018]]
|origin = It's 11 o'clock now. Jupiter, Jackal, Jersey… あ、うん、なんでもない。 今だけ、 少しだけ、抱きしめて。ん、 ありがとう。大丈夫。 Good night. また、明日ね。
|origin = 雨。これが「ツーユー」ね?うん、聞いていたわ。
|translation = It's 11 o'clock now. Jupiter, Jackal, Jersey... Ah, yeah, it's nothing. Just for now, hold me just a little bit. Thank you... I'm fine. Good night. See you... tomorrow.
|translation = It’s raining. So this is “Tsuyuu” right? Yup, I’ve heard of it.
|audio = Jervis_Rainy_Season_2018_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Summer_2018|Summer 2018]]
|origin = この国の夏は暑いのね。ん?…あの、あたしなんか装甲薄そうな艤装はなに?なんなの?
|translation = Summer in this country sure is hot. Hmmm? ...What's this lightly armoured rigging? What's it for?
|audio = Jervis_Summer_2018_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Saury_2018|Saury 2018]]
|origin = Sanma Operationでしょう?任せておいて。この優秀なソナーがあれば…えぇ、それだけじゃだめ?難しいわね。Darling、教えて。
|translation = It's a Sanma Operation right? Leave it to me. With this excellent Sonar, I'll... Eh, that's not enough? This is hard. Teach me, Darling.
|audio = Jervis_Sec1_Saury_2018.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Late_Autumn_2018|Late Autumn 2018]]
|origin = あぁ、Lady, どうしたの?あぁ、あれか?あれの古傷?そういえば、あたしも頭が痛く…うん、お互い空からの何かにを気をつけましょう。
|translation = What's wrong, Lady? Ah, it's that right? That old wound? Now that you mention it, my head hurts too... Yes, let's watch the skies for each other.<ref>Referring to [[Warspite]].</ref>
|audio = Jervis_Late_Autumn_2018_Sec1.mp3
|notes = Secretary 1
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Late_Autumn_2018|Late Autumn 2018]]
|origin = この季節は…あれ…あれに気をつけないと!Janus、対空監視気をつけて!あれは嫌い!
|translation = I'll... I'll need to be careful of ''that'' during this time of year! Janus, keep the anti-air watch on alert! I hate those things!
|audio = Jervis_Late_Autumn_2018_Sec2.mp3
|notes = Secretary 2
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Christmas_2018|Christmas 2018]]
|origin = Darling, Happy Christmas! ケーキ、美味しいそう!さあ、食べましょう!
|translation = Darling, Happy Christmas! The cake looks delicious! Come on, let's start eating!
|audio = Jervis_Christmas_2018_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/New_Year_2019|New Years 2019]]
|origin = Darling, Lucky New Year! さあ、いざ行きましょう!ハツモデ!
|translation = Darling, Lucky New Year! Now, let's go! For the first shrine visit!
|audio = Jervis_New_Year_2019_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Valentine%27s_Day_2019|Valentine's Day 2019]]
|origin = My Darling、これ差し上げます。この艦隊の伝統は大事にしないと。さあ、どうぞ。
|translation = My Darling, this is for you. I must treasure this fleet's traditions. Come on, help yourself.
|audio = Jervis_Valentines_2019_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/White_Day_2019|White Day 2019]]
|origin = これ、チョコのお返し?Lucky! Thanks, my Darling。やったぁー!
|translation = Is this in return for the chocolates? Lucky! Thanks, my Darling. Hoooooraaaaaay!
|audio = Jervis_White_Day_2019_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Sixth_Anniversary|6th Anniversary]]
|origin = 6th Anniversary? Darling, lucky and congratulations!
|translation = 6th Anniversary? Darling, lucky and congratulations!
|audio = Jervis_6th_Anniversary_Sec2.mp3
|notes = Secretary 2
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Seventh_Anniversary|7th Anniversary]]
|origin = 7th Anniversary! My Darling, lucky! And congratulations!
|translation = 7th Anniversary! My Darling, lucky! And congratulations!
|audio = Jervis_7th_Anniversary_Secretary_2.mp3
|notes = Secretary 2
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Eighth_Anniversary|8th Anniversary]]
|origin = 8th Anniversary! My darling, super lucky and congratulations!
|translation = 8th Anniversary! My darling, super lucky and congratulations!
|audio = Jervis_8th Anniversary_Secretary_1.mp3
|notes =
===Misc Lines===
|scenario = [[Hinamatsuri 2020 Mini-Event]]
|origin = Royal Navy Fleet、貴艦隊を友軍艦隊と認む。これより貴艦隊を援護する!
|translation = The Royal Navy Fleet has recognised your fleet as an allied fleet. We'll now support you! Shoot!
|audio = Ship_Voice_Jervis_Kai_Hinamatsuri_2020_Mini-Event_Friend_Fleet_1.mp3
|notes = Friend Fleet 1
|scenario = [[Fall 2020 Event]]
|origin = Super lucky!あは!
|translation = Super lucky! Aha!
|audio = Ship_Voice_Jervis_Kai_Fall_2020_Event_Friend_Fleet_1.mp3
|notes = Friend Fleet 1
Line 565: Line 300:  
Ship Full Javelin Damaged.png|Base Damaged
Ship Full Javelin Damaged.png|Base Damaged
Ship Full Javelin Kai.png|Kai
Ship Full Javelin Kai.png|Kai
Ship Full Javelin Damaged Kai.png|Kai Damaged
Ship Full Javelin Kai Damaged.png|Kai Damaged
{|class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" width=100%
Javelin Full Saury 2023.png|[[Seasonal/Autumn 2023|Saury 2023]]
Javelin Full Saury 2023 Damaged.png|[[Seasonal/Autumn 2023|Saury 2023 Damaged]]
Line 571: Line 314:  
;General Information
;General Information
* She is named after [???].
* She is named after the Javelin which is a light throwing spear from antiquity frequently used by skirmishers and later to disable shields.
* She was launched on the 21st of December 1938.
* She was launched on the 21st of December 1938.
* Sold for scrap on the 11th of June 1949.
* Sold for scrap on the 11th of June 1949.
;Update History
;Update History
* She was added on the 26th of August 2023 as [[Summer 2023 Event]] E5 drop.
* She was added on the 26th of August 2023 as [[Summer 2023 Event]] E6 drop.
* Survived World War II.
* Survived World War II.
* She fought in an engagement with German Destroyers in November 1940 where she lost her bow and stern.
* It is interesting that multiple official sources and archives are conflicting between who is the name-ship of the J-class Destroyers. Some sources argue HMS Javelin while others argue HMS Jervis.
* Her crew had a rough record as there were disciplinary actions taken against the crew due to refusal to work and return to duties that occurred on 17th of October 1945.
==See Also==
==See Also==
