
Line 23: Line 23:  
|scenario = Library
|scenario = Library
|origin = Luigi di Savoia Duca Degli Abruzzi軽巡洋艦、Giuseppe Garibaldiだ。うわぁ、姉貴の名前、長くって…でも、正真正銘の最新鋭軽巡、火力も装甲も船お作りをかなりのもんさ!ちょっと温存されすぎだけど、今度はバッチリ働くぜ。見てなよ!
|origin = Luigi di Savoia Duca Degli Abruzzi軽巡洋艦、Giuseppe Garibaldiだ。うわぁ、姉貴の名前、長くって…でも、正真正銘の最新鋭軽巡、火力も装甲も船の作りもかなりのもんさ!ちょっと温存されすぎだけど、今度はバッチリ働くぜ。見てなよ!
|translation = I'm the Luigi di Savoia Duca Degli Abruzzi-class light cruiser, Giuseppe Garibaldi. Whoa, my sister's name is so long... But, I'm a genuine state-of-the-art light cruiser with great firepower and armour! I may have held back quite a bit, but this time I'll work real hard. Just you watch!
|translation = I'm the Luigi di Savoia Duca Degli Abruzzi-class light cruiser, Giuseppe Garibaldi. Whoa, my sister's name is so long... But, I'm a genuine state-of-the-art light cruiser with great firepower and armour! I may have held back quite a bit, but this time I'll work real hard. Just you watch!
|audio = G._Garibaldi-Library.mp3
|audio = G._Garibaldi-Library.mp3
Line 128: Line 128:  
|scenario = Docking (Major Damage)
|scenario = Docking (Major Damage)
|origin = 痛ってぇ…あいつら変なとこ噛み付く上がって…
|origin = 痛っててぇ…あいつら変なとこ噛みつきやっがて…
|translation = Owow... Those bastards got in a cheap shot...
|translation = Owow... Those bastards got me in some funny places...<ref>She actually says "bit me".</ref>
|audio = G._Garibaldi-DockMajor.mp3
|audio = G._Garibaldi-DockMajor.mp3
Line 242: Line 242:  
|scenario = 05:00  
|scenario = 05:00  
|origin = マルゴ=マルマル。朝だね。ふぁ、徹夜しちゃった感じ?朝食はあたし用意して上げる。姉貴流…まあ、任せて。
|origin = マルゴ=マルマル。朝だね。ふぁ、徹夜しちゃった感じ?朝食はあたしが用意して上げる。姉貴流…まあ、任せて。
|translation = 0500. It's morning. Ahh, you pulled an all-nighter didn't you? I'll get breakfast ready. Just like Sister... Well, leave it to me.
|translation = 0500. It's morning. Ahh, you pulled an all-nighter didn't you? I'll get breakfast ready. Just like Sister... Well, leave it to me.
|audio = G._GaribaldiKai-05.mp3
|audio = G._GaribaldiKai-05.mp3
Line 284: Line 284:  
|scenario = 12:00  
|scenario = 12:00  
|origin = さあ、ヒトフタマルマル。この姉貴流Garibaldi豪華弁当たっぷり味わいやがれ!まず、このpasta…
|origin = さあ、ヒトフタマルマル。この姉貴流Garibaldi豪華弁当をたっぷり味わいやがれ!まず、このpasta…
|translation = Now, it's 1200. Let's enjoy my Sister's Fancy Lunch Box to the fullest! First, this pasta...
|translation = Now, it's 1200. Let's enjoy my Sister's Fancy Lunch Box to the fullest! First, this pasta...
|audio = G._GaribaldiKai-12.mp3
|audio = G._GaribaldiKai-12.mp3
Line 320: Line 320:  
|scenario = 18:00  
|scenario = 18:00  
|origin = ヒトハチマルマル。さあ、夕食に用意にかかろ。今日はここの駆逐艦がくれた、F作業っとやらの魚を使おうかな。
|origin = ヒトハチマルマル。さあ、夕食の用意にかかろ。今日はここの駆逐艦がくれた、F作業っとやらの魚を使おうかな。
|translation = 1800. Now, it's time to make dinner. Maybe I should use the fish the destroyers gave me from their F-work today.
|translation = 1800. Now, it's time to make dinner. Maybe I should use the fish the destroyers gave me from their F-work today.
|audio = G._GaribaldiKai-18.mp3
|audio = G._GaribaldiKai-18.mp3
Line 339: Line 339:  
|scenario = 21:00  
|scenario = 21:00  
|origin = フタヒトマルマル。なんか、さっきまでうるさかったちっこい艦隊が静かだな。少し早いけど、寝たんかね?
|origin = フタヒトマルマル。なんか、さっきまでうるさかったちっこい艦隊が静かだな。少し早いけど、寝たんかね?
|translation = 2100. That noisy fleet of runts have gone quiet all of a sudden. It's a bit early, but did they go to bed?
|translation = 2100. That noisy fleet of pipsqueaks have gone quiet all of a sudden. It's a bit early, but did they go to bed?
|audio = G._GaribaldiKai-21.mp3
|audio = G._GaribaldiKai-21.mp3
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