Page history
20 October 2024
→Part 6: Delivering the final kill against Anzio Princess
→Part 2: Unlocking the Second Boss Node (U)
20 September 2019
→Part 6: Delivering the final kill against Anzio Princess
→Part 4: Chip Anzio Hime until LD Range
→Part 6: Delivering the final kill against Anzio Princess
→Part 6: Delivering the final kill against Anzio Princess
→Part 6: Delivering the final kill against Anzio Princess
→Part 6: Delivering the final kill against Anzio Princess
→Part 6: Devliver the final kill against Anzio Princess
→Part 6: Devliver the final kill against Anzio Princess
→Part 6: Devliver the final kill against Anzio Princess
→Part 5: Debuffing the Boss (once HP bar is within LD range ONLY)
→Part 4: Chip Anzio Hime until LD Range
19 September 2019
→Part 5: Debuffing the Boss (once HP bar is within LD range ONLY)
→Part 5: Debuffing the Boss (once HP bar is within LD range ONLY)
→Part 5: Debuffing the Boss (once HP bar is within LD range ONLY)
→Part 5: Debuffing the Boss (once HP bar is within LD range ONLY)
→Part 5: Debuffing the Boss (once HP bar is within LD range ONLY)
→Part 4: Chip Anzio Hime until LD Range
→Part 4: Chip Anzio Hime until LD Range
→Part 3: Unlocking the Second Start Point
→Part 3: Unlocking the Second Start Point
→Part 3: Unlocking the Second Start Point
→Part 3: Unlocking the Second Start Point
→Part 2: Unlocking the Second Boss Node (U)
→Part 2: Unlocking the Second Boss Node (U)
→Part 2: Unlocking the Second Boss Node (U)
→Key Ships to consider
→Key Ships to consider
→Key Ships to consider
→Key Ships to consider
→Key Ships to consider
→Generic Guide 101
→Generic Guide 101
18 September 2019
17 September 2019
13 September 2019
→Part 5: Debuffing the Boss (once HP bar is within LD range ONLY)
→Part 1: Destroying Anchorage Water Demon (Vacation Mode): The fuck is an Arashio-class? Anyway, edited.
→Ship Bonuses: Other bonuses
→Part 3: Unlocking the Second Start Point
→Part 2: Unlocking the Second Boss Node (U)
→Part 1: Destroying Anchorage Water Demon (Vacation Mode)
→Part 1: Destroying Anchorage Water Demon (Vacation Mode)
→Part 3: Unlocking the Second Start Point
→Ship Bonuses
→Part 1: Deleting Anchorage Water Demon (Vacation Mode)
→Part 5: Debuffing the Boss (once HP bar is within LD range ONLY)
→Part 2: Unlocking the Second Boss Node (U)
→Part 5: Debuffing the Boss (once HP bar is within LD range ONLY)