
< Module:Data
Revision as of 18:54, 27 September 2020 by Chocolatecravinghobo (talk | contribs) (F92)

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Data/Quest/Arsenal/doc

-- [[Category:Quest modules]]

return {
    label = 'F1',
    title = 'はじめての「建造」!',
    title_en = [=[The First Construction]=],
    detail_en = [=[Craft a ship.]=],
    reward_fuel = 50,
    reward_ammo = 50,
    reward_steel = 50,
    reward_bauxite = 50,
    reward_other = [=[[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x1]=],
    note = [=[]=],
    label = 'F2',
    title = 'はじめての「開発」!',
    title_en = [=[The First Development]=],
    detail_en = [=[Craft a piece of equipment.]=],
    reward_fuel = 100,
    reward_ammo = 100,
    reward_steel = 100,
    reward_bauxite = 100,
    reward_other = [=[[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x2]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#F1|F1]]<br>Unlocks: [[Quests#F3|F3]], [[Quests#F5|F5]]]=],
    label = 'F3',
    title = 'はじめての「解体」!',
    title_en = [=[The First Dismantling]=],
    detail_en = [=[Dismantle a ship.]=],
    reward_fuel = 60,
    reward_ammo = 60,
    reward_steel = 60,
    reward_bauxite = 60,
    reward_other = [=[[[File:Instant construction 2.png|30px|link=Construction]] x2<br>[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#F2|F2]]<br>Unlocks: [[Quests#F4|F4]]]=],
    label = 'F4',
    title = 'はじめての「廃棄」!',
    title_en = [=[The First Scrapping]=],
    detail_en = [=[Scrap a piece of equipment.]=],
    reward_fuel = 80,
    reward_ammo = 80,
    reward_steel = 80,
    reward_bauxite = 80,
    reward_other = [=[[[File:Instant repair 2.png|30px|link=Tutorial:_FAQ#What_are_buckets.3F]] x2<br>[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#F3|F3]]]=],
    label = 'F5',
    title = '新装備「開発」指令',
    title_en = [=[Instructions to Develop New Equipment]=],
    detail_en = [=[Craft a piece of equipment.<br>'''※ Failures are OK''']=],
    reward_fuel = 40,
    reward_ammo = 40,
    reward_steel = 40,
    reward_bauxite = 40,
    reward_other = [=[[[File:Instant construction 2.png|30px|link=Construction]] x1<br>[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#F2|F2]]<br>Unlocks: [[Quests#F6|F6]], [[Quests#F72|F72]]<br>'''Daily Quest''']=],
    label = 'F6',
    title = '新造艦「建造」指令',
    title_en = [=[Instructions to Construct New Ship]=],
    detail_en = [=[Craft a ship.]=],
    reward_fuel = 50,
    reward_ammo = 50,
    reward_steel = 50,
    reward_bauxite = 50,
    reward_other = [=[[[File:Instant repair 2.png|30px|link=Tutorial:_FAQ#What_are_buckets.3F]] x1<br>[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#F5|F5]]<br>Unlocks: [[Quests#F7|F7]]<br>'''Daily Quest''']=],
    label = 'F7',
    title = '装備「開発」集中強化!',
    title_en = [=[Intensify the Concentration in Developing Equipment]=],
    detail_en = [=[Craft 3 pieces of equipment within the same day.<br>'''※ Failures are OK''']=],
    reward_fuel = 100,
    reward_ammo = 100,
    reward_steel = 100,
    reward_bauxite = 100,
    reward_other = [=[[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x2]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#F6|F6]]<br>Unlocks: [[Quests#F8|F8]], [[Quests#F51|F51]]<br>'''Daily Quest''']=],
    label = 'F8',
    title = '艦娘「建造」艦隊強化!',
    title_en = [=[Strengthen the Fleet by Constructing Shipgirls]=],
    detail_en = [=[Craft 3 ships within the same day.]=],
    reward_fuel = 200,
    reward_ammo = 200,
    reward_steel = 300,
    reward_bauxite = 100,
    reward_other = [=[[[File:Instant construction 2.png|30px|link=Construction]] x1<br>[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x2]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#F7|F7]]<br>Unlocks: [[Quests#F9|F9]], [[Quests#F16|F16]], [[Quests#F18|F18]]<br>'''Daily Quest''']=],
    label = 'F9',
    title = '軍縮条約対応!',
    title_en = [=[Response to Disarmament Treaty]=],
    detail_en = [=[Scrap 2 ships within the same day.]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 50,
    reward_other = [=[[[File:Instant repair 2.png|30px|link=Tutorial:_FAQ#What_are_buckets.3F]] x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#F8|F8]]<br>'''Daily Quest''']=],
    label = 'F10',
    title = '「大型艦建造」の準備!(その弐)',
    title_en = [=[Preparation for Large Ship Construction (Part II)]=],
    detail_en = [=[Scrap equipment 4 times.]=],
    reward_fuel = 800,
    reward_ammo = 800,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[{{color|red|Unlocks Large Ship Construction}}]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#G4|G4]]]=],
    label = 'F11',
    title = '輸送用ドラム缶の準備',
    title_en = [=[Preparation for Transport Use Drum Canister]=],
    detail_en = [=[Scrap equipment 3 times.]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 30,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Drum Canister (Transport Use)|text=true|image=30px}} x3]=],
    note = [=[]=],
    label = 'F12',
    title = '資源の再利用(その弐)',
    title_en = [=[Recycling Resources (Part II)]=],
    detail_en = [=[Scrap equipment 24 times within a week.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 100,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Drum Canister (Transport Use)|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#Bw5|Bw5]]<br>'''Weekly Quest''']=],
    label = 'F13',
    title = '機種転換<sup>[[Quests#Notes|?]]</sup>',
    title_en = [=[Model Conversion: [[Type 97 Torpedo Bomber (Tomonaga Squadron)]]]=],
    detail_en = [=[Have a [[CV|Standard Aircraft Carrier]], [[CVL|Light Aircraft Carrier]], or an [[CVB|Armored Aircraft Carrier]] as secretary equipped with a {{EquipmentLink|Type 97 Torpedo Bomber (Tomonaga Squadron)}}. Scrap 2 {{EquipmentLink|Tenzan}}.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 50,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Tenzan Model 12 (Tomonaga Squadron)|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#B25|B25]]]=],
    label = 'F14',
    title = '機種転換<sup>[[Quests#Notes|?]]</sup>',
    title_en = [=[Model Conversion: [[Type 99 Dive Bomber (Egusa Squadron)]]]=],
    detail_en = [=[Have a [[CV|Standard Aircraft Carrier]], [[CVL|Light Aircraft Carrier]], or an [[CVB|Armored Aircraft Carrier]] as secretary equipped with a {{EquipmentLink|Type 99 Dive Bomber (Egusa Squadron)}}. Scrap 2 {{EquipmentLink|Suisei}}.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 50,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Suisei (Egusa Squadron)|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#B25|B25]]]=],
    label = 'F15',
    title = '機種転換<sup>[[Quests#Notes|?]]</sup>',
    title_en = [=[Model Conversion: [[Zero Fighter Model 52C (601 Air Group)]]]=],
    detail_en = [=[Have a [[CV|Standard Aircraft Carrier]], [[CVL|Light Aircraft Carrier]], or an [[CVB|Armored Aircraft Carrier]] as secretary equipped with a {{EquipmentLink|Zero Fighter Model 52C (601 Air Group)}}. Scrap 2 {{EquipmentLink|Prototype Reppuu Late Model}}.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 50,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Reppuu (601 Air Group)|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#B28|B28]]]=],
    label = 'F16',
    title = '「伊良湖」の準備',
    title_en = [=[Preparation for Irako]=],
    detail_en = [=[Scrap equipment 10 times.]=],
    reward_fuel = 100,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[[[File:Food supply ship irako.png|30px|link=Fatigue]] [[Fatigue#Food_Supply_Ship_.22Irako.22|"Irako"]] x4]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#F8|F8]]]=],
    label = 'F17',
    title = 'はじめての「装備改修」!',
    title_en = [=[The First Equipment Improvement]=],
    detail_en = [=[Improve 1 piece of equipment.]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 100,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[[[File:Improvement Materials.png|30px|link=Akashi's_Improvement_Arsenal]] x7]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#A45|A45]]<br>Unlocks: [[Quests#F18|F18]]]=],
    label = 'F18',
    title = '装備の改修強化',
    title_en = [=[Reinforce Improvement for Equipment]=],
    detail_en = [=[Improve 1 piece of equipment.]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 50,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[[[File:Improvement Materials.png|30px|link=Akashi's_Improvement_Arsenal]] x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#F8|F8]], [[Quests#F17|F17]]<br / >Unlocks: [[Quests#F34|F34]], [[Quests#F50|F50]]<br>'''Daily Quest''']=],
    label = 'F19',
    title = '機種転換<sup>[[Quests#Notes|?]]</sup>',
    title_en = [=[Model Conversion: [[Type 97 Torpedo Bomber (Murata Squadron)]]]=],
    detail_en = [=[Have {{ShipLink|Shoukaku}} as secretary equipped with a {{EquipmentLink|Type 97 Torpedo Bomber (Murata Squadron)}}. Scrap 2 {{EquipmentLink|Tenzan}}.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 50,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Tenzan Model 12 (Murata Squadron)|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#B50|B50]]]=],
    label = 'F20',
    title = '精鋭「九七式艦攻」部隊の編成',
    title_en = [=[Organize the Elite Type 97 Torpedo Bomber Force]=],
    detail_en = [=[Have {{ShipLink|Shoukaku}} or {{ShipLink|Akagi}} as secretary. Scrap 3 {{EquipmentLink|Type 97 Torpedo Bomber}}.]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 50,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Type 97 Torpedo Bomber (Murata Squadron)|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#B50|B50]]]=],
    label = 'F21',
    title = '試作艤装の準備',
    title_en = [=[Preparation of the Prototype Equipment]=],
    detail_en = [=[Scrap equipment 7 times.]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 100,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[[[File:Prototype_Deck_Catapult.png|30px|link=Prototype_Flight_Deck_Catapult]][[Prototype Flight Deck Catapult]] x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#D19|D19]] <br>Unlocks: [[Quests#A59|A59]], [[Quests#B62|B62]]]=],
    label = 'F22',
    title = '精鋭「艦戦」隊の新編成',
    title_en = [=[Organize the New Elite Fighter Force]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare a {{EquipmentLink|Skilled Crew Member|text=true}} in your inventory. Have {{ShipLink|Houshou}} as secretary equipped with a [[File:Aircraft_Proficiency_Gold_Chevron.png]] {{EquipmentLink|Type 0 Fighter Model 21}}. Scrap 2 {{EquipmentLink|Type 0 Fighter Model 21}} and 1 {{EquipmentLink|Type 96 Fighter}}.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 50,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Type 0 Fighter Model 21 (Skilled)|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=['''Monthly Quest'''<br>Requires: [[Quests#A19|A19]], [[Quests#Bm6|Bm6]]<br>Unlocks: [[Quests#F24|F24]], [[Quests#F28|F28]]]=],
    label = 'F23',
    title = '試製航空艤装の追加試作',
    title_en = [=[Addition to Prototype Aviation Equipment]=],
    detail_en = [=[Scrap equipment 9 times.]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 100,
    reward_bauxite = 50,
    reward_other = [=[[[File:Prototype_Deck_Catapult.png|30px|link=Prototype_Flight_Deck_Catapult]][[Prototype Flight Deck Catapult]] x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#B54|B54]]<br>Unlocks: [[Quests#F29|F29]]]=],
    label = 'F24',
    title = '機種転換<sup>[[Quests#Notes|?]]</sup>',
    title_en = [=[Model Conversion: [[Type 0 Fighter Model 21 (Skilled)]]]=],
    detail_en = [=[Have a [[CV|Standard Aircraft Carrier]], [[CVL|Light Aircraft Carrier]], or an [[CVB|Armored Aircraft Carrier]] as secretary equipped with a {{EquipmentLink|Type 0 Fighter Model 21 (Skilled)}}. Scrap 2 {{EquipmentLink|Type 0 Fighter Model 52}}.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 50,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Type 0 Fighter Model 52 (Skilled)|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#A59|A59]], [[Quests#F22|F22]]<br>Unlocks: [[Quests#F25|F25]], [[Quests#F26|F26]]]=],
    label = 'F25',
    title = '機種転換<sup>[[Quests#Notes|?]]</sup>',
    title_en = [=[Model Conversion: [[Type 0 Fighter Model 21 (Skilled)]]]=],
    detail_en = [=[Have a [[CV|Standard Aircraft Carrier]], [[CVL|Light Aircraft Carrier]], or an [[CVB|Armored Aircraft Carrier]] as secretary equipped with a [[File:Aircraft_Proficiency_Gold_Chevron.png]] {{EquipmentLink|Type 0 Fighter Model 21 (Skilled)}}. Scrap 2 {{EquipmentLink|Type 0 Fighter Model 52}}.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 50,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Type 0 Fighter Model 52 (Skilled)|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=['''Monthly Quest'''<br>Requires: [[Quests#Bm5|Bm5]], [[Quests#F24|F24]]]=],
    label = 'F26',
    title = '「艦戦」隊の再編成<sup>[[Quests#Notes|?]]</sup>',
    title_en = [=[Reorganize the Fighter Force: [[Type 0 Fighter Model 52 (Skilled)]]]=],
    detail_en = [=[Have {{ShipLink|Zuikaku}} as secretary equipped with a [[File:Aircraft_Proficiency_Gold_Chevron.png]] {{EquipmentLink|Type 0 Fighter Model 52 (Skilled)}}. Scrap 1 {{EquipmentLink|Zero Fighter Model 52C (601 Air Group)}}.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 50,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Zero Fighter Model 52C (w/ Iwai Flight)|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#B53|B53]], [[Quests#F24|F24]]<br>Unlocks: [[Quests#F27|F27]]]=],
    label = 'F27',
    title = '機種転換&部隊再編<sup>[[Quests#Notes|?]]</sup>',
    title_en = [=[Model Conversion & Reorganization: [[Zero Fighter Model 52C (w/ Iwai Flight)]]]=],
    detail_en = [=[Have {{ShipLink|Zuikaku}} as secretary equipped with a [[File:Aircraft_Proficiency_Gold_Chevron.png]] {{EquipmentLink|Zero Fighter Model 52C (w&#47; Iwai Flight)}}. Scrap 2 {{EquipmentLink|Type 0 Fighter Model 62 (Fighter-bomber)}}.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 50,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Zero Fighter Model 62 (Fighter-bomber / Iwai Squadron)|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#B54|B54]], [[Quests#F26|F26]]]=],
    label = 'F28',
    title = '「艦戦」隊の再編成<sup>[[Quests#Notes|?]]</sup>',
    title_en = [=[Reorganize the Fighter Force: [[Type 0 Fighter Model 21 (Skilled)]]]=],
    detail_en = [=[Have {{ShipLink|Zuikaku}} as secretary equipped with a [[File:Aircraft_Proficiency_Gold_Chevron.png]] {{EquipmentLink|Type 0 Fighter Model 21 (Skilled)}}. Scrap 2 {{EquipmentLink|Type 0 Fighter Model 21}}.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 50,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Zero Fighter Model 21 (w/ Iwamoto Flight)|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#A61|A61]], [[Quests#F22|F22]](?), ??<br>Unlocks: [[Quests#F29|F29]]]=],
    label = 'F29',
    title = '機種転換<sup>[[Quests#Notes|?]]</sup>',
    title_en = [=[Model Conversion: [[Zero Fighter Model 21 (w/ Iwamoto Flight)]]]=],
    detail_en = [=[Have {{ShipLink|Zuikaku}} as secretary equipped with a [[File:Aircraft_Proficiency_Gold_Chevron.png]] {{EquipmentLink|Zero Fighter Model 21 (w&#47; Iwamoto Flight)}}. Scrap 2 {{EquipmentLink|Type 0 Fighter Model 52}}.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 50,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Zero Fighter Model 52A (w/ Iwamoto Flight)|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#F23|F23]], [[Quests#F28|F28]]<br>Unlocks: [[Quests#A62|A62]]]=],
    label = 'F30',
    title = '機種転換&部隊再編<sup>[[Quests#Notes|?]]</sup>',
    title_en = [=[Model Conversion & Reorganization: [[Zero Fighter Model 52A (w/ Iwamoto Flight)]]]=],
    detail_en = [=[Have {{ShipLink|Zuikaku}} as secretary equipped with a [[File:Aircraft_Proficiency_Gold_Chevron.png]] {{EquipmentLink|Zero Fighter Model 52A (w&#47; Iwamoto Flight)}}. Scrap 2 {{EquipmentLink|Saiun}}.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 50,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Type 0 Fighter Model 53 (Iwamoto Squadron)|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#A62|A62]], ??]=],
    label = 'F31',
    title = '新家具の準備',
    title_en = [=[Preparations for New Furniture]=],
    detail_en = [=[Scrap 9 pieces of equipment.]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 90,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[[[File:Furniture_fairy.png|30px|link=Furniture]][[Furniture|Furniture Fairy]] x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#Bd2|Bd2]]]=],
    label = 'F32',
    title = '新装備の準備',
    title_en = [=[Preparations for New Equipment]=],
    detail_en = [=[Scrap 5 pieces of equipment.]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 50,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[[[File:Furniture box medium.png|30px|link=Furniture]] x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#Bw2|Bw2]]<br>Unlocks: [[Quests#C9|C9]]]=],
    label = 'F33',
    title = '上陸戦用新装備の調達',
    title_en = [=[Supply of New Landing Force Equipment]=],
    detail_en = [=[Scrap 2 {{EquipmentLink|7.7mm Machine Gun}} and 2 {{EquipmentLink|12.7mm Single Machine Gun Mount}}.]=],
    reward_fuel = 50,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Special Type 2 Amphibious Tank|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#B46|B46]], [[Quests#C9|C9]]<br>Unlocks: [[Quests#B69|B69]]]=],
    label = 'F34',
    title = '対空機銃量産<sup>[[Quests#Notes|?]]</sup>',
    title_en = [=[Anti-Air Gun Mass Production]=],
    detail_en = [=[Scrap 6 [[List of Anti-Air Guns by stats|Anti-Air guns]].]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 100,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 200,
    reward_other = [=[[[File:Improvement Materials.png|30px|link=Akashi's_Improvement_Arsenal]] x1<br>[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x2]=],
    note = [=['''Weekly Quest'''<br>Requires: [[Quests#F18|F18]]]=],
    label = 'F35',
    title = '「熟練搭乗員」養成',
    title_en = [=[Skilled Crew Member Training]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 2 [[File:Medal.png|30px|link=Medal]] in your inventory. Have {{ShipLink|Houshou}} as secretary equipped with a [[File:Aircraft_Proficiency_Gold_Chevron.png]] ''and'' '''★max''' {{EquipmentLink|Type 96 Fighter}}.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 100,
    reward_other = [=[[[File:Improvement Materials.png|30px|link=Akashi's_Improvement_Arsenal]] x4<br>{{EquipmentLink|Skilled Crew Member|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=['''Quarterly Quest'''<br>Requires: [[Quests#B9|B9]]]=],
    label = 'F36',
    title = '新型魚雷兵装の開発',
    title_en = [=[Development of a New Torpedo Armament]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 2 [[File:Medal.png|30px|link=Medal]] in your inventory. Have {{ShipLink|Shimakaze}} as secretary equipped with a '''★max''' {{EquipmentLink|61cm Quintuple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount}} and a '''★max''' {{EquipmentLink|61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount}}.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 600,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[[[File:Improvement Materials.png|30px|link=Akashi's_Improvement_Arsenal]] x6<br> {{EquipmentLink|Prototype 61cm Sextuple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#B71|B71]], [[Quests#F34|F34]]]=],
    label = 'F37',
    title = '「航空基地設営」事前準備',
    title_en = [=[Preparations for the Construction of an Air Base]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 2 {{EquipmentLink|7.7mm Machine Gun}} & 2 {{EquipmentLink|Type 96 Fighter}} in your inventory. Scrap 2 {{EquipmentLink|Drum Canister (Transport Use)}}.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 200,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 200,
    reward_other = [=[[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x3<br>{{EquipmentLink|Type 96 Land-based Attack Aircraft|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#B56|B56]] <br>Unlocks: [[Quests#F38|F38]]]=],
    label = 'F38',
    title = '「陸攻」隊の増勢',
    title_en = [=[Expansion of Land-based Air Groups]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 2 {{EquipmentLink|7.7mm Machine Gun}} & 2 {{EquipmentLink|Type 99 Dive Bomber}} in your inventory.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 200,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 200,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Type 96 Land-based Attack Aircraft|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#B77|B77]], [[Quests#F37|F37]]<br>Unlocks: [[Quests#F39|F39]], [[Quests#F43|F43]]]=],
    label = 'F39',
    title = '主力「陸攻」の調達',
    title_en = [=[Supply of the Land-based Main Bomber Force]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 1 {{EquipmentLink|Type 96 Land-based Attack Aircraft}} and 2 {{EquipmentLink|Type 97 Torpedo Bomber}} in your inventory. Scrap 2 {{EquipmentLink|Type 0 Fighter Model 21}}.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 250,
    reward_ammo = 250,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x2<br>{{EquipmentLink|Type 1 Land-based Attack Aircraft|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=['''Quarterly Quest'''<br>Requires: [[Quests#D9|D9]](?), ??]=],
    label = 'F40',
    title = '「一式陸攻」性能向上型の調達',
    title_en = [=[Procurement of the improved Type 1 Land-based Attack Aircraft]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 1 {{EquipmentLink|Type 1 Land-based Attack Aircraft}} & 2 {{EquipmentLink|Tenzan}} in your inventory.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 300,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Type 1 Land-based Attack Aircraft Model 22A|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#C10|C10]](?), [[Quests#F39|F39]]]=],
    label = 'F41',
    title = '「洋上補給」物資の調達',
    title_en = [=[Monthly Procurement of Maritime Supply Goods]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 750 Fuel, 750 Ammunition, 2 {{EquipmentLink|Drum Canister (Transport Use)}}, and 1 {{EquipmentLink|Type 91 Armor Piercing Shell}} in your inventory. Scrap 1 {{EquipmentLink|Type 3 Shell}}.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Underway Replenishment|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=['''Monthly Quest'''<br>Requires: [[Quests#B54|B54]], [[Quests#Bw5|Bw5]]]=],
    label = 'F42',
    title = '「特注家具」の調達',
    title_en = [=[Procurement of Custom-Made Furniture]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 5000 Furniture Coins, 2 {{EquipmentLink|25mm Twin Autocannon Mount}}, and 2 {{EquipmentLink|25mm Triple Autocannon Mount}} in your inventory. Scrap 1 {{EquipmentLink|25mm Single Autocannon Mount}}.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 100,
    reward_other = [=[[[File:Furniture_fairy.png|30px|link=Furniture]][[Furniture|Furniture Fairy]] x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#C4|C4]], ??<br>Unlocks: [[Quests#F44|F44]]]=],
    label = 'F43',
    title = '中部海域「基地航空隊」展開!',
    title_en = [=[Launch the LBAS to the Central Ocean Area]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 1200 Fuel, 3000 Bauxite, and 1 [[File:Construction_Corps_Item.png|30px|link=Construction_Corps]][[Construction Corps]] in your inventory. Scrap 2 {{EquipmentLink|Drum Canister (Transport Use)}}.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[{{color|red|Unlocks the first LBAS in World 6}}]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#B62|B62]], [[Quests#F38|F38]]<br>Unlocks: [[Quests#F45|F45]]]=],
    label = 'F44',
    title = '「特注家具」の調達',
    title_en = [=[Procurement of Custom-made furniture]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 5000 Furniture Coins, 2 {{EquipmentLink|14cm Single Gun Mount}}, and 2 {{EquipmentLink|15.2cm Single Gun Mount}} in your inventory. Scrap 2 {{EquipmentLink|12.7cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount}}.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 100,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[[[File:Furniture_fairy.png|30px|link=Furniture]][[Furniture|Furniture Fairy]] x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#C2|C2]], [[Quests#F42|F42]], ??<br>Unlocks: [[Quests#F48|F48]]]=],
    label = 'F45',
    title = '新機軸偵察機の開発',
    title_en = [=[Development of a New Reconnaissance Aircraft]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 1 {{EquipmentLink|Type 1 Land-based Attack Aircraft}} and 2 {{EquipmentLink|Saiun}} in your inventory. Scrap 2 {{EquipmentLink|Type 0 Reconnaissance Seaplane}}.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 100,
    reward_other = [=[[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x2<br> {{EquipmentLink|Prototype Keiun (Carrier-based Reconnaissance Model)|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#A62|A62]], [[Quests#F43|F43]], ??<br>Unlocks: [[Quests#F46|F46]], [[Quests#F47|F47]]]=],
    label = 'F46',
    title = '噴式戦闘爆撃機の開発',
    title_en = [=[Development of Jet-type Bomber]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 2 [[New Technology Aircraft Blueprint]] and 1 {{EquipmentLink|Ne Type Engine}} in your inventory. Scrap 3 {{EquipmentLink|Shiden Kai 2}}.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 100,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Kikka Kai|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br> [[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x2]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#C3|C3]], [[Quests#F45|F45]], ??]=],
    label = 'F47',
    title = 'ネ式エンジンの増産',
    title_en = [=[Increased Production of the Ne-type Engine]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 8000 Steel, 2 {{EquipmentLink|Prototype Reppuu Late Model}}, and 2 {{EquipmentLink|Ryuusei}} in your inventory. Scrap 3 {{EquipmentLink|Type 0 Fighter Model 52}}.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Ne Type Engine|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#D21|D21]], [[Quests#F45|F45]], ??]=],
    label = 'F48',
    title = '「特注家具」の調達',
    title_en = [=[Procurement of Custom made Furniture (Arsenal Quest)]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 5000 Furniture Coins, 2 {{EquipmentLink|7.7mm Machine Gun}}, and 2 {{EquipmentLink|Type 96 Fighter}} in your inventory. Scrap 2 {{EquipmentLink|12.7cm Twin Gun Mount}}.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 100,
    reward_other = [=[[[File:Furniture_fairy.png|30px|link=Furniture]][[Furniture|Furniture Fairy]] x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires:[[Quests#C2|C2]], [[Quests#F44|F44]], ??]=],
    label = 'F49',
    title = '六三一空「晴嵐」隊の編成',
    title_en = [=[Organize the Seiran 631 Air Group!]=],
    detail_en = [=[Have either {{ShipLink|I-401}}, {{ShipLink|I-13}}, or {{ShipLink|I-14}} as secretary equipped with a {{EquipmentLink|Prototype Seiran}} in their '''first slot''' and a {{EquipmentLink|Zuiun (631 Air Group)}} in their '''''second slot'''''.]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Seiran (631 Air Group)|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#B80|B80]], [[Quests#B91|B91]], ??]=],
    label = 'F50',
    title = '潜水艦武装の強化',
    title_en = [=[Enhance Submarine Armaments]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 3 {{EquipmentLink|61cm Quadruple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount}}, 3 {{EquipmentLink|Type 93 Passive Sonar}}, and 120 [[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] in your inventory. Scrap 4 {{EquipmentLink|61cm Triple Torpedo Mount}}.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 100,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Late Model Bow Torpedo Mount (6 tubes)|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#B91|B91]], [[Quests#Bm1|Bm1]](?), [[Quests#F18|F18]]]=],
    label = 'F51',
    title = '精鋭「水戦」隊の新編成',
    title_en = [=[Organize the New Elite Seaplane Group]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 1 {{EquipmentLink|Skilled Crew Member|text=true}} in your inventory. Have any secretary ship equipped with a {{EquipmentLink|Type 2 Seaplane Fighter Kai}} that is both [[File:Aircraft_Proficiency_Gold_Chevron.png]] and '''★max''' in her '''first slot'''. Scrap 2 {{EquipmentLink|Type 0 Fighter Model 21}} and 2 {{EquipmentLink|Zuiun}}.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 50,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Type 2 Seaplane Fighter Kai (Skilled)|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#B88|B88]], [[Quests#F7|F7]]<br>Unlocks: [[Quests#F52|F52]]]=],
    label = 'F52',
    title = '精鋭「水戦」隊の増勢',
    title_en = [=[Expand the New Elite Seaplane Group]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 1 {{EquipmentLink|Skilled Crew Member|text=true}} in your inventory. Have any secretary ship equipped with a {{EquipmentLink|Type 2 Seaplane Fighter Kai}} that is both [[File:Aircraft_Proficiency_Gold_Chevron.png]] and '''★max''' in her '''first slot'''. Scrap 2 {{EquipmentLink|Type 0 Fighter Model 21}} and 2 {{EquipmentLink|Zuiun}}.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 50,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Type 2 Seaplane Fighter Kai (Skilled)|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#B94|B94]], [[Quests#F51|F51]]]=],
    label = 'F53',
    title = '新型砲熕兵装、戦力化開始!',
    title_en = [=[Reinforcement of New Model Cannon Improvement, Start!]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 6000 Steel in your inventory. Scrap 10 [[List_of_Secondary_Guns_by_stats|secondary guns]].<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 400,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[[[File:Furniture box medium.png|30px|link=Furniture]] x1<br>{{EquipmentLink|New Model Gun Mount Improvement Material|text=true|image=30px}}]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#F7|F7]](?)]=],
    label = 'F54',
    title = '新型艤装の開発研究',
    title_en = [=[Development of New Type Equipment Fitting Research]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 12000 Steel in your inventory. Scrap 10 [[List_of_Main_Guns_by_stats#Medium_Guns|medium guns]].<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 500,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x2<br>'''then choice between'''<br>[[File:Medal.png|30px|link=Medal]] x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|New Model Gun Mount Improvement Material|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#F18|F18]](?), [[Quests#F53|F53]] <br>Unlocks: [[Quests#D23|D23]]]=],
    label = 'F55',
    title = '新型艤装の継続研究',
    title_en = [=[Continued Research of New Rigging Types]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 18000 Steel in your inventory. Scrap 10 [[List_of_Main_Guns_by_stats#Heavy_Guns|heavy guns]].<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 600,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x3<br>'''then choice between'''<br>[[File:Medal.png|30px|link=Medal]] x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|New Model Gun Mount Improvement Material|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#D23|D23]](?)<br>'''Quarterly Quest''']=],
    label = 'F56',
    title = '電探技術の射撃装置への活用',
    title_en = [=[Utilizing Radar Technology for Shooting Equipment]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 8000 Ammunition and 8000 Steel in your inventory. Scrap 10 [[List_of_Radars_by_stats|radars]].<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 300,
    reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>[[File:Medal.png|30px|link=Medal]] x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|New Model Gun Mount Improvement Material|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#F53|F53]](?) <br> Unlocks: [[Quests#F57|F57]]]=],
    label = 'F57',
    title = '民生産業への協力',
    title_en = [=[Cooperation with the Consumer Industry]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 12000 Fuel in your inventory. Scrap 16 [[List_of_Main_Guns_by_stats#Light_Guns|light guns]].<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 600,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[[[File:Furniture_fairy.png|30px|link=Furniture]][[Furniture|Furniture Fairy]] x1<br>'''then choice between'''<br>[[File:Medal.png|30px|link=Medal]] x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|New Model Gun Mount Improvement Material|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#F56|F56]], ??<br> Unlocks: [[Quests#F59|F59]]]=],
    label = 'F58',
    title = '精鋭「瑞雲」隊の編成',
    title_en = [=[Organize the Elite "Zuiun" Group]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 2 {{EquipmentLink|Type 99 Dive Bomber}}, 2 {{EquipmentLink|Zuiun}} and 1 {{EquipmentLink|Skilled Crew Member|text=true}} in your inventory. Have {{ShipLink|Hyuuga/Kai}} as secretary equipped with a '''★max '''{{EquipmentLink|Zuiun (634 Air Group)}} in her '''''fourth slot'''''. Scrap 2 {{EquipmentLink|Drum Canister (Transport Use)}}. <br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 100,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Zuiun (634 Air Group/Skilled)|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#B102|B102]], ??]=],
    label = 'F59',
    title = '民生産業への協力を継続せよ!',
    title_en = [=[Continue your cooperation with the Consumer Industry]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 15000 Steel in your inventory. Scrap 10 [[List of Anti-Air Guns by stats|anti-air guns]].<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 300,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Combat Ration|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''then choice between'''<br>[[File:Medal.png|30px]] x1<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Furniture_fairy.png|30px|link=Furniture]][[Furniture|Furniture Fairy]] x1]=],
    note = [=[<br>Requires: [[Quests#F57|F57]], ??]=],
    label = 'F60',
    title = '新型戦闘糧食の試作',
    title_en = [=[Experimenting with New Combat Rations]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 800 Fuel, 150 Bauxite, and 2 {{EquipmentLink|Combat Ration}} in your inventory.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 100,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Combat Ration (Special Onigiri)|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[<br>Requires: ??]=],
    label = 'F61',
    title = '夜戦型艦上戦闘機の開発',
    title_en = [=[Nighttime Carrier-based Fighter Development]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 5000 Bauxite, 30 [[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]], 6 [[File:Improvement Materials.png|30px|link=Akashi's_Improvement_Arsenal]], and 1 {{EquipmentLink|New Model Aerial Armament Material}} in your inventory. Have a [[CV|Standard Aircraft Carrier]], [[CVL|Light Aircraft Carrier]], or an [[CVB|Armored Aircraft Carrier]] secretary equipped with a [[File:Aircraft_Proficiency_Gold_Chevron.png]] and '''★max''' {{EquipmentLink|F6F-3}} in her '''first slot'''. Scrap 2 {{EquipmentLink|Type 13 Air Radar}} and 2 {{EquipmentLink|Type 22 Surface Radar}}.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 100,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|F6F-3N|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#A80|A80]], [[Quests#F8|F8]]]=],
    label = 'F62',
    title = '夜間作戦型艦上攻撃機の開発',
    title_en = [=[Nighttime Carrier-based Torpedo Bomber Development]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 5000 Ammunition, 8000 Bauxite, 40 [[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]], 10 [[File:Improvement Materials.png|30px|link=Akashi's_Improvement_Arsenal]], 1 {{EquipmentLink|Skilled Crew Member|text=true}} and 1 {{EquipmentLink|New Model Aerial Armament Material}} in your inventory. Have a [[CV|Standard Aircraft Carrier]], [[CVL|Light Aircraft Carrier]], or an [[CVB|Armored Aircraft Carrier]] secretary ship equip a {{EquipmentLink|TBF}} in her '''first slot'''. Scrap 2 {{EquipmentLink|Type 13 Air Radar}} and 2 {{EquipmentLink|Type 22 Surface Radar}}.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 100,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|TBM-3D|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#F34|F34]], [[Quests#F61|F61]], ??]=],
    label = 'F63',
    title = '夜戦型艦上戦闘機の性能強化',
    title_en = [=[Performance Improvement of the Carrier-based Night Fighter]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 6000 Bauxite, 40 [[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]], 8 [[File:Improvement Materials.png|30px|link=Akashi's_Improvement_Arsenal]], and 1 {{EquipmentLink|New Model Aerial Armament Material}} in your inventory. Have a [[CV|Standard Aircraft Carrier]], [[CVL|Light Aircraft Carrier]], or an [[CVB|Armored Aircraft Carrier]] as secretary equipped with a [[File:Aircraft_Proficiency_Gold_Chevron.png]] and '''★max''' {{EquipmentLink|F6F-5}} in her '''first slot'''. Scrap 2 {{EquipmentLink|Type 13 Air Radar}} and 2 {{EquipmentLink|Type 22 Surface Radar}}.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 100,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|F6F-5N|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#B105|B105]], [[Quests#F61|F61]], ??]=],
    label = 'F64',
    title = '「遊撃部隊」艦隊司令部の創設',
    title_en = [=[The Establishment of the Striking Force's Fleet Command Facility]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 2000 Steel, 10 [[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]], and 2 {{EquipmentLink|Action Report}} in your inventory. Have any ship as secretary equipped with a {{EquipmentLink|Fleet Command Facility}} in her '''first slot'''.  Scrap 3 [[List_of_Radars_by_stats|radars]].<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 300,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Striking Force Fleet Command Facility|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[]=],
    label = 'F65',
    title = '装備開発力の整備',
    title_en = [=[Maintenance of Equipment Development Capabilities]=],
    detail_en = [=[Scrap 4 [[List_of_Main_Guns_by_stats#Light_Guns|light guns]].]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 100,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x1]=],
    note = [=['''Daily Quest'''<br>Requires: [[Quests#F7|F7]](?)]=],
    label = 'F66',
    title = '工廠環境の整備',
    title_en = [=[Maintenance of the Arsenal Environment]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 300 Steel in your inventory. Scrap 3 [[List_of_Anti-Air_Guns_by_stats|anti-air guns]].<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 100,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x1<br>[[File:Instant repair 2.png|30px|link=Tutorial:_FAQ#What_are_buckets.3F]] x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#F65|F65]], ?? <br> Unlocks: [[Quests#F67|F67]] <br>'''Daily Quest''']=],
    label = 'F67',
    title = '運用装備の統合整備',
    title_en = [=[Integrated Maintenance of Operational Equipment]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 800 Bauxite in your inventory. Scrap 6 [[List_of_Fighters_by_stats|fighters]] and 4 [[List_of_Anti-Air_Guns_by_stats|anti-air guns]].<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 200,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x4<br>'''then choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Type 1 Fighter Hayabusa Model II|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or''' <br>{{EquipmentLink|Shiden Model 11|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or''' <br>[[File:Improvement Materials.png|30px|link=Akashi's_Improvement_Arsenal]] x4]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#F66|F66]], ?? <br> Unlocks: [[Quests#C16|C16]] <br>'''Quarterly Quest''']=],
    label = 'F68',
    title = '装備開発力の集中整備',
    title_en = [=[Focused Maintenance of Equipment Development Capabilities]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 2400 Steel in your inventory. Scrap 3 [[List_of_Main_Guns_by_stats#Medium_Guns|medium guns]], 3 [[List_of_Secondary_Guns_by_stats|secondary guns]], and 1 {{EquipmentLink|Drum Canister (Transport Use)}}.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 200,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x7<br>[[File:Instant repair 2.png|30px|link=Tutorial:_FAQ#What_are_buckets.3F]] x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#F66|F66]], ??<br> Unlocks: [[Quests#C16|C16]] <br>'''Weekly Quest''']=],
    label = 'F69',
    title = '継戦支援能力の整備',
    title_en = [=[The Maintenance of Warfare Support Ability]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 3600 Steel in your inventory. Scrap 4 [[List_of_Main_Guns_by_stats#Heavy_Guns|heavy guns]], 2 [[List of Seaplanes by stats|reconnaissance seaplanes]] and 3 [[List of Torpedoes by stats|torpedoes]].<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 500,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 150,
    reward_other = [=[[[File:Instant repair 2.png|30px|link=Tutorial:_FAQ#What_are_buckets.3F]] x5]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#F66|F66]](?)<br> '''Weekly Quest''']=],
    label = 'F70',
    title = '主力艦上戦闘機の更新',
    title_en = [=[Renewal of the Main Carrier-based Fighter]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 4000 Bauxite in your inventory. Have a [[CV|Standard Aircraft Carrier]], [[CVL|Light Aircraft Carrier]], or an [[CVB|Armored Aircraft Carrier]] secretary equipped with 2 {{EquipmentLink|Type 0 Fighter Model 52}} on her '''''first and second slot'''''. Scrap 5 {{EquipmentLink|Type 0 Fighter Model 21}} and 3 {{EquipmentLink|Type 96 Fighter}}.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 100,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Shiden Kai 2|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''then choice between'''<br>[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x8<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|New Model Aerial Armament Material|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: ??<br>'''Quarterly Quest''']=],
    label = 'F71',
    title = '対空兵装の拡充',
    title_en = [=[Expansion of Anti-Air Equipment]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 900 Bauxite in your inventory. Scrap 6 [[List_of_Main_Guns_by_stats#Medium_Guns|medium guns]] and 3 [[List_of_Secondary_Guns_by_stats|secondary guns]].<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 100,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|25mm Triple Autocannon Mount|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Reinforcement_expansion_064_useitem.png|30px|link=Reinforcement Expansion]][[Reinforcement Expansion]] x1]=],
    note = [=[ Requires: ??, <br> Unlocks: [[Quests#F72|F72]] ]=]
    label = 'F72',
    title = '対空兵装の整備拡充',
    title_en = [=[Reinforcement of the Anti-Air Equipment]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 1500 Bauxite in your inventory. Scrap 4 [[List_of_Anti-Air_Guns_by_stats|anti-air guns]] and 4 [[List_of_Radars_by_stats|radars]].<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 200,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or''' <br>{{EquipmentLink|12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''then choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|8cm High-angle Gun|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or''' <br>[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x6]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#F5|F5]], [[Quests#F71|F71]] <br> Unlocks: [[Quests#A86|A86]]<br>'''Quarterly Quest''']=],
    label = 'F73',
    title = '「海防艦」整備計画',
    title_en = [=[Escort ship service plan]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 500 Fuel in your inventory. Scrap 4 [[List_of_Main_Guns_by_stats#Medium_Guns|medium guns]] and 4 [[List_of_Main_Guns_by_stats#Heavy_Guns|heavy guns]]. <br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 200,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>[[File:Furniture fairy.png|30px|link=Furniture]][[Furniture|Furniture Fairy]] x1<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x4<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|New Model Gun Mount Improvement Material|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''then choice between'''<br>{{ShipLink|Matsuwa}}<br>'''or'''<br>{{ShipLink|Etorofu}}]=],
    note = [=[Requires: ??]=],
    label = 'F74',
    title = '航空戦艦用強化型新主砲の研究',
    title_en = [=[Research of New and Improved Main Battery for Aviation Battleships]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 4500 Steel, 40 [[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]], 50 [[File:Instant construction 2.png|30px|link=Construction]], and 2 {{EquipmentLink|New Model Gun Mount Improvement Material}} in your inventory. Have {{ShipLink|Ise/Kai Ni}} as secretary with a '''★max''' {{EquipmentLink|Prototype 41cm Triple Gun Mount}} equipped in her '''first slot'''. Scrap 2 {{EquipmentLink|Type 22 Surface Radar}} and 3 {{EquipmentLink|41cm Twin Gun Mount}}.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 200,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|41cm Triple Gun Mount Kai Ni|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#C20|C20]](?), [[Quests#C22|C22]](?), [[Quests#F54|F54]](?), [[Quests#F55|F55]](?), [[Quests#F56|F56]](?), ??]=],
    label = 'F75',
    title = '精鋭「航空戦艦」彗星隊の編成',
    title_en = [=[Organize the Elite "Battle Carrier" Suisei Air Group]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 3000 Bauxite, 30 [[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]], 1 {{EquipmentLink|New Model Aerial Armament Material}}, and 1 {{EquipmentLink|Skilled Crew Member}} in your inventory. Have {{ShipLink|Ise/Kai Ni}} as secretary ship with a {{EquipmentLink|Suisei Model 22 (634 Air Group)}} equipped in her '''''third slot'''''. Scrap 3 {{EquipmentLink|Type 99 Dive Bomber|}} and 3 {{EquipmentLink|Suisei}}.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 634,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Suisei Model 22 (634 Air Group/Skilled)|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#B119|B119]]]=],
    label = 'F76',
    title = '駆逐主砲兵装の戦時改修',
    title_en = [=[Wartime Renovation of Destroyer Main Guns]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 900 Steel, 30 [[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]], and 1 {{EquipmentLink|New Model Gun Mount Improvement Material}} in your inventory. Have a [[Ship_Class#Fubuki-class|Fubuki-class]] secretary ship with a '''★max''' {{EquipmentLink|12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model A Kai 2}} equipped in her '''first slot'''. Scrap 4 {{EquipmentLink|10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount}} and 1 {{EquipmentLink|Type 94 Anti-Aircraft Fire Director}}.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 200,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model A Kai 3 (Wartime Modification) + Anti-Aircraft Fire Director|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#A53|A53]], [[Quests#F73|F73]], ??]=],
    label = 'F77',
    title = '戦時改修A型高角砲の量産',
    title_en = [=[Mass Wartime Production of the Type A Dual-Purpose Gun]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 900 Steel, 30 [[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]], and 1 {{EquipmentLink|New Model Gun Mount Improvement Material|text=true}} in your inventory. Have a [[Ship_Class#Fubuki-class|Fubuki-class]] secretary ship with a '''★max''' {{EquipmentLink|12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model A Kai 2}} equipped in her '''first slot'''. Scrap 4 {{EquipmentLink|10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount}} and 1 {{EquipmentLink|Type 94 Anti-Aircraft Fire Director}}.<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 200,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model A Kai 3 (Wartime Modification) + Anti-Aircraft Fire Director|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#F72|F72]], [[Quests#F76|F76]], ??<br>'''Quarterly Quest''']=],
    label = 'F78',
    title = '駆逐艦主砲兵装の戦時改修【II】',
    title_en = [=[Destroyer Main Battery Wartime Modification (II)]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 1200 Steel, 50 [[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]],  and 1 {{EquipmentLink|New Model Gun Mount Improvement Material|text=true}} in your inventory. Have {{ShipLink|Shigure Kai Ni}} or {{ShipLink|Yuudachi Kai Ni}} as secretary ship with a '''★max''' {{EquipmentLink|12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model B Kai 2}} equipped in her '''first slot'''. Scrap 5 {{EquipmentLink|10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount}} and 1 {{EquipmentLink|Type 94 Anti-Aircraft Fire Director}}.]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 220,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model B Kai 4 (Wartime Modification) + Anti-Aircraft Fire Director|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#F76|F76]](?)]=],
    label = 'F79',
    title = '航空戦力の強化',
    title_en = [=[Reinforcement of the Aviation Strength]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 1800 Bauxite and 1 {{EquipmentLink|Skilled Crew Member|text=true}} in your inventory. Scrap 3 [[List_of_Fighters_by_stats|fighters]], 3 [[List_of_Dive_Bombers_by_stats|dive bombers]], 3 [[List_of_Torpedo_Bombers_by_stats|torpedo bombers]], and 3 [[List_of_Seaplanes_by_stats|reconnaissance seaplanes]].<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 100,
    reward_ammo = 100,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br> {{EquipmentLink|Type 0 Fighter Model 32 (Skilled)|image=30px|text=true}} x1<br>'''or''' <br>{{EquipmentLink|Type 1 Fighter Hayabusa Model II|image=30px|text=true}} x1<br>'''or''' <br/>{{EquipmentLink|Zuiun (631 Air Group)|image=30px|text=true}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#F66|F66]], ??<br>'''Quarterly Quest''']=],
    label = 'F80',
    title = '戦闘機隊戦力の拡充',
    title_en = [=[Reinforcement of the Fighter Squadron Strength]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 3000 Bauxite, 1 {{EquipmentLink|Skilled Crew Member}}, and 1 {{EquipmentLink|New Model Aerial Armament Material}} in your inventory. Scrap 4 [[List_of_Fighters_by_stats|fighters]], 4 [[List_of_Seaplanes_by_stats|reconnaissance planes]], and 2 [[List_of_Carrier-based_Reconnaissance_Aircraft_by_stats|carrier-based reconnaissance aircraft]].<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 100,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Reppuu Model 11|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Type 3 Fighter Hien|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Spitfire Mk.I|text=true|image=30px}} x2]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#B15|B15]], [[Quests#C2|C2]], ??]=],
    label = 'F81',
    title = '基地航空隊戦力の拡充',
    title_en = [=[Reinforcement of the Land Base Aircraft Squadron]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 4800 Bauxite, 1 {{EquipmentLink|Skilled Crew Member}}, and 2 {{EquipmentLink|New Model Aerial Armament Material}} in your inventory.  Scrap 4 [[List of Dive Bombers by stats|dive bombers]], 4 [[List of Torpedo Bombers by stats|torpedo bombers]], and 4 [[List of Fighters by stats|fighters]].<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 200,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Raiden|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Prototype Toukai|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Shiden Model 11|text=true|image=30px}} x2]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#F37|F37]], [[Quests#F80|F80]], ??]=],
    label = 'F82',
    title = '提督室のリフォーム',
    title_en = [=[Renovation of the Admiral's Room]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 1600 Bauxite in your inventory. Scrap 4 [[List_of_Main_Guns_by_stats#Medium_Guns|medium guns]], 4 [[List_of_Secondary_Guns_by_stats|secondary guns]] and 4 [[List of Anti-Air Guns by stats|anti-air guns]].]=],
    reward_fuel = 200,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x5<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Furniture box medium.png|30px|link=Furniture]] x3<br>'''then choice between'''<br>[[File:Furniture_fairy.png|30px|link=Furniture]][[Furniture|Furniture Fairy]] x1<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Furniture box large.jpg|30px|link=Furniture]] x3]=],
    note = [=[Requires: ??]=],
    label = 'F83',
    title = '水上艦艇装備工廠の整備',
    title_en = [=[Maintenance of the Surface Vessels' Equipment Arsenal]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 3000 Steel in your inventory. Scrap 5 [[List_of_Main_Guns_by_stats#Small_Guns|small guns]], 5 [[List_of_Main_Guns_by_stats#Large_Guns|large guns]], and 5 [[List_of_Seaplanes_by_stats#Reconnaissance_Seaplanes|reconnaissance seaplanes]].<br>]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 100,
    reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>[[File:Furniture_fairy.png|30px|link=Furniture]][[Furniture|Furniture Fairy]] x1<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Improvement Materials.png|30px|link=Akashi's_Improvement_Arsenal]] x2<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x5<br>'''then choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Anti-torpedo Bulge (Medium)|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Anti-torpedo Bulge (Large) |text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: ??]=],
    label = 'F84',
    title = '回転翼機の開発',
    title_en = [=[Development of Rotorcraft]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 3000 Bauxite and 20 [[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] in your inventory. Scrap 4 [[List of Seaplanes by stats|seaplanes]], 3 [[List of Fighters by stats|fighters]], and 2 [[List of Torpedo Bombers by stats|torpedo bombers]].<br>'''※ The prepared resources and items will be consumed upon quest completion.''']=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|New Model Aerial Armament Material|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|O Type Observation Autogyro Kai|text=true|image=30px}}]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#F5|F5]], [[Quests#F72|F72]], [[Quests#F73|F73]], ??]=],
    label = 'F85',
    title = '新型航空艤装の研究',
    title_en = [=[Research of New Aircraft Rigging]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 8500 Steel, 4000 Bauxite, and 60 [[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] in your inventory. Scrap 4 {{EquipmentLink|Zuiun}}, 4 {{EquipmentLink|Suisei}}, and 2 {{EquipmentLink|Ryuusei}}.<br>'''※ The prepared resources and items will be consumed upon quest completion.''']=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Prototype Flight Deck Catapult|text=true|image=30px}}<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|New Model Aerial Armament Material|text=true|image=30px}} x3]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#F84|F84]], ??]=],
    label = 'F86',
    title = '「彗星」艦爆の新運用研究',
    title_en = [=[Research of New "Suisei" Dive Bomber Utility]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 2500 Ammunition, 5000 Bauxite, and 1 {{EquipmentLink|New Model Aerial Armament Material}} in your inventory. Have {{ShipLink|Ise/Kai Ni}} or {{ShipLink|Hyuuga/Kai Ni}} as secretary equipped with a {{EquipmentLink|Suisei Model 12A}} in her first slot. Scrap 4 {{EquipmentLink|Suisei}}, 3 {{EquipmentLink|Type 99 Dive Bomber}}, and 2 {{EquipmentLink|Zuiun}}.<br>'''※ Equipped equipment must be unlocked.'''<br>'''※ The equipped plane will be converted to the reward listed.'''<br>'''※ The prepared resources and items will be consumed upon quest completion.''']=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Suisei Model 12 (634 Air Group w/ Type 3 Cluster Bombs)|text=true|image=30px}}]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#F84|F84]], [[Quests#C31|C31]]]=],
    label = 'F87',
    title = '最精鋭「瑞雲」隊の編成',
    title_en = [=[Formation of a Top-class "Zuiun" Squadron]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 2000 Ammunition, 8000 Bauxite, 1 {{EquipmentLink|New Model Aerial Armament Material}}, and 2 {{EquipmentLink|Skilled Crew Member}} in your inventory. Have {{ShipLink|Ise/Kai Ni}} or {{ShipLink|Hyuuga/Kai Ni}} as secretary equipped with a '''★max''' {{EquipmentLink|Zuiun Kai Ni (634 Air Group)}} on her first slot. Scrap 6 {{EquipmentLink|Zuiun}}, 3 {{EquipmentLink|Suisei}}, and 1 {{EquipmentLink|Prototype Reppuu Late Model}}.<br>'''※ Equipped equipment must be unlocked.'''<br>'''※ The equipped plane will be converted to the reward listed.'''<br>'''※ The prepared resources and items will be consumed upon quest completion.''']=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Zuiun Kai Ni (634 Air Group/Skilled)|text=true|image=30px}}]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#F86|F86]], ??]=],
    label = 'F88',
    title = '一航戦精鋭「流星改」隊の編成',
    title_en = [=[Formation of the CarDiv 1's Peerless "Ryuusei Kai" Squadron]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 2800 Ammunition, 9000 Bauxite, and 2 {{EquipmentLink|Skilled Crew Member}} in your inventory. Have {{ShipLink|Akagi/Kai Ni}} or {{ShipLink|Akagi/Kai Ni E}} as secretary equipped with a [[File:Aircraft_Proficiency_Gold_Chevron.png]] {{EquipmentLink|Ryuusei Kai (CarDiv 1)}} in her first slot. Scrap 4 {{EquipmentLink|Ryuusei Kai}}, 1 {{EquipmentLink|Saiun}}, and 2 {{EquipmentLink|Type 97 Torpedo Bomber}}.]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|text=true|image=30px|Ryuusei Kai (CarDiv 1/Skilled)}}]=],
    note = [=[Requires: ??]=],
    label = 'F89',
    title = '陸戦用装備の艦載運用研究',
    title_en = [=[Research of Ship-borne Land Based Equipment]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 1700 Ammunition, 30 [[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]], and 10 [[File:Instant construction 2.png|30px|link=Construction]] in your inventory. Have a [[CL|Light Cruiser]] as secretary equipped with a {{EquipmentLink|7.7mm Machine Gun}} in her first slot. Scrap 2 {{EquipmentLink|25mm Single Autocannon Mount}}, 2 {{EquipmentLink|Drum Canister (Transport Use)}}, and 1 {{EquipmentLink|12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher}}.]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|text=true|image=30px|Type 2 12cm Mortar Kai}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#F72|F72]], ??<br>]=],
    label = 'F90',
    title = '工廠稼働!次期作戦準備!',
    title_en = [=[Arsenal Work! Preparations for the Next Operation!]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 6000 Furniture Coins, 3 {{EquipmentLink|35.6cm Twin Gun Mount}}, and 3 {{EquipmentLink|Type 96 Fighter}} in your inventory. Scrap 6 {{EquipmentLink|14cm Single Gun Mount}}.]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 600,
    reward_bauxite = 600,
    reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Daihatsu Landing Craft|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Type 0 Fighter Model 21|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Type 96 Land-based Attack Aircraft|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''then choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Type 94 Depth Charge Projector|text=true|image=30px}} x3<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Type 2 12cm Mortar Kai|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    note = [=[Requires: ??<br>'''Quarterly Quest''']=],
    label = 'F91',
    title = '新鋭対潜哨戒航空戦力の導入',
    title_en = [=[]=],
    detail_en = [=[Prepare 1840 Ammunition, 6200 Bauxite, 2 {{EquipmentLink|New Model Aerial Armament Material}}, and 1 {{EquipmentLink|Skilled Crew Member}} in your inventory. Have {{ShipLink|Kaga/Kai Ni Go}} as secretary equipped with a {{EquipmentLink|TBM-3D}} in her first slot. Scrap 2 {{EquipmentLink|TBF}}, 1 {{EquipmentLink|Ryuusei}}, and 1 {{EquipmentLink|Ryuusei Kai}}.]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|text=true|image=30px|TBM-3W+3S}}]=],
    note = [=[Requires: ??]=],
    label = 'F92',
    title = '新型兵装開発整備の強化',
    title_en = [=[Improving Development and Maintenance of New Armaments]=],
    detail_en = [=[Have 4000 Steel. Scrap 6 Small Caliber Main Guns, 5 Medium Caliber Main Guns and 4 Torpedoes.]=],
    reward_fuel = 0,
    reward_ammo = 0,
    reward_steel = 0,
    reward_bauxite = 0,
    reward_other = [=[[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x10<br>'''then choice between'''<br>[[File:Improvement Materials.png|30px|link=Akashi's_Improvement_Arsenal]] x5<br>'''or''' <br>{{EquipmentLink|New Model Armament Material}} x2]=],
    note = [=[Requires: ??<br>'''Yearly Quest - Resets in September every year.''']=],