Re.2005 Kai

Revision as of 11:51, 7 April 2021 by Fourinone (talk | contribs)



パスタの国で戦いの後期に開発が進められていた高性能戦闘機です。 量産戦力化されることは叶いませんでしたが、高い潜在力を持ち、優れた戦闘力が期待されました。 本機はその艦載機バージョンです。

A high performance fighter from the later stages of the war that was developed in the land of pasta. It wasn't managed to be mass produced, but it had a lot of hidden potential and high expectations of its combat potential. This plane is the carrier-based version.


How To Obtain

Upgradeable from Re.2001 CB Kai 

Event reward for:

Provides the Following bonus when equipped to:

Kanmusu Bonus
+4   , +1   , +3  
Graf Zeppelin