Kancolle Wiki:Chat/Logs/18 March 2015
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Revision as of 00:52, 18 March 2015 by >KancolleChatlogger (Updating chat logs)
[11:52] <Admiral Mikado> I get 15€/1h for punching Japanese into people's head :V [11:52] <Crazy teitoku> A doujinshi full of taihou? :< [11:52] <Admiral Mikado> Among other girls [11:52] <Crazy teitoku> lel 'punching Japanese into people's head' [11:53] <Dechidechi> why so brutal [11:53] <Dechidechi> listen to p0rn is better [11:53] <Admiral Mikado> Because I can :v [11:53] <Dechidechi> play p0rn for the dude and he [11:53] <Crazy teitoku> lel just yolo it like GTO [11:53] <Dechidechi> will learn all the jp [11:55] <SerialConvort> Kinda sad how theres no voice clips for Ryuuhou [11:55] <SerialConvort> :V [11:55] <SerialConvort> The hourlies [11:55] <SerialConvort> I mean [11:56] <Dechidechi> there is [11:56] <Dechidechi> on niconico [11:56] <Dechidechi> :> [11:56] <Dechidechi> http://kancolle.jetri.co/decodes/extra/voice?id=318 [11:56] <Dechidechi> also here [11:57] <Dechidechi> clicking the blue just plays, clicking the down downloads it [11:57] <SerialConvort> Kk [11:57] <SerialConvort> Ty [11:57] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> rolls in [11:58] <SerialConvort> <span class="me-username">* <span>SerialConvort</span></span> sees WanWan roll into a chat on its last knees [11:58] <SerialConvort> Kek [11:59] <WanWan101> o/ [11:59] <SerialConvort> \o [11:59] <Crazy teitoku> hi [11:59] <DaveSD83> \o/ [11:59] <Alonne> \o/\o/ [12:00] <WanWan101> yo yo [12:00] <Fleux> <span class="me-username">* <span>Fleux</span></span> says goooooooooooooooood morning! [12:01] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> says good. mor. ning. [12:01] <Magicrailgunner> guten morgen, fleux [12:01] <Alonne> buenos días, fleux [12:01] <SerialConvort> I love how 5-3 is pretty much Sendais heaven [12:02] <SerialConvort> And how much hell it is for my resources [12:03] <SerialConvort> Guten Morgen [12:03] <SerialConvort> Good morn [12:04] <WanWan101> 75 - 48 = .... [12:04] <WanWan101> 27 levels =3=) [12:06] <Dechidechi> that's not a good way to calculate levels [12:06] <Admiral Mikado> ^ [12:06] <Dechidechi> it's like saying lv99-98 1 more level [12:06] <Flonnaru> 150-48 is 102 [12:07] <Dechidechi> but the exp for leveling that one level = leveling 50+ low level [12:09] <Sshinka> Pheeew! 50 transports done! [12:09] <Dechidechi> hardcore [12:09] <SerialConvort> Really hardcore [12:09] <Dechidechi> i'm not done cause i'm studying [12:09] <Dechidechi> tmr last final [12:09] <Sshinka> seriously Bw1 and 50 transports kill whole day [12:09] <Flonnaru> get your 50 kills done in 5-4 [12:09] <Dechidechi> ^ [12:09] <Admiral Mikado> Bw1 takes longer IMHO [12:10] <Sshinka> depends on compass rly... both 1-1 and Orel [12:10] <Dechidechi> bw1 basically = at least 24 boss runs [12:10] <Sshinka> yep [12:11] <WWII44> hey [12:11] <Dechidechi> 50 transport if ur lucky at 2-2, you can get it down in 13 runs [12:11] <Admiral Mikado> I do the 50 transporter kills in 4-2 while trying to get 12 boss kills for the weekly quest [12:11] <Sshinka> hey WW [12:11] <Qu33k> <span class="me-username">* <span>Qu33k</span></span> realized that chat is still on [12:11] <SerialConvort> Yerp [12:12] <Alexanderex> ugh wagahai not giving obs [12:12] <Dechidechi> dayum someone married a yayoi [12:12] <Dechidechi> lv126 in pvp alone [12:12] <Dechidechi> dericious :9 [12:12] <Segar> still 0 on world 2 daily :v [12:12] <SerialConvort> Yayoi is best jellyfish [12:12] <SerialConvort> :V [12:13] <Flonnaru> should i mention that my yayoi is lv 92 [12:13] <Magicrailgunner> flatchouli is great I love her too c: [12:13] <Kitsuboshi> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kitsuboshi</span></span> pick up wan and shoves him in a cup [12:13] <Qu33k> interesting. the white-haired Mutsuki class is a beer drinker [12:13] <Sshinka> now off to 1-5 [12:13] <Magicrailgunner> kakizuki? [12:13] <Qu33k> while Nagato is still drinking juice [12:13] <Admiral Mikado> https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/530272 [12:14] <Kitsuboshi> oh queek is here now too o/ [12:14] <Admiral Mikado> Whoops, wrong Yayoi [12:14] <Admiral Mikado> :P [12:14] <Kitsuboshi> lol [12:14] <Kitsuboshi> fine update steam w/e :x [12:14] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> rolls out from the cup [12:14] <Dechidechi> dammit i think i got a little of the flu from all the people coughing during exam yesterday :/ [12:15] <Dechidechi> I was healthy until the 9 hour finals :/ [12:15] <Segar> bucket yourself [12:15] <Segar> :> [12:15] <Qu33k> yeah, got out of work early [12:15] <CreamX> lel [12:15] <Admiral Mikado> Someone tell me why I'm levelling Nowaki... [12:15] <Dechidechi> love [12:15] <Segar> because you are bored [12:15] <Qu33k> and realized that I hadn't shut the chat window down before leaving [12:15] <Kitsuboshi> you got nothing better to do? [12:15] <Alexanderex> knock-off maki [12:15] <Alexanderex> maki knock-off [12:15] <Admiral Mikado> Oh right, because she's cute and I have a thing for tomboyish girls :3 [12:15] <Dechidechi> My Angel 6 DD div is all lv80+ :> [12:15] <Qu33k> green-haired is love? [12:15] <CreamX> no one using hankey during exam lel [12:15] <Kitsuboshi> :o [12:16] <Kitsuboshi> you're testing no time for otheres [12:16] <Qu33k> backup cut-in girl? [12:16] <Kitsuboshi> unless your cheating off them [12:16] <Dechidechi> I mean I fking studying late into the night but I can still keep my health with my nutritious diet [12:16] <Magicrailgunner> which item shows the food/drink again? [12:16] <Dechidechi> why don't you stay healthy to protect others :/ [12:17] <Kitsuboshi> the bar window [12:17] <Crazy teitoku> ^ [12:17] <Kitsuboshi> i don't think i saw it there this month [12:17] <Magicrailgunner> purple one that costs 32000 coins? [12:17] <Dechidechi> yes [12:17] <Kitsuboshi> yes [12:17] <Magicrailgunner> ok [12:17] <WWII44> http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1613279?tags=jun%27you_%28kantai_collection%29+rating%3Asafe [12:17] <Magicrailgunner> welp, i know what i need to do [12:17] <Alexanderex> 3-3 all the way [12:17] <Magicrailgunner> "rating:safe" [12:17] <Alexanderex> lolol [12:17] <Kitsuboshi> buy the 80k window [12:17] <Kitsuboshi> yup [12:17] <Kitsuboshi> or was it 40k [12:17] <Kitsuboshi> i don't remember [12:17] <Qu33k> Miyuki genki [12:17] <Qu33k> o so genki [12:17] <CreamX> 80k drawer [12:18] <Alexanderex> just buy any 5-digit window [12:18] <Dechidechi> 40k window [12:18] <Kitsuboshi> that junyou [12:18] <Dechidechi> that's the most expensive window [12:18] <CreamX> who wants to buy thay [12:18] <WWII44> Kashiwara Maru actually [12:18] <Dechidechi> I bought the 88K drawer [12:18] <Kitsuboshi> i wanna buy it :x [12:18] <CreamX> lel [12:18] <Alexanderex> me too :| [12:18] <Admiral Mikado> http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1896601 'Sup, biatches? :V [12:18] <Kitsuboshi> lmao [12:18] <Magicrailgunner> http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1938615?tags=asashio_%28kantai_collection%29+rating%3Asafe [12:19] <Dechidechi> you mean this http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=40412309 [12:19] <Kitsuboshi> that poi [12:19] <Dragonjet> https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11008495_10204195948514091_6670502498651699380_n.jpg?oh=89cfb090df0728d1df34a6e92b8cccb8&oe=55B4731F&__gda__=1438068832_328ecabcbc27f3b8c22c591a594d3697 [12:20] <SerialConvort> Waitin on dat Repulse ship [12:20] <SerialConvort> That will probs never happen [12:20] <SerialConvort> :V [12:20] <SerialConvort> Or maybe one of Kongous Cousins [12:20] <CreamX> http://puu.sh/gEJbX/c4b2bb5468.jpg [12:20] <Qu33k> Ika drinking juice [12:20] <Admiral Mikado> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=43788459 Too manly for you :v [12:21] <Qu33k> probably a good thing [12:21] <Dragonjet> https://scontent-hkg.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10410421_650320901736592_4947768260538143155_n.jpg?oh=e3c2a19f8bea29e991897ea31c37926e&oe=557A8DED [12:21] <Flonnaru> wtf little bit nsfw http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=42241052 [12:21] <CreamX> https://scontent-hkg.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10392541_650466305055385_6109292891687725301_n.jpg?oh=5f3b3287d2bfffa6e6c324de64505754&oe=55B51A94 ohh yea [12:22] <Admiral Mikado> lel [12:22] <Admiral Mikado> I ain't gonna ignore mah Kaga :V [12:22] <Flonnaru> how yukikaze is unharmed [12:22] <Dechidechi> i ignore kaga :9 [12:23] <Admiral Mikado> GTFO DECHI--- :< [12:23] <SerialConvort> Shes like my only CV [12:23] <Dechidechi> love dechi [12:23] <Crazy teitoku> 夕立 (lewd) http://tsundora.com/127603 [12:23] <Alexanderex> ... i'm guilty of it too [12:23] <Admiral Mikado> I LOVE THEM ALL :> [12:23] <SerialConvort> Literally the only one above 20 [12:23] <CreamX> https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/10941427_1116412828384343_7877043655305745945_n.jpg?oh=41b4c4a7bd72cc8cdcc90cb310e75b12&oe=55B78E9F&__gda__=1433939476_481b677bee9a2a16fd35c1301e2d0812 yasen (nsfw) [12:23] <SerialConvort> Crazy I love it [12:23] <SerialConvort> :C [12:23] <Kitsuboshi> hmm [12:23] <Kitsuboshi> we going into these position now [12:23] <Kitsuboshi> I want some MOAR [12:23] <Kitsuboshi> maor [12:24] <Admiral Mikado> Oh my, whatcha gonna do with dat torpedo...? :9 [12:24] <Kitsuboshi> that word is still weird [12:24] <CreamX> ram it in [12:24] <CreamX> :> [12:24] <Dechidechi> it's mah PEDO [12:24] <Dechidechi> u know wut im going to do :> [12:24] <SerialConvort> Da Pedo [12:24] <Kitsuboshi> is it gonna blow it's load? [12:24] <Crazy teitoku> 天津風 http://tsundora.com/127593 [12:24] <DaveSD83> just make sure the torpedo is disarmed first... we don't want any accidents... right? [12:25] <Admiral Mikado> Always use protection :> [12:25] <Kitsuboshi> my eyes, too loli [12:25] <SerialConvort> @Kitsu heres your pose https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1465051?tags=arakawa_under_the_bridge [12:25] <Dechidechi> heres the orignial sauce http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=46920189 [12:25] <Crazy teitoku> inb4 hacchan gets mentioned, or even iku [12:25] <CreamX> http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/im4638702 [12:25] <CreamX> nsfw [12:26] <DaveSD83> nsfw: http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1886248?tags=yahagi_%28kantai_collection%29 [12:26] <Qu33k> tfw you start your game day with two subs hit to orange [12:26] <Kitsuboshi> thats how you eat that stuff [12:26] <CreamX> https://scontent-hkg.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xta1/v/t1.0-9/11062061_356976661171623_1968928855912375934_n.jpg?oh=cf54caa5e038d71864130b545f3dec75&oe=55B3DF68 [12:26] <Dragonjet> kamido [12:26] <Flonnaru> night guys,im out [12:26] <Segar> night [12:26] <Dragonjet> she called out to you yet? [12:26] <Dragonjet> https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11036303_808442492572318_2350631583419083365_n.jpg?oh=8afb2bb6e5da9e12c6361a687f5ad4fa&oe=557A57C1&__gda__=1434347435_b1046694df7b515e4c78feaf7bedb848 [12:26] <CreamX> cya [12:26] <Sshinka> nn Flo [12:27] <Qu33k> tfw you get rekt and get side-doored. [12:27] <CreamX> mikado kun lel [12:27] <Qu33k> yay, a nother burner [12:27] <Admiral Mikado> WHo's that? :V [12:27] <SerialConvort> Nightttttt [12:27] <Dragonjet> ive no idea :v [12:27] <SerialConvort> I think [12:27] <SerialConvort> Ehh [12:27] <CreamX> https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/11074397_844873288893578_3636494696796229157_n.jpg?oh=5ce271b833c9b9c3e2f521ea2178bbe2&oe=557EEB8C&__gda__=1433796660_9c3945a402ef3623b1e6e6f28375250e lewd [12:27] <Kitsuboshi> you got a stalker Mikado~ [12:28] <Magicrailgunner> haruna a best [12:28] <Kitsuboshi> come on cream you know how i feel about the harubna :T [12:28] <Segar> beast*? [12:28] <Dechidechi> https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=102952 [12:28] <Magicrailgunner> no haruna is the best :D [12:28] <Admiral Mikado> Is that the one, Dechi? [12:28] <SerialConvort> Dechi da heck [12:30] <CreamX> @kitsu https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1950163?tags=bismarck_%28kantai_collection%29 nsfw [12:30] <Kitsuboshi> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kitsuboshi</span></span> looks at Bisko [12:30] <Kitsuboshi> put some cloths on dear [12:30] <Magicrailgunner> is bisko's chest that large? [12:30] <Magicrailgunner> second OOI [12:30] <CreamX> ktkm* [12:31] <Kitsuboshi> that kaga [12:31] <Kitsuboshi> i think i know that artist [12:31] <Dechidechi> here kimado http://www.mangahere.co/manga/kyou_no_cerberus/c003/21.html [12:32] <Admiral Mikado> http://danbooru.donmai.us/pools/9280 Best Kaga [12:32] <Admiral Mikado> How did you find it so fast, Dechi...? :V [12:32] <CreamX> @kitsu http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=48889696 nsfw [12:32] <Crazy teitoku> 瑞鳳 (lewd) http://tsundora.com/110421 [12:32] <Kitsuboshi> Akaryuu~ [12:33] <Dechidechi> cause I search picture sauce for lyfe :v [12:33] <Kitsuboshi> i have that one cream :x [12:33] <Kitsuboshi> ty thoguh [12:33] <SerialConvort> https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/10329220_650388368396512_6897504269738571110_n.jpg?oh=31dc5b9fb4b7a3a27bed6dcf04384c88&oe=55BD3564&__gda__=1437863606_65c07a59165efdb8ee05d32290218ccf [12:33] <SerialConvort> New mekkanics [12:33] <CreamX> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=48746093 [12:33] <Magicrailgunner> the cherry stem tying doesn't only apply to kissing [12:34] <DaveSD83> <span class="me-username">* <span>DaveSD83</span></span> just had to find that mystery girl posted a bit ago: Komone Hinata http://bato.to/read/_/258273/kyou-no-kerberos_v1_ch3_by_cat-scans/9 [12:34] <Ninthsense> magic practicing for ass kissing? [12:34] <Dechidechi> rather than downloading poor resolution images from secondary sites, I look for the original sauce [12:34] <Admiral Mikado> ^ [12:35] <CreamX> http://tsundora.com/111087 lewd [12:35] <Magicrailgunner> mikado = kimado? lol [12:35] <Dechidechi> mikado, kimado, madoki [12:35] <Dechidechi> :> [12:35] <Crazy teitoku> 磯風 (NSFW) http://tsundora.com/123208 [12:35] <Kitsuboshi> mikomiko [12:35] <Admiral Mikado> People never bothered to spell my name correctly :V [12:35] <Ninthsense> mikado has many faces [12:35] <Ninthsense> all of which dechi is familiar with [12:35] <SerialConvort> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=48729940 [12:36] <Magicrailgunner> Admiral Mikado there, there [12:36] <Kitsuboshi> who wants to type out whole names [12:36] <Dechidechi> i think i was the one that started those names :v [12:36] <CreamX> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=48215263 nb bisko [12:36] <Kitsuboshi> witn rail [12:36] <Dechidechi> :> [12:36] <Kitsuboshi> right* [12:36] <Crazy teitoku> 提督帝 [12:36] <Magicrailgunner> hahaha [12:37] <Kitsuboshi> thats not how you play that game bisko [12:37] <Admiral Mikado> 御門提督 [12:37] <SerialConvort> https://scontent-sjc.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/1604639_649597255142290_4912555131949781831_n.jpg?oh=a50fd60b6a9fd46301d49c1a10f7b4b5&oe=557CBEBE [12:37] <Crazy teitoku> Got the order wrong and wrong kanji lel. [12:38] <Crazy teitoku> If only we can change our usernames on wiki :> [12:38] <Dechidechi> https://twitter.com/watarai/status/399981888275623936 original sauce [12:38] <Kitsuboshi> for what [12:38] <Kitsuboshi> woooo dechi is ontop of these [12:39] <Crazy teitoku> Change it for some fancy one :v [12:39] <SerialConvort> Dechi is on the job [12:39] <Alexanderex> fuck, i have to stop using fodder DDs for 1-1 sparkling already [12:39] <Kitsuboshi> hmm [12:39] <Dechidechi> it's also in pixiv http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga_big&illust_id=39999978&page=4 [12:39] <Dechidechi> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=39999978 [12:39] <Magicrailgunner> dechi saucemaster [12:40] <SerialConvort> https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/11074139_649146325187383_1679662147182815649_n.jpg?oh=529a310cdf7ae6a8f3f8462e65be3d6a&oe=55B10F5F&__gda__=1434490459_8ae96826d5ed2178271e2eb9b92e1798 [12:40] <SerialConvort> Naka abuse is real [12:41] <Magicrailgunner> hahaha [12:41] <Qu33k> inB4 domestic abuse PSA [12:42] <Crazy teitoku> 陸奥 (lewd) http://tsundora.com/123167 [12:42] <Kitsuboshi> 4662 is taht a good sushi plan? [12:42] <Dechidechi> i prefer 1000 more extra rsc [12:42] <Kitsuboshi> i htought 3 was bad :x [12:43] <Dechidechi> I'm kindof into believing the total rsc count thing, but there's not too much stat on that [12:43] <Alexanderex> 'cause dechi's tricking him into rolling a jun'you out [12:43] <Alexanderex> kek [12:43] <Crazy teitoku> @Jintsuu gonna craft sushi? [12:43] <Kitsuboshi> gonna try again [12:43] <Kitsuboshi> most likly noshiroo [12:43] <Kitsuboshi> \again [12:43] <Alexanderex> lol [12:43] <Dechidechi> and I got my sushi with 4672, cause too much steel [12:43] <Alexanderex> i haven't gotten a single CL with larger recipes before [12:44] <Kitsuboshi> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kitsuboshi</span></span> table flip [12:44] <Alexanderex> guess i'm lucky? [12:44] <Admiral Mikado> Me neither [12:44] <Kitsuboshi> GIVE ME NOSHIRO [12:44] <Kitsuboshi> i don't want no Kongou [12:44] <Alexanderex> you jinxed your self brah [12:44] <Dechidechi> yea, that's what the wikiwiki is trying to prove, like 20000 total rsc = 0 CL results [12:44] <Admiral Mikado> Not really, I'm done with LSC [12:44] <Crazy teitoku> inb4 segar's curse [12:44] <Alexanderex> so it's possible to get CL with 4662, huh? [12:44] <Qu33k> I posted this earlier, but for those who weren't here then, dogs & booze for St Paddy's Day: https://40.media.tumblr.com/79ea35deb82971f6ddcde8176fcf39df/tumblr_nl9t30I7Sl1sywi7vo1_540.jpg [12:44] <Kitsuboshi> lol taht dog [12:44] <CreamX> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=42246702 [12:45] <Kitsuboshi> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kitsuboshi</span></span> looks at res.... [12:45] <Kitsuboshi> i can do it again but then i'm out of the game [12:45] <Dechidechi> yea i got my agano with 4/6/6/2 [12:45] <CreamX> nsfw [12:45] <Dechidechi> so i suppose yes you can get CL with 4/6/6/2 [12:45] <Kitsuboshi> w/e yolo [12:46] <Dechidechi> so far there are 0 reports of CL results on rsc over 20000 for LSC [12:46] <Kitsuboshi> 4:30? [12:46] <Qu33k> ffs, that's not nsfw [12:46] <Kitsuboshi> isn't taht fusou [12:46] <Qu33k> fully clothed [12:46] <Dechidechi> 4:30 is akagi [12:46] <Qu33k> >.< [12:46] <Alexanderex> fusou's 4:20 [12:46] <Kitsuboshi> lame [12:46] <Xenzul> well, i got noshiro in 5-4 [12:46] <Qu33k> silly concept, but still cute [12:46] <Xenzul> well event first [12:46] <Xenzul> but you can try 5-4 [12:46] <Kitsuboshi> so Mikado's plan got me kongou and dechi's got akagi :T [12:47] <Admiral Mikado> I got Noshiro twice from Fall E-3 [12:47] <Xenzul> i got her from the original event :V [12:47] <Dechidechi> my first noshiro is dated back to march 2014 [12:47] <Qu33k> someone on Tumblr mentioned 4772 as the Musashi plan [12:47] <Qu33k> I got Kongou [12:47] <Crazy teitoku> Agano and Noshiro sort of dropped like candies for me at that last event. [12:47] <Kitsuboshi> ^ [12:47] <Qu33k> you and everyone else, CrazyTTK [12:47] <Kitsuboshi> all i know is [12:48] <Kitsuboshi> someone is gonna get a sushi/yamato today [12:48] <Kitsuboshi> always happens after i fail :T [12:48] <CreamX> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BjkdCrWCQAAHYkI.jpg:large lewd [12:48] <Crazy teitoku> @Qu33k inb4 self declaration of milking all the luck and not getting one mochi :p [12:48] <Crazy teitoku> I got Yamato pretty much first try as well, crafted her during the event. [12:49] <Alexanderex> lol kitsu [12:49] <Alexanderex> quick, rig the system [12:49] <Arkayda963> (nanodesu) [12:49] <Alexanderex> go to your alt account and LSC now [12:49] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> rolls arkay [12:49] <Kitsuboshi> i don't have one D: [12:49] <Kitsuboshi> ARK~ [12:49] <Kitsuboshi> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kitsuboshi</span></span> flop [12:50] <Arkayda963> >_< [12:50] <Kitsuboshi> I just failed 2x Yamato/sushi plans [12:50] <Kitsuboshi> i'm out of KC for today YAY~ [12:50] <Admiral Mikado> So? [12:50] <Kitsuboshi> hmm was just informing him :x [12:50] <Arkayda963> lol [12:50] <Crazy teitoku> I've stopped LSC for awhile now, going to continue not LSCing for maybe at least a month or so. [12:50] <Dechidechi> well, you know if I were you and i have 0 LSC big ships, I would aim for Bismarck first [12:51] <Admiral Mikado> ^ [12:51] <Dechidechi> cause you can get yamato and sushi from bismarck recipe too [12:51] <Alexanderex> 4672, huh [12:51] <Admiral Mikado> And you have control over whether Bismarck can appear or not [12:51] <Kitsuboshi> um was that aimed at me? [12:51] <CreamX> aimed for maruyu [12:51] <Arkayda963> but 5hr can mean Nagato-class :s [12:51] <Dechidechi> if you don't have LSC big ships that is [12:51] <Alexanderex> basic recepie kek [12:51] <Reikyu> and a bonus chance for musashi