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This area will be deicated for the translation of Akashi's remaining voice daialouge that has not been updated to the wiki as of yet they mostly consist of LSC and development arsenal daialouge.... Please feel free to assist in translation.

Akashi's Missing Daialouge

Filename Japanese English Notes
Example 提督、お疲れ様です。 Admiral, good work today.
Example 明石の工場えようこそ。 Welcome to "Akashi's Factory.”
Example さあ、どの装備を改修しますか? So, what equipment do you want to improve today?
Example 今なら、こんな装備を改修できます。 For now, these are the equipments I can improve.
Example この装備ですね? This equipment?
Example 了解です! Roger!
Example お任せください! Leave it to me!
Example いい感じですね~改修完了です! This looks great~ the improvement was a success!
Example すみません・・・改修・・・できませんでした。 I'm sorry...the improvement...failed.
Example 上位の兵装への更新も可能ですね。 Looks like this can be improved for an upgrade.
Example いらっしゃいませ!どれにします? Welcome, what do you want?
Example こちらですね? Is this what you want?
Example 決定でいいすか? Are you sure?
Example 明石の修補にようこそ! Welcome to "Akashi's Repairing Factory!"
Example ありがとうございました! Thank you for coming!
Example 提督、いつもありがとうございます。 Admiral, thanks for everything.
Example 大型建造は資源や資材に十分な余裕がある時に、挑戦してくださいね。 If you ever think about doing LSC (Large Ship Constuction), please try to have a enough resources and development material to spare before attempting any.