Totaku avatar.jpg

Greeting, my name is Totaku, I've been a long time player of Kantai Collection. I joined back at Novebmer 2013 during the days of the Iron Bottom Sound Event. I have been playing the game long since then and have been very excited about the potential possibilities this fandom has to offer. Therefore I have devoted myself to the Kantai Collection fandom to explore as much as I can regarding the fandom, merchandise and what the entire seires has to offer.

We are part of group that have set out to construct a wiki free of ads, cramps spacing, the need of using any software to deal with these problems to allow more freedom for users in hopes that being able to produce better and brighter future for what exists in the current fandom. Everything is still work in progress but we have been putting our best to bring out this wiki to the best of it's possibilities.

Current Projects:

Spring Event Ooyodo Intel : Complete

Akashi's misssing daialouge: Inprogress

Self Experimental Tabber: Inprogress

Kitakami Tabber: Inprogress

Kai Ni Label: Inprogress

ASW Chart Inprogress and review

Kancolle Kai Data Statistics: Gathering for review

Back Up update Notes: For back up purposes only

LBAS Air Raid experiemnemt: InProgress

Easy Grab Voice Templates: For Quick Access Purposes

Tabber + Quest log experiment User:Totaku/Tabber + Quest log experiment

Expedition Equipment Mod Bonus Research: In Progress


Our Stance on the Kaiboukan Abbriviation DE: Insert Article here

The 4th KanColle Naval Review Overview:

Thank You Ayaka Imamura for your hard work!:

KanColle's 6th Anniversry, it's future,and the Kongou Kai Ni C Update: