User:Remi Scarlet/Blog/FurutakaKaiNiCosplay/Day9

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'Day 9 New!

Date: 6/4/15
Time spent: ~5 hours

Show/Hide Day 9

Smokestack Backpack

Shot of the smoke backpack and the cannons tentatively held in place
Another angle of the backpack and shoulder cannon

Yikes. Five day hiatus because I was lazy. So basically what I worked on today was getting this smokestack finally worked out and getting it closer to final. Keep in mind that I decided to try and make this a legit backpack with a hollow inside that I can carry shit in.

That said, the primary things I worked on was finalizing the location of where the shoulder cannons would be mounted in relation to the PVC frame for the backpack and whatnot. Overall, I'm quite happy about the size and proportions of everything in relation to my body. I believe at this point, while I don't think I took a photo, the shoulder cannon's mount has been bolted into the PVC frame by this point. With proportions and size all in place, all I had to do now was get the straps bolted into place so the whole thing would be held in place without me holding it lol.

For this, I decided to go with two diagonal cross straps that made an X along my chest and a third strap that went around my torso to balance the whole thing so it wouldn't lean to one side due to the weight of the shoulder cannon. And because I'm too lazy to explain the rest, have a gallery.

With the straps and wall panel mounted, all I had to do was cover the bottom with an actual layer of thick foamboard. Unfortunately, due to some minor miscalculations with the side panels, one corner of the PVC frame actually stuck out too much so that the foamboard couldn't fit snugly in.

Notice that due to slight miscalculations, the paper and top of PVC are a bit too close in height

The simple solution to that was just to carve out the foam board, kek

And then the final shots.

Other Stuff

Messing with servo motors to make sure they're functional (And that I remember how to use these things)