Revision as of 14:16, 26 November 2014 by (talk) (→See Also: //Changed the order of the links to be consistent with other pages.)
Event | Japanese | English | Note | |
Introduction |
雲龍型航空母艦、雲龍、推参しました。 提督、よろしくお願いしますね。 |
Unryuu class aircraft carrier, Unryuu, has arrived. Admiral, it's nice to meet you. |
Library Intro |
マル急計画によって戦時建造された雲龍型航空母艦の長女、雲龍よ。 傑作中型空母の飛龍を改良した量産型正規空母なの。新生機動部隊の主力としての潜在実力は十分なのだけど…今度は見ててよね。 |
Secretary(1) |
いける?そう… | I can go? I see... | ||
Secretary(2) |
だから、飛行甲板を触らないでって。そんなに興味があるの?仕方ないわね。 | I told you not to touch the flight deck. Are you really interested that much? It can't be helped then. | ||
Secretary(3) |
ふん…もっと優秀な艦載機を乗せてくれるの?なら、色々してあげようかな。 | Hnn...so you want to ride the outstanding aircraft carrier? Then, I wonder if I should give more. | ||
Secretary(idle) |
提督?……ていとく?聞こえてないかしら?連絡機を出したほうがいい?それとも艦爆? | Admiral?.....admiral? Can you hear me? Should I send an observation plane? Or maybe a dive bomber? | ||
Secretary(Married) |
Wedding |
提督、何ですか改まって?えっ、これを私に?そんな…あの…なぜ私なのでしょうか?他にもっと…いえ、大事にします。大切にします。 | Admiral, what's this formality? E, is this for me? It can't be...um...why me? There are others that still...no, I'll treasure it. It's important. | ||
Show player's score |
情報ね、戦局はどうなっているの? | Information eh, how's the war situation? | ||
Joining a fleet |
航空母艦雲龍、出撃する。 | Aircraft carrier Unryuu, deploying. | ||
Equipment(1) |
改装..うれしいわ。 | Remodeling me.. I'm happy for it. | ||
Equipment(2) |
新型機? 満載したいわね。 | A new plane model? I would like a full load of that. | ||
Equipment(3) |
そう……いいじゃない……。 | I see...not bad... | ||
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development. | ||||
Supply |
補給か……。艦載機もしっかりお願いね。 | Resupply eh...Please fill my aircraft too. | ||
Docking Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP |
服が汚れてしまいました。少し嫌……。 | My clothes have become dirty. Quite unpleasant.... | ||
Docking Current HP < 50% of Max HP |
戦闘後のお風呂……悪くないわね……悪くない。 | Taking bath after a fight...not bad...not bad. | ||
Ship construction |
戦時急造艦が完成したみたいね。 | It seems a constructed ship is complete. | ||
Return from sortie |
艦隊、無事戻りました。 | The fleet has returned safely. | ||
Start a sortie |
OR 航空母艦雲龍、出撃する。 |
This isn't a transport mission, this is aviation warfare. I can't wait to test my skill.
Battle start |
よし、第一次攻撃隊、発艦始め。 | Okay, primary attack group, start departing. | ||
Air battle |
潜水艦への警戒は怠らないで。 | Stay alert for the submarines. | Unryuu was sunk by submarine USS Redfish | |
Attack |
逃がさないわ。雲龍、突撃します。 |
I can go? Okay, all aircraft, start departing.
You can't run. Unryuu, attacking. |
Night battle |
逃がさないわ。雲龍、突撃します。 | You can't run. Unryuu, attacking. | ||
この雲龍が殊勲艦だというの? そうか……。ううん、うれしいわ、いい気持ち……。 | Unryuu is the most valuable ship? I see...Hnn, I'm happy, it feels good.... | ||
Minor damaged(1) |
くぅ……や、やるじゃない……。 | Kuh...no, not bad...... | ||
Minor damaged(2) |
直撃!?機械室!予備電源を! | Direct hit!? Engine room! More power! | ||
≥Moderately damaged |
やられた……傾斜回復を……もう沈みは……しない……! | Damaged...must recover...don't want to sink again...! | ||
Sunk |
格納庫の誘爆…ダメか… いや…いい… 今度は思い通りに働けた… ありがとう… | Hangar explosion...is not good...well...it's fine...this time it was able to work as intended...thank you... | Unryuu's hangar was exploded by one of the submarine's torpedo. The resulting explosion set off the suicide planes deck and the highly volatile aviation fuel underneath. |
Time | Japanese | English | Note |
00:00 |
提督、深夜零時となりました。 | Admiral, it's now midnight. | |
01:00 |
提督、マルヒトマルマルです。深夜の静けさ、嫌いじゃないです。 | Admiral, it's now 0100. I don't dislike the stillness of the late night. | |
02:00 |
マルフタマルマルです、提督。そろそろお休みになったほうがいいのでは? | 0200. Admiral, it would be better to take a rest now. | |
03:00 |
マルサンマルマル。提督。私、天城にもいつか会えるような気がしています。 | 0300. Admiral, I... have a feeling someday I will meet Amagi as well. | One of the other ships in her class. |
04:00 |
マルヨンマルマルです。提督、そろそろ夜が明けますね。また一日が始まります。 | 0400. Admiral, it will be dawn soon. Another day will begin. | |
05:00 |
マルゴマルマルです。提督、朝になりました。さぁ、活動開始です。 | 0500. Admiral, it is now morning. Now, let's begin operations. | |
06:00 |
マルロクマルマル。提督、朝食は何がいいですか?私のと一緒でよろしいですか? | 0600. Admiral, what would be good for breakfast? Are you all right if it's the same as mine? | |
07:00 |
マルナナマルマル。一汁一菜の朝食ですみません。少し量が足りなかったですか? | 0700. I'm sorry for the one-plate meal. Is the amount a little lacking? | |
08:00 |
マルハチマルマルです。さあ、提督。艦載機を積んで艦隊を発進させましょう。 | 0800. Now, Admiral, let's bring the carrier-based planes aboard, and dispatch the fleet. | |
09:00 |
マルキューマルマル。艦載機は何がいいかしら。天山…?流星…?烈風もいいですね。 | 0900. What would be good for carrier-based aircraft? Tenzan... ? Ryuusei...? Reppuus are fine too. | |
10:00 |
ヒトマルマルマルです。提督、今搭載している機体もなかなかですが…あの、あの… | 1000. Admiral, the currently loaded airframes are quite... Um, uh... | |
11:00 |
ヒトヒトマルマルです。提督、お昼は何がいいでしょうか?ご用意しますね。 | 1100. Admiral, what would be good for lunch? I shall prepare it. | |
12:00 |
ヒトフタマルマル。お昼は戦闘配食でおにぎりにしてみました。どうでしょう? | 1200. I made onigiri for lunchtime combat rations. How is it? | |
13:00 |
ヒトサンマルマルです、提督。お昼、少しシンプルすぎましたか?すみません… | 1300. Admiral, was the lunch a bit too simple? I'm sorry... | |
14:00 |
ヒトヨンマルマル。提督、輸送任務ももちろん構いませんが。積み荷は…あの… | 1400. Admiral, of course I don't mind the transport missions, but the cargo... err.... | Unryuu's mission prior to her sinking was to transport the "Ouka" suicide rockets to Manila City in the Phillipines. Refer to her real-life counterpart's wiki. |
15:00 |
ヒトゴーマルマルです。そうですね。爆発するような積み荷はどうかと…はい… | 1500. I see. But carrying such highly volatile cargo is somewhat... yes... | |
16:00 |
ヒトロクマルマルです。提督、この時間は少しナーバスになりますね。やはり潜水艦への警戒は厳としたいところです。 | 1600. Admiral, I'm feeling nervous in this hour. As I thought, one should be more alert to the presence of submarines. | Her real-life counterpart was attacked and sunk by the USS Redfish around this hour on the day it happened. |
17:00 |
ヒトナナマルマル。ふぅ…この時間を切り抜けたら一安心です。少し緊張します。 | 1700. Phew... it's a relief once we get past this hour. I was a little nervous. | |
18:00 |
ヒトハチマルマルです。提督、夕食の時間ですね。何になさいますか?えーと… | 1800. Admiral, it's time for dinner. What would you like? Er... | |
19:00 |
ヒトキュウマルマル。時雨、どうしたの?え、差し入れ?ありがとう、助かります。 | 1900. What's the matter, Shigure? Eh, provisions? Thank you, you saved me. | Shigure recovered survivors from Unryuu after she was sunk. |
20:00 |
フタマルマルマル。提督、時雨がおにぎりと沢庵の差し入れを持ってきてくれました。 | 2000. Admiral, Shigure has brought us provisions of onigiri and pickled daikon radish. | |
21:00 |
フタヒトマルマルです。提督、お昼と被っちゃいましたけど。時雨のお握り美味しかったですね。うふふ。 | 2100. Admiral, we already had it for lunch. But Shigure's onigiri was delicious. Ufufu. | Not sure of the translation, needs checking. Rough understanding: She already made onigiri for lunch, and had the same thing again for dinner although this time it's made by Shigure instead. |
22:00 |
提督、フタフタマルマルです。もうすっかり夜ですね。静かになってきました。 | Now is 2200, Admiral. It's completely night which is becoming much quieter now. | One too many "It's" here, someone rephrase this. |
23:00 |
提督、雲龍がフタサンマルマルをお知らせします。本日の大変お疲れ様でした。 | Admiral, Unryuu reports that it's now 2300. Thank you very much for today. |
- Last Fleet Carrier sunk at sea during the Pacific War.
- Sunk by the USS Redfish (SS-395) at position 29°59′N 124°03′E, offshore the east of China.