Anime/Kancolle Anime (2015)

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Revision as of 23:20, 25 March 2015 by >Rambern4 (→‎Characters)


Fleet Girls Collection KanColle Animation Sequence

With the emergence of the mysterious Abyssal Fleet, humanity had lost it's naval supremacy. However, there is a presence that can fight back. Ship girls. Those whom possess souls of ships from days past.

Special Type I Destroyer Fubuki arrives at a 'Naval District'. This place is gathering versatile ship girls as a home & workplace. She begins her life there with a perky greeting, 'I'm Fubuki! I look forward to working with you!'

What encounters can she have & ties can she nurture with other ship girls? (parsed machine translation)


謎に包まれた敵「深海棲艦」の出現を機に、人類が制海権を失ってしまった世界。その脅威に対抗できる唯一の存在は、在りし日の艦の魂を持つ「艦娘」と呼ばれる者たちだけ――。特型駆逐艦・吹雪は「鎮守府」へとやってくる。この地は多彩な艦娘たちが集い、共に切磋琢磨しながら生活する場所であった。「吹雪です! よろしくお願いします!」明るく元気たっぷり、それでいてハツラツとしたあいさつを終えて「鎮守府」での生活を始める吹雪。彼女はこの鎮守府で、彼らとどんな出会いをし、どんな絆を育んでいくことになるのだろうか。(About image's alt text & appears to be different. Used for the summary.)


Naval Districts
  • Destroyers: Mutsuki, Kisaragi*, Yayoi*, Satsuki*, Fumizuki*, Mochizuki*, Fubuki, Hatsuyuki*, Ayanami*, Akatsuki, Hibiki, Ikazuchi, Inazuma, Wakaba*(?), Shiratsuyu*, Shigure*, Murasame*, Yuudachi, Samidare*, Suzukaze*, Asashio*, Ooshio*, Arashio*, Michishio*, Kagerou*, Shiranui*, Maikaze*, Shimakaze
  • Light Cruisers: Kuma*, Tama*, Kitakami, Ooi, Sendai, Jintsuu, Naka, Yuubari*, Ooyodo
  • Heavy Cruisers: Kako*, Aoba*, Kinugasa*, Myoukou*, Nachi*, Ashigara*, Haguro*, Takao*, Atago, Mogami*, Mikuma*, Suzuya*, Tone*, Chikuma*
  • Battleships: Kongou, Hiei, Haruna*, Kirishima*, Nagato, Mutsu, Yamato
  • Light Carriers: Houshou*, Shouhou*
  • Standard Carriers: Akagi, Kaga, Souryuu*, Hiryuu*, Shoukaku*, Zuikaku, Taihou*
  • Seaplane Tenders: Chitose*, Chiyoda*
  • Other: Mamiya*, Fairies*
  • Mentioned*: Harusame, Tenryuu, Tatsuta, Furutaka, Ryuujou, Jun'you
    • * Not on the official site but are in the anime
Abyssal Fleet

Staff & Cast

partial anime cast


 1 : Nice to Meet You, Commander!
 2 : Without Dissent, Without Shame, Without Regret!
 3 : The W Island Capture Operation!
 4 : Now it's Our Turn! Follow Me!
 5 : Don't Put Me Together with CarDiv5's Kids.
 6 : The Sixth Destroyer Division & the Battle of Curry Sea!
 7 : I Hate CarDiv1!
 8 : I'm not a Hotel!
 9 : Kai Ni-poi?!
10 : Let's Do Our Best!
11 : Operation MI, Commence!
12 : Enemy Planes Above, Dive-bombing!		March 26th, 2015



BD1 contents
BD1 box


Color of the Sea


First Yokohama Naval Review rehearsal event
  • Early ordering
  • Events

Notes & Trivia

Western Japan
Eastern Japan

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