Event | Japanese | English | Note | |
Introduction |
いい風きてる? 次世代型駆逐艦のプロトタイプ、 あたし、天津風の出番ね。 |
There's a nice wind coming... The next generation destroyer prototype, it is now mine, Amatsukaze's, turn. |
The wordplay here references how Amatsukaze is the template for the then-future Shimakaze. | |
Library Intro |
陽炎型駆逐艦九番艦の天津風です。 次世代の艦隊型駆逐艦のための新型高温高圧缶のテストベッドを務めたのよ。データはしっかりとって、島風に渡したわ。幾多のピンチも頑張って乗り越えたのよ。大変だったんだから! |
Amatsukaze, the Ninth Kagerou-class Destroyer. The next generation of the destroyer fleet with the advantage of a new type of high-temperature, high pressure boiler test bed. With the data in tow, I was able to hand this over to Shimakaze. I was in many tight spots, but I have been able to constantly overcome them. It's troublesome! |
The boiler was a prototype design made for Amatsukaze specifically. She underwent many extreme testing scenarios, which passed with flying colors, and was later implemented into Shimakaze. | |
Secretary(1) |
どういう風の吹き回しかしら。 | I wonder which direction is the wind blowing... | ||
Secretary(2) |
いい風ね。 | A nice wind | ||
Secretary(3) |
やだ、髪は触んないでよ。吹き流しが取れちゃうでしょ。 | Stop it, don't touch my hair. You'll mess up the windsock. | ||
Secretary(idle) |
えっ?あたし、退屈なんかしてないわ。新型缶のデータを取ったり、色々と大変なんだから。ほ、ほんとよ! | Eh? It's not like I'm bored or anything. Here look over the data for this new boiler, see I have tons to do. I-I'm not lying! | ||
Secretary(Married) |
あなた…時々は休むのよ、それも大切なんだから...も聴いてる?も... | should take a break from time to time, they are important too...are you even listening? Honestly... | ||
Wedding |
あなた、なにそれ?え?私に? えっと…貰ってあげてもいいけど… あなた…ホントに私でいいの? アリガトウお礼を言うわね。 | You, what is this exactly? Eh? Ummm...I'll take it I guess... You... you're really fine with it being me? Thank you. | ||
Show player's score |
どんなふうなの?…ふぅ~ん。まぁまぁね。 | So how are you doing? ...Hmmmmmm. Not bad I suppose. | ||
Joining a fleet |
第十六駆逐隊、天津風。抜錨よ! | Amatsukaze from Desdiv16. Set sail! | ||
Equipment(1) |
あら…いいじゃない | my...isn't it fine? | ||
Equipment(2) |
あたしの連装砲くんの方が、可愛いに決まってるでしょ? | My Rensouhou-kun is cuter, right? | Probably comparing her Rensouhou with Shimakaze's | |
Equipment(3) |
いい風… | A nice wind... | ||
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development. | ||||
Supply |
ありがとう、いただくわ | Thank you, I accept. | ||
Docking Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP |
はぁ~疲れた。帰っていい? | Haa, I'm tired. May I head back? | ||
Docking Current HP < 50% of Max HP |
お風呂よ、お風呂!汗臭いのはいや! | Bathtime, bathtime I say! I don't want to smell all sweaty. | ||
Ship construction |
新しい子が来たみたいね。いいけど。 | A new girl has arrived. This is good. | ||
Return from sortie |
艦隊帰投ね、お疲れ様 | The fleet has returned. Thanks for the good work. | ||
Start a sortie |
二水戦所属は伊達じゃないわ。雪風、ついてらっしゃいな! | The 2nd Torpedo Squadron is not just for show. Yukikaze, follow closely. | ||
Battle start |
いい風ね…。撃ち方、始めて! | This is a good wind...commencing attack! | ||
Attack |
I wont miss!
Night battle |
逃がさないって言ったでしょ? | Didn't I said that I wont miss? | ||
Night attack |
大丈夫…いい風が吹いているもの! | Its all right...a good wind is blowing! | ||
あたし…天津風が功労艦なの?あら、いいじゃない!時津風、どーお? | I...Amatsukaze is the distinguished ship? Isnt it fine? Tokitsukaze, how is it? | ||
Minor damaged(1) |
ひゃ! | hya! | ||
Minor damaged(2) |
や、やったわね… | No-now you've done it...! | ||
≥Moderately damaged |
Sunk |
今度は海に沈むのね...冷たくて...暗いわ | I finally sank into the sea...its so cold...and dark... |
Time | Japanese | English | Note |
00:00 |
深夜0時。日付が変わったわ | 0000 It's a new day. | |
01:00 |
マルヒトマルマル。ふわぁ…あたし少し眠いわ。あなたはまだ休まないの? | 0100 yawn~ I'm a little sleepy now. Are you not going to sleep yet? | |
02:00 |
マルフタマルマル。初風はもう寝たかしら?雪風は寝てるわね、うん | 0200 I wonder, has Hatsukaze slept yet? Yukikaze is already sleeping, huh... yup. | Kagerou class destroyers dormitory!? |
03:00 |
マルサンマルマル。あなた…今日まさか徹夜するつもり?付き合わないわよ | 0300 No way... You're gonna stay up all night today? Hang out with me then... | wrong tl |
04:00 |
マルヨンマルマル。付き合わないって言ったのに…強情ね…もう朝だし | 0400 Geez... I'm just telling you to hang out with me... is that too much?... It1s already morning. | wrong tl |
05:00 |
マルゴーマルマル。見なさい。もう朝よ。もう!あぁ…もう…! | 0500 Look!...It's already morning... Aahh...geez! | |
06:00 |
マルロクマルマル。でも、朝の風って気持ちいい…。ね、あなたもそう思う? | 0600 But still...the morning breeze feels good. Hey, do you agree? | yes |
07:00 |
マルナナマルマル。…風が気持ちいいわね。ねぇ、少し沖に出てみる? | 0700 ...The wind feels good, right? Heey~ wanna spend some time off the coast? | ok |
08:00 |
マルハチマルマル。…はい、朝食は用意しておいたわ。和朝食でいいわよね? | 0800 Ok, your breakfast is ready. You are fine with Japanese breakfast right? | |
09:00 |
マルキューマルマル。そろそろ艦隊を本格的に動かす時間よね。どうするの? | 0900 It's time for full scale fleet action soon. What's your plan? | |
10:00 |
ヒトマルマルマル。島風!? …うん、そうね。と、友達だけど。…何?その顔? | 1000 Shimakaze!?... erm... that's right... we are just fr... friends...wha.. What's with that face? | Just friends...? |
11:00 |
ヒトヒトマルマル。なに?連装砲くん?可愛いでしょ、艦首にちょこんと | 1100 What is it? Rensouhou-kun? Cute right? He looks small and quiet at the bow. | |
12:00 |
ヒトフタマルマル。お昼はカレーでいいかしら?わりと得意なのよ?ほんとよ? | 1200 I wonder if the curry is fine as your lunch? It's my speciality! really! | |
13:00 |
ヒトサンマルマル。あたしのカレーどうだった?うぅん?よろしい! | 1300 How was my curry? hmm? Glad to hear that! | |
14:00 |
ヒトヨンマルマル。島風とどっちが速いかって?そう言われても競争したことないからわからないわ | 1400 Shimakaze and me, who is faster? I wouldn't know even if you asked... because I've never competed with her before. | |
15:00 |
ヒトゴーマルマル。あたしはプロトタイプなんだから。いろいろとあたしで試験したの。速さが問題じゃないのよ | 1500 Speed is not a problem. I was tested a lot because I'm a prototype. | |
16:00 |
ヒトロクマルマル。おかしいなぁ、連装砲くんの機嫌が悪い…なんで? | 1600 Weird...why is rensouhou-kun in a bad mood? | |
17:00 |
ヒトナナマルマル。夕方の風もいいわね。…ここで、一緒に夕陽見る? | 1700 The evening breeze feels good too... wanna view the sunset here, together? | ok |
18:00 |
ヒトハチマルマル。そろそろ夕食の時間ね。魚焼く感じでいい? | 1800 It's time for dinner soon. Are you fine with grilled fish? | ok |
19:00 |
ヒトキューマルマル。…はい、お夕食です。…どう、おいしい?…そう、よかった! | 1900 ...Ok, here's your dinner... How was it? Was it good?... I see... I'm glad~! | |
20:00 |
フタマルマルマル。あら、島風元気?えっ、なに?競争!?しないわよ夜だし! | 2000 Oh... Shimakaze, how are you? ehh? ...What? Competition!? I'm not gonna do it at night. | Shimakaze paid her a visit at night |
21:00 |
フタヒトマルマル。…だから競争なんかしないって!島風しつこーい! | 2100 I just said I don't want a competition! You're so persistent, Shimakaze! | |
22:00 |
フタフタマルマル。や、やっと帰ったわね。もう…なんなんだか! | 2200 I'm fin-finally back... Geez... What's wrong with her! | She went with Shimakaze in the end... |
23:00 |
フタサンマルマル。そろそろ今日も終わりね。一日ご苦労様、また明日ね | 2300 The day is ending soon. Good job, see you tomorrow. |
Voiced by: Yui Ogura
- Amatsukaze, upon remodeling, gains a small smile on her CG art. Her "hairpin" (chimney) also occasionally bubble out little heart-shaped smoke bubbles. Players in the community have suggested that this might be a sign of her warming up to the admiral. (Amatsukaze was historically (mistakenly) abandoned for some time.)
- Survived a torpedo attack from USS Redfin, presumed sunk, found six days later
- Following IJN naming schemes, her name roughly translates to "heavenly wind."
- Sunk in action by the USAAF, April 6, 1945 near Amoy (now Xiamen), China (24°30′N 118°10′E)
- Scuttled April 10, 1945