
Revision as of 07:22, 5 November 2014 by >Renexcrimson (→‎Quote)




No.30 龍驤

Ryuujou Class Light Carrier

  HP 31   Firepower 0 (19)
  Armor 17 (39)   Torpedo 0
  Evasion 27 (44)   AA 16 (29)
  Aircraft 38   ASW 0
  Speed Fast   LOS 34 (69)
  Range Short   Luck 10 (49)
 Fuel no data  Ammo no data
Build Time Slots
2:50:00 3
Stock Equipment  Space
Type 96 Fighter 9
Type 97 Torpedo Bomber 24
-Unequipped- 5
-Locked- -


Ryuujou Kai

No.30 龍驤改

Ryuujou Class Light Carrier

  HP 45   Firepower 0 (29)
  Armor 25 (59)   Torpedo 0
  Evasion 27 (59)   AA 20 (39)
  Aircraft 43   ASW 0
  Speed Fast   LOS 35 (79)
  Range Short   Luck 12 (59)
 Fuel no data  Ammo no data
Build Time Slots
Lv25 Remodel 4
Stock Equipment  Space
Type 52 Zero Fighter 9
Suisei (Comet) 24
Type 97 Torpedo Bomber 5
-Unequipped- 5

Second Upgrade

Ryuujou Kai Ni

No.157 龍驤改二

Ryuujou Class Light Carrier

  HP 50   Firepower 0 (40)
  Armor 28 (62)   Torpedo 0
  Evasion 36 (69)   AA 24 (48)
  Aircraft 55   ASW 0
  Speed Fast   LOS 37 (79)
  Range Short   Luck 15 (59)
 Fuel no data  Ammo no data
Build Time Slots
Lv75 Remodel 4
Stock Equipment  Space
Type 62 Zero Fighter-bomber 18
25mm Twin Autocannon Mount 28
Type 2 Recon Aircraft 6
-Unequipped- 3


Event Japanese English Note


Light aircraft carrier, Ryuujou! Ain't my silhouette distinctive?

But, launching carrier planes one-after-another makes me a proper carrier, ya know! You can count on me!

RJ had no island, her bridge was under the carrier deck, she was totally flat on top. No other IJN carrier had this configuration, and few others ever have. (Totally flat, heh heh) File:Ryuujou Intro.ogg
Library Intro

ああ、あの岩手沖での第四艦隊事件のこと?あれはきつかったー 波浪で艦橋圧壊…いや、ホントありえへん。

I'm a light aircraft carrier, but with a long record, ya' know?

Oh, that Fourth Fleet incident thing, off Iwate? That was tough. The waves made my bridge collapse... Man, I just couldn't believe it.

The Fourth fleet was heavily damaged in a typhoon in 1935, leading to change in IJN ship design. File:Ryuujou Library.ogg
なあに~? What is it~? File:Ryuujou Secretary 1.ogg
えぇっと。キミ、あんまり触んないでぇ Emmm. You, don't touch me so much. File:Ryuujou Secretary 2.ogg
あのさぁ、何なのさっきから。まぁ良いんだけどさ!艦載機の整備手伝ってよ By the way, what is it since earlier. Well, that's alright! Please help with the aircraft maintenence~ Dirty Admiral touching my RJ again. File:Ryuujou Secretary 3.ogg



Ah~, what is this... I... ha..., I don't really mind. It's not like I'm bored?

File:Ryuujou Idle.ogg
あのさ…キミ、うちの事どう思ってるの?まあ、いいんやけどね。ちょっちさ気になって。あぁいい、いい!ごめん… By the way...you, what do you think of me? Well, it's alright. I'm just a bit curious. Ahhh it's ok, it's ok! Sorry... I smell tsundere here. File:Ryuujou Wedding.ogg
Show player's score
な~んか、届いてるみたいよ?知らないけど Se~~ems like something has arrived. I don't know what it is though. File:Ryuujou Show Player Score.ogg
Joining a fleet
空母機動艦隊、出撃するでぇ! Aircraft Carrier Task Force, headin' out! File:Ryuujou Joining Fleet.ogg
ほっほぉ…うちの事大切に思ってくれてるん?それはちょっち嬉しいなぁ Hoho~... Are you fussing over me? That makes me a liiiiitle bit happy~ Definitely a playful tone to this line. File:Ryuujou Equipment 1.ogg
ありがと!これで赤城や加賀に負けないかなって、そりゃあ無理かぁ、アハハハハ… Thanks! With this I won't lose to Akagi and Kaga...Its still impossible? A-ha-ha-ha-ha.. File:Ryuujou Equipment 2.ogg
いってみよう! Let's go try it! File:Ryuujou Equipment 3.ogg
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.



Hoho~... Are you fussing over me? That makes me a liiiiitle bit happy~


Ho~ Supplies makes me really happy.

File:Ryuujou Equipment 1.ogg
Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP
うーん…… ちょっちうち、入院するわ Yeah... I'm gonna admit myself for a while... (Admit as in hospital admission)File:Ryuujou Docking Minor.ogg
Current HP < 50% of Max HP
このまんまだと、ちょっち戦闘は無理だし…… ごめんね、休むよ。有給休暇、ってやつ? If I remain like this, battles are a no-go anyway... I'm sorry, I'll take a rest. Something like, paid vacation? File:Ryuujou Docking Moderate.ogg
Ship construction
ほぉ~ぅ、新しい船が出来たみたいだよ。いってみよう! Ho~, it seems that a new ship has been created. Let's go see it! File:Ryuujou Ship Construction.ogg
Return from sortie
艦隊が帰投したよ、お疲れやね! The Fleet returned home, good work! File:Ryuujou Sortie Return.ogg
Start a sortie
うちがいるから、これが主力艦隊やね! Because I'm here, this is the main fleet! File:Ryuujou Sortie Start.ogg
Battle start
さぁ、仕切るでぇ!攻撃隊、発進! Well then, split up! Attack squadron, sortie out! File:Ryuujou Battle Start.ogg
Air battle
ソロモン海のようには行かないよっと! This will not go like the Solomon Sea! Ryuujou didn't come home from the Solomons... QQ File:Ryuujou Air Battle.ogg
艦載機のみんな!お仕事お仕事! All you carrier aircraft! Get to work! Get to work! File:Ryuujou Attack.ogg
Night battle
ぃよし!一気に決めるでぇ! Alright! I'll decide it with a single blow! File:Ryuujou Night Battle.ogg
Night attack
やったー!やったでぇ。うち大活躍や、褒めて褒めてぇ! I did it! I did it~. I had a stellar performance, praise me praise me~! File:Ryuujou MVP.ogg
Minor damaged(1)
こらあかーん! Aw crap! File:Ryuujou Minor Damage 1.ogg
Minor damaged(2)
いってて! ふぇえ……これはマズいでぇ! Ouch ouch! Fue...this is bad! File:Ryuujou Minor Damage 2.ogg
≥Moderately damaged
あっか~ん!ちょっちピンチすぎやー! Oh no~! I'm in a too much of a pinch! File:Ryuujou Moderate Damage.ogg
うち…ちょっち疲れたわ…ごめん… I'm... a little tired... sorry... File:Ryuujou Sunk.ogg


Voiced by: Rina Hidaka

Illustrated by: Kuuro Kuro (くーろくろ)


Ryuujou shares many characteristics with the Hiyou-class such as being a shikigami-using onmyouji, wielding a flight deck scroll and some clothing choices.

Ryuujou wears a maroon/dark red kariginu-like coat over a white shirt, a black skirt and a magatama.

She has dark brown hair in twintails and she wears a visor cap resembling a ship's bow. Overall, she also looks smaller and younger than all of the other carriers, having a visibly flat chest.

Her second remodel gives her a different shirt collar with three magatama hung under, her skirt gains white stripes along the brim, a golden flight deck scroll, with the necklace attached to the scroll and her blue flame is now golden.


She talks in Kansai-ben; often nicknamed "RJ" and, with her cap, resembles somewhat like a McDonald's worker. Near-constant victim of breast envy.


See Also