Event | Japanese | English | Note | |
Introduction Play |
ヴィットリオ・ヴェネト級戦艦、ローマです、よろしく。何?あまりジロジロ見ないでくださいね。 | Vittorio Veneto class battleship, Roma, nice to meet you. What? Quit looking at me like that. | ||
Library Intro Play |
そうね、あの時は姉さんと一緒だったわ。あの化け物を落とされた日。 忘れないわ、あの痛み。絶対忘れないんだから。 |
State of the art ship made in Italy. Vittorio Veneto class battleship 4th ship, Roma. Yeah, I was with my older sister during that time. The day that monster was dropped. I won't forget that pain. I will never forget. | The monster Roma addresses is Fritz X | |
Secretary(1) Play |
提督。このローマに何かご命令が?そう・・・ならいいの。 | Admiral, you have a command for me? Oh, that's fine too. | ||
Secretary(2) Play |
Buon giorno。ローマに御用でしょうか? | Good morning. Do you need me? | ||
Secretary(3) Play |
提督、何でしょう?私、左甲板やその辺触られるの、とても許せない気持ちになるのですが、反撃してもいいのかしら? | Admira;, what is it? I don't feel comfortable getting touched around my port deck, can I retaliate? | ||
Secretary(idle) Play |
Secretary(Married) Play |
Wedding Play |
Show player's score Play |
情報確認ですか。ま、大切ではありますね。 | Checking the records? Well, it is important. | ||
Joining a fleet Play |
戦艦、ローマ。出撃するわ! 姉さん、先に行くわよ! | Battleship Roma. Sorting! I'm going ahead sister! | ||
Equipment(1) Play |
日本式の改修…まぁいいわ。ありがとう。お礼は言っておくわね。 | Japanese style modernization..well, it's ok. Thank you. I'll atleast thank you. | ||
Equipment(2) Play |
Grazie。これなら…これなら行けるかもしれないわ。 | Thanks. With this..I think I can go. | ||
Equipment(3) Play |
まあまあってとこね。 | This is decent. | ||
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development. | ||||
Supply Play |
Grazie。また、行くわ。任せて。 | Thanks. I can go again. Leave it to me. | ||
Docking Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP Play |
少し修理をするわ。何? あまりジロジロ見ないで。 | I'll go repair a little. What? Stop looking at me like that | ||
Docking Current HP < 50% of Max HP Play |
ふん、ドッグ入りなんて。まぁいいか。…っ! だから、見るなって言ってるでしょっ!! | Huh, docking. Whatever. I told you not to look! | ||
Ship construction Play |
提督、新造艦が戦列に加わったようよ。 | Admiral, a new ship is added to the fleet. | ||
Return from sortie Play |
艦隊が戻りました。何です? あまり見ないでくださいね。 | The fleet has returned. What is it? Stop looking at me. | ||
Start a sortie Play |
ヴィットリオ・ヴェネト級戦艦、ローマ。進発します! 本気で行くわ、ついてきて!
or 戦艦、ローマ。出撃するわ!姉さん、大丈夫、心配しないで。 |
Vittorio Veneto class, Roma. Departing! I'm going serious, follow me!
or Battleship Roma. Sorting! Big sis, it's alright, don't worry. |
Battle start Play |
敵艦隊を見つけたわ。砲戦、用意。よーし、行くわよ。全砲門…開け! | Enemy in sight. Prepare the guns. Alright, here we go. All cannons.. Fire! | ||
Attack Play |
or 敵艦隊を見つけたわ。砲戦、用意。よーし、行くわよ。全砲門…開け! |
Commending attack. Main cannons, Fire!
or Enemy in sight. Prepare the guns. Alright, here we go. All cannons.. Fire! |
Night battle Play |
夜戦…と言うやつですか? いいでしょう、やってみます。ローマ、突撃する! | Is this what you call night battle? Fine, I'll try it. Roma, engaging! | ||
MVP Play |
あ、そう、私?ふーん、また私なの? いいけれど、別に。まあ、嬉しくはあるわね。 | oh, huh, me? It's me again? I don't mind. Well, I am happy though. | ||
Minor damaged(1) Play |
ちぃっ! 痛いじゃない…憶えてなさいよ。 | tch! That hurts...I'll get you back. | ||
Minor damaged(2) Play |
やだっ、そ、そこは…なんて奴っ! 今に見てろ! | No, n, not could they! Just wait and see! | ||
≥Moderately damaged Play |
直撃?! やられたの? そう、まだ大丈夫ね。今度は、沈むもんかっ! | Direct hit?! Am I dont? good, I'm still ok. I won't sink again! | ||
Sunk Play |
え? やだ、嘘…また沈むの? そんなばかな…や、やだ……姉さん… | What? No, stop I'm going to sink again? That's impossible..n, no... Big sis... |
Time | Japanese | English | Note |
00:00 Play |
提督、日付が変わったわ。今日は私、ローマが秘書艦を務めるわ。なに? 不服なの? | Admiral, the date has changed. I, Roma, shall be acting as your secretary. Hm? Do you have a complaint? | |
01:00 Play |
マルヒト…マル、マル。まだ慣れないわ、この言い方。あってるわよね? ねぇ? | 0100. I can't quite get used to this style of time. Did I get it right? Well? | |
02:00 Play |
マルフタ…マル、マル。マルフタ…マル、マル。よし、完璧ね。覚えたわ。 | 0200. 0200. Alright, I think I got it. | |
03:00 Play |
マルサン…マル、マル。もう三時。少し眠くなるわね。提督は眠くならないの? | 0300. It's already 3am. I'm getting a bit sleepy. Aren't you tired, Admiral? | |
04:00 Play |
マルヨン…マル、マル。もう朝じゃない。さすがに連日続けるとお肌に悪そうよ? | 0400. It's already morning. If you push yourself like that, I don't think it's good for your body. | |
05:00 Play |
マルゴー…マル、マル。皆を起こすわよ。いい? …提督、あなた、今頃眠そうね。 | 0500. I'm going to go wake everyone up, alright? ...Admiral, you're looking a bit sleepy there. | |
06:00 Play |
マルロク…マル、マル。さぁ、朝食はどうしようかしら。昨日のパンでいい? | 0600. Now, what would you like for breakfast? Is yesterday's bread okay? | |
07:00 Play |
マルナナ…マル、マル。提督、あなた、眠そうだからカプチーノにしたわ。おかわりいる? | 0700. Admiral, you looked a bit tired so I made a cappuccino for you. Would you like a second? | |
08:00 Play |
マルハチ…マル、マル。さぁ、お仕事しましょ? 艦隊を出しましょう。西方? 南方? | 0800. Now, time to work. Let's send out some fleets. Shall we send them westward or southward? | |
09:00 Play |
マルキュウ…マルマル。あれが、日本の高速戦艦「霧島」、か。ふ〜ん。 | 0900. So that's Japan's Fast Battleship, the Kirishima. | |
10:00 Play |
ヒトマル…マル、マル。え、霧島と? そうね、一度やりあってみたい気も…するわ。 | 1000. Hm? Kirishima? Yeah, I guess I'd like to try my hand at her once... | |
11:00 Play |
ヒトヒト…マル、マル。もうお昼。早いわね。お昼はどうするの? マミーヤかしら? | 1100. It's already noon. Time flies, huh? What would you like for lunch? How about Mamiiya's? | Mamiya is pronounced in a stereotypical Italian "accent" (Elongated "i"). |
12:00 Play |
ヒトフタ…マル、マル。日本のお昼はシンプルよね。これで夜まで持つのかしら? | 1200. Japanese lunches are quite simple. Will this keep you filled until dinner? | |
13:00 Play |
ヒトサン…マル、マル。あの、カッツカレーという料理は、少し驚くわね。リゾットの一種かしら? 独特ね。パワフルだわ。 | 1300. This katsu curry is a bit surprising. Is it like a type of risotto? It's quite unique. It's powerful. | |
14:00 Play |
ヒトヨン…マル、マル。ビスマルク? ええ、知ってるわ。名前だけだけど……有名よ。 | 1400. Bismarck? Yes, I do know of her, though only in name... She's quite famous. | |
15:00 Play |
ヒトゴー…マル、マル。あ、霧島。何ですか? 私に何かご用? あ、このメガネですか? | 1500. Oh, Kirishima. What is it? Do you have some form of business? Oh, these glasses? | |
16:00 Play |
ヒトロク…マル、マル。少し、緊張したわ。霧島…悪い人では無さそうね。…むぅ | 1600. That was a bit nerve wracking. Kirishima... doesn't seem like a bad person. Yeah. | |
17:00 Play |
ヒトナナ…マル、マル。日が落ちるわね。今日も疲れたわ。提督はどう? そう? | 1700. The sun's going down. I'm beat. How are you holding up, Admiral? I see. | |
18:00 Play |
ヒトハチ…マル、マル。提督、夕食はどうします? へっ? 金剛? 霧島?! なになにっ?! | 1800. Admiral, what would you like for dinner? Huh? Kongou? Kirishim?! What's happening?! | |
19:00 Play |
ヒトキュウ…マル、マル。高速戦艦の会ってなに? え、えぇっ?! わ、私も? えぇ〜っ?! | 1900. A fast battleship meetup? What?! M-Me as well?! Ehh?! | |
20:00 Play |
フタマル…マル、マル。このニホンシューという白ワイン、いける! 提督、飲んでる? | 2000. This white wine you call sake isn't bad! Admiral, would you like some? | |
21:00 Play |
フタヒト…はぁ、やっと帰ったわ。日本の戦艦は人見知りとかしないのかしら? | 21... Whew, it's finally over. Do Japanese battleships just not feel any shyness? | |
22:00 Play |
フタフタ…マル、マル。あ、姉さん。大丈夫、ちゃんとやってます。心配しないで。 | 2200. Oh, nee-san. Yes, I'm doing my job well. No need to worry. | |
23:00 Play |
フタサン…マル、マル。え? 私、お酒臭い…ですか? き、霧島達のせいです! | 2300. Huh? I-I smell like alcohol? It's Kirishima's fault! |
In-Game Trivia
- Drops from numerous nodes in E-6 of the Spring 2015 Event.
Real Life Trivia
- Commissioned into the Regia Marina on 14 June, 1942.
- Sunk 9 September 1943 by German bombers the day of the Armistice of Cassibile.