Recent Updates

Revision as of 01:07, 27 October 2013 by >Xenzul (→‎Latest update)

Here listed updates from Kancolle game maintenance.

Latest maintenance: 23 October 2013
Upcoming maintenance: 1 November 2013

Latest update

1. Shigure 2nd remodel at level 60, time report voice lines added
2. Mamiya usage confirmation implemented
3. Quest progression indicator added (at 50% and 80% completion)
4. Chitose & Chiyoda supply, time report, and neglect voice lines added
5. AsashioOoshio, and Michishio time report and neglect voice lines added
6. Graphic fix for certain ship cards
7. Modernization maximum stat indicator implemented
8. 3 new furniture items added in furniture shop                                                                                                     9. 5 new ship daughters will be added

Upcoming Updates (Based on the Official Kancolle Twitter)

Maintenance 11/1 (Fri)

  1. There will be an event.
  2. A new ship will be added.

Archive updates

16 October 2013
23 October 2013