Akitsu Maru
Revision as of 01:50, 5 March 2014 by >Cosmci46 (→Character)
Event | Japanese | English | Note | |
Introduction |
艦隊にお世話になります。 |
My name is Akitsu Maru
It is an honour to be part of this fleet. |
She uses the 1st person pronoun "jibun", which sounds quite detached and impersonal; military types may use it to indicate professionalism. | |
Library Intro |
輸送や上陸戦ならお任せ頂きたいのであります。 自慢はこの大発であります。ネズミやモグラな輸送とは訳が違うのであります。 |
I am the Army's special transport... the third-class 'Akitsumaru'.
Please lead transportation and landing combat to me. My pride is this Daihatsu. I'm different from the mouse and mole. |
The Daihatsu-class landing craft was the Japanese equivalent to the American LCVP "Higgins Boat" landing craft | |
Secretary(1) |
将校殿…いや、提督殿。このあきつ丸に御用でしょうか | Officer... I mean, admiral. Is there something I can help with? | ||
Secretary(2) |
提督殿…!そういうことは、よその子でお願いしたい…! | Admiral...! I'd rather you do this sort of thing with someone else...! | ||
Secretary(3) |
提督殿…見たところこの部隊の編成には偏りがあるな……趣味でありますか? | Admiral... I have noticed a certain peculiarity in this fleet's formation... is this one of your preferences...? | ||
Secretary(idle) |
提督殿、自分、待機も任務の一つでありますが…隊に所属してから、少し…寂しいと思うようになったであります… | Admiral, I am aware that being on standby is part of my duties, but... after I've been assigned to this fleet I started to... feel a bit lonely... | ||
Secretary(Married) |
提督殿、巡り会えない艦娘など、いない。こうして自分も出会えたわけだし… | Admiral-dono, there are no shipdaughters happening about. I can meet myself too, in this way… | Whoever "translated" this needs a lobotomy or something. Are you insane? Learn some fucking Japanese. | |
Wedding |
自分には関係のないことだと思っていました。この気持ちが強さに繋がるとは…さすが提督殿、恐れ入りました…ますますあなたのことを知りたくなったであります。 | I thought that you had no concerns about me. The strength of this feeling is connected… as expected of Admiral-dono, oh, beg your pardon… I would like to know more and more about you. | www. Yeah no. | |
Show player's score |
報告は随時、確認されるがよろし | It is important to check reports regularly. | ||
Joining a fleet |
あきつ丸、いざ出港する! | Akitsu Maru, ready for departure! | ||
Equipment(1) |
この強化、感謝…であります | I am deeply grateful for this modernisation. | ||
Equipment(2) |
うむ、日々の手入れが行き届いていますね | Hm, I see you are very thorough with the daily maintenance. | ||
Equipment(3) |
ありがたい…!のであります。 | I am deeply... grateful. | ||
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development. | ||||
Supply |
ありがたい…!のであります。 | I am deeply... grateful. | ||
Docking Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP |
So this is the naval dockyard... | |||
Docking Current HP < 50% of Max HP |
The naval dock... sure is great... | |||
Ship construction |
これが海軍工廠というものか…あっ、新しい艦が建造された。報告する | So this is the naval shipyard... Ah, the construction of a new ship has just been finished. | ||
Return from sortie |
艦隊が帰投したのであります | The fleet has returned to base. | ||
Start a sortie |
or あきつ丸、いざ出港する! |
Alright, let's defeat them and aim for success.
or Akitsu Maru, departing now! |
Battle start |
自分には、敵艦隊が見えるのであります! | I have spotted an enemy fleet! | ||
Attack |
それ、着弾(ちゃくだーん)・・・今 | Impacting... now. | Akitumaru was used as a FAO for army artillery) | |
Night battle |
大発、エンジンに火は入っているな!? | The Daihatsu, is it not firing up!? | ||
自分、まだまだであります。精進するのであります | I still have a long way to go. I am going to give my best. | ||
Minor damaged(1) |
Ugh! I'm under heavy fire. | |||
Minor damaged(2) |
Argh! | |||
≥Moderately damaged |
Now I can face neither officer nor admiral...! | |||
Sunk |
自分がこんなところで…沈むことになるなんて…思わなかった…な…… | I didn't think... I would sink... in such a place... |
Voiced by: Mamiko Noto
Illustrated by:
- Sunk 15 November 1944 by the submarine Queenfish (SS-393).