Revision as of 02:57, 21 December 2014 by >Kaiki Deishuu (→Trivia)
Second Upgrade
Ooi Kai Ni No.114 大井・改二 Kuma Class Torpedo Cruiser | |||
Statistics | |||
HP | 43 | Firepower | 17 (63) |
Armor | 23 (63) | Torpedo | 90 (139) |
Evasion | 43 (83) | AA | 15 (49) |
Aircraft | 0 | ASW | 27 (79) |
Speed | High | LOS | 9 (43) |
Range | Medium | Luck | 13 (49) |
Consumption | |||
Fuel | no data | Ammo | no data |
Build Time | Slots | ||
Lv50 Remodel | 3 | ||
Stock Equipment | |||
12.7cm Twin High-angle Mount | |||
61cm Quint O2 Torpedo Mount | |||
Type 21 Air RADAR | |||
-Locked- |
Light Cruiser
Event | Japanese | English | Note | |
Introduction |
こんにちは。軽巡洋艦大井です。どうぞよろしくお願い致しますね | Hello. I'm Light Cruiser Ooi. Pleased to make your acquaintance. | ||
Library Intro |
球磨型軽巡洋艦の4番艦、大井よ。神戸生まれなの。平時は海軍兵学校練習艦として活躍したのよ?もちろん、真打ちは、重雷装艦へのモデルチェンジよね?頑張るわ! | I'm Ooi, the 4th ship in the Kuma-class light cruisers. I was born in Kobe. I'm an active practice ship at the Navy School, you know? Of course, I'll change into a torpedo cruiser if I need to fight for real. Nice to meet you! | ||
Secretary(1) |
北上さん? あ、提督、なんですか? | Kitakami-san? Ah, Commander, what is it? | ||
Secretary(2) |
演習ですか? | Is this some sort of drill? | ||
Secretary(3) |
提督…この手はなんですか…? 何かの演習ですか? …撃ってもいいですか? | Admiral.. what's with that hand? Is this some sort of drill? Can I fire? | ||
Secretary(idle) |
Secretary(Married) |
Wedding |
北上さん!・・・なんだ提督なの?あ、いえいいんですけど・・・はい、提督も愛してます! | Kitakami!... oh ,it's the Admiral? Ah, no, it's fine.. yes, I love the Admiral too! | (as in, loves the Admiral as well as KTKM) | |
Show player's score |
提督にお知らせが来ています | There is a new message for you, Admiral. | ||
Joining a fleet |
大井、水雷戦隊、出撃します | Ooi, Torpedo Squadron, sortie. | ||
Equipment(1) |
ふふっ、ちょっと嬉しい | fufu~, I'm a little happy. | ||
Equipment(2) |
あの、他の艦も強くしてあげて | Um, please strengthen the other ships too. | ||
Equipment(3) |
まあ、いいかな | Well, I guess this works. | ||
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development. | ||||
Supply |
ふふっ…ちょっと嬉しい。 | |||
Docking Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP |
はい、少し休んできますね。 | Yes, I'll be taking a short break. | ||
Docking Current HP < 50% of Max HP |
ちっ、なんて指揮…あっ、なんでもありませーん。うふふっ。 | Tsk, what terrible command- no, it's nothing~. Ufufu. | She has a habit of insulting the commander | |
Ship construction |
嬉しい。新しい仲間が到着しました | I'm so happy that a new friend has arrived. | ||
Return from sortie |
艦隊が帰投しました、みんなお疲れ様 | The fleet has returned. Thanks, everyone. | ||
Start a sortie |
大井、出ます!みんな、遅れないで! | Ooi, sortieing! Don't fall behind, everyone! | ||
Battle start |
私、砲雷撃戦と聞くと、燃えちゃいます | I get all worked up when I hear about exchanging shells! | ||
Attack |
そうね、もう遅いわよ | Yeah, you're too slow. | ||
Night battle |
北上さんを傷つけるのは、誰? | Who's the one that hurt Kitakami? | Abukuma. | |
Night attack |
海の藻屑となりなさいなっ! | Become scrap at the bottom of the sea! | ||
あら、私?うふふ、悪い気持ちじゃないわね。また頑張ります | Oh, me? Ufufu, that isn't such a bad feeling. I'll try my best again! | ||
Minor damaged(1) |
Aaaaargh! | |||
Minor damaged(2) |
Ouch! It hurts! | |||
≥Moderately damaged |
They got me... I'll need to get repaired. | |||
Sunk |
敵艦隊、かなり削ってやれた…? …そう、ならいいわ。沈んであげる… | I wonder if we've worn down the enemy fleet...? Really? That's fine. I'll sink them... |
First upgrade
Event | Japanese | English | Note | |
Introduction |
重雷装艦として、生まれ変わった大井です! お久しぶりです! | It's Ooi, reborn as a torpedo cruiser! Long time no see! | ||
Library Intro |
重雷装艦バージョンの大井です。圧倒的な水雷戦力を期待されたけど、出番がなかなかなかったの。今度は活躍して見せるわ。みていてね! | It's Ooi, torpedo cruiser edition. My torpedo powers were counted in, but I didn't much of the limelight. I'll show you what I'm made of this time. Keep your eyes open! | 重雷装巡洋艦=torpedo cruiser. '重' also means also 'enormous,' 'extreme,' etc. Not 'heavy' in this context. 重雷装艦=torpedo ship. | |
Secretary(1) |
あの……魚雷、撃ちますよ? | Um... I'll shoot you with these torpedoes? | ||
Secretary(2) |
北上さん、大丈夫かな? | I wonder if Kitakami is all right... | ||
Secretary(3) |
提督も気になります?そう、足にいっぱい付いたんですよ!・・・って触りすぎなので、提督に20発撃っていいですか? | You like them too, Admiral? Yes, I have a lot attached to my legs! ... but you've touched them too much, so how about eating 20 of them? | ||
Secretary(idle) |
Secretary(Married) |
Wedding |
Show player's score |
提督に、お知らせみたいです | It seems there is a message for you, Admiral. | ||
Joining a fleet |
重雷装艦、大井。出撃します! | Torpedo Cruiser Ooi, heading out! | ||
Equipment(1) |
この魚雷火力、上手く使ってほしいな | I want to be able use my torpedoes to their maximum abilities. | ||
Equipment(2) |
九三式酸素魚雷って…冷たくて、素敵 | These Type-93 oxygen torpedos are so cool... and marvelous. | ||
Equipment(3) |
北上さんがいいって言うなら | If Kitakami is fine with it, go ahead. | ||
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development. | ||||
Supply |
九三式酸素魚雷って…冷たくて、素敵♪ | |||
Docking Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP |
ふぅ…早く…魚雷を撃ちたいわ… | Sob... I want to fire these torpedoes soon. | ||
Docking Current HP < 50% of Max HP |
作戦が悪いのよ……あっ!いえ、私が至らなくてごめんなさい。 | That strategy was horrible... No, sorry for my incompetence. | ||
Ship construction |
新しい仲間が艦隊に加わりました。 | A new friend has joined our fleet. | ||
Return from sortie |
艦隊が作戦終了です。お疲れ様ね。 | The campaign has ended. Good work. | ||
Start a sortie |
さぁ、酸素魚雷を撃ちまくりに、出撃よ! |
Torpedo Cruiser, Ooi, heading out!
Now, let's go and fire these oxygen torpedoes up! |
Battle start |
さぁ、いっくわよぉ | Ok, here I go! | ||
Attack |
酸素魚雷!20発!発射です! | Oxygen Torpedoes! 20 shots! Launching! | ||
Night battle |
んっふふふ……まぁだ足りないわ……もっともっと、魚雷を撃ちたいの! | Hehehehe... this isn't enough at all... I want to fire more torpedoes! | ||
Night attack |
九三式酸素魚雷、やっちゃってよ! | Do your job, Type-93 oxygen torpedoes! | ||
練習艦時代が長かったからね、その分、パワーが余っているのよ | Well, I was a practice ship for a long while. Guess I saved a lot of strength from then. | ||
Minor damaged(1) |
やだ、痛いじゃない! | Hey, that hurts! | ||
Minor damaged(2) |
も、もう・・・ もう怒ったわ! | G-geez... NOW I'm angry! | ||
≥Moderately damaged |
やだ!?魚雷発射管がボロボロじゃない! | Oh no! My torpedo tubes are in tatters now! | ||
Sunk |
重雷装艦として沈むのも、悪くはないわね…… | I guess it isn't bad... to sink as a Torpedo Cruiser... |
Second upgrade
Event | Japanese | English | Note | |
Introduction |
重雷装艦として生まれ変わった大井です。お久しぶりです。 | It's Ooi, reborn as a torpedo cruiser! Long time no see. | ||
Library Intro |
重雷装艦バージョンの大井です。圧倒的な水雷戦力を期待されたけど、出番がなかなかなかったの。今度は活躍してみせるわ。見ていてね! | It's Ooi, torpedo cruiser edition. My torpedo powers were counted in, but I didn't much of the limelight. I'll show you what I'm made of this time. Keep your eyes open! | ||
Secretary(1) |
北上さん?あ、提督、何ですか? | Kitakami-san? Ah, Commander, what is it? | ||
Secretary(2) |
提督、この手は何ですか?何かの演習ですか?撃ってもいいですか? | Admiral.. what's with that hand? Is this some sort of drill? Can I fire? | ||
Secretary(3) |
提督も気になります?そう、足にいっぱい付いたんですよ!って触りすぎなので、提督に20発撃っていいですか? | You like them too, Admiral? Yes, I have a lot attached to my legs! ... but you've touched them too much, so how about eating 20 of them? | ||
Secretary(idle) |
北上さ…なんだ提督なの?あ、いえ、いいんですけど…あはい。提督も、愛してます。 | Kitaka- oh, it's you, admiral. Well, not that I mind... yes. I love you too, Admiral. | ||
Secretary(Married) |
あの・・・他の艦も、強くしてあげて? | Umm... The other ships, will you be making them stronger too? | ||
Wedding |
たった二人の重雷装艦、私を選んでいいの?…私を裏切ったら海に沈めるけどね… | Of the two Torpedo cruisers, is choosing me alright?... If you betray me, I'll sink you in the ocean, you know... | Rather hypocritical, since she already has an interest towards KTKM | |
Show player's score |
提督に、お知らせみたいです | It seems there is a message for you, Admiral. | ||
Joining a fleet |
重雷装艦、大井。出撃します! | Torpedo Cruiser Ooi, heading out! | ||
Equipment(1) |
この魚雷火力、うまく使ってほしいな | I want to be able use my torpedoes to their maximum abilities. | ||
Equipment(2) |
九三式酸素魚雷って冷たくて素敵 | These Type-93 oxygen torpedos are so cool... and marvelous. | ||
Equipment(3) |
まあ、いいかな | Well, I guess this works. | ||
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development. | ||||
Supply |
ふふ、ちょっと嬉しい | fufu~, I'm a little happy. | ||
Docking Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP |
ちっ、なんて指揮…あっ、いえ、なんでもありません。うふふっ。 | Bleh, what terrible command- no, it's nothing. Ufufu. | ||
Docking Current HP < 50% of Max HP |
作戦が悪いのよ……あっ!いえ、私が至らなくてごめんなさい。 | It's all the campaign's fault! No, sorry for my incompetence. | ||
Ship construction |
新しい仲間が艦隊に加わりました | A new friend has joined our fleet. | ||
Return from sortie |
艦隊が作戦終了です。お疲れ様ね。 | The campaign has ended. Good work. | ||
Start a sortie |
さぁ、酸素魚雷を撃ちまくりに出撃よ! | Now, let's go and fire these oxygen torpedoes up! | Or the same as with fleet selection | |
Battle start |
私、砲雷撃戦て聞くと燃えちゃいます | I get all worked up when I hear about exchanging shells! | ||
Attack |
海の藻屑となりなさいな | Become scrap at the bottom of the sea! | Or same as fleet selection | |
Night battle |
うふふ・・・まだ足りないわ。もっともっと魚雷を打ちたいの! | Hehehehe... this isn't enough at all... I want to fire more torpedoes! | ||
Night attack |
九三式酸素魚雷、ヤっちゃってよ! | Do your job, Type-93 oxygen torpedoes! | ||
あら?私?うふふっ悪い気持ちじゃないわね。また頑張ります。 | Oh, me? Ufufu, that isn't such a bad feeling. I'll try my best again! | ||
Minor damaged(1) |
やだ、痛いじゃない! | Hey, that hurts! | ||
Minor damaged(2) |
も、もう・・・ もう怒ったわ! | G-geez... NOW I'm angry! | ||
≥Moderately damaged |
やだ、魚雷発射管がボロボロじゃない | Oh no! My torpedo tubes are in tatters now! | ||
Sunk |
重雷装艦として沈むのも、悪くはないわね…… | I guess it isn't bad... to sink as a Torpedo Cruiser... |
Hourly Notifications
Time | Japanese | English | Note |
00:00 |
ちょうど零時を回ったところです、提督。夜更けですね。 | Admiral, midnight has just came around again. It's late night. | |
01:00 |
現在時刻、マルヒトマルマル。え…?硬い…ですか?そっ、そうですか… | The time is currently at 0100. Eh...? It sounds too strict? I-I see... | |
02:00 |
現在じーー…あ、いいえ、マルフタマルマルです。提督、こんな感じならどうですか? | The time is――... Ah, I mean, it's 0200. Do you prefer it like this, Admiral? | |
03:00 |
マルサンマルマル。…まったく、うるさいわね。寺宝の言い方なんて細かいことを…いっいいえ!マルサンマルマル、です! | 0300. ...Geez, so annoying. Being picky even in the way I make the hourly announcements... N-Nothing! It's 0300, sir! | |
04:00 |
マルヨン…マルマルです…提督?提督…?寝てたのかしら?…これはチャンスだわ! | It's 04...00... Admiral? Admiral...? Did he go to sleep? ...THIS IS MY CHANCE! | |
05:00 |
マルゴーマルマルっ。北上さんの所に行かなくては!!そうよ、きっと困ってるに決まっているの!北上さぁああああああん!! | 0500. I need to go to Kitakami-san's side!! Yes, she is definitely troubled! Kitakami-saaaaaaaaaan!! | |
06:00 |
マルロクマルマル! 北上さん、大丈夫っ、無事!? だ、大丈夫のようね……えっ? この包丁? あ、朝ごはんの…… | 0600! Kitakami-san, are you okay, are you safe!? I-it looks like you're fine... Eh? This knife? Ah, it's for making breakfast... | |
07:00 |
マルナナ、マルマル…そう、朝ごはんの、支度を、してあげようと思って…っ。 お味噌汁の具、今日は、お麩でいい…? | 07,00... Yes, I was thinking, of preparing, breakfast... For today's miso soup, are you okay with gluten? | Gluten is the literal translation of "fu", which is a type of wheat gluten that is rather commonly used in cooking in Japan. For more info: Fu |
08:00 |
マルハチマルマル。はいっ、北上さんのために、腕によりをかけて作った朝ごはん!どうぞ召し上がれ♪…美味しい?よかったぁ♪ | 0800. Alright, for Kitakami-san's sake, I made breakfast with a quality that is above my skill level! Please go ahead and eat up♪ ...It's delicious? I'm relieved♪ | |
09:00 |
マルキュウマルマル。 え、持ち場に戻れって? そんなぁ… | 0900. Eh, shouldn't I return to my post? But... | |
10:00 |
ヒトマルマルマル。提督、ただいま…どこに行っていたかって? …そんなの、北上さんのところに決まってるじゃないのっ!! | 1000. Admiral, I'm back... Where did I go? ...Isn't it obvious, of course it's to Kitakami-san's place!! | |
11:00 |
ヒトヒトマルマル。あの…提督?何でそんなに頭を抱えているの?お風邪ですか!?ええっと、風邪薬はっと…。 | 1100. Um... Admiral? Why are you holding your head like that? Did you get a flu!? Let's see, where is the flu medicine... | |
12:00 |
ヒトフタマルマルです。丁度お昼ですね。私、お昼作りましょうか?大丈夫です。料理は得意なんですよ、私。 | It's 1200. It is now noon. Should I make some lunch? It's fine. I'm good at cooking. | |
13:00 |
ヒトサンマルマル。さぁ召し上がれ!え?これ…?勿論オムライスです!ケチャップで何か書いてあげましょうか? | 1300. Go on, eat up! Eh? What is this...? It's obviously omelette rice! Should I write something with the ketchup? | |
14:00 |
ヒトヨンマルマルです。提督、何ですか?その怪訝な顔は。別に、お昼に毒なんて入っていませんよ?失礼ですね。 | It's 1400. What is it, Admiral? What's with that look of doubt on your face. I didn't do anything like poison your lunch, you know? How rude. | |
15:00 |
ヒトゴーマルマル。そろそろ真面目に作戦を遂行しなければいけませんね。…ええ、しっかりやりましょう! | 1500. It's about time to seriously go out for some sorties now I guess. ..Yes, I'll do my best! | |
16:00 |
ヒトロクマルマル。えっと…遠征任務、艦隊は、どうしましょうか、提督? | 1600. Um... For the expedition, what should the fleet do, Admiral? | |
17:00 |
ヒトナナマルマルです。あらやだ、もうすぐ夕食の時間ですね。私、ちょっと夕食の仕込み、してきますね。 | It's 1700. Oh my, It's nearly dinner time. I'll prepare dinner food for a while. | |
18:00 |
現在時刻、ヒトハチマルマル。この鍋は何かですって?勿論、愛情たっぷりの、大井特製カレーです!行ってきます! | The time is currently at 1800. What kind of pot is this, you ask? It's certainly, my special curry, fulfilled with my love! I'm leaving! | |
19:00 |
ヒトキュウマルマル。北上さーん♪たまたまカレーを作りすぎてしまったの!よかったら、一緒に食べましょぉぉお! | 1900. Kitakami-san♪ I just accidentally cook too much curry! If you don't mind, let's eat togetheeeeR! | |
20:00 |
フタマルマルマル。ほら、提督の分もちゃんとありますから。え?美味しい…?体が熱くなってきた?そうでしょう? | 2000. See, there's a curry for Admiral too. Eh? It's delicious...? Your body is getting hotter? You see? | |
21:00 |
現在時刻、フタヒトマルマル。さ、洗い物もして、火の周りもオッケー、と。今日も疲れましたね、提督。ふぅ…。 | It is now 2100. Let's see, we're done washing up, the area around the fire is okay too. Good work for today, Admiral. Fuu... | |
22:00 |
フタフタマルマル。チッ、まーた軽巡が一隻騒いでるわね…。提督、私、ちょっと文句言ってきてもいい?ぁ、そ…そう? | 2200. Tsk, That one light cruiser is making such a noise A―GAIN... Admiral, Can I go to complain her? Ah, O...Okay? | |
23:00 |
フタサンマルマル。提督、今日もお疲れ様です。北上さん、もう寝たかなぁ? | 2300. Admiral, Thank you for your hard work today. Is Kitakami-san already sleeping? |
Illustrated by: Shibafu (しばふ)
- After being remodeled into torpedo cruisers, Ooi, Kitakami, and Kiso can utilize the Type A Kou-hyouteki to attack during the opening torpedo phase, which occurs before the shelling phase.
- She is named after the "Ōi river" in Shizuoka prefecture, Japan. Her name translates literally to "Big Well."
- Torpedoed by USS Flasher 570 nmi (1,060 km; 660 mi) south of Hong Kong, South China Sea at 13°12′N 114°52′E, 19 July 1944.